Tidings Canada
British Columbia
Abbotsford, Hans Bouwman expected to leave for Europe in November to give help there for a few weeks. As his health permits, our brother makes periodic visits to his former fields of service in the Netherlands and Japan.
Squamish, During the first week o November, John Abernethy and Funston gave three nights of ministry.
Vancouver, The Thanksgiving conference was well attended and challenging ministry was given by ten brethren. The Bible readings were profitable as were three reports on pioneer work in Grande Prairie, Lethbridge and Mexico. The conference was crowned with the salvation of two souls. Both before and after the conference, John Slabaugh gave helpful ministry in a number of assemblies in the area. Gospel meetings at Fairview by Eric McCullough and William Skates have been encouraging with a good number of unsaved present. At last report, one man of 30 had professed salvation. Our two brethren shared the monthly ministry meeting at Carlton in November. Gordon Williams ministered from Genesis for three nights at Fleetwood in early November.
Calgary, Following the Edmonton conference, Bryan Funston had two nights of ministry at West Hillhurst.
Edmonton, A nice spirit prevailed throughout the recent conference and the saints were blessed by the ministry of the Word. Brethren sharing in ministry and gospel were: E. Doherty, B. Funston, J. Hanna, J. Ronald Jr., J. Webb, G. Williams and R. Vanstone.
Maidstone, The Mervin-Maidstone-Paradise Valley Thanksgiving conference was a time of encouragement for the saints. Bryan Funston, James Ronald Jr., Jim Webb and local brethren shared in ministry. Brother Funston remained for two nights of ministry with the Mervin saints before going to Paradise Valley for two nights.
Saskatoon, God was pleased to save souls during a two week gospel series by Jack Gould and Marvin Derksen in September. Following this effort, our brethren remained for a few nights of ministry.
Taylorside, Encouraging numbers attended five nights of children’s meetings recently.
Austin, The assembly enjoyed two weeks of ministry by Peter Simms. There is a good interest in weekly children’s meetings.
Arnstein, Three weeks of gospel meetings by Norman Crawford and Brian Crawford closed on October 11 with blessing from God in salvation.
Clinton, At the October conference, the believers were encouraged and cheered by good numbers in attendance. Ministry and the two Bible readings were shared by 12 brethren. Following the conference, Norman Mellish had three nights in ministry on the Levitical Offerings.
Deer Lake, On October 4, Gary Sharp was with the saints for the Lord’s day, and then remained for four nights of appreciated ministry.
Englehart, Lome Langfeld expected to have children’s meetings in November.
Goodwood, Helped by brethren from several assemblies, Lome Langfeld gave out many texts and tracts at the International Plowing Match and the Woodstock Wood Show.
Kapuskasing, Edward Doherty gave two weeks of helpful ministry on Egypt to Canaan.
Kirkland Lake, After speaking at the monthly ministry meeting of the four assemblies in the area, Edward Doherty remained for the Lord’s day.
London, Harold Paisley held three weeks of well attended meetings in October. The saints were encouraged hearing the gospel faithfully preached and in seeing fruit in salvation. The November conference was excellent with the hall well filled for all the meetings. Twelve servants of the Lord were present to share in the profitable ministry. A young woman professed after the last gospel meeting, bringing further joy to the Christians.
Midland, During four weeks of gospel meetings by Murray Pratt and Larry Steers, a 12 year old girl and a 17 year old young man professed faith in our Lord Jesus.
Milton, On November 1, William Metcalf and Eugene Badgley commenced a series in the gospel.
Niagara Falls, The October conference was excellent with 12 of the Lord’s servants present. God blessed with a boy of 14 professing faith in Christ at the close of the gospel meeting on Lord’s day.
Nipissing Junction, Eugene Badgley had two weeks of ministry on Egypt to Canaan in October with a good interest and attendance.
Orillia, In September, the believers appreciated a week of ministry by Timothy Walker.
Rexdale, Jim Jarvis and Andrew Fletcher (Waubaushene) commenced a gospel series on October 25 with an encouraging attendance of unsaved at the meetings.
Sarnia, At last report, James Smith and William Aiken (Kitchener) were in their second week in the gospel and one soul had professed to be saved.
St. Thomas, The saints enjoyed visits by E. Doherty, J. Nesbitt, J. Portman, M. Poidevin and N. Mellish in recent weeks. Fourteen brethren ministered profitably at the Thanksgiving conference.
Timmins, Edward Doherty had several nights of appreciated ministry on the dispensations.
Unionville, Early in October, Peter Orasuk had a week of Bible readings on the assembly with a number of younger believers coming from surrounding assemblies. Later in the month, Brian Crawford held a week of encouraging children’s meetings.
Victoria Road, In October, the saints were encouraged with a week of well attended children’s meetings by Lome Langfeld. From November through March, there will be monthly ministry meetings on the third Saturday of each month.
Welland, Local brethren, Eugene Badgley and Timothy Walker gave out hundreds of tracts and Seed Sower texts at the annual Niagara Region Welland Fair.
Ste. Flavie, Leslie Wells and Ivan Poirier had four Bible readings on the assembly in mid October.
New Brunswick
Shdiac, God graciously gave a sense of His presence during the October conference. The practical ministry was refreshing and upbuilding. A young woman professed salvation after the gospel meetings Sunday night, giving the saints much joy
Sussex, During October, Albert Hull and Tom Meekin (N. Ireland) had four weeks of well attended gospel meetings. The saints enjoyed the visit of brother Meekin, both in gospel and ministry.
Nova Scotia
Amherst, In early November, Douglas Howard and Murray McCandless began a series of gospel meetings.
Blues Mills, Albert Hull expected to give one week of ministry on the vessels of the tabernacle.
Hubbard’s Point, Leslie Wells held seven ministry meetings recently. Two evenings were on basic truths for young believers and five evenings on themes from I Corinthians with practical applications.
River Hebert, Six assemblies were represented when Gaius Goff ministered the Word of God on October 8.
Sydney Mines, The Thanksgiving conference of the five Cape Breton assemblies was larger than usual. Sixteen of the Lord’s servants ministered the Word faithfully and a good spirit prevailed throughout the gatherings.
Truro, James McClelland and Samuel Ussher were encouraged with good numbers and blessing in the gospel.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk expect to commence in mid January.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Comer Brook, The saints appreciated visits and ministry by Alex Dryburgh, Gaius Goff and Ken Turkington in October.
Flowers Cove, On October 25, Alex Dryburgh and Wallace Buckle commenced a series in the gospel.
Fogo, During October, Walter Gustafson gave encouraging ministry at Fogo, Gander, Sandringham, St. John’s and Carbonear.
Gander, Gains Goff had two nights of profitable ministry on October 28 and 29. Norman Crawford and Jonathan Procopio expected to commence a gospel series on November 15. Brother Crawford also expected to hold a one day meeting on assembly truth during this effort.
L’Anse au Loup, At the conference in mid October, the believers were encouraged by the good numbers and the helpful and challenging ministry.
Parsons Pond, The conference on the weekend of October 25th was well attended and profitable ministry was given.
St. John’s, A larger number than usual attended the conference on October 30 and November 1 when six of the Lord’s servants ministered the Word to profit.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Arlington, In early November, James Currie had a very interesting week of ministry meetings, speaking on Angels.
Los Angeles, Harold Paisley expected to give help in this area during November.
Antioch, Arthur Ward and Fred Krauss expected to commence a gospel series on November 15.
Gamavillo, During October, the saints appreciated ministry from James Sn-tith, James Beattie and Stanley Wells.
Postville, Tom Baker expected to return to this area in November to follow up a recent gospel series in Spanish when a number of precious souls professed to be saved.
Waterloo, Jim Webb and Roy Weber expected to start a series in the gospel on November 15.
Kansas City, In October, Robert Orr and Joel Portman had nightly gospel meetings for two weeks with good attendance.
Blue River, Allan Christopherson and Arthur Ward had a Saturday night gospel meeting and a 12 year old boy proiessed.
Egg Harbour, On November 1, Jerry Jennings started gospel meetings.
Jackson, Jim Currie and Gary Sharp paid appreciated visits to the assembly for ministry. Brother Currie also gave a most interesting report on the work in Japan. During the last week of October and the first week of November, John Slabaugh gave typical teaching from the tabernacle.
Livonia, The conference of the Stark Road assembly was large. Twelve brethren spoke in ministry and gospel with help from God and blessing to all.
Clyde, A teenager professed salvation, bringing joy to the saints.
Mansfield, Dan Shutt and Dale Vitale were with the assembly for short and appreciated visits. Special meetings were planned for January to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the planting of the assembly. Norman Crawford was expected for meetings on assembly truth.
Monticello, William Seale and Dan Shutt expected to commence a gospel series on November 29.
Matoaca, The assembly enjoyed a weekend visit by Sandy Higgins on October 10 and 11. This included an encouraging ministry meeting on Saturday night which our brother shared with David Oliver.
Tampa, Recently, the saints had appreciated visits from Neal Thomson (Venezuela), Ian Irvine (Australia) and James Patterson (Scotland).
Bryn Mawr, In September, David Oliver had four nights of appreciated ministrY on assembly truth. In October, brother Oliver and local brethren had a week of well attended children’s meetings, with parents joining for the closing night.
New Jersey
Livingston, The baptism of seven young believers on October 31 was an occasion of great joy for the assembly.
Midland Park, On November 1, David Oliver and Gene Higgins began gospel meeting with some visitors present.
Pennsauken, The monthly area Bible readings on the Local Assembly began on October 4 with Tom Wright opening the well attended reading on the Church and the Churches.
Newington, On November 1, William Seale and Bryan Joyce commenced a gospel series with an encouraging attendance and interest.
Methuen, Gene Higgins, David Oliver and Tom Wright shared an afternoon ministry meeting on Lord’s day, October 11. A large number gathered from the surrounding assemblies and heard ministry which was appreciated and encouraging. That evening was the closing night of a three week gospel series by brethren Higgins and Oliver. At that meeting and throughout the series, a good number of visitors came, especially as a result of the assembly’s work with children. The saints also enjoyed brother Wright’s visit on Thursday night for ministry and a report on the work in Brazil.
Saugus, Tom Wright’s house meetings with some Brazilian contacts proved fruitful in a young couple professing faith in Christ.
Watertown, On the first Lord’s day of the month, the assembly has a gospel meeting which features a dinner and an invitation to the people from the community to attend. On October 4, four visitors attended. On November 1, four unbelieving members of a Christian family were present when the gospel was preached by Tom Meekin. Our brother also gave encouraging ministry during his visit.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Donemana, There was a full hall at the annual conference, and profitable ministry was given by W Nesbitt, D. Kane, 1. McDonald and J. Wishart.
Lurgan, The conference and Bible readings from Saturday through Wednesday were very well attended. The ministry was very profitable and the Bible readings conducted by A. McShane, T. Bentley, D. West and D. Gilliland in 1 Timothy were very practical and helpful. R. Surgenor (USA) and George Patterson (Canada) gave help in ministry and gospel.
Shanaghan, The hall was full to capacity with an evident sense of the Lord’s presence at the recent conference. Ministry was given by R. McKeown, N. Stewart, D. Kane, W. Allen and W. Nesbitt.
Gospel, Gospel meetings in progress during October included the following:
Ballyhay, J. Lennox and B. Currie
Ballymacashon, J. Hutchinson and A. Aiken
Belfast, D. Kane and T. Meekin in Shankill assembly
Birches, B. Glendinning and B. Miller
Buckna, J. Allen and R. Mcllwaine
Drumnahare, J. Martin and J. Rodgers
Dungiven, D. Ussher and C. Brown
Kells, D. Gilliland and R. Surgenor
KiRyleagh, T. McNeill and M. Campbell
Macosquin, W Fenton and M. McKillen
Monaghan, J. Thompson and J. Kells
Newmills, S. Ferguson and W Boyd
Santa Maria, On October 16, John McCann Jr. wrote, “I am in the fifth week of gospel meetings in Osorio along with a national worker. Numbers are good and some are showing concern. We are looking forward to the return of Harry and Beth Wilson next Wednesday. With them will be a young couple, James and Joy Armstrong, who have been commended to the work here.”
Conferences, D.V.
Seattle, Washington
January 30 and 31 in West Woodland Elementary School auditorium (adjacent to Gospel Hall). Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 516 NW 56th Street. Bible readings on John 20 and 21 on Saturday and Lord’s day mornings. Corr. David C. Hale, 16813 19th Ave. SW, Normandy Park, WA 98166, (206) 243-0557. Hall (206) 7831368.
DeLand, Florida
February 6 and 7 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave. with prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. Meetings both days at 10:30, 2, 3:30 and 7. Bible readings will be on The Glories of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accom: Fred King (904) 943-4000. Hall (904) 736-1009.
Tampa, Florida
February 13 and 14 in the Gospel Hall, 12704 Marjory Avenue, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2:30 with Testimony and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, SS at 12, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. Oronzo Dalfino (813) 265-2757. Hall (813) 932-9530.
Pennsauken, NJ
January 9 and 10 in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave. at Route 38 (near Route 70). Corr. David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ, 080331142, (609) 429-4443. School (609) 4299620 or 429-4175.
Kindly remember:
San Diego, CA – Jan. 1-3
Hitesville, IA – Jan. 1
Change of Address
Andrew E. Bergsma, #212 – 701 Crescent Road E., Portage la Prairie, MB, RIN OY2
Douglas Howard, 929A Coverdale Rd., Riverview, NB, ElB 5E6. Please note corrected postal code.
Albert Hull, 66 Saywood Drive, Bible Hill, Truro, NS, B2N 6L2, phone (902) 893-2295
J.G. Hutchinson, 11A Tudor Abbey, Movilla Road, Newtownards, Co. Down, N. Ireland, BT23 8YS
Norman Mellish, 4 Albert St., Chesterton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 7JF
Bruce Rodgers, 133 Graham Lane, Timmins, ON, P4N 7Z5
Harrys Rodriguez, Apdo 394, 42001 Pachuca, Hgo, Mexico
H.M. Wilson, Caixa Postal 2991,90001970 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Change of Correspondent
Deer Lake, Ontario, Bert French, RR 1, Box H5, Port Sydney, ON, POB 1LO
With Christ
Mrs. Catherine (Skip) Estep of Clyde, Ohio on October 1, age 76. Our dear sister was saved in 1953 and was one of the believers who first gathered with the new assembly in 1956. She and her husband, who was an assembly elder, were faithful to the assembly and to the spread of the gospel. Many to whom she had faithfully witnessed through the years attended her funeral and spoke of the influence of her testimony We pray that this life, lived for the Lord, will yet speak to those who are not saved.
Mrs. Mildred Stevenson of Watertown, MA on October 1, age 98. Our dear sister was born into a Christian home and saved at the age of 12. She was received into fellowship two years later. She was in the Cliff Street Gospel Hall, Boston until 1960 when the assembly moved to its present location in Watertown. Her husband predeceased her in 1984. Their home was always open to the Lord’s people. She faithfully attended assembly meetings until her illness in 1986 and was in a nursing home since then. Her family requested a private funeral.
Roger (Rod) Crarey of Lindsay, Ontario on October 11, age 90. Rod was saved in 1936 through the truth of Isaiah 53:5, baptized and received into fellowship at Victoria Road in 1939. He was a faithful elder there and was in Milton assembly from 1962 to 1975. Then he and his wife retired to Lindsay where he was a true shepherd. He is survived by his wife Stella. A large number attended the funeral and the gospel was faithfully preached by G.P.Taylor and E. Dellandrea. T. Kember spoke at the grave side.
Mrs. L. Olive Seale of Melfort, Saskatchewan on October 12, age 92. Our dear sister was saved in 1947 and was in assembly fellowship at Taylorside until her passing. She had a deep love for the Saviour, His people and the place of His habitation. Her concem for others was shown in many practical ways. She was predeceased by her husband in 1973 and leaves four children, 13 grandchildren and 24 greatgrandchildren. The funeral was taken by her son Garry, David Taylor and Bryon Meyers.
Mrs. Gladys Alberts of Stout, Iowa on October 17, age 87. Our dear sister was saved on April 22, 1952 after considering the question, “How then can man be justified with God?” She was in the fellowship of the Stout assembly but in recent times was unable to attend the meetings. She was a quiet sister, but was appreciated. Her husband John preceded her in February 1993. Four sons, two of whom are in the Stout assembly, a daughter and their families survive her. Robert Orr took the funeral service in the Stout Gospel Hall.
Leland W. Potter of Berwick, NS on October 30. Our beloved brother was saved in his teens through John 19:30. His testimony was exemplary and his devotedness to the assembly was consistent for over 50 years. His heart was large for all the saints and he kept in touch with many by letter. He will be greatly missed for he was a man of prayer and he had a God given gift in visitation. The large number at his funeral was a ringing testimony where he and his family lived. Pray for his widow Jerusha, two sons and a daughter, all saved, and 10 grandchildren.
A Reminder Regarding Year End Gifts through the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust
If you wish your receipt from the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust to be dated 1998, your letter to the Trust must be postmarked 1998 by the Post Office. Government regulations stipulate that we cannot date a receipt prior to the postmarked date. This means that when letters are postmarked 1999 the receipts must also be dated 1999.
Both the Canadian and U.S. Trusts will issue receipts dated 1998 for all funds which we receive which are postmarked on or before December 31, 1998.
Please mail your letters to us as early as you can.
The addresses for the Canadian and the U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. Kindly remember that all cheques should be made payable to Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust.