
Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Abbotsford, In late January, a good number attended a week of ministry by Dave Richards on Philippians.

Kamloops, Bryan Funston had an appreciated visit with the Saints for three nights and a weekend.

Vancouver, The saints at West Richmond and Woodland Drive recently enjoyed a visit by Harold Paisley for ministry.

Westbank, Dave Richards had eight nights of encouraging ministry in January on Ephesians.


Glen Ewen, In January, the saints enjoyed visits from Robert Boyle and Andrew Bergsma.

Mervin, During the winter months, the assembly had much appreciated visits from J. Webb, R Boyle, J. Ronald Sr., ABergsma and P. Simms.

Saskatoon, A weekend of meetings by Sandy Higgins on “The Mind of the believer” has been arranged, commencing on Friday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m., continuing Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and Lord’s day. For further information, contact Mark Ronald (306) 664-6180.


Arnstein, In January Bruce Rodgers had two weeks of searching ministry on Stewardship.

Bolton, Prayer is requested for a gospel series the assembly plans to commence in Brampton on March 22 with Bert Joyce and Jim Jarvis.

Clover Valley, The saints appreciated ministry given by Brian Owen on January 4. Several contacts have been made with people living on the Wikwemikong Indian Reservation, and prayer is requested for distribution of Seed Sowers and further gospel outreach work on the reserve.

Deer Lake, Brian Owen was with the saints on January 11 and remained for a week of children’s meeting which were well attended. Lorne Langfeld paid an appreciated visit on January 25.

London, James Smith was present for two nights of ministry in January. A young man was recently received into fellowship.

Mimico, After speaking at the large S.S. treat, John Dennison remained for a week of children’s meetings with 140 children attending nightly.

Peterborough, Ed Miller was with the assembly for the S.S. treat and continued for three nights of edifying ministry

St. Marys, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Ed Miller and Brian Crawford expect to commence on March 8.


St. Donat, Leslie Wells and Larry Buote commenced cottage meetings in January.

New Brunswick

Campbellton, Brethren from Tracadie and Shediac have covered this city with Seed Sowers. Grard Roy joined them in mid January for further distribution in the villages between Campbellton and Dalhousie.

Moncton, Albert Hull was with the assembly for a baptism on January 18 and remained for a week of profitable ministry on the Vessels of the Tabernacle.

Quispamsis. One young man professed salvation during recent meetings by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio. Because of the interest, local brethren are carrying on a week night gospel meeting.

St. Basile, Helped by others, Grard Roy had a booth at the shopping mall in January with a good response.

Nova Scotia

Clementsvale, Peter Orasuk expected to have a week of topical Bible readings.

Halifax, James McClelland and Bryan Joyce planned to commence a series in the gospel on February 8.

Tatamagouche,The Bible reading, ministry meeting and gospel meeting at New Year’s were well attended, In the afternoon, D. Howard, A. Hull, H. Kelly, V. Markle, P. Orasuk and D. Swan gave profitable ministry.

Prince Edward Island

Crapaud, David Swan and Carl Payne started a gospel series in January.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point, On January 26, Murray McCandless commenced a gospel series and expected to be joined in this effort by David Hunt.

Fogo, Jonathan Procopio and Bryan Joyce had three weeks in the gospel in January.

Gander, Six brethren spoke at a profitable one day ministry meeting on January 31. The messages centred on the Lord’s Coming and Soul Winning.

New Harbour, Helped by Jonathan Robertson of Chatham, ON, Marvin Derksen commenced a series in the gospel on January 25. The meetings had an excellent start with a baptism on the first night of the series.

St. John’s, On February 1, Bert Joyce and Ken Taylor began gospel meetings.

Tidings – U.S.A.


Seattle, From December 28 to January 4, Robert Surgenor gave helpful ministry on Consecration and Responsibilities of both O.T. and N.T. Priests. This year’s conference was considered very encouraging and profitable. Eight of the Lord’s servants were present to minister the Word. A teenage girl professed to be saved on her way home.


Forest Grove, Roy Weber and Jim Webb closed gospel meetings on February 1. There was a good interest and a much prayed for teenage girl professed faith in Christ.


Phoenix, Edward Doherty gave appreciated help during the winter months at both assemblies.

Sunnyslope, The saints were greatly encouraged during three weeks of gospel meetings by Norman Mellish. There was some response from the neighborhood and the support by winter visitors and the Phoenix assembly was much appreciated.


Willmar, There was blessing in salvation during a gospel series by Joel Portman and Jerry Jennnings.


Manchester, Eric McCullough and William Skates are cheered in gospel meetings with good numbers and some blessing in salvation.

Mason City, Robert Orr and Richard Van Mill are preaching the gospel four nights weekly.

West Union, God was working during six weeks or gospel meetings by John Slabaugh and Allan Christopherson. The meetings closed on February 8 with 14 precious souls professing faith in Christ.


Beetown, The last of four monthly Bible readings on Rornans 12-15 is scheduled for March 8. Previous readings were held at Ontario, Mt. Sterling, and Blue River.

Blue River, On February 8, Robert Surgenor commenced a series in the gospel.

Mt. Sterling, There is good attendance from the community at gospel meetings by James Beanie and Dale Vitale.

Wautoma, Arthur Ward had two weeks of Bible studies on New Testament Church principles with some who profess salvation. Future gospel meetings are contemplated.


Jackson, Brian Owen visited the assembly in early February giving a report on the work of the Lord in Grenada and other parts of the West Indies.

Livonia, More than 600 attended the bimonthly Bible readings on January 24. David Oliver and James Smith were present and their help was greatly appreciated. Brother Oliver also had three nights of searching ministry on 1 Timothy. On February 1, Norman Crawford was with the assembly when two believers were baptized, one of whom had been the subject of many years of prayer. Norman Crawford and Dale Vitale expected to begin a gospel series on February 22. The Spring bimonthly Bible readings have been rescheduled to April 4 and the subjects will be (1) How to Study the Bible and (2) Gospel Preaching and Evangelization.

Rogers City, On February 3, Larry Perkins and Stuart Thompson commenced gospel meetings two nights weekly in a high school in this town which is 40 miles north of Alpena.

Saginaw, A young sister was received into the fellowship in December, giving joy. Visits by David Rodgers and William Metcalf in December and Brian Owen in January encouraged the saints. At the all day meeting on February 1, Larry Perkins and Stuart Thompson gave helpful ministry.


Akron, On February 7, Norman Crawford opened the area Bible reading on Hebrews 1.

Clyde, The visit of David Oliver in January was much appreciated with the saints being encouraged and blessed.

Mansfield, On January 10, Robert Surgenor conducted the area Bible reading on Romans 12. Later in the month, he gave appreciated ministry on assembly principles.

North Carolina

Hickory, Robert Mcllwaine was in Hickory for a night of ministry and Alex Dryburgh spent a weekend with the assembly.


Fort Pierce, Alex Dryburgh visited Fort Pierce and De Land giving appreciated ministry.


Hatboro, The saints enjoyed helpful ministry in January from Albert Hull and James Smith

New Jersey

Midland Park, In January, ministry by David Oliver and Alex Dryburgh encouraged the saints. Gene Higgins was with the assembly for Lord’s day, February 1.

Pennsauken, The well attended conference was a time of encouragement with practical and helpful ministry given by A. Dryburgh, W. Gustafson, A. Hull, S. Kember, M. McCandless, D. Oliver and J. Smith.


Manchester, In early February David Oliver had three nights of ministry on the life of Gideon.


Saugus, The assembly was cheered by the baptism and reception of a young sister and a young Brazilian couple who were recently saved.


Hardwick, Gene Higgins had two weeks of gospel meetings with blessing.

Conferences, D.V.

Kapuskasing, Ontario

April 11 and 12 in Kapuskasing Education Centre, 61 Devorishire. First meeting on Saturday is a Bible reading at 10 on I Peter 1:3-16. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. Corr. Gerald Labelle, (705) 335-3712.

Mimico, Ontario

April 24, 25 and 26 in the Gospel Hall, 414 Royal York Road South. Bible reading conference on 1 John commencing on Friday at 7:30p.m. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s day at 10, 2 and 7. Corr. William Spencer, 1535 Lakeshore Road E., #1507, Mississauga, ON, L5E 3E2, (905) 271-5759.

Newbury, Ontario

April 4 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Drive, RR 3, Newbury. Ministry at 2:30 and 6:30. Corr. David Cooper, 234 Cherry St. W., Box 312, Boffiwell, ON, N0F IC0, (519) 695-2349.

Newmarket, Ontario

May 3 in the Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Drive. Breaking of Bread at 9:30, with Bible reading on I Con 15:35-57 at 11:30, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. Harry Pronk, 364 Simcoe Road, Bradford, ON, L3Z 1Y9, (416) 775-6816.

Nineveh, N.S.

April 11 and 12 in Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. On Saturday, Ministry at 10a.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7p.m. in Nineveh Gospel Hall. Supper served in the hall Friday at 5 p.m. For accommodations, contact Clark Hubley, (902) 543-3268. Corr Robert I. Kaulback, (902) 543-5530. School, (902) 543-5536.

Crapaud, PEI

May 16 and 17 in Bluefield High School, Hampshire. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2:30 with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day Bible reading at 8:30 on Psalm 69, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in Crapaud Gospel Hall. Corr. Donald C. Ramsay, RR 4, Cornwall, PET, C0A 1H0, (902) 566-2119, or Glen McKenna, 15 Andrews Drive, RR 6, Kensington, PH, C0B 1M0, (902) 836-3073. Accommodations: contact Neil Thompson, (902) 892-7216. No meetings on Monday

Stout, Iowa

April 11 and 12 in the Gospel Hall. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, On Lord’s day Bible reading at 9 on Psalm 23, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. Richard Stickfort (319) 346-1857 or contact Gary DeGroote, (319) 983-2713. Hall, (319) 346-1153.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, Iowa

April 18 and 19 in Masonic Temple, Park Ave. and Mulberry St., Waterloo. On Saturday Ministry at 10 am. On Lord’s day Bible reading at 9 on Psalm 88, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. in Cedar Falls Gospel Hall. Corr. Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, (319) 334-3931 and Erwin D. Stickfort, 223 North Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, (319) 266-6271. The week before the conference, Bible readings on Ruth in Waterloo Gospel Hall (Monday and Tuesday) and Cedar Falls Gospel Hall (Wednesday and Thursday).

Mt. Sterling, Wisconsin

March 28 and 29. Bible reading conference on Matthew 13, 24 and 25 in North Crawford High School, three miles north of Gays Mills on County X. On Saturday, meetings at 10, 2 and 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30 with Bible reading at 1:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall at Mt Sterling. Corr. Richard M. Dudgeon, Box 219, Eastman, WI 54626, (608) 734-3639. School, (608) 735-4311.

McKeesport, Pennsylvania

April 25 and 26 in Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 both days. Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact William Seale, (412) 863-2949 for accommodations or local motel phone numbers for those preferring to make their own arrangements.

Manchester, Connecticut

April 11 and 12 in Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Road, Bolton, CT On Saturday Meetings at 10:30, 2 and 6:30. On Lord’s day Breaking of Bread at 10, with Ministry and Gospel at 2. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center Street, Manchester. Corr. Richard Trombly, 121 Cushman Dr., Manchester, CT, 06040, (860) 649-9462. Accommodations, call Ted Kaulback, (860) 742-0002.

Methuen, Massachusetts

April 5 in the Gospel Hall, Merrimack St. (Exit 46 off 1-495) with Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 6:30. Corr. Anthony Netti, 62 Merrimack St., Methuen, MA 01844, (508) 682-1812.

Watertown, Massachusetts

March 28 and 29 in the Gospel Hall, 226 Mt. Auburn St. with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday meetings at 10:30, 2:30 and 6:30. On Lord’s day, meetings at 10, 2:45 and 6:30. Corr. Paul V. Vizzini, (978) 443-6462. Hall, (617) 924-7696.

Kindly remember:

Winnipeg, MB – April 24 -26.

Toronto, ON – April 10 – 12

Culver City, CA – April 11 and 12

Palm Springs, CA – March 29

Change of Address

Jonathan Procopio, 11 Creighton Drive, Sussex Corner, NB, E4E 3C8

Annie Spencer (Trinidad), 54 Station Road, Llandaff North, Cardiff, South Wales, U.K., CF4 2FF (This is a move next door after last month’s change of address)

Change of Correspondent

Manchester, CT, Richard Trombly, 121 Cushman Drive, Manchester, Cl 06040-2313, phone (860) 649-9462

Valens, Ontario, Ted Lapsley, RR 2, Puslinch, ON, N0B 2J0, phone (519) 621-9727

Change of Meeting Times

Bolton, Ontario, Breaking of Bread is now at 10:00 a.m.

With Christ

Mrs. Morgan of Blue River, Wisconsin, age 92. Our dear sister was saved in 1927 and was in happy fellowship in the Blue River assembly. Throughout her long life, she was a godly and consistent sister, and will be missed by all. Eric McCullough spoke to a large gathering at the funeral service on Dec 20.

Mrs. Tena Vareen Maxwell of Stirling, Ontario on December 22, age 79, Our dear sister went to be with the Lord very unexpectedly. She had been diabetic which brought on heart failure. Mrs. Maxwell was saved while young in years and was in fellowship in the Campbellford assembly for over 40 years. Only one son remains unsaved. One daughter predeceased her mother and two saved daughters survive as well as her husband Orvel. The gospel was faithfully preached by M. McLeod and E. Badgley, with several brethren sharing the grave side service.

Miss Margaret Binnie Young of Toronto, Ontario on January 2, age 90. Our dear sister was saved at age 17 in Acton, Ontario and was in fellowship for over 70 years in Brock Avenue, Bracondale, Eglinton and Unionville. As a teacher in Toronto, she bore a bright testimony and brought many of her fellow teachers and students to gospel meetings. Margaret loved the Lord, the assembly and the Lord’s people. Please pray for her beloved sister, Jessie, and for unsaved nieces and their families, who heard faithful words at the large funeral taken by Harold Paisley.

John K. Holtzauer of Valens, Ontario on January 3, age 83. Our esteemed brother was saved on March 26, 1932 at the last Toronto conference held in Massey Hall. He was received into fellowship at Valens, where he continued for over 65 years. At the large funeral, which was an indication of the esteem in which he was held, Eugene Badgley preached the gospel and Murray Regis spoke of his faithful service to his family, in the community, in the assembly and to his God. Remember his wife and five daughters, two of whom serve the Lord in Zambia.

Vera Krebs of Phoenix, Arizona on January 3, age 95. Our dear sister was born in Longmont Colorado on September 8, 1902. She was saved in 1934 in Phoenix, Arizona and received into the fellowship of the Phoenix assembly In 1981, she went to the Linn Manor Care Center in Marion, Iowa and was very thankful for the loving care be stowed upon her there. Peacefully she went to be with the Lord from Linn Manor. The funeral and burial were in Phoenix.

Miss Esther Vaughan of Longport, NJ on January 6, age 87. Our dear sister was saved in the early l930’s in the Bryn Mawr area and was in the assembly for over 60 years, until going to Longport Home two years ago. She was a quiet sister known to many missionaries because of the outstanding packages of lovely clothes she sent to different fields. She had the joy of seeing a neighbor woman saved. She is survived by three brothers and several nieces and nephews in need of salvation. A number heard the gospel at a grave side service conducted by W. Oliver.

Katie Johnson of Willmar, Minnesota on January 14, age 86. Our dear sister was saved while reading the booklet “God’s Way of Salvation” about six weeks after her husbands sudden death in 1952. When brethren De Buhr and Dobson pitched a tent in Willmar in 1953, she showed her support and interest in the meetings. Katie was among the believers who formed the assembly in April, 1957. She manifested a love to the Lord and to the assembly A widow for 46 years, she is survived by a son, three daughters and their families. The large funeral was taken by Robert Orr.

Frederick it Dautle of Bryn Mawr, PA on January 14, age 89. Our beloved brother was saved Dec. 20, 1927 in meetings by S. McEwen in Bryn Mawr. He had the joy of bringing a workmate to the meetings and George Baldwin was saved. Fred was home bound the last number of years due to his wife’s illness. In June 1997 she went to Longport and Fred was able to be active in the assembly again. Suddenly the Lord called him home. He leaves his wife, an unsaved son for whom much prayer has gone up over the years, also the son’s wife and three grandchildren.

Ben Cuthill of Hamilton, Ontario on January 15. It was in his living room in February 1945 that, as a guilty sinner, our dear brother trusted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour. In 1955, he saw the truth of gathering to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and since then was associated with the Kensington Avenue assembly in Hamilton. He had a love for the gospel and an interest in the unsaved, giving tracts to many with whom he came into contact. Many will miss his visits and his acts of kindness. Remember in prayer his dear wife, children and grandchildren.

Mrs. Lorraine Meador of Jackson, Michigan on January 20, age 81. Our dear sister was saved after the death of her husband in 1988 at meetings by James Smith and William Metcalf in Jackson. Her life afterward and her concern for the salvation of her loved ones gave evidence of reality. Norman Crawford took her funeral with many unsaved present to hear the gospel.

John Doner of London, Ontario on January 21, age 85. Although Jack grew upon the western prairies in a family with intense convictions, he was not saved until he was 30. As he entered the door of the recruiting office to volunteer for the RCAF, the thought came to him, “Join the air force, killed in action, land in hell.” He turned in fear and was saved that night. He never lost his appreciation for the Saviour’s love. His wife predeceased him by 23 days. A daughter Joanne, son Stephen, daughter-in-law Margaret and seven grand-children mourn his loss.

Via Magazine for 1998

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