
Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Burnaby, Children’s meetings were held in a rented building from August 11 to 15 with increasing numbers as the week went on. Weekly children’s meetings commenced on September 8 for the 18th year.

Terrace, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Dave Richards and Bryan Funston expect to start on October 22.

Vancouver, During August, Gordon Hanna (Zambia), Paul Thiessen (Mexico) and Craig Saword (El Salvador) gave reports in various assemblies.

Westbank, A good number of visitors attended the annual conference and a nice spirit prevailed as seven brethren shared in ministry and gospel.


Taylorside, Recent visits by Jim Webb and Fred Krauss were greatly appreciated.


There is considerable activity in seeking to reach Spanish speaking people in Southern Ontario, with gospel meetings in Kitchener, London, Welland and Fairbank, Toronto.

Barrie, In August, the saints were encouraged with the response to tent meetings by Eugene Badgley and local brethren. Earlier visits this summer by Ernie Dellandrea and Arnold Adams were very helpful.

Clyde, The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Larry Buote, Paul Kember, Bert Snippe, Danny Ussher and Fred Krauss. Prayer is requested for children’s meetings which Timothy Walker expected to commence on September 29.

Dryden, Helped by others, Murray Pratt had three weeks under canvas with two girls in their teens professing to be saved. Our brother hopes to return to this area later.

Gore Bay, Two weeks of tent meetings with Alvin Cook and Bert Snippe closed in early August with some interest During the meetings an older couple were baptized, and one sister was received into fellowship. Ken Moore visited in late August for three nights of ministry and Lord’s day.

Hamilton, The assembly enjoyed recent visits from Jack Nesbitt and Tom Baker.

Langstaff, Albert Hull and Bryan Funston had three weeks of well attended tent meetings with an excellent interest and with blessing in salvation and restoration.

Manitowaning, The saints were greatly encouraged with three souls professing salvation during tent meetings in June. A young brother was received into fellowship also in June. Property has been acquired on which to build a hall. In July, two souls professed during a gospel tent series in Mindemoya.

Newbury, A young man was baptized, giving the assembly much joy

Newmarket, Bruce Rodgers made an appreciated visit in August. At the end of the month, Timothy Walker had a week of children’s meetings with a good number of children and parents present.

Niagara Falls, A few souls professed faith in Christ during well attended tent meetings by James Smith and Murray McLeod. This effort was supported by both Niagara Falls and Welland assemblies.

Nipissing Junction, In late August, Norman Crawford had a week of well attended ministry meetings. Clarence Black, with help from Brian Crawford and other brethren, has spent many years preaching the gospel in Mattawa. Souls have been saved who are in the Nipissing Junction assembly.

Parry Sound, Prayer is requested for a gospel series which Ken Moore and Eugene Badgley expect to hold in the local museum during the last two weeks of November.

Sault Ste. Marie, The Labour Day weekend conference was a time of blessing to the saints, with profitable ministry given by six of the Lord’s servants. One soul found peace during the gospel meeting Saturday night. The two Bible readings on Leadership in the Home and Assembly proved very helpful. John Wright (Trinidad) remained for a ministry meeting on Tuesday. The prayers of God’s people will be appreciated for Mr. and Mrs. John Norris. Physical problems greatly limit the movements of our dear brother. Prayer will also be valued for a gospel series commencing November 2 with Albert Hull and Bryan Joyce.

Sudbury, It was a joy to the saints when a young brother was recently baptized and another young brother was received into fellowship.

Thunder Bay, The assembly appreciated recent visits and ministry from Robert Boyle and Jack Gould.

Toronto, Tom Wright (Brazil) was expected for meetings at various assemblies in the area during the latter part of September. The saints at Pape Avenue expect Brian Crawford for children’s meetings early in October. Quebec

Magdelan Islands, David Swan and Carl Payne planned to return in September to follow up contacts made throughout the summer. A short tent series in July resulted in favourable response and attendance.

New Brunswick

Bathurst, Leslie Wells and James McClelland commenced tent meetings in August.

Fredericton, A large number of outsiders attended six and a half weeks of tent meetings by Murray McCandless and Allan LeBlanc. A University student professed faith in Christ.

Green River, Helped by a local brother, Gerard Roy started tent meetings in August.

Shediac, Two believers were baptized in July, giving joy to the saints.

Tracadie, Seasonable words were given at the annual conference by Albert Grainger, Leslie Wells and local brethren.

Nova Scotia

Marcus Cain gave reports on the work in Mexico at a number of assemblies in the Maritimes during August.

Blues Mills, With the help of local brethren, Fred Bartlett held weekly gospel oriented Bible readings in a home in Port Hawksbury during August and September.

Wallace Bay, William Bingham commenced tent meetings with a little interest and was later joined by Ken Taylor.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Fogo, The conference in late August was very helpful to the saints. Six of the Lord’s servants were present and gave profitable ministry.

McIvers, Carl Payne and Jim Jarvis had a series of gospel meetings under canvas. Children’s meetings held in the tent were encouraging.

Parsons Pond, Construction continues on the new hall. Windows are in and the siding is nearly completed. Work continues as the Lord enables.

St. John’s, Helped by others, Marvin Derksen had a tent series with an encouraging number of unsaved present. A good number of children attended the children’s meetings.

Tidings – U.S.A.


Arlington, God was glorified and the saints edified at the Labor Day weekend conference. Twelve full time workers were present to minister the Word of God. Craig Saword gave a report on the work in El Salvador, Gordon Hanna reported on Zambia, Paul Thiessen on Mexico and Dave Richards on Russia. James Smith was expected for ministry later in the month. Lynden, Following the Arlington conference, Phillip Harding ministered the Word at Lynden, Langley, Abbotsford, Seattle and Arlington.


David Kember and John Fitzpatrick held gospel meetings in four rural towns of central and southern Oregon during July and August. There was some interest to encourage and follow-up work is planned in the fall.


Phoenix, The assembly received a visit in July from James McColl for the usual month end ministry meeting. Our brother continued for four nights between Garfield and Surmyslope assemblies.

North Dakota

Langdon, Five souls professed to be saved during four and a half weeks of very encouraging tent meetings by Gaius Goff and Roy Weber. On the last night there were 102 people in from the town and about 50 Christians from Roseisle and Portage la Prairie.

South Dakota

Rapid City, In August, 27,500 Seed Sowers texts were distributed with an excellent response. As a follow-up to this work, Allan Christopherson expected to have gospel meetings three nights weekly commencing September 7. Iowa Clarksville, Arthur Ward and William Skates closed tent meetings on August 31 with two souls professing to be saved.

Dunkerton, Helped by several brethren, Donald Wardell held eighteen series of children’s meetings in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin this summer, using a portable trailer. Each series lasted five days.

Garnavillo, On August 11, Craig Saword gave a report on the work in El Salvador. Our brother also visited other assemblies in the area. Sandy Higgins and David Oliver were expected for a day of meetings in the high school on September 6, with surrounding assemblies also invited. John McCann Jr. was expected for a report meeting the following week.

Hampton, The Christians appreciated visits by Tom Baker and Gordon Hanna as well as visits by several of the Lord’s servants who labor in the area.

Sioux City, The July conference was a time of spiritual blessing for all in attendance. Both the Bible reading and the ministry were profitable.


Beetown, Seven brethren gave help in ministry at the all day meeting on September 1.

Black Earth, The saints were encouraged by the good number of children reached in meetings held by Donald Wardell in Mazomanie, Rio Valley Mobile Manor and Sauk City. Our brother held one week of children’s meetings in each location during August.


New Lenox, Visits by Danny Ussher, Tom Baker and John Slabaugh were appreciated by the believers. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Gary Sharp and Allan Christopherson expect to start on October 12.


Battle Creek, Norman Crawford spent a day with the assembly in August.

Jackson, Ministry by Eric Parmenter (England) was appreciated by the saints. He spent a Lord’s day and had several extra meetings with the assembly

Livonia, The first area bimonthly Bible reading of the season is scheduled for Saturday, November 15. Readings commence at 3 and 6:30 and the subject is Creation.


Akron, From August 11-15, John Dennison had children’s meetings and new contacts were made in the area of the hall. The saints also enjoyed visits from Gary Sharp and William Metcalf. Twelve of the Lord’s servants were present for the Labor Day weekend conference, when the Word of God was ministered with freshness and power to a large audience.

Clyde, John Dennison, Paul Kember and Gary Sharp each made short visits during August.

Lorain, Tom Baker visited the Spanish speaking assembly. On August 23 and 24, the English speaking assembly held a conference with helpful ministry given.

Monticello, The assembly had a Seed Sowers effort at the end of August. On August 23 and 24, William Lavery and Dan Shutt visited the assembly and were present for an all day meeting to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the assembly’s testimony and the 40th anniversary at their present location.

West Virginia

Harmon, Robert Surgenor began gospel meetings here the latter part of August in a rented building, with some from New Creek supporting the effort. Earlier in the summer, our brother and Joel Portman tried two other locations farther afield in West Virginia with disappointing attendance.


Frostburg, Three weeks of tent meetings with Dale Vitale and Joe Clark (McKeesport) ended on August 31. As many as ten unsaved came each night and some expressed interest.


Matoaca, Some professed salvation during four weeks of tent meetings by David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio and the assembly received great encouragement from this. Joel Portman visited the saints and helped in a ministry meeting on August 10.


Bryn Mawr, Norris Stewart (Zambia) ministered the Word on August 13, then visited Pennsauken on the 14th and Hatboro on the 15th. On August 25, the assembly started a week of children’s meetings.

McKeesport, Gene Higgins spent Lord’s day August 10 with the saints, giving straightforward and practical ministry. On August 27, John McCann Jr. gave a report on the work of the Lord in Brazil.

New Jersey

Pennsauken, In early August, Norman Crawford had one night of appreciated and refreshing ministry.


Terryville, Walter Gustafson spent a Lord’s day with the saints on August 14. Massachusetts

Worcester, On August 28, the saints enjoyed a night of practical ministry by Larry Buote on the Life of Peter. Our brother was also with the assembly for the gospel meeting on August 31.

Tidings – Other Countries

Northern Ireland

Dollingstown, A. McShane and S. Ferguson continue in the tent with good numbers attending.

Dundrum, In this place where the gospel is seldom preached, D. Kane and T. Meekin are having tent meetings.

Fintona, At the annual conference, suitable ministry was given by S. Ferguson, J. Currie, E. Stewart, W. Nesbitt and D. Williamson, and good numbers attended. J. Lennox and B. Currie have started gospel meetings in the hall.

Kilmore, A good number were present at the annual conference and heard helpful ministry by A. McShane, A. Davidson, D. Kane, J. Hutchinson and S. McBride.

Limavady, D. Ussher and two local brethren are preaching the gospel in a school house.

Lisacrin, J. Martin has commenced gospel meetings.


Clones, The Gospel Hall was filled to capacity for the annual conference. W. Nesbitt, J. Milne, S. Maze, T. McNeill, N. Turkington and J. Flanigan ministered the Word to profit.


Andrew Bergsma joined Lou Swaan in the summer tent work in Holland. While living in Canada at present, Hans Bouwman continues to give help in the publishing of magazines and books for the Dutch believers.


Kamarova, On July 15, David Booth wrote, “We have been having public gospel meetings in a rented building in this town. This past week we held our first baptism here in Russia with 15 people present to witness it. The family who are the firstfruits of our work in this town were baptized along with our daughter Jordana.”


Louis Smith (Jackson, MI) and Max McLean (Oil Springs, ON) planned to leave for Siberia on September 15. The two houses of the Russian Legislature are opposed to allowing freedom for any “religious work” except for Muslims, Jews and the Orthodox Church. Let us pray for these brethren and others who go to Russia with the gospel and also that the Lord who opened the door will keep it open.

Conferences, D.V.

London, Ontario

November 1 and 2 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Avenue, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30. Breaking of Bread at 9:30. Corr. Hugh R. Garnham, 843 Dalkeith Crescent, London, ON, N5X 1S5, phone (519) 433-1825. Hall phone is (519) 451-8233.

Oil Springs, Ontario

November 8 and 9 in Oil Springs Youth Centre, Victoria Street and Hwy. 21. First meeting both days at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. Bible reading on the Beatitudes. Corr. Arthur Whitton, RR 3, Oil Springs, ON, NON 1PO, phone (519) 882-1686.

Oshawa, Ontario

November 8 in the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert Street, with Ministry at 2 and 7. Corr. Kenneth Nicholson, 753 Central Park Boulevard North, Oshawa, ON, L1G 6B2, phone (905) 579-7540.

Wallaceburg, Ontario

October 26 in the Gospel Hall, comer of Minnie and Gillard Streets. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 8 p.m. Corr. Clarence Keff, RR 5, Wallaceburg, ON, N8A 4L2, phone (519) 627-4875. Hall phone is (519) 627-8743.

Fredericton, N.B.

November 30. All day meeting in the Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Avenue. Bible reading on Christian Fellowship. Corr. Robert Griffin, 1192 Route 105 Hwy, Douglas, N.B., E3A 7K1, phone (506) 472-5512.

Blues Mills, N.S.

November 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall, Mountain Road. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s day start at 10. Corr. John Bain (902) 625-2409. Accom: Ron Steffenson (902) 756-3019.

Phoenix, Arizona

November 27 thru 30 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Bible readings at 10 a.m. on Col. 1, 2 and 3. Each day, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, AZ 85305, phone (602) 872-1007. Hall phone is (602) 2534932.

Garnavillo, Iowa

November 27 in the Gospel Hall, 506 S. Washington, commencing at 10:15 a.m. Corr. Donald Kregel, P.O. Box 488, Garnavillo, IA 52049, phone (319) 964-2588. Hall phone is (319) 964-2642.

Alpena, Arkansas

November 1 and 2. Bible reading conference on Gen. 22, Lev. 16 and Ex. 12 in the Gospel Hall, comer of Lane and Briggs. First meeting on Saturday at 2 p.m. Corr. Al Shutt, R-1, Box 274A, Hindsville, AR 72738, phone (501) 7895707.

De Land, Florida

January 3 and 4 in the Gospel Hall, 109 E. Rosehill Ave., east off N. Woodland Blvd., with prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. On both days, Bible studies at 2 on “Assembly Testimony in the Last Days”, Ministry at 3:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. Anthony Orsini, phone (904) 736-6301. Accom: Fred King, phone (904) 9434000. Hall phone is (904) 736-1009.

Kindly remember:

Vancouver, B.C. – Oct. 11-13. Edmonton, AB – Oct. 18 and 19
Maidstone, SK, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB – Oct. 11 and 12
Saskatoon, SK – Nov. 1 and 2
Brandon, MB – Oct. 13
Niagara Falls, ON – Oct. 18 and 19
St. Thomas, ON – Oct. 11 and 12
Cape Breton, NS – Oct. 11-13
L’anse au Loup, LB – Oct. 17-19
Blue River, WI – Oct. 18 and 19
LaCrosse, WI – Oct. 25 and 26
Livonia, MI – Oct. 25 and 26
Terryville, CT – Oct. 18 and 19

Change of Address

Bruce Poidevin, Kalene Mission Hospital, P.O. Box 10, Ikelenge, N.W. Province, Zambia

David Rodgers (Chile), 843 Dalkeith Cres., London, ON, N5X 1S5

Change of Correspondent

Kenora, Ontario, Alan E. Clark, Box 255, Kenora, ON, P9N 3X3, phone (807) 548-2246

Paradise Valley, Alberta, David Flint, Box 35, Paradise Valley, AB, TOB 3RO, phone (403) 745-2560

Change of Address of Correspondent

Marion, Iowa, Ronald Borrett, 3490 Willowridge Road, Unit “A”, Marion, IA 52302

With Christ

Mrs. Wilma May Harvey of Omaha, Nebraska on June 15, after a long illness borne with exceptional fortitude and confidence in the will of the Lord. Our dear sister was saved in her early teens, met and married Fred Harvey in Omaha where she was in happy fellowship until her homecall. She was tireless in her generosity and hospitality to others, and took particular joy both in fellowship with those of like precious faith and in witness to unbelievers concerning her Saviour. She will be missed by her husband, family and saints at Omaha.

Sarah (Sadie) Kenny of Vancouver, B.C. on July 10, age 77. Our dear sister is survived by two married daughters, Joanie and Brenda, son David, and two grandchildren. She was bom in Belfast, N. Ireland and bom again in 1958 before immigrating to Canada in 1965 with her family. Mrs. Kenny was a cheerful and faithful sister in the Victoria Drive assembly with a love for the gospel and was an encouragement to others. She was lovingly cared for by her son in her latter years of ill health, and will be greatly missed by the family and by the assembly.

Stacey R. Clarke of Taylorside, Saskatchewan on July 27, age 67. Our dear brother received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour in his youth. Stacey was in fellowship with the Christians at the Taylorside Gospel Hall for over 40 years. He was predeceased by his father Rupert and is survived by his mother Grace, sister Doris and her three sons, for whom prayer is requested. Stacey will be missed by all those who knew him.

Malcolm Bruce Sinclair of Blues Mills, N.S. on July 30, age 47, following a massive stroke. Our dear brother first heard the gospel at a cottage meeting in early 1978 and was saved in May of that year through John 14:6 while attending meetings by N. Burden and D. Swan in Blues Mills. He was received into the assembly there and took a keen interest in spiritual things. After some time, he and his wife Estelle moved to Goose Bay, Labrador, helping the new assembly there for three years before returning to Nova Scotia to help in the small assembly in Cape North.

Mrs. Hilda Blackwood of St. John’s, Newfoundland on August 19. Our beloved sister was saved on July 12, 1946 while attending tent meetings by Herb Harris and Douglas Howard. She was among the first to form the assembly at Smith Avenue. Many souls were saved as a result of her godly living and consistent testimony, including her late husband for whom she prayed for over 20 years. She leaves behind her son Edward and her daughter Effie Jennings, both saved. The funeral service was shared by Charles Hiscock and Bert Joyce, with Wallace Buckle speaking at the graveside.