Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Abbotsford, The saints rejoiced when one sister was baptized on May 25 and another sister was baptized on June 22. The assembly appreciated recent visits from David Jones and Bruce Poidevin.
Kamloops, A nice spirit prevailed at the June conference. Ministry and gospel were shared by John Abernethy, Bryan Funston, Dave Richards and Cap van de Wetering.
Vancouver, At the monthly missionary meeting held at Victoria Drive on June 7, Dave Richards gave an interesting report on his recent visit to Siberia and Cyprus. Jim Currie, since returning from Japan, has ministered the Word in some local assemblies recently His remarkable recovery from major surgery will allow our brother to gradually resume active service as the Lord enables. Please pray for the gospel outreach work at the Pacific National Exhibition during the last two weeks of August. This work has born fruit in the past.
Glen Ewen, The conference was larger than usual and eight brethren ministered the Word to edification. Since February, seven have been baptized and four received into fellowship.
Chatham, The saints appreciated recent visits from Larry Steers, George Patterson and Tom Baker.
Clinton, On May 18, Ken Moore encouraged the saints who were feeling the loss of a beloved brother who went home the previous week. In June, they enjoyed visits from J. McColl, L. Buote, W. Metcalf, T. Baker and J. Nesbitt. A sister was recently received into fellowship, further encouraging the saints.
Englehart, The Northern Ontario conference in June was well attended with between 400 and 500 present. Fourteen brethren took part in ministry and gospel.
Guelph, John Dennison had a week of children’s meetings in June. God blessed in the salvation of a ten year old girl.
Lake Shore, On June 22, an all day meeting brought many believers together. Two young men were baptized, giving joy to the saints. Norman Crawford ministered and preached the gospel.
London, The Spanish conference in June was enjoyed by Spanish speaking believers from Canada, USA and Venezuela. T. Baker, E. Doherty, R. Hanna, V. Markle, W. McBride and J. Thropay were present to help. The assembly expects to commence gospel meetings on September 7 with Gene Higgins.
Mimico, The hall was packed as many unsaved relatives and friends attended the baptism of six believers on June 22.
Newmarket, William Metcalf had two nights of appreciated ministry in June.
Niagan Falls, Recently, the saints were cheered by the baptism of a young sister saved a few years ago. Visits by Brian Crawford and Larry Buote were much appreciated. James Smith and Murray McLeod expected to commence tent meetings on July 27.
Nipissing Junction, The conference was well attended with 14 of the Lord’s servants present. The Bible readings on the Word of God were enjoyed and appreciated. Prior to the conference, Peter Simms had three nights of helpful ministry. Following the conference, David Oliver remained for four nights of very profitable ministry. Visits by Edward Doherty and Walter Gustafson were also enjoyed.
Ottawa, The Lord was pleased to give an excellent conference with a near capacity crowd and nine servants of the Lord to minister the Word and preach the gospel. On the Monday following the conference, some of the visitors remained to help with the distribution of 6,000 Seed Sowers texts in the Orleans area east of the city.
Unionville, Many strangers attended during four weeks of tent meetings by Gary Sharp and Jonathan Procopio and the Lord blessed in salvation.
Windsor, Three souls professed salvation during five weeks of encouraging gospel meetings by James Beattie and Timothy Walker.
Magdalen Islands, David Swan and a number of English and French speaking brethren from Cape Breton and Newfoundland plan to distribute literature door-to-door and have tent meetings over the summer on these islands located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. There is no assembly testimony in this area at present.
Nova Scotia
Barrington Passage, On June 30, Albert Hull and James McClelland commenced tent meetings.
Blues Mills, Gospel meetings with William Bingham and David Hunt ended after five weeks with some blessing in salvation. Jim Allen then had four nights of appreciated ministry on the Local Assembly.
Halifax, The Bible reading conference, June 13-15, was well attended. The readings on Themes in the Book of Acts were opened by J. Allen, N. Crawford, W. Gustafson, A. Hull, N. Mellish, D. Oliver and L. Wells. Precious truth regarding a local assembly was well received.
Hubbard’s Point, A nice number gathered for a mini-conference on June 7 and were cheered with ministry given by Alex Dryburgh, Albert Hull, Peter Orasuk and Gerard Roy Brother Hull remained for the Lord’s day.
Tatamagouche, Seven weeks of gospel meetings by James McClelland and Carl Payne concluded on June 4. There was some blessing in the early stages of the meetings and our brethren had hoped to see others delivered who had been concerned.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook, The saints were encouraged with the good ministry at the annual conference in June.
English Point, Alex Dryburgh had a week of appreciated ministry in early July.
Fogo, A weekend visit by Bryan Joyce was an encouragement to the assembly
Parsons Pond, On June 15, the saints were cheered with a young couple being baptized in the lake across from the Hall. Another baptism was planned for July 6.
St. John’s, The assembly appreciated three nights of ministry by Wallace Buckle recently.
Tidings – U.S.A.
New Mexico
Albuquerque, One woman professed faith in Christ during gospel meetings in June by William Lavery and Dan Shutt.
Omaha, Jim Webb had three nights of appreciated ministry in June.
Dunkerton, Tent meetings in Evansdale by Roy Weber and Gaius Goff in June were well attended and there was blessing in salvation.
Garnavillo, A large number of befievers gathered for the conference, June 6-8. Ministry and gospel were given with much help from God. A few years ago, the assembly paid for the installation of an air conditioning system in the school. Once again, those who attended were able to enjoy the meetings in comfort in spite of hot weather.
Garner, Allan Christopherson and Richard Junker commenced weekend gospel meetings in early July
Hampton, Joel Portman and Alan Davidson concluded tent meetings on June 29.
Manchester, Two believers obeyed the Lord in baptism on June 29.
Hurley, Arthur Ward is giving out Seed Sowers texts and looking for a building for gospel meetings.
Juda, On July 9, Robert Orr started tent meetings.
Tylertown, Lome Mitchell and Jerry Jennings had gospel meetings in Lake Shore, MS in June. On July 2, the small number in fellowship here were greatly encouraged with a couple being baptized.
Cass City, On June 29, William Lavery and Matt Smith commenced tent meetings about seven miles north of Cass City. Blessing in salvation was seen early in the meetings.
Saginaw, William Lavery and Dan Shutt expected to start a gospel series in late July.
Akron, John Dennison planned to commence children’s meetings on August 11.
Clyde, A young man in his twenties professed faith in Christ in early June, bringing joy to the saints.
Lorain, John Slabaugh had a week of helpful ministry meetings in mid June.
Plymouth, On July 7, Fred Bartlett began gospel meetings in this new area.
Frostburg, James Smith visited Cumberland and Frostburg in July.
Matoaca, Tent meetings by David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio were to begin on July 16 in nearby Colonial Heights.
Bryn Mawr, Robert Surgenor visited the assembly on June 22. Hatboro, Tent meetings by Murray McCandless and Dale Vitale were marked by a large number of visitors attending. The meetings closed on July 2. On the last Lord’s day of the meetings, these brethren had an afternoon ministry meeting in which David Oliver shared.
New Jersey
Pennsauken, On June 22, Murray McCandless, Robert Surgenor and Dale Vitale shared an afternoon ministry meeting.
Terryville, Four and a half weeks of tent meetings with James Smith and Gene Higgins ended on July 1. Some interest was shown.
Methuen, Enroute to the Augusta conference, Oswald MacLeod and David Oliver stopped for a night of ministry on June 19.
Saugus, The saints were encouraged to see a number of souls saved during the first two weeks of tent meetings in nearby Reading by Frank Tornaquindici and William Seale. These meetings started on June 15 and were continuing at last report.
Augusta, The assembly was thankful for a larger than usual number at their conference. J. Allen, E. Higgins, A. Hull, 0. MacLeod, R. McIlwaine, N. Mellish, D. Oliver, W. Seale and J. Smith gave helpful and appreciated ministry.
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
Ballykeel, The hall was well filled for the annual conference when helpful ministry was given by A. McShane, S. Ferguson, T. McNeill, B. Glendinning and J. Palmer.
Ballymacashon, The annual conference was held in the Gospel Hall instead of the usual tent and numbers were smaller than usual. Four brethren gave appreciated ministry.
Castlederg, T. McNeill and R. McKeown are preaching the gospel in this neglected area.
Dromore, There was blessing in salvation during seven weeks of gospel meetings by S. Ferguson and T. Wright.
Drumlough, A good number attended the annual conference. Profitable ministry was given by D. Kane, T. Gracey, W.J. Nesbitt and G. McKinley
Glengormley, Good numbers are attending a gospel series by T. Meekin and R. Eadie.
Martray, The conference was held in a local school and large numbers attended. Appreciated ministry by several brethren followed the Bible reading, which was conducted by J. Thompson.
Tassagh, S. McBride and B. Glendinning are preaching the gospel in this area.
Prayer Request, Prayer is valued for our brother David Gilliland who was involved in a traffic accident and is recovering slowly.
James Martin (N. Ireland) visited during April and May and his visit was deeply appreciated by the believers. He shared in the gospel with John McDowell at Burleigh Heads, Gold Coast. This area is considered one of the most difficult in Australia and yet a number of strangers heard the gospel message.
Cachoerinha, Anew Gospel Hall, built with voluntary labour, was opened in the Fatima area of Cachoerinha on June 1. Harry Wilson and Jose Matos immediately commenced a gospel series in the new hall.
Candelaria, Lindsay Carswell and Roberto Ploia are having gospel meetings with a good attendance.
Sapiranga, Gregg Buchanan is preaching the gospel. There are a few believers here but no assembly
Conferences, D.V.
Maidstone, SK, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB
October 11 and 12 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main Street, Maidstone, phone (306) 8934277. Meetings both days at 10:30, 2 and 7. Prayer meeting on October 10 at 7 p.m. in Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Avenue and Main Street. Corr. Harry K. McLaren, Box 481, Maidstone, SK, SOM 1MO, phone (306) 893-4614, and Lennard Heath, Turtleford, SK, SOM 2YO, phone (306) 846-2627.
Roseisle, Manitoba
October 6 and 7 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Bible reading at 10:30 on John 15, Ministry at 2 with Ministry and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. RH. Dyck, Box 464, Roseisle, MB, ROG 1VO, phone (204) 828-3509. Hall phone is (204) 8283484.
Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, Ontario
September 20 and 21 in Chapman Valley Gospel Hall, Hwy. 124 at Miller Rd. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible reading at 8:45 a.m. on Prayer (Saturday) and on Psalm 22 (Lord’s day). Breaking of Bread at 10:15. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. Corr. Herb West, 16 Lakeview Dr., RO. Box 870, Sundridge, ON, POA 1ZO, phone (705) 384-5280 or Tom Hukoop, 9 Edward St., Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W5, phone (705) 746-5919.
Clinton, Ontario
October 4 and 5 in Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princess St. E., Clinton. First meeting on Saturday at 1030 a.m. Breaking of Bread at 10. Two Bible readings on “The Will of God in the Believer’s Life.” Prayer meeting in Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph Street on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Douglas McDonald, RO. Box 329, Clinton, ON, NOM 1LO, phone (519) 565-2752 or (519) 482-7243.
Deer Lake, Ontario
September 28 in the Gospel Hall, Deer St., Port Sydney. This is a special 20th Anniversary meeting with Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. Corr. George W. Hines, RR 1, Port Sydney, ON, POB 110, phone (705) 385-2590.
Sussex, N.B.
October 4 and 5 in Sussex Regional High School, Leonard Drive. On Satur ay, Ministry at 10 and 2:30 with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s Day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2 and GosF..el at 7. Prayer meeting on Friday at 30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Hynes Comer. Corr. David Beckett, phone (506) 433-4766. Accom. Donnie McLean, phone (506) 8479010.
Cape Bretton, N.S.
October 11, 12 and 13 in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines, phone (902) 736-6233. On Saturday, prayer meeting at 2:30 with Ministry at 3:30 and Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 8:30 on Ephesians 11 Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. On Monday, Bible reading at 9 on Ephesians 2, with Ministry at 10:15. Corr. Norman A. MacQueen, 7 Victoria Drive, Sydney Mines, N.S., B1V 3B4, phone (902) 7369690. Accommodations: Bruce Bartlett, phone (902) 794-1401.
Arlington and Shoultes, Washington
August 30, 31 and September 1 in Arlington Gospel Hall, 323 S. Stillaguamish, Arlington, phone (360) 435-3797. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7 m. Bible studies each morning on Ephesians 5 and 6 at 8:45 on Saturday and Monday, and at 11:15 on Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 9:30 and GospeI at 7 in both halls on Lord’s day. Corr. John A. Klein, 14318 67th Ave. NE, Arlington, WA 98223, phone (360) 435-7239, and Phil Kazen, 4611 109th Place NE, Marysville, WA 98271, phone (360) 659-4611.
Omaha, Nebraska
September 13 and 14 in the Gospel Hall, 69th and Hartman, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading on the Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross. Corr. Sam Eadie, 20766 Appaloosa Dr., Elkhorn, NE 68022, phone (402) 289-2465, or Mark Van Der Hart, phone (402) 289-4119. Hall phone is (402) 571-5983.
Kansas City, Missouri
August 31 and September 1 in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 7 p.m. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9:45 on Col. 3, Breaking of Bread at 11, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. On Monday, Ministry at 10 and 2 with Gospel at 6. Corr. William L. Jackson, 1613 Ashland PL, Blue Springs, MO 64015, phone (816) 228-3591. Hall phone is (816) 924-6346.
Livonia, Michigan
October 25 and 26 in Stark Road Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 and 2:30, with Gospel at 7. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7. Corr. James K. Vallance, 47100 Maplebrook, Northville, MI 48167, phone (248) 349-4258. Accommodations: Jeff Joyce (248) 4428858. Hall phone is (313) 425-4910.
Midland Park, NJ.
September 27 and 28 in the Gospel Hall, 61 Prospect Street with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Edgar Chambers, 550 Franklin Terrace, Wyckoff, N.J., 07481, phone (201) 652-4862. Hall phone is (201) 447-0654.
Terryville, Connecticut
October 18 and 19 in Harry S. Fisher School, North Main Street, Terryville. Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, 36 North Main on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. James C. Batterton, 388 Hard Hill Road S., Bethlehem, CT 06751, phone (203) 266-5397.
Hardwick, Vermont
September 20 and 21 in Hardwick Elementary School, at junction of Routes 14 and 15. First meeting both days at 9:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Lower Cherry St. Corr. William D. Scott, phone (802) 472-6257. Note: This year, there will be a special remembrance of the assembly’s 50th anniversary.
Kindly remember.
Arnstein, ON – Sept. 13 and 14
Huntsville, ON – Aug. 30 and 31. Bible readings on 1 Cor. 12 and 14.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON and MI – Aug. 30 and 31
Clementevale, N.S. – Aug. 30 and 31
Hitesville, IA – Sept. 20 and 21
Akron, OH – Aug. 30 and 31
Change of Correspondent
Booval, Australia, Russell Monteith, P.O. Box 294, Booval, Queensland, Australia, 4304
Change of Address of Correspondent
Fredericton, NB, Rob. M. Griffin, 1192 Route 105 Hwy, Douglas, NB, E3A 7K1
With Christ
Irwin Schade of Clinton, Ontario on May 14, age 78. Our beloved brother was saved in February, 1970 when David Kember had meetings in his home village of Monkton, ON. Friendly and outgoing, he bore a faithful, consistent testimony and never tired of telling of the Divine work in his life to saint and sinner. Our brother was a great encouragement to the Clinton assembly, where he gathered with the saints for nearly 27 years. He is survived by his wife Feme, son Larry, two grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Ken Moore conducted the very large funeral.
Mrs. Lillian Novak of Highland, Wisconsin on June 1, age 85. Our beloved sister was saved on October 27, 1932 at the time when God did a work of grace in the Blue River area through the labours of Steve Mick and others. She was among the believers that formed the assembly in Blue River in May, 1933. Along with her husband Archie, she was faithful to the assembly Her husband, two sons and three daughters survive, all sharing that blessed hope. Eric McCullough and Robert Orr shared the large funeral service.
Mrs. Alice Perzon of Manchester, Connecticut on June 4, age 75. Our beloved sister was born in Windsor, CT on February 19,1922 and was saved at the age of 10 through the truth of John 5:24. Alice and her husband Chester were received into fellowship in Manchester in 1961 and she continued in fellowship until her homecall. The last few years she was restricted from attendance due to Parkinson’s disease. The large funeral was shared by William. McBride and James Smith. Please pray for their daughter and family.
Harold Cooper of Hamilton, Ontario on June 4, age 78, following a short illness. Our dear brother was saved on January 14,1945 through the testimony of his wife and the preaching of Robert McCracken. For nearly 50 years, our brother was in fellowship in the Kensington assembly. With a shepherd’s heart and a special interest in young people, he sought to encourage them. For many years, he was active in the Sunday School, children’s meetings and open air work. He had a love for the gospel and a deep appreciation for the local assembly He will be greatly missed.
Grant House of Parsons Pond, Newfoundland on June 10, age 85, after a lengthy period of sickness. Our dear brother was 34 years in Christ and was faithful in the assembly He was also appreciated in Daniels Harbour where he lived. The funeral was shared by Peter Mathews and Bert Joyce. Kindly remember his dear wife Emily in prayer.
Report on Russia
In July the lower house of the Russian parliament by 300 to 8 passed a bill to ban all religious workers except ministers of the Orthodox church, Jews and Muslims. The bill was expected to pass the upper house and be accepted by President Boris Yeltsin. Please pray that the door for the gospel will be kept open!
The Severouralask assembly has found a suitable building in which they could meet. Please pray that there will be funds to purchase it and that the local authorities will register it for meetings. The new law forbids official recognition.