Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
During a two month furlough, David Jones (Chile) visited a number of assemblies in the area.
Kamloops, Jim Webb has permission to place texts in some motels in this area as well as at Hundred Mile House.
Squamish, Encouraging meetings were held in April by David Richards and Bryan Funston. David Jones shared the last four nights when David Richards left for Russia to spend the month of May helping in the work in Siberia.
Vancouver, Three teens and one adult were baptized at Carlton in April, and two sisters were baptized on May 18 at Fairview, bringing encouragement to the saints of both assemblies. In late May, Bruce Poidevin visited a number of assemblies, giving reports on the Lord’s work in Zambia.
West Richmond, Bryan Funston and David Jones shared in the ministry at a mini-conference on Evangelism. Five young people were baptized on the Lord’s day.
Arborfield, Jim Webb had a week of helpful ministry in late April.
Taylorside, Recent visits from Bruce Poidevin, Andrew Bergsma and Jim Webb were appreciated.
Portage la Prairie, In late April, Allan Christopherson had three nights of appreciated ministry.
Winnipeg, The April conference was a profitable time with good sound ministry and a report of the work at Lethbridge from Ross Vanstone and on Russia by Malcolm Stanley. A young girl from U.S.A. professed salvation on her way home from the conference. Following the conference, Arnold Adams remained for two nights of ministry. On May 18, Allan Christopherson and Lorne Langfeld commenced a gospel series.
Arnstein, The saints enjoyed ministry in April and May by Bruce Rodgers, Alex Dryburgh and Peter Simms. In early June, David Oliver had three nights of helpful ministry on the Work of the Spirit.
Aylmer, On June 8, Paul Kember and Bert Snippe commenced tent meetings.
Barrie, A man was baptized recently, encouraging the saints. Monthly ministry meetings have been very helpful and are continuing throughout the summer. Some response has been seen from open air meetings with unbelievers present at the gospel meetings. Prayer is requested for tent meetings starting in August with Eugene Badgley and local brethren.
Clinton, The assembly appreciated visits from Larry Steers and Alex Dryburgh in late April. Noel Burden had five nights of encouraging ministry in early May
Clover Valley, Alvin Cook planned to start tent meetings on June 15, helped by local brethren.
Eden Grove, George Patterson and Larry Steers expected to commence tent meetings on June 22.
Englehart, Recently, Edward Doherty had 10 nights on Egypt to Canaan, with a good interest shown by surrounding assemblies.
Gore Bay, Prayer will be valued for tent meetings by Bert Snippe and Alvin Cook, beginning July 27.
Kapuskasing, The month of May was a real encouragement to the saints with a baptism, a three week gospel series by John Slabaugh and Gary Sharp with some professing salvation, and a profitable conference when many younger saints were present.
Lake Shore, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which Eric McCullough and Jack Nesbitt plan to start on July 6.
Mindemoya, Please pray for a gospel tent series by Alvin Cook and local brethren commencing July 6.
Langstaff, Prayer will be valued for tent meetings by Albert Hull and Bryan Funston beginning August 10.
Lansing, A baptism was held on June 8 and Harold Paisley was present for this happy event.
Sault Ste. Marie, Peter Orasuk was expected for ministry in late June.
St. Thomas, The saints enjoyed a visit from James McColl on June 3.
Victoria Road, Eugene Badgley had two weeks of encouraging children’s meetings. On the final night, 80 children and 20 of their parents were present.
Wallaceburg, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which William Metcalf and Bert Snippe expect to begin on July 6.
New Brunswick
Campbellton, Brethren from Tracadie and Shediac are visiting with Seed Sowers.
Green River, At the well attended conference in early May, L. Buote, A. Dryburgh, A. Grainger, Y. Poirier, L. Wells and local brethren shared in ministry. Following the conference, Albert Grainger and Leslie Wells commenced gospel meetings.
Nova Scotia
Blues Mills, At last report, gospel meetings by William Bingham and David Hunt were in the fifth week with blessing in salvation. During the series, the brethren gave out Seed Sowers at a mall and contacts were made for the special meetings.
Prince Edward Island
Springfield, Ken Taylor ministered from on Egypt to Canaan from April 20-24 at Rosebank and from 28 to May 4 at Springfield. The saints of both assemblies enjoyed this visit.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander, The saints were encouraged to see two believers obey the Lord in the waters of baptism on June 1.
Gander Bay, A good number attended the May conference and the ministry given was very uplifting.
Mt. Pearl, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which Marvin Derksen and local brethren expect to begin on July 27. There is also an exercise for open air meetings on Bell Island in mid July.
Red Bay, The assembly enjoyed a visit from Bert Joyce on June 1. Believers from L’anse au Loup and English Point were present for the very helpful ministry.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Grant’s Pass, A nice spirit prevailed at the Memorial Day weekend conference with an encouraging number in attendance. Tom Baker, Bryan Funston, Gaius Goff, Cap van de Wetering and Gordon Williams were present to help.
Omaha, Arthur Ward and Jim Frazier closed five weeks of gospel meetings on May 30, with two professing to be saved.
Evansdale, In early June, Gaius Goff and Roy Weber commenced tent meetings.
Garner, Allan Christopherson and Richard Junker plan to preach the gospel here a few nights each week in July.
Hampton, On June 8, Joel Portman and Alan Davidson started tent meetings.
Manchester, Robert Orr and Alan Davidson concluded six weeks of gospel meetings on May 11, with a time of blessing and joy among the families of God’s people.
Marion, From May 12-16, Alan Davidson had well attended ministry meetings on Leviticus 23.
West Union, Seven believers were baptized in a local river on June I with Eric McCullough and Alan Davidson present on this happy occasion. Previously, Alan Davidson had two weeks of helpful ministry on the Feasts of Jehovah.
Black River Falls, James McColl gave appreciated ministry in Black River Falls, Blue River, Mt. Sterling and Ontario.
Blue River, Recently, Tom Bentley had a week of profitable ministry on Consecration and Spiritual Growth. Three teenage boys were received into fellowship during a six week period. Egg Harbor, Sandy Higgins gave helpful and appreciated ministry from May 16-18 on Marriage and the Family.
Mt. Sterling, On June 1, Alan Davidson commenced a week of ministry with his chart.
West Salem, Eric McCullough and Peter Simms started tent meetings on June 1.
New Lenox, The May conference was a time of spiritual blessing. Help was given by N. Crawford, A. Davidson, J. Gould, W Lavery, E. McCullough, J. Portman, D. Shutt, W Skates and R. Surgenor. In March, David Oliver had three nights of ministry which was greatly appreciated. Two young men have professed as a result of the jail work. Please pray for them.
Alpena, Prayer is valued for tent meetings which Larry Perkins and James Beattie plan to start on July 27.
Battle Creek, The saints recently enjoyed visits from Joel Portman, Lome Langfeld and Dan Shutt. Norman Crawford and Jonathan Procopio were present at an all day meeting.
Cass City, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which William Lavery expects to start in July
Ferndale, William Lavery and John Dennison closed a gospel series on May 14 with several souls professing.
Jackson, James McColl gave helpful ministry here as well as at Saginaw, Cass City and Stark Road.
Saginaw, A nice number were present at the all day meeting in June when encouraging ministry was given by John Dennison and Larry Perkins.
Akron, Norman Crawford visited the assembly for a Lord’s day in late May when many visitors were present who showed appreciation of the ministry.
Cleveland, Both the Monticello and Akron assemblies enjoyed James McColl’s ministry as he visited after the McKeesport conference.
Clyde, Recently, Norman Crawford visited the saints and gave strengthening ministry.
Lorain, John Slabaugh expected to have two weeks of ministry meetings in June.
Mansfield, Recent visits and ministry by Robert Surgenor and John Slabaugh were appreciated.
Cumberland, Eric McCullough gave helpful ministry prior to the Frostburg conference.
Frostburg, The conference was excellent, well attended and profitable. Ministry was given by J. Dennison, W. Gustafson, 0. MacLeod, J. McColl, E. McCullough, W. Oliver (Bryn Mawr), W. Seale and D. Vitale.
Matoaca, Prayer is requested for tent meetings during July with David Oliver and Jonathan Procopio.
North Carolina
Hickory, The conference was larger than usual and the hall was filled almost to its limit. Excellent devotional and challenging ministry was given by S. Kember Jr., J. McColl, D. Oliver, H. Paisley, J. Procopio, J. Smith and R. Surgenor. On the Monday night after the conference, brother Paisley gave helpful assembly teaching. Four weeks of tent meetings by Gene Higgins and David Petterson at nearby Denver concluded in mid May.
Bryn Mawr, James McColl’s helpful ministry in May was greatly appreciated.
Hatboro, Tent meetings by Murray McCandless and Dale Vitale started on June 1 with an excellent attendance.
McKeesport, The assembly enjoved a visit by William Seale on May 16.
New Jersey
Livingston, A good number attended the conference in May and heard timely ministry by W Gustafson, E: Higgins, W Seale, F. Tornaquinaici and D. Vitale.
Midland Park, The saints aporeciated a night of ministry by James McColl on May 9.
Manchester, On May 18, the area Bible reading on Romans 16 was well attended and was led by Gene Higgins. William McBride visited from June 3 to 6, giving help in the assembly by which he was commended.
Terryville, James Smith and Gene Higgins began tent meetings on June 1 .
Saugus, The Bible readings, May 30 to June 1, were enjoyable. The subjects relating to assemblies in Acts were interesting and practical. Following the readings, Jim Allen and Norman Mellish remained in the area for ministry meetings.
Worcester, During the last week of May and the first week of June, Walter Gustafson and Ken Taylor had gospel meetings in the assembly’s new location in a rented storefront. Our brethren visited in this new area, giving out 2,000 Seed Sowers texts in the daytime and preached the gospel at night.
New Hampshire
Berlin, Prayer is requested for tent meetings commencing July 20 by Walter Gustafson, helped by Shawn St.Clair.
Augusta, On his way to the Saugus readings, Albert Hull paid a valuable visit, giving the saints an exhortation on prayer from Daniel.
Madawaska, At the conference on April 13, edifying and uplifting ministry was given by David Kember, Allan LeBlanc, Murray McCandless, Tim Smith (St. Leonard) and Frank Tomaquindici.
Conferences, D.V.
Amstein, Ontario
September 13 and 14 in the Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible readings at 8:45 a.m. on Col. 3 (Saturday) and Isa. 52:13-53:12 (Lord’s day). Breaking of Bread at 10. Lunch served at 5 p.m. on Friday. Corr. Don Brunne, Arnstein, ON, POH lAO, phone (705) 757-2030. Hall phone is (705) 7573449.
Huntsville, Ontario
August 30 and 31 with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. All meetings in Centennial Centre, Park Drive, phone (705) 789-6421. Corr. David Traves, 10A West Rd., Huntsville, ON, PlH lK9, phone (705) 789-8420.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and Michigan
August 30 and 31 in St. Basil Secondary School, 250 St. George’s Ave. East, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Meetings on Saturday at 10, 1:30,3:30 and 7. On Lord’s day, meetings at 10:15, 1:30, 3:30 and 7:30. Bible readings both days at 1:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Wellington and Spring Streets. Corr. R.A. Clark, 462 MacDonald Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, P6B lH9, phone (705) 759-0968.
Clementsvale, N.S.
August 30 and 31 in the Gospel Hall, commencing with Prayer and Ministry on Saturday at 10 a.m. Bible reading on Lord’s day at 8:30 a.m. on Leviticus 1. Breaking of Bread at 10. Corr. Ronald Berry, RR 1, Clementsvale, N.S., BOS 1GO, phone (902) 467-3287.
Sioux City, Iowa
July 20 in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard. Breaking of Bread at 9:45, Bible reading at 11:30 on Nehemiah 3, Children’s meeting at 2, Ministry at 3, Testimony at 6 and Gospel at 6:45. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Sam Hayes, 1520 Rebecca St., Sioux City, IA 51103, phone (712) 255-6843. Hall phone is (712) 277-3647.
Akron, Ohio
August 30 and 31 in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Rd., Copley Exit Interstate 77 at Ridgewood Road. On Saturday, Ministry at 10, with Bible reading at 1:30 on The Bright and Morning Star. Breaking of Bread at 10. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road, phone (330) 867-3818. Accom. David Metcalf, 3228 Blake Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281, phone (330) 334-9691. Corr. Kenneth Webb, P.O. Box 13350,Akron, OH 44334, phone (330) 836-9694.
Kindly remember:
Hitesville, IA – Sept. 20 and 21
Change of Address
Walter Boyd (S. Africa), 33 Cleland Park North, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland, BT20 3EN (until early January, 1998)
William Halliday (Zambia), 2 Ashley Park, Carryduff, N. Ireland, BT8 8DX
With Christ
Cornelius Sawatsky of Vancouver, B.C. on April 2, age 92. Our esteemed brother was saved in 1923 at the age of 19 in Portage la Prairie, spending subsequent years in Kenora and Winnipeg. With a consistent testimony and love for God’s assembly, he will be remembered for his charts and models that made Bible subjects come alive for those he sought to teach. Predeceased by his wife, he moved to Vancouver in 1980 where he was in fellowship in Fairview, Victoria Drive and West Richmond. He leaves to mourn his son Douglas, four saved grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.
Donald A. Copp of Vancouver, B.C. on April 7, age 66, after open heart surgery. Our dear brother was saved as a teenager on October 13,1947 and in 1948 was received into the Fairview assembly. Later he was in Main Street until becoming a foundation member in Woodland Drive in 1955. He had a keen interest in S.S. work where he was a real help as superintendent for many years. He will be greatly missed in the assembly His very large funeral indicated the esteem in which he was held. Prayer is requested for his widow, Vyonne, six children and seven grandchildren.
Ron Key of Hamilton, Ontario on May 6, age 68, shortly after arriving home from the Bible reading and prayer meeting. Our dear brother was born in England and was saved when 14 years old following the bombing of the place where he worked. For the past 24 years, he was in happy fellowship in the Kensington assembly in Hamilton. Our brother will be greatly missed by the assembly because of his faithfulness, his willingness to put himself out for others and because he was always available to help in gospel or ministry. Remember in prayer his wife, four children and their families.
Miss Anna Hatt of Middleton, N.S. on May 6, age 54. Our beloved sister was saved in 1964 through the truth of John 3:16. She was gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ from later that year until her homecall, bearing a clear and consistent testimony both to the doctors and nurses during her illness, and also at Calgary for the many years she worked there as a nanny. She held a special place in our hearts and will be missed by her father, step-mother, three brothers, three sisters, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces and her many “children” from her profession.
J. Wellington Johnston of Valens, Ontario on May 6, age 83. Our dear brother was born in the Timiskaming district and was saved in 1939 under the preaching of Ben Widdifield. While living in the north, he was in fellowship at Charlton. Thirty years ago, he moved to Southern Ontario and was in fellowship at Valens, where he was very faithful to the assembly Brother Johnston was at the Lord’s day morning meeting, gave out one of his favorite hymns, and was with the Lord by Tuesday morning. He will be greatly missed by his wife Viola of years, his family and the saints at Valens.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Betty) Jones of Dunmullen, N. Ireland on May 5, after an illness borne with remarkable strength of confidence in the Lord. When her family emigrated to California in 1947, she remained in Ireland to complete her nursing training. She was in fellowship in Omagh until her marriage to David Jones, moving to Durimullen where she was in happy fellowship until her homecall. She bore a bright unblemished consistent testimony. Kindhearted and hospitable, she was never known to speak unkindly of anyone. The family circle here and abroad feel keenly her loss.
W. Ray McCandless of St. Thomas, Ontario on May 24, age 74. Our beloved brother was born in St. Thomas and saved there at age 18 through the truth of John 5:24. With his wife, Maureen, he spent many years in Sarnia, where he was a highly respected elder. He had the joy of seeing his four daughters and some of his grandchildren saved and in assembly fellowship. Ray suffered much, not only with great fortitude and patience, but with a beaming countenance. His final four years were spent in St. Thomas. The packed funeral home indicated the very high esteem in which our brother was held.
Wills and the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust
The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in a will, and all money received by the Gospel Trust from an estate will be distributed promptly The basic principles which are followed in the distribution of estate funds are as follows:
- If there are specific instructions in the will, the trustees follow these instructions implicitly.
- If there are no instructions in the will but the executor of the estate gives instructions to the Gospel Trust, the executor’s instructions are followed.
- If there are no instructions in the will or from the executor, but the person leaving the will has used the Gospel Trust in the past, the trustees are guided by his or her previous exercise.
- If there are no instructions whatsoever and the person leaving the will has not used the Trust previously, the trustees distribute the fellowship as the Lord may guide.
A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish it. The addresses for both the Canadian and the U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.