
Tidings – Canada

British Columbia

Port Alberni, Dave Richards planned to have ministry meetings in Port Alberni and Clearbrook in January.


Roseisle, Prayer is requested for children’s meetings which Lorne Langfeld expects to have at Roseisle and Portage la Prairie in February.


Burgessville, The Lord has richly blessed here. In the past 18 months, 24 were baptized, and seven young men from the community professed during the last two months.

Chapman Valley, Edward Miller had two weeks of well attended and appreciated ministry meetings on the Church and the Churches.

Chatham, Fred Krauss was expected for ministry from January 12-19. Prayer is requested for a gospel series beginning February 9 with Shad Kember and Dan Shutt.

Embro, Lorne Langfeld planned children’s meetings in January in Arnstein and in Embro.

Gore Bay, The saints enjoyed a visit and report from Andrew Kluge in November on the work in Chile. Recently, the Lord has worked greatly in salvation. A “Lydia” whom the Lord saved during tent meetings in August has been a testimony to her family. Seven adults and three children professed during children’s meetings by Alvin Cook and two weeks of gospel meetings by brother Cook and Bert Snippe.

Kirkland Lake, Murray Pratt and Edward Miller had three and a half weeks in the gospel with a good attendance and some interest shown by unsaved.

Newmarket, The assembly appreciated recent visits and ministry by Fred Krauss and John Norris.

Rexdale, Fred Krauss had a week of children’s meetings with good numbers.

Toronto, On January 29, Harold Paisley was with the saints at Eglinton and one soul professed salvation at the gospel meeting. Brother Paisley expects to start four nights of ministry on Joseph at Pape Avenue on February 3 and then have a further four nights in ministry at Eglinton later in February.

Unionville, On December 8, the hall was full and the saints rejoiced to witness three believers being baptized.

Welland, The assembly enjoyed recent visits by Larry Steers, Robert Surgenor, Harold Paisley and Timothy Walker. On January 5, Robert Surgenor commenced a week of ministry. Alex Dryburgh and Eugene Badgley expected to start gospel meetings on January 26.

Windsor, On December 15, the saints appreciated a visit by William Lavery, as well as the ministry from Hebrews he gave on four subsequent nights.


Sainte-Flavie, Leslie Wells had one week of helpful ministry on Principles and Parables from Luke.

New Brunswick

Bathurst, There was a good reception as Leslie Wells visited door to door with Seed Sowers texts.

Maltais, Gerard Roy found an excellent reception when visiting door to door with gospel texts.

Pigeon Hill, The new hall was packed for the first monthly ministry meeting taken by Gerard Roy.

Sussex, A baptism was planned for January 12. It was expected that seven believers would be baptized.

Nova Scotia

Pugwash Junction, On December 29, Noel Burden and Leslie Wells commenced a series in the gospel with encouraging numbers.

River Hebert, The saints enjoyed a visit by David Swan in November and three visits by Ken Taylor in December. Brother Taylor also spoke to a good number at the children’s treat on December 20.

Tatamagouche, The one day conference on January 1 was most profitable. W. Bingham led the morning Bible reading on Acts 20. Afternoon ministry was given by N. Burden, A. Hull, P. Orasuk and L. Wells, and the gospel was faithfully preached at night.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point, Recently, Alex Dryburgh had appreciated ministry meetings at English Point, L’Anse au Loup and Comer Brook.

Fogo, Gospel meetings by Bryan Joyce and Irving Payne (Langstaff) from December 8-20 were most encouraging with over 40 unsaved out to hear the gospel.

Gander Bay, Carl Payne and James McClelland planned to start a gospel series on January 19.

Goose Bay, Gospel meetings by William Bingham and Wallace Buckle closed on December 8. An encouraging number of unsaved attended.

McIvers, During December, one believer obeyed the Lord in the waters of baptism.

Parson’s Pond, Bert Joyce and William Bingham expected to begin a series in the gospel on January 12.

St. John’s, On January 5, Gordon Williams commenced a week of ministry on the Levitical Offerings. The saints were encouraged recently with a young lady received into fellowship and a young believer obeying the Lord in baptism on December 15.

Tidings – U.S.A.


Arlington, Allan Christopherson and Bryan Funston expected to start a gospel series on January 26.


Salem, Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Walter Gustafson and William Skates plan to commence on February 16.


San Diego, The conference was a time of encouragement for the assembly The Bible reading on 2 Cor. 5 was very profitable. T. Baker, E. Doherty, J. Portman, G.P. Taylor and S. Wells helped in the ministry Joel Portman remained after the conference and gave very helpful ministry from the Book of Ruth.


Hebron, Prayer is valued for a series in the gospel which Arthur Ward and Richard Dungeon (Mt. Sterling) expect to start in February.


Coal Creek, Robert Orr and Roy Weber had two weeks of encouraging gospel meetings in mid December.


Minneapolis, Joel Portman and William Skates expected to begin a gospel series on January 21 in a rented building near Minneapolis.


Antioch, On January 5, Robert Orr and Roy Weber commenced a series in the gospel.

Stout Prayer is requested for gospel meetings which Roy Weber and Alan Davidson plan to start on February 16.


Mt. Sterling, William Lavery and Dan Shutt expected to commence a gospel series on January 12.

Norwalk, On January 7, William Skates and Jerry Jennings started a series in the gospel.

Red Granite, Arthur Ward had a few gospel and ministry meetings in a rented building in early January

Waukesha, Alan Davidson and George Patterson expected to begin gospel meetings on January 26.


Battle Creek, Recent visits by John Slabaugh and Norman Crawford were a help to the saints.

Jackson, An all day meeting is planned for Saturday, March 1 in the hall. Prayer is requested for gospel meetings that Norman Crawford and Jonathan Procopio are expected to begin on March 2. Bert Snippe is expected to speak at the Sunday School treat on February 1.

Livonia, The assembly was greatly encouraged by seeing four young men profess during five weeks of gospel preaching by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio. One of these is a young man who has been given a short time to live because of terminal cancer.


Toronto, The assembly enjoyed a recent visit by Joel Portman and a visit by John Slabaugh on December 15 ‘ The saints have been encouraged with an effort among the children- in one of the housing developments.


Hatboro, During the week of December 8, Eric McCullough gave appreciated ministry in Hatboro, Bryn Mawr, Pennsauken and Barrington.

New Jersey

Midland Park, Albert Hull and Dale Vitale concluded five weeks in the gospel. The saints appreciated the meetings and God was pleased to give blessing. It was a cheer to witness the response to the gospel by those visiting from Malaysia.


Hartford, Following the Saugus conference, Robert Surgenor gave helpful ministry in Hartford, Manchester, Torrington and Brookfield.


Watertown, The saints enjoyed a visit from James Beattie in late December.

Tidings – Other Countries

N. Ireland

Aughy, There was blessing in salvation during well attended gospel meetings by J. Martin and A. Davidson in a portable hall.


Shetland, Phillip Harding had three weeks of ministry meetings at Selivoe on assembly principles. He was encouraged with saints from Brae, Scalloway and Sound assemblies supporting the meetings.


Eric McCullough expected to have gospel meetings in the three assemblies, beginning in January

El Salvador

Further to last month’s report on the Markles, our sister Ilda continues to experience cardiac problems. This has resulted in significant weakness and the need for sustained nursing and medical care. They returned to Canada in early January and earnestly desire prayer for a stable medical condition and guidance as to their future.


In December, 50 believers from Canada and the USA went to help in gospel work in fellowship with the Puerto Vallarta assembly. They distributed Seed Sowers texts in Tepic, a city of 200,000, two and a half hours drive south of Puerto Vallarta. The reception was good.

Conferences, D.V.

Newbury, Ontario

March 22 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Drive, RR 3, Newbury Ministry at 2:30 and 7:00. Corr. David Cooper, 234 Cherry St. W., Box 312, Bothwell, ON, NOP 1CO, phone (519) 695-2349.

Nineveh, N.S.

March 29 and 30 in Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater. On Saturday, Ministry at 10 a.m. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. in Nineveh Gospel Hall. Supper served in the hall Friday at 5 p.m. For accommodations, contact Clark Hubley, phone (902) 5433268. Corr. Robert J. Kaulback, phone (902) 543-5530. School phone is (902) 543-5536.

Palm Springs, California

April 6 in the Gospel Hall, 320 W. Racquet Club Road. Breaking of Bread at 10, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 6:30. Corr. Charles R. Spataro, phone (619) 322-7090. Hall phone is (619) 325-8815.

Stout, Iowa

April 12 and 13 in the Gospel Hall. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 9 on 1 Cor. 15:3558, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Corr. Richard Stickfort, Stout, IA 50673, phone (319) 346-1857. Hall phone is (319) 346-1153.

Mt. Sterling, Wisconsin

March 22 and 23. Bible reading conference in North Crawford High School, north of Gays Mills, WI. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m. on 1 Timothy Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall at Mt. Sterling. For accommodations, contact Richard Dudgeon (608) 734-3.6,39 or Rodney Aspenson (608) 734-3 5, in advance if possible.

Jackson, Michigan

Russian Report Conference on February 8 in the Gospel Hall. A meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for prayer, reports and planning regarding the distribution of Bibles and the work in Russia. For overnight accommodation, contact Louis Smith, phone (517) 569-2733.

McKeesport, Pennsylvania

April 26 and 27 in Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 both days. Prayer meeting in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The homes of Christians will be open for visitors. William Seale, phone (412) 863-2949, will assist with telephone numbers for motels in the area for those desiring such accommodation at their expense.

Manchester, Connecticut

March 29 and 30 in Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Road, Bolton, CT. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2, with Gospel at 6:30. On Lord’s day, Preaking of Bread at 10, S.S. at 11:45 with Ministry and Gospel at 2. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center Street, Manchester. For accommodations, call Ted Kaulbach (860) 742-0002. Corr. William A. Staddon, 256 East Street, Hebron, CT 06248, phone (860) 228-4241.

Watertown, MA

March 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall, 226 Mt. Auburn St. with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, Ministry at 10:30 and 2:30 with Gospel at 6:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10, SS at 11:45, Ministry at 2:45 and Gospel at 6:30. Corr. Paul V. Vizzini, phone (508) 443-6462. Hall phone is (617) 924-7696.

Kindly remember:

Toronto, ON – March 28, 29 and 30

Matoaca, VA – Feb. 15 and 16

Change of Address

Alvin Cook, RR 1, Mindemoya, ON, POP 1S0

James Dickson, 17B Powmill Gardens, Prestwick, Ayrshire, Scotland, KA9 2NZ

Mrs. John Gray, 29 – 99 Edgevalley Rd., London, ON, N5Y 5Nl (as of Feb. 24, 1997)

Steve Kember, 252 Jerry Potts Blvd., Lethbridge, AB, TlK 6H4, phone (403) 320-9897

Andrew Kluge, Casilla 3001, Correo 3, Valdivia, Chile

Vernon Markle (El Salvador), c/o Mr. E. Heels, 2379 Rumney Road, RR 1, Midland, ON, L4R 4K3

Daniel D. Shutt, 245 South Wing Street, Northville, MI 48167

Stuart Thompson, P.O. Box 216, Mesick, MI 49668

Don Wardell, P.O. Box 527, Tripoli, IA 50676-0527

Mrs. George Wilson, 3815 Portage Road, Apt. 23, Niagara Falls, ON, L2J 2Ll

Change of Address of Correspondent

Green River, N.B., Gilles Roy, 156 rue Principale, Green River, NB, E7C 2V2 (postal code change only)

Toronto, Ohio, Richard W Westlake, 44 Pine Lane, Toronto, OH, 43964, phone (614) 544-5762 (change of road name)

Change of Mailing Address of Gospel Hall

Kamloops, B.C., Westsyde Gospel Hall, Corr. Philip G. Atkinson, PO. Box 2006, Stn.A., Kamloops, B.C., V2B 7K6

With Christ

Mrs. Lois (Kember) Hooper of Deckerville, Michigan on September 18, following a tragic automobile accident. Our beloved sister was born in Sarnia, Ontario and was saved at the age of 12 at meetings held by George Gould Sr. Her brother David Kember of New Brunswick took the well attended funeral service and Dan Shutt spoke at the graveside. She is survived by three daughters and four grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in 1995.

Mrs. Antoinette (Mashia) Biscotti of Worcester, MA on November 3, age 95. Our beloved sister was saved in 1960 through Louie Rosania while the saints were remembering the Lord at the Worcester assembly. She remained faithful to the assembly for 30 years until age and health prevented her. Our sister was known for her quiet Christ-like manner. Prayer is requested for all her surviving family two sons, two daughters and grandchildren – who are still without Christ.

J. Ken Foote of Langley, B.C. on November 17, age 77. Ken was a beloved elder in the Langley assembly, where he served the Lord faithfully for many years. He was correspondent and meticulously attended to all his duties. He ever manifested a Christ-like spirit and will be greatly missed. Our dear brother was born in Toronto and was severely wounded in World War 2. He was saved at age 33 reading Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment, which was given to him by his saved wife. The very large funeral was an indication of the love and esteem for him.

Robert Goosney of Parson’s Pond, Newfoundland on November 27, age 68. Our dear brother was born on September 28,1928 and was born again on October 8,1960. His life was consistent, marked by faithfulness, and he was a caring shepherd. Like Abraham, he considered himself just a “stranger and a sojourner” (lowly fisherman), but the community recognized him as a mighty prince” (Gen. 23:4-6). He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife Hulda, 12 children, 31 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, many of whom are not saved. Please pray for them.

Cecil Kaulback of Baker’s Settlement, N.S. on December 4. Our dear brother and his wife Marjorie had the joy of seeing all their children and grandchildren saved. Brother Kaulback was saved during pioneer work by L.K. McIlwaine and lived for over 60 years to prove its reality. He was a foundation member of the first assembly planted in these parts, now known as Nineveh. For many years, he was an elder and had the welfare of the saints upon his heart. With his wife, he was very hospitable. Five of the Lord’s servants shared in his well attended funeral service.

Rutherford “Uncle Bob” Klein of Arlington, WA on December 5, age 94. Our dear brother was saved in his teens but did not receive the assurance of salvation until Albert Joyce and Herb Harris had gospel meetings in Arlington in 1931. His first wife Johanna passed away in 1959. Pray for his widow Nellie who was his wife for the past 33 years. Also pray for grandchildren and great-grandchildren still unsaved. Uncle Bob was a quiet, consistent and faithful brother who will be missed. The large funeral was taken by John Klein, Bryon Meyers and Don Kazen.

Grace Thompson of Byfield, Massachusetts on December 10, age 89. Our dear sister was saved as a young woman. She was faithful to the assembly until going to the Gospel Hall Home for the Aged in Longport, NJ, about five years ago. Mrs. Thompson is survived by three daughters, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, all of whom need our prayers. The funeral was taken by Daniel Netti of the Methuen assembly.

Mrs. Esther McEwen Ellison of Longport, NJ on December 20, age 91. Our dear sister was the third in a family of seven of the late evangelist Samuel McEwen. She was saved in July, 1923 and received into the assembly at Matoaca, VA. Esther married Samuel Ellison and they lived in Washington, DC for 20 years. Then they went to the Home in Longport where they spent 11 years in volunteer work before returning to Virginia. In 1981 they returned to Longport and Samuel was called home in 1982. Esther continued to reside at Longport and was called home from much weakness.

Berniece Stickfort Zingg of Dunkerton, Iowa on December 25, age 70. Our dear sister was bom again on December 10, 1964 in meetings by Robert Booth at Western Avenue in Waterloo. A deeply troubled soul, she found peace and joy through John 3:15. Berniece was the last of five children saved. She was a quiet, consistent and faithful sister and will be greatly missed. At her large funeral, the gospel was faithfully preached by Russell Nesbit Jr. and Roy Weber to friends and relatives, many of whom are not saved. Remember her husband Ervin and family in prayer.

Margaret Heels of Waubaushene, ON on December 25, age 82. Our dear sister was saved at Pape Ave. in 1933 during fruitful meetings by R.T. Halliday and W.G. Smith. In 1946, she married James Heels and was widowed after 18 years. Their home was open to all and she excelled in hospitality. She lived humbly and selflessly to help others and spent 13 years working at Elim Homes – half of that time as Administrator. She is survived by her son, Edward, two grandsons and stepdaughter, Muriel Gratton. The funeral service was a fitting tribute to this worthy and wonderful lady.

Mrs. John Lyle of Livonia, MI on December 29, age 91. Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, our dear sister moved with her husband to Windsor where she was saved. Upon moving to Detroit, they were received into the fellowship of the Chicago Blvd. assembly. Our sister was gracious and kind and was faithful to the assembly until sickness prevented her from attending. Brother Lyle had the help of the family in caring for his sick wife. Along with her husband, two sons, two daughters and a number of grandchildren mourn her loss. The funeral was taken by Norman Crawford.

William Kelso Smith of Cleveland, OH and Marion, IA on December 30, age 88. Our dear brother was bom in Troon, Scotland and saved at age 13. In 1929 he moved to Cleveland and was in the Addison Road assembly. An enthusiastic and happy Christian who enjoyed singing, he and Eileen Hosak (a niece of Robert McCracken) were married in 1938. Bill was an overseer and treasurer of the assembly. He moved to Linn Manor in 1987. The funeral in Cleveland was taken by D. Oliver who spoke words of tender warning and comfort. Prayer is requested for those in the family circle still unsaved.

Walter Kember of Sarnia, ON on January 1, age 83. Our dear brother was the eldest of 12 children of Mr. & Mrs. Guy Kember. He was saved at 18 through Romans 5:6. In 1955, his oldest boy was taken to heaven through a farm accident. In that year, deeply moved about the realities of eternity, Walter dedicated his life, time and means to spreading the gospel. Over three million gospel texts have been freely sent around the world by this humble brother and as a result many souls have been saved. Only eternity will reveal the full fruit for God’s glory from this unique life. Three sons, Dan, Sam and Peter shared the funeral service with Norman Crawford.

Additional Booksellers

When we listed some possible Christian booksellers, we did not include this very valuable source of Bibles, Christian literature, tracts and Choice Gleanings Calendars. John Ritchie publications are also available through GFP

Gospel Folio Press, P.O. Box 2041, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. Phone (616) 456-9166 – Fax (616) 456-5522. To order call 1 800 952 2382, E-mail (orders@uplook.org).

C 0 M E Bookstore, 17 Cupania Circle, Monterey Park, CA 91755, Phone (213) 724-8755. Mike Hitch, Not equipped to handle mail orders.

VIA Magazine, Vol. 26

The 15 articles in the most recent VIA magazine are excellent. There children’s page, an article for ‘s a teenagers, an outstanding personal testimony from prison, a touching testimony from Jan Sluiter who has ALS, warnings and entreaties in clear Gospel language and a final article on the Coming of the King.

VIA has taken on a new look with color throughout the magazine rather than only on select pages. The back cover still leaves space for the distributors personal stamp or the location of a Gospel hall and the time of meetings.

VIA is sent in quantity free of charge for prayerful distribution. The magazines are packaged in boxes of 800 and for quantities should be ordered in multiples of 800. Smaller quantities are also available. Include your phone number with your order and a street address if possible.

There are still quantities of previous volumes available. Please indicate when ordering if you would like some of these older volumes.

In order to receive your sample copy of each new magazine, you must contact VIA at least every two years.

David Vanstone

Receive Your Copies of VIA Write:

Via Magazine
Box 551, Portage La Prairie,
MB Canada RlN 3B9.
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