Tidings – Canada
British Columbia
Langley, At the monthly ministry meeting on March 31, Jim Currie and Bryan Funston shared the ministry.
Surrey, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which Dave Richards and Bryan Funston expect to commence on July 7.
Terrace, A number of outsiders attended a gospel series by Bryan Funston and Dave Richards. The series ended on March 24 and two married men from Zaire professed to be saved, bringing joy to the saints.
Edmonton, Jack Gould and Dave Richards expected to commence gospel meetings on April 21.
Glen Ewen, One High School student professed during a series in the gospel in March by Joel Portman and Larry Steers. John Norris gave appreciated ministry on April 3, 4 and 5.
Thylorside, Andrew Bergsma gave appreciated ministry on March 4 and 5.
Barrie, In February, Timothy Walker spoke at the Sunday School treat and remained for the Lord’s day. The assembly also enjoyed visits from E. Dellandrea, L. Steers and L. Langfeld in March.
Burgessville, It was a happy occasion when 150 witnessed the baptism of two couples and three children of Christian parents.
Chatham, God blessed His Word during five weeks of gospel meetings by Larry Steers and William Seale and four professed to be saved. Three of these are suffering persecution because of their faith. Children’s meetings conducted since September have resulted in the Sunday School doubling in numbers.
Clinton, The saints enjoyed recent visits by Brian Owen and John Dennison. Kitchener, Helped by others, Dennis Hanna is preaching the gospel in Spanish on a regular basis in Kitchener, London, Toronto, and Welland.
London, From March 31 to April 4, William Lavery gave ministry on the Epistle of James. A young woman professed faith in Christ after the Monday night meeting.
Niagara Falls, John Slabaugh and James Smith finished nearly four weeks of gospel meetings on April 4 and the Lord blessed in salvation. The meetings were a benefit to the assembly
North Bay, Stuart Thompson had a week of well attended children’s meeting commencing February 5. He was also present the prior Lord’s day for the baptism of a young married sister. On February 25, another young sister was baptized and Ed Miller was with the saints for that happy occasion. On March 10, a young couple were received into assembly fellowship. Commencing March 20, Bruce Rodgers gave a week of excellent ministry on a Balanced Christian Life. Shad Kember Jr. and Brian Crawford expected to commence a gospel series on April 28.
Oil Springs, Two souls professed salvation during nine weeks of gospel meetings by Robert Surgenor.
Peterborough, In March, Murray McLeod spent a Lord’s day with the assembly and remained for three nights of appreciated ministry. Lorne Langfeld expected to have two weeks of children’s meetings in April.
Sudbury, Gary Sharp took the ministry meeting in February and remained for a week of encouraging ministry meetings.
Toronto, The Lord gave an excellent conference over the Easter weekend. As usual, over 1,000 attended. Help was given by M. Derksen, D. Hanna, A.J. Higgins, P. Kember, W. Lavery, W. Metcalf, J. Nesbitt, D. Oliver, H. Paisley and J. Smith. The saints rejoiced to hear of God blessing in salvation.
Unionville, Prayer is requested for tent meetings which Murray McCandless and John Dennison expect to have during the first three weeks of June.
New Brunswick
Bathurst, On March 9, gospel text distribution was started in view of purposed gospel meetings with Albert Hull and Ken Taylor.
Dalhousie, Brethren from french speaking assemblies distributed bilingual Seed Sowers texts in February and March with a very good response.
Moncton, Douglas Howard was with the saints on March 31, giving practical ministry. Bert Joyce and Robert McIlwaine expected to commence a gospel series on April 14.
Tracadie, At last report, Gerard Roy and Larry Buote were in the sixth week of gospel meetings. They rejoiced when God visited in salvation in the fifth week.
Nova Scotia
Amherst, A baptism was held on March 3, bringing joy to the saints.
Berwick, Noel Burden and Paul Potter are labouring in the gospel in this area with some interest.
Sydney Mines, Plans for a new hall in Sydney Mines have been approved by Cape Breton Metro Planning, and the saints hope to build shortly This is a big undertaking for a small assembly
Prince Edward Island
Rosebank, James McClelland and Peter Orasuk had a gospel series with blessing in salvation.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Gander, The Easter conference was encouraging with helpful ministry given by six of the Lord’s servants.
L’Anse au Loup, God gave signal blessing during ten weeks of gospel meetings by Murray McCandless and Jonathan Procopio, and at least 30 souls professed faith in Christ.
Tidings – U.S.A.
Chico, As a follow-up to fruitful meetings he and John Slabaugh had earlier this year, James Smith expects to give ministry during the first two weeks of June from the Egypt to Canaan chart.
Phoenix, In February and March, the assembly had the joy of having ministry by three of the Lord’s servants. Norman Mellish had a week on Philippians; Robert Boyle had six nights on six Old Testament characters; and G.R Taylor shared in the monthly ministry meetings throughout the winter.
Shamrock, Arthur Ward and Mark Vanderhardt had two good weeks in the gospel.
Willmar, Robert Orr and Roy Weber commenced gospel meetings on Mardi 3 and were encouraged with three professing salvation.
Garnavillo, On March 30, Marvin Derksen spoke at the parents’ and prize night.
Stout, David Oliver and Marvin Derksen closed six weeks of gospel meetings with some blessing, excellent numbers and a number showing concern about salvation.
Black River Falls, George Patterson and Jerry Jennings expected to begin a series in the gospel.
Blue River, John Slabaugh and James Smith plan to begin a gospel series on April 14.
Egg Harbor, In March, the saints enjoyed a visit by George Patterson as well as five nights of ministry by Jerry Jennings. William Skates expected to start a gospel series on April 15.
Ft. Atkinson, Arthur Ward and Jim Frazier hoped to have gospel meetings in this area during April. Ontario, George Patterson and William Skates had a series in the gospel with blessing in salvation.
Livonia, On March 23, the final bimonthly Bible reading of the season was well attended and helpful.
Akron, Allan Christopherson and William Seale started a gospel series on March 24 with good numbers coming from the neighborhood. After three weeks, two men had confessed Christ and others showed interest.
Clyde, In late March, Jack Nesbitt had appreciated ministry meetings.
Mansfield, Gene Higgins expected to begin a series in the gospel on April 14.
North Carolina
Hickory, Helped by brethren from the assembly, Dale Vitale closed four weeks of gospel meetings. The attendance was good and the assembly was encouraged by a young woman professing salvation early in the meetings.
Hatboro, Speaking on the assembly, Phillip Harding gave an appreciated visit or three nights.
New Jersey
Barrington, P. Harding expected to have two nights of ministry on April 11 and 12.
Long Branch, The conference on March 16 and 17 was profitable with brethren from the area assemblies giving practical ministry.
Midland Park, During the first week of April, R Harding had three ministry meetings.
Hartford, Albert Hull gave appreciated ministry on March 20, 21 and 22. Eric McCullough had a night of ministry on April 9, following the Manchester conference.
Manchester, The Easter conference in their new facility was larger than previous years. E. Badgley, P, Harding, E. Higgins, Dan Netti (Methuen), T. Kember, E. McCullough, J. Slabaugh, K. Taylor and F. Tornaquindici gave help from the Word of God.
Watertown, A. Hull, W. Lavery and F. Tomaquindici gave help in ministry at the conference. The saints received a lift from the Word of God.
Madawaska, Walter Gustafson and Paul Tornaquindici (Hartford) had two weeks of gospel meetings beginning March 17. One soul professed, giving much joy
Tidings – Other Countries
N. Ireland
William Bingham, Norman Crawford and Leslie Wells paid visits to the province and gave appreciated help in ministry and gospel.
Portavogie, The hall was filled to capacity for the annual conference. Helpful ministry was given by N. Crawford, B. Currie, B. Glendinning, D. Kane, R. McKeown, T. McNeill,A. McShane, W.J. Nesbitt and L. Wells.
Republic of Ireland
Maghercaooran, At the annual conference, there was quite a large gathering of saints, and suitable ministry was given by various brethren.
Monaghan, The annual St. Patrick’s day conference was held in the local school which was packed to capacity. Ministry was given by J. Black, S. Ferguson, D. Kane, A. McShane and W.J. Nesbitt.
Brian Owen left Canada on April 5 to labour on this island in the West Indies.
Hong Kong
The saints were encouraged by the visit and ministry of A.J. Higgins for the Lunar New Year conference. He was accompanied by Donald Draper and David Curran of Pennsauken and the ministry of our brethren was appreciated. Please remember the saints here in light of the handing over of Hong Kong to China by Britain on July 1, 1997.
Fuchu, A new hall is planned. After the present building is demolished, a month or more may be spent by university archeologists digging the site for possible ancient artifacts. In Fuchu, approval for new buildings is given only after the archeological dig is completed.
New Zealand
Prayer is requested for the Ben Goatley family Brother Goatley, who served the Lord for many years in El Salvador, has been diagnosed, at age 58, with an inoperable brain tumour. He is not responding to treatrnent, has lost most of his memory and has lost all emotional control.
St. Lucia
Castries, Helped by St. Lucian brethren, Ross Vanstone (Portage la Prairie) and Bob Miller (Clyde, OH) had gospel meetings.
Forestiere, Jack Nesbitt and Ross Vanstone had a gospel series with blessing in salvation.
La Gare, The saints enjoyed recent ministry meetings by Jack Nesbitt and Jack Gould.
Soufriere, Sam Maze and Robt. Eadie were encouraged during six weeks of tent meetings with good numbers and some professing salvation.
Conferences, DV
Glen Ewen, Saskatchewan
June 21, 22 and 23 in the Gospel Hall, eight miles south of Glen Ewen. Prayer meeting on June 20 at 7:30 p.m. Bible readings on 1 Timothy 3. Meetings on Friday and Saturday at 10:30,1:45 and 7:30. On Lord’s day, Breaking of Bread at 10:30 with Ministry at 2:30 and Gospel at 7:30. Corr. Allan Macfarlane, Box 172, Glen Ewen, SK, SOC 1CO, phone (306) 925-4401.
Thylorside, Saskatchewan
June 29 and 30 in the Gospel Hall, 12 miles west of Melfort. Breaking of Bread at 10:30. Prayer meeting, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. John C. Parker, Box 2666, Melfort, SK, SOE lAO, phone (306) 7524079.
Northern Ontario (Charlton, Earlton, Englehart and Kirkland Lake)
June 29 and 30, with prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on June 28 in Englehart High School. Meetings both days at 10, 2 and 7:30. Supper served at 5:30 Friday in High School. Corr. Norman Fergusson, Earlton, ON, POJ lEO, phone (705) 5632509 and Harvey Pratt, RR 1, Charlton, ON, POJ 1BO, phone (705) 544-7758.
Victoria Road, Ontario
June 15 and 16 in the Gospel Hall, with prayer meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. On Saturday, Bible reading at 8:45 on Colossians 3, with Ministry at 10:30, 2 and 7. On Lord’s day, Bible reading at 8:45 on Hebrews 1 and 2, with Breaking of Bread at 10:30, Ministry at 2 and Gospel at 7. Supper served at 6:30 Friday evening. Corr. Ken Stone, RR 3, Woodville, ON, KOM 2TO, phone (705) 374-4688.
Sioux City, Iowa
July 14 in the Gospel Hall, 120 South Leonard. Breaking of Bread at 9:45, with Bible reading at 11:30 on the Church (I Cor. 1:1-10 and Acts 2:41), Children’s meeting at 2, Ministry at 3, Testimony at 6:45 and Gospel at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. Sam Hayes, 1520 Rebecca, Sioux City, IA 51103.
West Union, Iowa
July 4. All day meeting from 10 to 4 at Garbee Hall, Upper Iowa College, Fayette. Corr. Robert H. Johnson, RO. Box 185, Clermont, IA 52135, phone (319) 423-7183.
Byfield, Massachusetts
May 25 and 26 in Town Hall. Meetings both days at 10:30, 2:30 and 6:30. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1 Central St. Corr. John H. Short, 145 Main Street, Byfield, MA 01922, phone (508) 465-2207.
Augusta, Maine
June 8 and 9 in the Gospel Hall. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Corr. James Thompson, Rl, Box 2971, Belgrade, ME 04917, phone (207) 4953590.
Corner Brook, Newfoundland
June 29,30 and July 1 (morning only), at the G.C. Rowe Junior High. Prayer on June 28,8:00 pm in the Gospel Hall County Rd. Saturday ministry at 16 am, 1:30 and 3:30 pm, Gospel at 7:00 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread, 10 am; Bible Reading on 1 Cor. 3 at 1:30 pm, ministry at 3:30 and Gospel at 7:00 pm. Monday, ministry at 10:00 am. Corres. Gordon Hollett, (709) 632-5905. Accomodations, David Flynn (709) 686-5197 or Roy Foster (709) 634 -5022.
Kindly remember:
Calgary, AB – May 18,19 and 20
Bancroft, ON – June 1
Deer Lake, ON – May 11 and 12
Eden Grove, ON – June 2
London, ON (Spanish Conference) -May 25 and 26
Nipissing Junction, ON, June 8 and 9
Ottawa, ON – May 18 and 19
Sarnia, ON – May 25 and 26
Crapaud, PEI – May 18 and 19
Omaha, NE – May 26 and 27
Garnavillo, IA – June 8 and 9
New Lenox, IL – May 11 and 12
Frostburg, MD – May 18 and 19
Saugus, MA – June 1 and 2
Change of Address
Jim Bergsma, RR 1, Salford, ON, NOJ 1WO
Brian Crawford, 132 Sage Road, North Bay, ON, PlA 3A4, phone (705) 4749787
Ken Moore, 624 Lakeshore Drive, Unit 26, North Bay, ON, PlA 2E8
Brian Owen, General Delivery, G.P.O. St. George’s, Grenada, West Indies
James Walmsley, Carrera 6A, 12-61, San Carlos, Edo Cojedes, Venezuela, 2201
With Christ
Victor Land of North Vancouver, British Columbia on December 26, 1995, age 71. Our dear brother was saved in November, 1952 and was associated first with the Victoria Drive assembly and from 1972 with the saints in North Vancouver. He loved the Lord and had a keen interest in children and a real heart for the spread of the gospel. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and five sons, and is very much missed by all who know him. The funeral service was conducted by Joe Thompson.
Miss Alice Stuart of Moncton, New Brunswick on December 31, 1995, age 85. Our dear sister was saved in 1940 during a gospel series by C.K. McIlwaine and B. Crandall (who attended the funeral) in Scotch Settlement, just outside Moncton. In June, 1941, she was received into assembly fellowship at Moncton where she remained faithful in attendance until a few years prior to her passing when her health began to fail. She leaves behind a sister Jean Stuart with whom she lived and a brother Edward Stuart who are in the assembly in Moncton. Please pray for unsaved relatives.
Mrs. Alzeina Isabel Priestley (known as Nean) of Bradford, England on February 24, 1996, age 75. Our dear sister was born in Bracebridge, ON and was saved at age 26 during meetings at Acton, ON by A. Joyce and A. Gratton in 1946. Her English husband was saved a few days later. Coming to England in 1948, they associated with the assembly at Bradford. She maintained a keen interest in divine things, although health reasons precluded her from attending assembly gatherings in latter years. Unsaved relatives and friends heard a gospel message by P. Kaye and J. Dobson at her funeral.
Mrs. Ruth Reynolds (nee Hughes) of Huntsville, Ontarioon February 26, 1996, age 88. Our beloved sister was born on June 6, 1907 and was born again on April 2, 1948 through the preaching of Ben Widdifield. She was baptized on October 9, 1960 at age 53 and continued in happy fellowship in the Huntsville assembly until her homecall. Mrs. Reynolds was a cheerful, pleasant and helpful sister who loved the Lord’s people and was most hospitable. The gospel was faithfully presented by Timothy Walker at the large funeral.
Mrs. Margaret Clarke (nee McKelvey) of Belfast, N. Ireland on March 1, 1996, age 102. Our dear sister was born in Drum, N. Ireland and was saved as a young girl 90 years ago. She was married in 1943 to Robert Clarke and they moved to New Zealand where he predeceased her. In the 1970’s she came to Bryn Mawr, PA for a number of years to care for her only sister. For the past 18 years, she resided in Faith House, Belfast, attending the assembly regularly until the past five years. All who came to visit her or assist her were asked if they were saved and on their way to heaven.
Samuel Moore of N. Ireland on March 1, 1996, age 68. Our dear brother was saved in meetings by E Bingham at Buckna in 1943. Shortly afterwards, he was baptized and was in fellowship first at Buckna, then at Ballyclare. Following his marriage, he moved to Randalstown and was in fellowship at Clonkeen, where he remained a quiet consistent brother, most faithful in attendance at all assembly meetings. He had the joy of seeing his three sons and two daughters all saved. One son professed just three days before his father’s homecall. The funeral was one of the largest seen in the area.
Albert Doucet of Neguac, New Brunswick on March 4, 1996, age 40. In 1983, Albert was shocked to hear he had an inoperable brain tumour and was visited by a Christian friend. Through reading God’s Word, he was awakened in early 1987, and in March, he was saved while reading John 5:24. He was baptized in March, 1988 and received into fellowship at Tracadie in January, 1989. His faithfulness to the assembly and his gospel zeal were outstanding. Their home was used for gospel meetings and he made Kember gospel texts for five years. Remember in prayer his dear wife Patsy and three children.
Shirley Hutchins of Huntsville, Ontario on March 9, 1996, age 69. Our dear sister was born in Huntsville in September, 1926 and was saved on May 4, 1951. She was baptized in Tune, 1951 and received into fellowship in November, 1951. With her husband Norman, who predeceased her in December, 1993, she entertained the Lord’s servants in her home and loved to have guests for dinner, especially the summer visitors to the area. She is survived by sons Bill and Barry and sister Donna. Shirley was very much involved with shipping medications, clothes and food to Zambia.
St. Lucia Building Projects
The assembly at Forestiere has started to build its new hall to replace its older building. Ciceron is presently renovating its wooden structure, by building around it with concrete blocks. Soufriere has also begun to build a Gospel Hall. Presently, the saints meet in the lower level of a Christian’s home. Recently, Jack Gould, Jack Nesbitt, Bob Miller (Clyde, OH) and Ross Vanstone (Portage la Prairie, MB) were in St. Lucia to assist in the building of these structures.
The economy of St. Lucia has suffered due to storms that have damaged the crops in recent years. However, the most serious effect has been the tremendous drop in the price of their exported bananas. This has been a great loss to many believers involved in farming. The mentioned building projects have been hindered in progress due to this occurrence. The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust has set up a special fund to assist in the building of these three Gospel Halls in St. Lucia. Believers or assemblies who wish to assist in the building of these halls may write the Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust, requesting that their fellowship be sent to the ST. LUCIA BUILDING PROJECTS. Your cheque should be made payable to TRUTH AND TIDINGS GOSPEL TRUST. The addresses of the Canadian and U.S. Trusts are shown on the inside back cover of each magazine.