Bible Reading Outline: Hebrews 8:1-9:5

The Superior Scope and Sphere of the Priesthood of Christ

vs1-6. A Heavenly Sanctuary

v1. The High Priest himself is preeminent in excellence We have a present possession Such an High Priest immortal (7:23) – sinless (7:27) – effective (7:27), one offering set – by appointment – at the right hand-enthroned, a king priest.

vs2-6. A More Excellent Ministry

v2a. superior sanctuga minister, leitourgos, a public minister, a servant of the state. true – the real nature corresponding to the name. Reality. tabernacle – The dwelling place of God. Lord, kurios, the sovereign Lord

v3. The earthly pattern of service High priests were appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and were also only shadows of the true service of Christ as High Priest. He offered himself (7:27) – His own blood (9:12) – His body (10:10).

v4. The earthly order of priesthood did not pertain to Christ upon earth His priesthood is of a different order (7:17) and is not an adaption of the Aaronic priesthood

v5. The earthly pattern of service (latreuo, religious service) pointed forward to Christ Example, hupodeigma, a representation of the significance of an act. Shadow, skia, a representation of the form of an object. The earthly tabernacle was a representation of the heavenly Admonished, chrematizo, divinely instructed. See, horao, to see with the mind, to perceive Pattern, tupos, image, form Shewed, deiknuo, to give evidence or proof of a thing.

v6. The true service is now entered into by Christ More excellent, diaphoros, surpassing Ministry, leitourgia, sometimes used of an office which a citizen undertakes to administer at his own expense. The surpassing service of Christ indicates that He is mediator of a superior covenant. Covenant, diatheke, testament or will. Established, sanctioned by law. Promises, epaggelia, a legal promise of a gift graciously bestowed (Gal 3:16)

vs7-13. A superior Covenant – Contrasted with the First

vs7-8a. The need for the new covenant

v7. The effectiveness of the first made the need for a second obvious

v8a. The problem was with the people – finding fault with them

v8b-9. The promise of the new covenant Unilaterally made by One who is in control, Kurios, sovereign lord New kind of covenant, Kainos Effective – in contrast to their lack of continuance. Fruitful – in contrast to them being disregarded

v10-12. The description of the new covenant

v10. The new covenant will bring: Understanding – in their minds Devotion – in their hearts Possession – I will be their God Position – they shall be my people

v11. Knowledge – No need to learn to know, ginosko All shall know by experience, oida

v12. Mercy – Forgiveness based upon propitiation, helios- propitious Security – Sins never to be faced again.

v13. The significance of the new covenant The term ‘new’ (kainos new in kind) implies that the old is obsolete Obsolete things are characterized by decay, and ultimately vanish away.

Ch 9 v1-5 The Old Sanctuary and its Contents Described

v1. The first covenant had distinct regulations for worship in the earthly tabernacle.

vs2-5. The furnishings of the tabernacle

v2. The first compartment, the Holy Place The lampstand and the table of shewbread were located in this room.

v3. The second compartment, the Holy of Holies Separated from the first by the veil

v4. ‘which had’ may suggest association rather than location. The golden altar. – The ark of the covenant Its construction, overlaid on all sides with gold Its contents: The golden pot with manna Aaron’s rod that budded and the Tables of the covenant.

v5. Its cover, the mercy seat; Overshadowed by the cherubim of glory.