

British Columbia

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly was encouraged when 90 children and 40 parents from the neighbourhood attended the Burnaby Bible Hour Christmas program that was held on Monday, December 16. Please pray for blessing in salvation from this ongoing work.


Brandon: The assembly was encouraged by the attendance at their annual Thanksgiving Day Conference and the help given in the Bible reading and ministry. They also enjoyed recent visits from Jack Gould, Miguel Mosquera and Ross Vanstone. Moreover, Alan Smith gave a week of profitable ministry on the gates in Nehemiah. The assembly distributed 1,500 calendars to various parts of the city in December.

Newfoundland and Labrador

English Point: The Sunday School program was held on December 29 with a full hall. Brody Thibodeau gave a clear gospel message to the children and many adults in attendance.

L’Anse au Loup: The Sunday School program took place on January 2 with Brody Thibodeau presenting a gospel message at the end. Gospel meetings are planned to start February 9 with Jim Jarvis and John Meekin. Prayer is requested for the salvation of the many that are expected to attend, D.V.


Lambton Shores: Dan Shutt was with the Lake Shore assembly for a week in October, speaking on assembly truth.  He returned on November 24, giving helpful ministry, preaching the gospel, and giving a word about baptism. Four teenage believers were baptized.

Oil Springs: The gospel series that began November 10 with Bruce Cottrill and Terry Topley ended on December 15. The Lord gave blessing with four people professing to be saved.

Woodstock: Brian Crawford and Eric Fowler commenced gospel meetings in a rented building on January 12.



Hitesville: Gospel meetings commenced January 5 with Al Christopherson and Brandon Doll.

West Liberty:  Ryan Hayes and other local brethren from the Marion and Stout assemblies preached the gospel during meetings December 1-15. A number of unsaved, especially older Sunday School children, listened well.  Sunday school and gospel meetings continue each Sunday afternoon in the West Liberty Community Center, supported by the Marion assembly as an outreach work since 2010. On the first Thursday of each month a gospel meeting is held in the Simpson Nursing Home.

West Union: Gospel meetings were planned to begin January 19 with Frank Sona and young local brethren.


Saugus: The assembly is thankful for a well-attended conference in early December, and for evidence of the Lord’s help in teaching and in the preaching of the gospel. The saints were encouraged and they trust that the unsaved will yet be convicted.

On December 15, the program of “The Gospel in Christmas” was held with an outstanding response to the mailed and personal invitations distributed. Many of the families from the summer VBS meetings came and were among the many unsaved in the audience. Local brother Michael Procopio faithfully presented the gospel, and they look to the Lord for blessing.

Gene Higgins was with the assembly for the Lord’s Day, December 29, to witness the baptism of a young sister who grew up in the Sunday School and regularly attended meetings. She was saved earlier in the year during a gospel series with him preaching. Several unsaved family and friends were present and listened attentively.

New Jersey

Pennsauken: On December 18, the assembly enjoyed ministry from Dr. Sandy Higgins. The topic was an introduction to Biblical Temples. This subject will be continued at the yearly conference.

Gene Higgins preached the gospel following the treat on December 22 with 150 present, including approximately 25 Sunday School parents.


Bryn Mawr/Hatboro: The conveners of the Fall conference have changed the date to November 13-15, 2020.


Blue River: Local brethren commenced two weeks of children’s meetings on January 14, with meetings on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the village of Muscoda.

Broadhead: Gospel meetings started January 12 with Jerry Jennings and Robert Orr.


Quintana Roo

Cancún:  David Cadenas and Timothy Turkington held a week of teaching meetings on local assembly truth in December. The following Lord’s Day eight believers were baptized.


Xalapa: The assembly was encouraged to see the hand of God working during a brief gospel series in December with Shad Kember. The believers enjoyed his visit with them. Timothy and Jenna Stevenson invited neighbors into their home on a Wednesday morning for a breakfast meeting, and more than 20 heard a gospel message at that time.


Puebla: Shad Kember and Timothy Stevenson visited this city and held a house meeting. Several unbelievers listened carefully to the gospel message.

Mexico State

Nezahualcóyotl: The attendance was encouraging during the annual Sunday School presentation held on December 15. The assembly enjoyed visits recently from brethren from Manitoba, Chile and Monterrey.


La Purísima: Ricky and Erika Sawatsky, along with local believers from the assembly, delivered calendars in this small town. The assembly began to break bread in January 2019, and your prayers for God’s blessing on this effort to reach others are appreciated.


Puerto Vallarta: The annual conference was held December 13-15. Teaching given by Shad Kember, Harry Rodríguez and Dr. John Thropay (East Los Angeles, CA) was much appreciated. The Bible study on the theme of marriage was both interesting and profitable. Five believers were baptized during the conference, and one couple was received into fellowship.

Nuevo León

Monterrey: The annual Sunday School presentation was held on December 8. The assembly was encouraged to see a good number of parents in attendance to hear their children speak about “The Experience of Christ” before the gospel was preached.


Hermosillo: Approximately 130 believers participated in the December 23-29 distribution of nearly 130,000 Seed Sowers texts. Not only were there believers from more than ten Mexican assemblies but some also came from N. Ireland, Canada and the United States. During this Seed Sowers event, the assembly appreciated help in the gospel and ministry from David Castles (Lurgan, N.Ireland) and Paul Thiessen, as well as from several younger brethren.

Timothy and Stephanie Woodford rented a hall in the south part of the city with the exercise to see others reached with the gospel. John Dennison joined Timothy for gospel meetings that commenced January 1. Prayers for this new work are greatly appreciated.

Other Fields

Northern Ireland

Co. Antrim

Buckna: The conference on December 26 was well attended and the ministry was timely.

The assembly purposes a gospel series on January 12 with John Fleck and Raymond Kirkpatrick (recently commended). Many in the area and surrounding locality connected to the Lord’s people are not saved and are an increasing burden. Pray for their deliverance.

Co. Down

Bangor: The Central Avenue assembly plans to have one week of gospel meetings January 13-17 on the subject of “Coming Events.” Elton Fairfield is responsible to preach on this important subject of which many people at large have no idea and no hope.

Belfast: The Bible readings on December 27 dealt with 2 & 3 John, and were led by David Gilliland and Jack Hay. Various brethren gave ministry in the evening. A good number attended to hear the good Word of God opened and explained.

Kilkeel:  The conference on December 26 was well attended and the ministry was profitable.

Newry: The assembly purposes to commence gospel meetings January 12 with John Rogers and Andrew Steele. This is John’s home assembly and he has many contacts in that locality.

Annalong: The assembly is expecting Malcolm Radcliffe and Elton Fairfield to commence a gospel series on January 19. The meetings will be in the gospel hall situated in the middle of the village.

Co. Tyrone

Dungannon: The assembly obtained permission to use a local primary school to hold gospel meetings with Wesley Martin and Gary Woods commencing January 19, D.V.

Newtownstewart: The conference on January 1 had Gary Woods opening the Bible reading on Hebrews 11:20-40, followed by four brethren sharing in the open ministry. The believers were encouraged with very helpful ministry.

Co. Londonderry

Ballyronan: The Drumenagh assembly purposes to have several weeks of gospel meetings in their old hall before it is demolished and a new one built. Aaron Colgan and William Fleck are expected to commence the meetings January 12.


Arlington/Marysville, WA

February 15-16, in the Arlington Gospel Hall. A very warm invitation is given to the young and young of heart to rejoice in the many blessings that the Lord Jesus Christ has bestowed upon us daily. Dan Shutt and another brother will be sharing with us the Apostle Paul’s Journeys with the Lord, and challenges for 21st century Saints. Breakfast will be served at 8:30am on Saturday. First session starts at 10am. Accom: Jim and Bev Klein, Tel: 425-508-2807; Email: kleinklan123@hotmail.com.

Cambridge, ON

March 6-8, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 6, at 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am, 1:30pm and 3pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 1:30-5pm (with a 30 minute break), Gospel 6:45pm. Meetings for children on the weekend will also be conducted at various times. The subjects this year are “In Christ” – the believer’s Position, “In the Lord” – the believer’s Practice, “In the Air” – the believer’s Prospect, and “In the Kingdom” – the believer’s Placement and Prize. Taking the readings will be Michael Penfold and William Skates. Meals will be provided. Any questions or accommodations, please contact Phil Watson, Tel: 519-741-0007; Email: philmarfarms@gmail.com or Peter Watson, Tel: 519-242-0933; Email: peter162@gmail.com.

Matoaca, VA

March 7-8, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, March 6, at 7:30pm in the Matoaca Gospel Hall, 6204 River Road. First meeting on Saturday is at 10:30am. Use of Matoaca Elementary School for Saturday and Sunday meetings is pending. Contact: John Nobles, Tel: 804-265-5455; Email: jnobles6@aol.com.

Kapuskasing, ON

April 11-12, with Prayer/Ministry on Friday, April 10, at 7:30pm in the gospel hall, 154 Mill Street. All other meetings are in the Kapuskasing District High School, 61 Devonshire Street. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, 2pm and 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Accom: Gerald Labelle, Tel: 705-335-3712, Email: gllabelle1@gmail.com

Corrections/Additions to the 2020 Conference List

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 13-15

Conferences Previously Published

DeLand, FL – February 7-9

Jackson, MI – February 14-16


Change of Address

Truth & Tidings Gospel Trust, USA

Joe Dennison Jr., 37177 White Tail Ct., Farmington Hills, MI 48335


Sherne Wadsworth of Hinckley, MN, went to be with the Lord on November 29, 2019, age 69. He graduated from New London High School in 1968. Sherne worked for Burlington Northern for 17 years and retired from Coca-Cola as a service technician in 2012, after 24 years of service. He married Julie Straight on November 12, 1993. They resided in New London until 2002, when they moved to Stacy, MN. On March 30, 1991, Sherne found peace and salvation in Christ, the solid rock of Matthew 7:24-27. He was in fellowship in the Hinckley Gospel Hall. Robert Orr, David Klar and Jerry Jennings shared in the funeral. He is survived by his wife Julie, sister Cheryl (Ron) Kostreba, and nieces and nephews.

Lois Glister (née King) of Taylorside, SK, on December 15, 2019, age 88. She was born September 20, 1931, in the Hiawatha district near Drake, SK. Lois visited Taylorside, where she met Percy Glister, and shortly after, on October 11, 1949, they were married. She and Percy were in fellowship in the Taylorside assembly for many years. Lois was noted for her devotion to the Lord and her family, her hospitality, a cheery and thankful disposition, and singing and playing the piano. She was predeceased by her husband Percy and an infant son. Lois leaves behind her three children, eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, for whom prayer is requested. The gospel was clearly presented at the funeral with Doug King speaking comforting words at the graveside.