
New Works


Ciudad Delicias, Chihuahua

In May 2013 David Smith traveled from Canada, towing a small replica of Noah’s Ark, visiting many works in Mexico. Martin and Minerva drove 60 miles from Ciudad Delicias to the capital city of Chihuahua to see the ark. Starting in August 2013,  regular visits began to Delicias. In May 2013 Minerva was saved, and a few days later her husband professed as well. Regular meetings are held in a rented hall, and late last year Rodolfo was saved in a gospel series. This past March his brother Octavio was also saved, and they, too, have been baptized.

Cancún, Quintana Roo

In March 2014 Timothy and Amy Turkington moved to Cancún to continue the new work there. God has graciously saved a number of souls over the past few years in this tourism-based city. The work schedules for many people make it difficult to attend regularly, but they are thankful for several faithful believers. At the end of 2015, a new hall was purchased and renovations were completed in January 2016. A four week gospel series was held in May with good interest, with many coming into the hall for the first time, and then two weeks of children’s meetings also saw excellent attendance, with a good number of parents attending.

Irapuato, Guanajuato

Contact with migrant workers in Canada was the reason that the gospel first came to the state of Guanajuato. Some had been saved while attending meetings in Canada. Ricky Sawatsky and Ross Vanstone visited in 2014 to encourage these new believers in the village of La Purisima, and also had 10 weeks of gospel meetings in the city of Irapuato, about 40 minutes away. God blessed in the salvation of several souls during that series, and it became very apparent that He was opening a door in the city of Irapuato. Ricky moved here, and in 2015 married Erika Thiessen. The work is small, but growing, and several new believers have been baptized.

Tuxpan, Veracruz

Early in 2015 John and Rebekah Nesbitt first visited this coastal city to share the gospel message. Alejandro and Maribel are believers living in Cotaxtla, but in fellowship in the Port of Veracruz. They had a burden for their family in Tuxpan, and asked when the gospel could be taken to them. John tries to go on a monthly basis along with his family to hold house meetings. Holding the meetings in different homes has been helpful as far as attendance is concerned. Timothy Stevenson has been able to go from Xalapa to Tuxpan on a couple of occasions as well.


British Columbia

Deep Cove: Three weeks of gospel meetings concluded on September 30. Stu Thompson shared the meetings with David Hunt for the first two weeks, and with Malcolm Radcliffe for the concluding three nights when brother Hunt had to leave. A number of Christian’s children attended regularly. Pray that the seed sown will yet bear fruit.

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly had a very large DVBS in August. This has resulted in a good start of 70 children for the first night of regular Monday night Bible Hour. Please pray that the attendance continues and that the Lord blesses in salvation.

Port Alberni: The assembly had a 20’ x 20’ space outside the vendor building at the local fair where a model of Noah’s ark was featured once again. There were good conversations as the assembly Christians knew many that came by. The Meyers from Arlington, WA helped with this work.

Rock Creek: Bryon and Joni Meyers attended the two-day country fair which draws 10-12,000 people. Stephen and Glenn Griffin have had this outreach for a number of years. Again, the Noah’s ark model was brought along to draw interest and encourage conversation about the gospel.

Vancouver: Malcolm Radcliffe had four nights of appreciated ministry on the opening and closing features of the four gospels in Victoria Drive before the Thanksgiving conference. He also gave appreciated ministry at the Korean assembly at Nanaimo Road on Saturday, October 1, and the monthly ministry meeting in Fairview the following afternoon.


Portage la Prairie: The First Street assembly invited the public in for a two-day open house to view their commodious hall, formerly a broadcasting station. The Noah’s ark model on wheels was displayed outside. There were planned activities for children and a barbecue to end the day. It was estimated that about 450 to 500 people attended. The next stop for the ark was at the Winnipeg Red River Exposition for 10 days and then the Portage Exhibition July 8-10 before Bryon and Joni Meyers towed it west to Saskatchewan.

Nova Scotia

Ashmore: Murray McCandless and David Hierlihy concluded seven weeks of gospel meetings with blessing. These meetings were supported by the Christians that gather in Weaver Settlement. Also, the saints were encouraged at the beginning of summer when a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism.


Hamilton ON: The believers at Nash Road were encouraged with three weeks of well-attended gospel meetings conducted by Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay. There were visitors brought nightly by the Christians. During the three weeks, three individuals told of having been saved.

Huntsville: The assembly is having a ministry series with Jim Jarvis for two nights a week for three weeks on basic assembly truths. There was a baptism of two teenage girls and a middle-aged couple on October 1.

Mississauga ON: The Christians were encouraged by the attendance, unity among the leading brethren, and clear teaching given at the annual Bible readings. Prayer is valued for gospel meetings starting November 20 with Jim Bergsma and Stephen Vance. A large group of students are expected to come, so meetings will be held Sunday to Saturday evenings, with no meeting on Monday nights.

Straffordville: During the summer, there was a baptism, and recently, three young sisters have been added to the assembly. They were from Mennonite homes that were originally reached by home Bible studies. It brings joy to see the second generation becoming active in obedience to the Word of God.

This summer, Esther Thiessen and Yvonne Patten had a Kid’s Bible Club for one week each afternoon for two hours in the Patten yard. Neighborhood children were invited and parents were encouraged to stay. The week started with 19 and ended with 32 children, as well as a good number of older siblings and parents.

The assembly put a float in the parade at the annual Straffordville Watermelon Festival. They also had a booth at the Festival Midway providing a wonderful opportunity to give out Bible coloring books and crayons, invitations to Pathfinders and Youth Outreach Program, tracts, texts, fridge magnets, bookmarks, and wristbands, as well as information regarding the assembly gatherings and practices. In this little village these things are well received.

In September, the Pathfinder’s children’s meetings started with a good response from the area. This outreach runs through to December in the will of the Lord. There have been over 50 children, with many visiting parents and the hall is being filled. We are very thankful for what the Lord is doing in this area.

Dave and Yvonne Patten continue with weekly home Bible studies and are encouraged by the number of homes and lives that are being touched with the gospel. There continues to be a real stigma with the Mennonite people and their traditions, but in spite of the barriers, the Lord is working and some are coming to know the Lord Jesus.

Toronto ON: The Langstaff assembly was encouraged with two baptisms in recent weeks. On the first occasion, a married couple from the community was baptized and added to the assembly, bringing much joy. On the second occasion, two young believers, whose parents are in fellowship, were baptized. A large number of unsaved family members were in the hall for the occasion, and heard two clear gospel messages.

The assembly plans, Lord willing, to have a special gospel effort with Stephen Vance and Larry Perkins commencing October 23. Also, there are plans to knock on doors in the area to find children for the Sunday school. Your prayers are valued for this exercise.


Melfort: The Noah’s ark model was displayed at the Melfort Fair and interesting contacts were made. Bryon and Joni Meyers then moved it to Lake Lenore for two days where Ron Wright and Riley Taylor carry on a VBS. The mayor of the town suggested that it be placed on Main St. for the best exposure. Story times for children were at 10:30am and again at 2:30pm. A good number came from miles around. Then, it was on to Kinistino for a three-day VBS, Prince Albert for a five-day fair where Steve and Merle McCandless, and Emily McCandless labor. A woman who professed salvation lives in close proximity to Taylorside believers. Moving on to Saskatoon, the Meyers had the pleasure of working with James Ronald, Pete and Marlene Simms, and a good number of others in the gospel outreach there.



Alpena: Please pray for gospel meetings, Lord willing, with Jerry Jennings and Roy Weber beginning November 14 at the Alpena Gospel Hall. There will be a distribution of invitations and gospel tracts throughout the town of Alpena and the surrounding area on the afternoon of November 13.


Terryville: In August, the assembly had a booth at the local country fair located close to the hall. Contacts were made as handouts were given. They request prayer for further interest.


Dunkerton: Al Christopherson and Paul Barnhardt plan to start gospel meetings on October 9. Prayer is appreciated.

Manchester: The assembly was encouraged with ministry from nine of the Lord’s servants. The conference began with the thought of our smallness, but the God of might and power, a theme that seemed to carry through. John See gave a report on the work in Borneo and how God had saved him and drew him to the assembly. The attendance of all who came was appreciated.

Marion: Gospel meetings commenced October 2 with Brandon Doll and Brody Thibodeau.


Saugus: The assembly had an opportunity to set up a booth in the center of town at the Saugus Founders Day earlier in the month. There was a good turnout with some expressing interest in who we are and what we believe. Calendars, pens, pencils, tracts, and invitations to the gospel meetings were distributed, trusting that blessing will result. Later in the month, a blood drive was held in the hall coordinated by the Red Cross. A good number of donors came into the dining area where packs similar to the town event were distributed, along with refreshments. Please continue to pray for the outreach work at the rehab center in its eleventh year. Thankfully, that door has remained open.


Saginaw: David Richards encouraged the saints with ministry from the Ephesian epistle during visits to Saginaw, Cass City, and Deckerville assemblies August 17-23. Brian Crawford and Brandon Doll stirred the hearts of the Lord’s people in ministry and gospel during our bimonthly ministry meeting on September 25. Saints from four surrounding assemblies attended. The gospel was especially suited to university students from Nepal who have been attending the weekly gospel meetings.

Sherman: The assembly sponsored a week of children’s meetings in August. They were well attended, including a number of parents each night coming to hear Gary Sharp. Following the children’s meetings, there were two weeks of gospel meetings in September. God gave help to the speakers, Brian Crawford and Brandon Doll. The Christians were encouraged when one man visiting from eastern Michigan professed salvation.


Fridley: In September, Eric McCullough gave encouraging and instructive ministry on the book of Ephesians for the better part of a week.


Bryn Mawr: For almost 50 years, the assembly has been packing and sending parcels, mainly of non-perishable food stuffs, to missionaries in Zambia. It was a delight to meet Shawn and Rhonda Markle (and their daughter and Shawn’s parents) for the first time, when they came to visit in June. Also, the saints appreciated a visit from Julie Frank and her mother in September. The assembly recently enjoyed a visit from John See who gave a report on the work in the Eastern portion of Malaysia.


La Crosse: Please pray for the Community Outreach Suppers on November 6 and December 4. There are about 5-10 children from the outreach attending the gospel meetings, and parents and family members are also being encouraged to attend. A gospel series commenced September 26 with Jerry Jennings and Larry Perkins.

Mt. Sterling: Frank Sona and Brian Crawford commenced gospel meetings at the Mt. Sterling Gospel Hall on October 9.



Chihuahua: The annual conference was held in September with appreciated help in the ministry and gospel given by Anderson Hernandez, Shad Kember, Ricky Sawatzky, Paul Thiessen, and Tim Woodford. On the Lord’s Day of the conference, a brother was added to the fellowship.

El Vergel: Shad Kember spent two weeks here and in the nearby town of Parral, preaching the gospel and also giving teaching to the believers. On his way home, he had another house meeting in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, where relatives of a believer in the Guasave assembly live.

Nuevo Leon

Monterrey: On Sunday, September 25, two sisters were baptized by Anderson Hernandez, firstfruits of the work here.


Ciudad Obregón: The assembly has enjoyed several nights of teaching on the Messianic Psalms with Marcus Cain.


Guasave: Two sisters were recently added to the fellowship of the assembly. It has also been a source of joy to see a good number of the local brethren taking additional responsibility in the preaching of the gospel each Saturday and Sunday evening.


La Purísima: Ricky Sawatzky has been helping in the construction of a hall in this town. There is no assembly yet, but God has been working here over the past number of years. Brethren from Zamora regularly go for meetings as well.


Puerto Vallarta: The assembly had a week of well-attended children’s meetings early in September. It was encouraging to see the believers working together in harmony and unity, reaching a good number of new contacts.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: Jason Wahls commenced a gospel series on September 26 with help from Miguel Mosquera and Jairo Gracia (Hermosillo, Sonora). Shortly before the series began, a sister in the assembly, Sabina, was diagnosed with leukemia. She passed into eternity on October 5. Prayer for her unsaved husband and children is valued, the youngest being only six years old.


Xalapa: Timothy Stevenson will commence a gospel series on October 15, and your prayers are valued. The believers also take the gospel to the nearby towns of Actopan and Coatepec on a regular basis.

Veracruz: The assembly recently enjoyed a visit from Paul and Barb Thiessen, when Paul shared practical teaching with the believers. Philip and Jane Lampkin (London, Ontario) also visited here, and traveled to Coscomatepec where there is an outreach work.


Pennsauken, NJ

January 7-8, 2017, in Haddonfield Middle School, Lincoln Ave. and Chestnut St., Haddonfield.  Prayer meeting Friday, January 6, at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 6530 Caroline Ave., Pennsauken, NJ.  Topical Conference: Testimony for God in the 21st Century. Participants: J. Black (UK), D. Petterson, P. Ramsay, and S. St. Clair. Outline available at www.pennsaukengh.com.  Corr: David A. Curran, 326 Windsor Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1142; Tel: 856 429-4443; E-mail: dacurran@aol.com.

Conferences Previously Published:

Alpena, AR – November 5-6

London, ON – November 5-6

Newington, CT – November 5-6

Saskatoon, SK – November 5-6

Blues Mills, NS – November 12-13

Bryn Mawr/Hatboro, PA – November 12-13

Oil Springs, ON – November 12-13

Oshawa, ON – November 12

Maberly, ON – November 26

Phoenix, AZ – November 25-27

Saugus, MA – December 3-4


Change of Correspondent

Grande Prairie, AB: Ronald Swan, Box 1634, Beaverlodge, AB, T0H 0C0. Tel: 780 897-8853; E-mail: rmswan@telusplanet.net.

Change of Address of Corresponden

Cambridge, MA: Philip Webb, 23 Watson Lane, Woburn, MA 01801. Tel: 1-781-935-6372; E- mail: paw1965@verizon.net.


Carol Czyz of London, ON, on June 15, 2016, age 62. Our dear sister was born on June 10, 1954 and was saved as a result of Sunday school outreach work on April 14, 1968. She was baptized on June 11, 1969 and received into the assembly fellowship in London on May 17, 1970 where she remained in happy fellowship for 45 years. Her greatest concern was for her unsaved family and their need of salvation. She was a woman of prayer and loved to be at the assembly meetings when her health allowed. She was diagnosed with acute leukemia in May and went home peacefully on June 15. The service in the Highbury Hall was conducted by A. Dryburgh and R. Parker, with G. Brodie speaking at the graveside.

Agnes (Nessie) Kerr, of Hamilton, ON, on August 17, 2016, in her 91st year. Nessie was saved at the age of seven through the truth of the words of Isaiah 53:5. Baptized and received into fellowship at the Kensington Avenue Gospel Hall (now Nash Road Gospel Hall), Nessie was in fellowship for about 75 years. For about 25 years, she faithfully taught a girl’s Sunday school class. Nessie loved the Lord, the assembly, and the people of God, and was faithful in attendance of the gatherings of the Lord’s people as long as health permitted. Remember family members in prayer, all of whom share the blessed hope.

Joyce May of Newmarket, ON, on September 7, 2016 at age 89. She was born July 20, 1927 to William and Merilla Buchanan. Joyce was saved while Mr. Widdifield was speaking at the Charlton conference on John 3:16 on July 1, 1935. Joyce married Norman May and they had five children. They gathered with the Christians at Eglinton Avenue, Toronto, then gathered at Newmarket Gospel Hall from the beginning of the work; also at Oshawa and Goodwood. Joyce was a true worker for the Lord, taught Sunday school, used her talents for the craft classes for children’s work, and was a faithful prayer warrior. Joyce gathered at Waubaushene while living at Elim Homes, then returned to Newmarket which she considered “home.” Don Nicholson presented the gospel faithfully, both at the service and the cemetery.