

British Columbia

Burnaby: The South Burnaby assembly is rejoicing in God’s blessing. A girl who was interested in salvation during the recent gospel series with Tom Baker and Bryon Meyers, trusted Christ after a regular gospel meeting on June 8.

Kamloops: The conference was a blessing to the Lord’s people. Bill Adams, Ian Gibson, Mark Richards, Ross Smyth, and Gordon Williams helped in the ministry of the Scriptures.

Vancouver: The saints at Victoria Drive appreciated the visit and ministry of Eric Fowler for two weeknight meetings and a Lord’s Day in June.

Nova Scotia

Sydney: David Swan, back from a visit to the work in Happy Valley, Goose Bay, Labrador, had two nights of appreciated ministry in early July on 1 Timothy.

Weaver Settlement: The saints were encouraged in the month of June when four young believers were received into assembly fellowship. Pray that the Lord will preserve these young believers.

West Arichat, Isle Madame: Noel Burden and Gérard Roy commenced gospel meetings July 7 in a tent in the yard of a local Christian’s home. Children’s meetings are planned for the second week in July. This will be the sixth summer there has been a gospel tent effort at this location. The prayers of the saints would be appreciated for this work.


Guelph: The Yorkshire St. assembly enjoyed visits and missionary reports by Stephen Redpath, Clark Logan, and David Weir in May. Phil Coulson gave three nights of encouraging ministry in June.

North Bay: Please pray for a three-week gospel series planned to take place September 21 through October 10, 2014, 7-8 pm, at the Davedi Club, 313 Airport Rd. Speakers are Bruce Rodgers and Mike Trahan.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: The saints appreciated a visit from Jack Gould for a week of ministry following the Prince Edward Island conference in May.



Springdale: The conference this year was a time that the believers enjoyed very much. Tom Baker, Marcus Cain, Ike Frazier, Melvin Mendez, Shawn St. Clair, and Jack Saword helped in the exposition of the Word of God. The assembly also enjoyed the weekend visit in June of Paul Thiessen who helped Saturday and Sunday with ministry about the family.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The saints in Midland Park enjoyed Lord’s Day visits from Eugene Higgins and Joseph Chung during June. Prayer is requested for the Vacation Bible School to be held, the Lord willing, August 11-15, at 10-12 noon on the grounds of the Gospel Hall, 61 Prospect St., Midland Park, NJ. Pray for the local brethren who will be responsible for the messages.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly appreciated recent visits and missionary reports from Stephen Harper (Malawi) and Paul Thiessen (Mexico), in addition to brief Sunday morning visits from Marvin Derksen and David Hierlihy while they were engaged in the gospel tent series in Hatboro. The assembly looks forward to having the Nesbitt family home from Veracruz in mid-July. They will have opportunity to visit other assemblies while in the US and Canada.


Crandon: Please pray for ongoing gospel tent meetings with David Petterson and Russell Coleman. A good number have attended so far. During the Seed Sowers effort at the end of June, approximately 26,000 John 14:6 posters were distributed in various towns, along with invitations to the meetings.



Ciudad del Carmen: A middle-aged sister was baptized in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, bringing joy to the saints. Several in her family are attending the meetings and prayer for their salvation is appreciated.

Emiliano Zapata: David Alves, Jr. began a nightly series of gospel meetings on June 30. Please pray particularly for the salvation of men.


Ciudad Delicias: A middle-aged couple have professed faith a year after seeing the display of the Noah’s Ark model. Anderson Hernandez continues to visit this city, as well as other parts of Mexico’s largest state.

El Vergel: Shad Kember visited here for the second time. Please pray for this new work. Several souls have professed faith.


Iguala: Please pray that God would be pleased to establish a lampstand of testimony here. The spiritual growth in a number of believers is very encouraging. Marcus Cain had several nights of ministry on Church truth. His son Samuel stayed on to help another week with children’s meetings.


Matilde: The assembly here, on the outskirts of Pachuca, is receiving much needed help from Harry Rodríguez, who is in the country for several weeks with his family. Our brother is also visiting the assembly in Ciudad Netzahualcoyotl, on the outskirts of Mexico City.


Guadalajara: Jonathan Seed and Paul Thiessen continue to work this area in the south of this large metropolitan area. Please pray for this new work.

Puerto Vallarta: The Coapinole assembly enjoyed a visit from David Alves, Jr., and his family, after a prolonged absence from his commending assembly. Our brother gave reports of the work on the Gulf and helped with the preaching of the gospel and ministry.


Oacalco: Duncan Beckett and Abisai Vieyra continue to make weekly visits for house meetings. A married couple gave our brethren much joy as they related how they trusted Christ as Savior.


Santiago Ixcuintla: The local believers, along with Jesse and Emily Klein, worked very hard at hosting the second annual conference. The assembly rejoiced in seeing a middle-aged couple added to the fellowship on the Lord’s Day. A number of commended workers preached the Word.

Quintana Roo

Cancun: The Turkingtons appreciated the help of Emily McCandless and Eleonora Mosquera in door-to-door visitation of Sunday School children and the unsaved.

Nicolas Bravo: Timothy and Amy Turkington made another visit to this town that is about a four-hour drive from Cancun.

San Luis Potosi

El Barril: Jason Wahls, with the help of young brethren from Obregon, Hermosillo, and West Phoenix, began a series of gospel meetings. Please pray.


Laura Alicia: The house meetings continued for a third week, with Samuel Cain, Jairo Gracia (of the assembly here), and Timothy Woodford. Please pray for a family of five that showed interest.

San Luis Río Colorado: Shad Sluiter and another brother are in the third week of gospel meetings. A few new contacts are coming. Children’s meetings are being held as well.


Coscomatepec: John and Rebekah Nesbitt and local believers continue to visit this town about a two-hour drive inland from the Port of Veracruz. Prayer is appreciated for several contacts that are listening with interest.

Veracruz City: A sister from the work in Cotaxtla, an hour’s drive away, was received into fellowship in the assembly here.

Xalapa: Timothy and Jenna Stevenson are encouraged with attendance and interest here.


Paraiso: Timothy Turkington and his family continue visiting here every Saturday. From their home, Paraiso is a four-hour drive one way. As well as a gospel meeting, they now have a children’s meeting.

N. Ireland

Ballykeel: The assembly was encouraged with the good attendance at their Annual Conference held on June 26. W. Boyd, A. Davidson, J. Meekin, M. Ratcliffe, and J. Wishart gave timely ministry. A special testimony meeting took place on June 28 when Tom Meekin, and his four sons, David, Thomas, Robert, and John participated. John give a short account of his call and report of the Lord’s work in Nova Scotia. There was good attendance from the assemblies and others from the locality.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: The Rathmines assembly commenced the annual Summer Bible Study, the subject this year being “Mountains in Scripture.” The attendance of believer’s children is appreciated. The annual assembly outing was held in June. A number of parents and children were present and the gospel was preached faithfully by John Rogers. A visit from Noel Burden was appreciated when he passed through on his journey back to Canada. Murray Poidevin gave an interesting report of the work of the Lord in Zambia and Angola where he has labored. Please pray for the annual series of gospel meetings planned for September, in the will of the Lord.


Arlington/Marysville, WA

August 30-September 1, in the Arlington Gospel Hall, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, August 29 at 7pm. Saturday: Bible Study 8:45am, Ministry 10:15am and 2pm, Prayer 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm, Ministry for the Young 8:30pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 9:30am, Bible Study 11:20am, Ministry 2:30pm, Prayer 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm, Ministry for the Young 8:30pm. Monday: Bible Study 8:45am, Ministry 10:15am. Breakfast at 8am, lunch and supper served each day. Bible studies will be on the Christ-centered Home, Assembly and Life. Dan Shutt, Lindsay Parks, Gaius Goff and others are expected. Accom: Phil Kazen, Tel: 360 659-4611, E-mail: ps.kazen@yahoo.com; or Jim Klein, Tel: 360 435-6611, E-mail: kleinklan123@hotmail.com.

Clementsvale, NS

August 30-31, in the Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:30am (Subject: The Peace Offering), Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: Lionel Cress, Tel: 902 467-3115. Limited accommodations are available in the homes of the Christians. Group rates have been arranged with the Conference Center for those wishing to book rooms, but these must be booked in advance due to other local events putting pressure on availability and price. Please call or E-mail Jonathan McClelland by August 22 at Tel: 902 638-3260 or E-mail: jonathan@westernvalleyagri.ca. Directions to the conference and the Bible reading outline will be available at www.clementsvalegospelhall.com.

Huntsville, ON

September 6, in the Huntsville Gospel Hall, 65 West Rd. (come in off Hwy 11 at Muskoka Rd 2). Ministry at 10am, 2pm, and 7pm. Corr: David Traves, Tel: 705 789-8420, Cell: 705 783-9587, E-mail: Dhtraves@gmail.com.

Sault Ste. Marie, MI/ON

September 6-7, the 98th conference to be held in the Gospel Hall, 475 Wellington St. East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Prayer Meeting, Friday, September 5 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Meetings at 10am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Meetings at 10:15am, 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 7pm. Bible Readings 1:30pm both days (John 20 and 21). Contact: David West, Tel: 705 945-9245; E-mail: dcwest@shaw.ca; Hall: 705 949-1101.

Arnstein, ON

September 12-14, in the Arnstein Gospel Hall, 10762 Hwy 522, Arnstein, ON, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm.  Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45am (“Implications and Impact of the Return of the Lord Jesus”), Ministry (focusing on the Judgment Seat of Christ) 11am, 2, and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45am (“Worship and Resurrection” – John 19:38-42 and Ch 20), Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm.  For advance accommodations, call Jesse Booth, Tel: 705 757-3716.

Hardwick, VT

September 13-14, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 12 at 7:30pm at the Gospel Hall, 153 Cherry Street, Hardwick. All other meetings will be held at the Hardwick Elementary School on the Main Street (downtown Jct. of State Rtes 14 and 15). Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry/Gospel 2pm. Meals will be served, including breakfast 9am Saturday and 8:45am Sunday. For accommodations, please give advance notice to Bill Scott, 438 Dimick Road, East Hardwick, VT 05836-9634. Tel: 802 472-6257; or E-mail: billsinvt@earthlink.net.

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON

September 19-21, in the Chapman Valley Gospel Hall, 9 Miller Road, Municipality of Magnetawan, Hwy #124 at Miller Road,18 km west of Hwy #11. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm, with supper served at 6:00 pm. Breakfast served at 8:15am on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday: Bible Reading 9:45am (“From Fear to Faith: Dealing with Doubts”), Ministry 1:45pm, Ministry/Gospel 6:45pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:45am, Children’s meeting 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Chapman Valley Corr: Russ Longhurst, 28 River Road, RR#2, Sundridge, ON, P0A 1Z0; Tel: 705 387-4393; E-mail: russandiane@gmail.com. Parry Sound Corr: Delcoe Jeffery, 11 Hoddy’s Side Road, RR#3, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W9; Tel: 705 746-8453; E-mail: deltess@cogeco.ca.

Hitesville, IA

September 20-21, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 19 at 7:30pm at the Hitesville Gospel Hall, 17527 260th Street, Aplington, IA. Directions: from Aplington, at the Lincoln Bank corner take county road T25 about 6 miles north to 260th Street and take 260th St. 1/2 mile east to the hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6:15pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (John 19:28 to 20:10), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Dr. Larry L. Brandt, P.O. Box 683, Parkersburg, IA 50665; Tel: 319 346-1084; Hall: 319 347-2333.

Midland Park, NJ

September 26-28, the 73rd annual Conference, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 26 in the Gospel Hall, 61 Prospect St., Midland Park, NJ at 8pm.The venue for Saturday and Lord’s Day will again be the Eastern Christian High School, 50 Oakwood Avenue (off Mountain Rd.), North Haledon, NJ. The speakers expected are David Gilliland (UK), A.J. Higgins (US), Donald Armstrong (UK), and Brian Howden (Angola). Saturday Ministry10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Lord’s Day Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Two meals served each day. Accom: David Hamilton, 189 South Central Ave., Ramsey, NJ 07446. Tel: 201 312-8439; E-Mail: davidandjoyhamilton@gmail.com.

Victoria Road, ON

September 27-28, in the Gospel Hall, 1104 Fenel Road, Kirkfield, with Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30pm. Saturday: Bible Reading (“Evangelism”) 9:30am, Ministry 11am, 2, and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Information: Ken Stone, Tel: 705 374-4688, E-mail: kastone4043@gmail.com.

Manchester, IA

October 4-5, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N 3rd St. Meetings following to be held at the West Delaware Middle School, Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Testimony Meeting 6:15pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Bible Reading 9am (The Rapture), Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm (Gospel Hall). Accom: Ken Gentz; Tel: 563 927-4662; E-mail: kensuegentz@windstream.net.

Sussex, NB

October 4-5 at the Sussex High School, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 3 in the Sussex Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 1pm, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 7pm. Excellent meals are provided each day. Corr: Jim MacIntosh, Tel: 506943-0101; or E-mail: j1947m@rogers.com. Accommodations in advance: Trevor McClelland, Tel: 506 433-1234; or E-Mail: trevor@commercialtent.com.

Vancouver, BC

October 11-13, the 101st Thanksgiving Conference in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30pm in the Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 4659 Victoria Dr. Saturday: Bible Reading 10am (Col 3), Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm and 7pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am (Gospel Hall), Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Monday: Bible Reading 10am (Col 4), Ministry 1:30 and 3:30pm. Corr: Phil Broadhead, Tel: 604 468-4979, E-mail: pabroad@gmail.com. Please give advance notice of accommodation needs to Ben Frith, Tel: 604 931-3677; E-Mail: bjfrith@hotmail.com.

Terryville, CT

October 17-19, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, October 17 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 36 North Main St.  All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, North Main Street (1/8 mile north of the hall). Saturday: Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. (Note: No meeting on Saturday morning). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Steve Morin, Tel: 860583-9904.

Conferences Previously Published

Westbank, BC – August 2-3

Akron, OH – August 30-31

Kansas City, MO – August 30-31

Beetown, WI – September 1

Correction to June 2014 Address List

Murray & Martha Pratt, 5 Haven Lane, Beachburg, ON K0J 1C0. Tel: 613 582-7127; E-mail: h.murraypratt50@gmail.com.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Steubenville, OH: Richard Westlake, 188 Vireo Dr., Wintersville, OH 43953. Tel: 740 275-4091; Cell: 740 461-5666.


Karen Griffin of Burnaby, BC, on May 20, age 68. Karen was born January 17, 1946 in Edmonton, AB, and moved to Vancouver, BC as a child, where she attended Woodland Drive Sunday School. She married Donald Griffin in October, 1970. When their daughter, Shara-Leigh, was invited to the same Sunday School, Karen began to attend meetings again. Through the consistent interest of Doris French, she professed to be saved September 7, 1980, as did her husband shortly thereafter. Both came into fellowship in Woodland Drive (followed later by their daughter and youngest grandson, Andrew) and continued there faithfully. She was active in Nanaimo Road Sunday School for many years, and loved the gospel. Her oldest grandson (Donald) also professes to be saved, but most of the extended family is still without Christ. Please pray for their salvation. Funeral service was taken by Vern Anderson and Ross Smyth.

Mr. Ivan McIntosh of Kingsville, ON, passed into the Lord’s presence on June 23 after a brief battle with cancer, at age 70. He will be forever loved and deeply missed by his dear wife of 48 years, Phyllis, his son Stephen (Paula), son Gareth, daughter Vivienne (John), and cherished grandson Kevin. Ivan will be sadly missed by his brothers, Clifford (Windsor, ON), and Colin (N. Ireland), sisters Wanda (N. Ireland) and Beverly (England), large extended family, and many dear friends, as well as the assembly in Leamington, ON. Bruce Cottrill and Bert Snippe shared the funeral services.