


Edmonton: The saints at the Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall enjoyed two weeks of gospel meetings in May with Bill Seale and Bryan Joyce. They were very well attended with unsaved souls out every night, and the gospel was faithfully presented. The assembly anticipates a series of gospel meetings in August with Stanley Wells and John Fitzpatrick. Please pray that God will bless these efforts with souls being saved and the assembly blessed.

Fort McMurray: Bryon Meyers was with the assembly for two nights May 8-9 when he gave appreciated ministry.

British Columbia

Kamloops: The assembly was encouraged during gospel meetings in May with John Fitzpatrick and Stanley Wells. A number of contacts came more than once. Some expressed an interest, so we trust follow-up will yet bear fruit for eternity.

Vancouver: Charles Bruner gave an interesting report in the Deep Cove assembly in April on Bangladesh where he has labored for the past year and has seen a small assembly planted. A number of assemblies in the metro area have enjoyed visits from Jonathan Seed with help in ministry, gospel, and reports of the work in the Guadalajara area in Mexico. Jim Currie continues to give help in area assemblies. He and Edythe hope to be able to visit Japan in July, God willing and health permitting.

Nova Scotia

Avonport: James McClelland and Brody Thibodeau commenced gospel meetings May 21 in a rented hall in the neighboring community of Mount Denson. Please pray for this effort.

Isle Madame: Noel Burden, with help from local brethren, is planning gospel tent meetings on Isle Madame starting the end of June. This will be the fifth summer the tent has been pitched here with encouraging interest from the community. Your prayers for this continuing work and the number of new Christians from the area would be most appreciated.


Chatham: The assembly recently completed a series of ministry meetings, taken by local brethren over a period of several weeks, on the book of Daniel. The annual Mother’s Day dinner for the Sunday school community had a large number of unsaved into the hall to hear the gospel. Jim and Zonya Bergsma have recently moved here and Jim has begun a weekly outreach work at the local farmer’s market.

Kapuskasing: The assembly is grateful to see new faces visiting the Gospel Hall. A couple has recently shown an interest in the gospel. A young man, Regg, is also showing interest, a young nursing student, another young couple, a Christian woman from Mexico who married a local man, and some believers’ children. Please pray for those who are showing interest and some parents who attend occasionally to hear the preaching of the gospel.

Oil Springs: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Bert Snippe and Jim Frazier concluded in June.

Huntsville: The first series in the new hall was held in the basement in May with David Booth and Jim Jarvis. They were encouraged to see visitors coming. Pray that God will speak in a mighty way. The work on the hall progresses with floor coverings, trim, and installation of the plumbing fixtures. God is good.

Vaughan: The Langstaff Missionary Conference was held May 10-12, 2013. The conference was profitable, with a large crowd in attendance, and very helpful ministry, informative reports, and challenging personal testimonies given. Missionary reports were provided by R. Raghu (Nepal), Paul Poidevin (Zambia), Kevin Flett (El Salvador), and Jack Hay (Armenia). Ministry was given on several missionary-related topics by Michael Penfold. Please pray that the Lord will use the conference to further his purposes in individual lives, and prosper the work of God in the vast harvest field of earth.

Wallaceburg: The believers were encouraged with the reception of a brother to the assembly on May 19, and also enjoyed a visit that day from William Metcalf with good ministry and gospel.

Welland: The local Christians and those from neighboring assemblies were very appreciative for the ministry given by John Dennison, Kevin Flett, Harrys Rodriguez, and Ross Vanstone at the annual Spanish conference May 24–26. John Dennison arrived on Thursday to speak in ministry; on the Monday following the conference, Harrys Rodriguez gave a report of his labor in the gospel. In April, Fred Krauss visited for a few days to give ministry on the subject of prayer.



Alpena: The believers enjoyed an extended visit by Joel Portman who gave help with meetings both in Alpena and Springdale. During his stay, Joel gave valuable ministry at Alpena from the epistle to the Romans. The renovations at the new hall in Springdale are complete. The first meeting has been planned, Lord willing, for June 15-16. We appreciate all who gave help.


San Diego: The assembly enjoyed having Gordon Williams for five days speaking on the subject of baptism. A good number attended the gospel meeting when two young people obeyed the Lord in baptism. Tom Baker spoke in Spanish and Gordon in English at that meeting.


Newington: The assembly enjoyed a visit from J and R from India. There has been an ongoing work among the Nepalese families living in Hartford and the Lord blessed in salvation with several professing salvation. One young Nepalese man saved previously was baptized with many attending and the assembly was encouraged.

Terryville: The assembly enjoyed and appreciated visits this past month from Stan Wells and Larry Buote.


Manchester: William Lavery held five meetings on 1 Thessalonians 1-5 with encouraging ministry on how to live in view of the soon coming of our Lord. Stan Wells planned to be here for ministry on June 2-4.


Saugus: The conference was blessed with good attendance despite the unseasonably warm weather and the many activities of the season. The subject of “The Gospel – Knowing, Preaching, and Living the Gospel,” proved to be practical and helpful to God’s people both in ministry and discussion. J. Meekin, D. Shutt, and D. Vallance faithfully presented the study. D. Vallance concluded the meetings with a summary, challenging the hearts of God’s people to continue to “carry the torch.” K. Taylor was present on the Saturday, giving help in the discussions and in the gospel meeting. On Monday, D. Shutt preached the gospel at the rehab center, and on Thursday evening he continued on the subject of preaching the gospel. For further details, visit our website: www.walnutstreetgospelhall.org. Lord willing, Gene Higgins is expected for the summer VBS meetings which will be held five evenings, July 8-12. Please pray for this effort.


Cass City: Jim Smith had three weeks of meetings on the gospel in the Levitical Offerings earlier in the spring. The meetings were well-attended and appreciated. One soul professed faith in Christ.


Fridley: May brought three profitable three-night ministry visits from S. Thompson (Romans 6-8), R. Orr (final days exhortations from Peter, Paul, John, and Jude), and B. Lavery (The Levitical priesthood, Christ our High Priest, and the priesthood of all believers). A June gospel series has been planned.


Kansas City: Joel Portman spent five nights, including Lord’s Day, in early May with the saints. His ministry was encouraging and profitable to all who attended.

North Carolina

The saints in Denver and Hickory convened their annual conference on May 24-26. Ministering the Word were J. Beattie, M. McCandless, F. Sona, W. Skates, and B. Thibodeau. The Lord gave much help as the ministry was balanced with devotional and practical themes, and served to build up and encourage the saints. Believers’ hearts were warmed with the fellowship enjoyed and the wonderful singing. The saints greatly appreciate all who made the effort to attend.


Bryn Mawr: L. Buote gave ministry on the Gospel of John, and W. Gustafson visited on a Lord’s Day recently.


Fitchburg: Al Christopherson and Brian Crawford commenced gospel meetings June 2 in fellowship with the saints from Black Earth in a rented room at the Quality Inn. A number who were contacted two years ago at the same location have promised to come along. Please pray that God will be glorified in the preaching of the gospel.


Chihuahua: After several months and many hundreds of miles, this large city was David Smith’s (Vancouver) last stop with his Biblical display of a model of Noah’s ark and a three dimensional map of Israel. At a public park in the downtown area here a man observed, listened carefully, and took the free literature before leaving. A little later he returned and explained how he had understood God’s way of salvation and trusted Christ. Another couple read the ad about the display in a local paper and drove 60 miles to see it. A large number of adults and children gathered at the Porvenir hall to hear the preaching about the days of Noah. Believers and unbelievers alike were greatly blessed by his marathon visit throughout Mexico.

Ciudad Obregón: The assembly has been blessed by souls professing to be saved since February, including the wife of a brother in fellowship. A baptism is now pending. Abisai Vieyra, Michael Dennison (West Phoenix), and Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park) have been of great help recently.

Cotaxtla: Two women obeyed the Lord in baptism in the Cotaxtla River. God continues to work. Please pray for this gospel outreach an hour’s drive from Veracruz.

Guasave: Recent efforts in the gospel have met with encouragement in both Guasave and a nearby village. In Guasave, ministry by Marcus Cain was given during the last visit. Also, a meeting was held for the first time on Lord’s Day morning. This area is a three hour drive south of Ciudad Obregón.

Iguala: John and Michelle Dennison visited during the month of May. Our brother gave excellent and timely ministry. A middle age man also professed during their visit. Three months ago a transition was made here from house meetings to a rented hall. It soon became apparent that the location was too small. June 2nd marked the opening of a more commodious hall with excellent attendance. They also appreciated a 10-day visit from Abisai and Carmen Vieyra who are preparing to move to Iguala the first of July. Please pray for a good number of unsaved that are attending the weekly meetings.

Puerto Vallarta: Local brethren in the Coapinole assembly had two weeks of well-attended gospel meetings in the hall.

Veracruz: There was much joy here as three believers were received into assembly fellowship.

Northern Ireland

Ballymena: At the Ballymena Show, some local brethren erected a stand and gave out hundreds of gospel tracts. Interesting conversations were also held.

Castledawson: The Bellaghy assembly is erecting a tent for a gospel series with Leslie Craig and Matthew Cain (Nova Scotia).

Crawfordsburn: Meetings concluded in this area in association with the Craigavad assembly with Wesley Martin and John Fleck. Blessing in salvation was seen, giving encouragement.

Crossgar: Stephen Gilfillan and Chris Beresford concluded six weeks of gospel meetings. The believers were encouraged to see a number of local people attending.

Dunmurry: Malcolm Radcliff and Andrew Steele continue in the gospel in the Gospel Hall, with good support.

Feeny: Aaron Colgan and Jim Fillis expected to start in a store in the area in connection with the Straid assembly, Co. Londonderry.

Lurgan: The conference was held over the weekend from May 31-June 4. 1 Corinthians 14-16 was considered in the Bible Reading conducted by David Gilliland, Jack Hay, and Tom Wilson. The readings were very helpful with timely instructions and exhortations.

Newtownabbey: Wesley Martin and Stephen Gilfillan are expected to start gospel meetings in a local primary school in mid-June in connection with the Whitehouse assembly.

Markethill, Co. Armagh: A portable hall was erected in early May where Tommie Wright and Elton Fairfield continue to preach the gospel with a little interest seen.

Rathfriland: Blessing was seen during six and a half weeks when John Rogers and David Gilliland preached in an unused store belonging to one of the brethren from Gransha.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: The Rathmines annual conference was held May 4-5. The assembly was encouraged by the growing numbers attending and by helpful ministry given by S. Gilfillan, A. J. Higgins, W. Martin, D. McAllister, T. McNeill, D. Mowatt, and W. J. Nesbitt. Following the gospel meeting on Lord’s Day and a fitting word from A. J. Higgins on baptism, five young believers obeyed the Lord in baptism and three of these were received into assembly fellowship. A. J. Higgins stayed for two nights of profitable ministry on the “Believers’ Sacrifices.” Saturday afternoon gospel meetings continued in April and May with Stephen Gilfillan and Paul McClarty. Pray for blessing in salvation.

Longford: Following the Rathmines conference, three teenagers were baptized. The assembly was encouraged to see the hall filled with family and friends. S. Patterson preached a challenging gospel message. Please pray for these young people as they continue secular studies and in their contributions to the activities of the assembly. Also pray for the annual week of children’s meetings conducted by Lesley Craig in August.


Clinton, ON

July 27, 10th Annual Summer Conference at Clinton Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., Clinton, ON. Saturday: Breakfast 8-9 am, Ministry 9:30 am. For more information re Friday evening BBQ supper or overnight family reservations, contact  Marvin or Wendy Bachert, Tel: 519 887-9791 or E-mail: mwbachert@yahoo.com.

Westbank, BC

August 3-4, with Prayer Meeting on August 2 at 7:30 pm in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road, Westbank. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 am (Judgment Seat of Christ), Ministry 2:30pm, Ministry/Gospel 7pm, Sing 9pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Sunday school 11:15am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7:15pm. Meals will be provided. Please contact in advance for accommodation. Corr: Glenn Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, BC V4T 1P2; Tel: 250 768-3343; E-mail griffarm@telus.net.

Fort McMurray, AB

August 23-25. All meetings will be held in the Seniors Activity Centre starting with Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am, Bible Reading, Gospel. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday school, Ministry, Gospel. Corr: Sam Payne, E-mail: mojomago@telus.net.

Akron, OH

August 31-September 1, in Copley High School, 3797 Ridgewood Road, Copley, with Prayer Meeting, Friday at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 2705 Smith Road. Saturday: Ministry at 10am and 1pm (Courtship, Marriage, and the Family). Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread at 10am.  Accom: Eric Prough, E-mail: akrongospel@gmail.com. Corr. Kenneth Webb, PO Box 13350, Akron, OH 44334; Tel: 330 666-9466; E-mail: kwebb330@aol.com.   Hall: 330 867-3818.

Arlington/Marysville, WA

August 31-September 2, in the Arlington Gospel Hall, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, August 30 at 7pm. The Bible study topics are “Jonah’s Relationship with God” and “Our Relationship with God.” Other details forthcoming. Accom: Phil Kazen, Tel: 360 659-4611; or Jim Klein, Tel: 360 435-6611.

Kansas City, MO

August 31- September 1, in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, MO, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, August 30 at 7pm. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Sunday: Bible Reading (John 20) 9:30am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm. Corr. Leroy Scott, 597 NW AA Hwy, Kingsville, MO 64061; Tel: 816 739-1686; E-mail: alanesther@embarqmail.com.  For advance accommodations, contact Leroy Scott.

Beetown, WI

September 2, Labor Day all-day meeting in the Lancaster Senior High auditorium, 806 E, Elm St, Lancaster, WI. Meetings begin at 10am. Corr: Marvin Studnicka, 697 Pigeon Creek Dr. Lancaster, WI. 53813. Tel: 608 723-7156.

Conferences Previously Published:

Sioux City, IA – July 20-21

Change of Address

Crawford Brown: Rua Maria Elaine Wotter, 95 Parque Imperatriz 91180-215, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil. Tel: +55 51 33725295; E-mail: cbrown@sent.com.

Changes to Address Book 2013

Bryon and Joni Meyers: Please add Tel: 360 572-0168, Cell: 509 948.3081.

John and Rebekah Nesbitt, Delfino Valenzuela 600, Fraccionamiento Reforma, Veracruz, Veracruz  91919, Mexico.

Harold S. Paisley, 115 Monique Crescent, Barrie, ON, L4M 6Y5, Tel: 705 252-7068.

Anne Reid (Chile): Tel: +56 71 2223845; E-mail: bannereid@gmail.com.

Change of Correspondent

Waterloo Gospel Hall: Delmer Stickfort, 317 Third St. N, Raymond, IA 50667; Tel: 319 235-7452. Please use assembly address as point of contact – 726 Western Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50702.


Marion Linklater of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on November 15, 2012, with her family by her side at the Davey home. She was the beloved wife of the late Doug Linklater and mother of Lynne Rankin (Doug), Bob Linklater (Arlene), Jim Linklater (Debbie Jo), and Jayne Tulloch (Tim). Our sister was in the assembly at Sault Ste. Marie for many years; a faithful sister and a role model for the younger sisters in the assembly. Marion was blind for many years. She will be greatly missed for her smile and cheery “Hello.” Funeral service was conducted by David Nicholson.

Earl Armson of Calgary, AB, on January 18, age 78. Born in 1935 in Portage la Prairie, MB, he was saved as a teenager and never faltered in his faith for the remainder of his life. He met his wife Anne in Winnipeg and they were married in 1957. In 1965 they moved to Calgary and were blessed with eight children and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Earl was a man of many talents and had businesses in carpentry, floor coverings, sign making, painting, and tree pruning. He used these skills in the Lord’s work at his home assembly and in building halls in other locations. In 2000, he and Anne went to the Loloma Mission in Zambia where they spent seven very fruitful years. He used his physical skills in renovation work at the mission and many other building projects. He used his spiritual gift in gospel outreaches and building up the saints. He continued his support and encouragement even upon his return to Canada. Earl was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and a second cancer in 2008. He coped with his own treatment and sustained Anne through her cancer as well. He continued in good spirits and visitation work until his final days. Please pray for family members not saved.

William Arthur Curry of Owen Sound, ON, on March 16, in his 90th year. He was saved after returning home from World War II. One day, he saw a Bible and decided to read it every day in an effort to learn how to read. Starting at Genesis 1, he continued to John 14. Not knowing the gospel, he realized he was a sinner but found peace in the words, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God believe also in Me.” He leaves his wife Mary to mourn, along with four sons, two daughters, many grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. At his request, his four sons spoke at the funeral.

Mr. Thomas James (Jim) Bingham of N. Ireland, on April 8, in his 97th year. Our brother was saved as a young man of 24 and shortly after was baptized and received into assembly fellowship in Ballykeel Co. Down. He was a faithful member of the assembly where he served as a Sunday school teacher and elder for many years. He was a quiet brother who loved the Lord’s people. He had an interest in the spread of the gospel, and was well known for his welcome at the door. He was a godly husband and father who was predeceased by his wife Jean some 45 years ago and one of his sons in 1996, after which he suffered a stroke. In the ensuing years he was confined to his home until June 2011 when he was taken into nursing care. A large company gathered for his funeral service conducted by David Gilliland and Jonathan Bingham, assisted by Raymond Bingham, Tom McNeill, and Stanley Haugh. Our brother leaves four sons (one son Mervyn and his wife Betty are in assembly fellowship), one daughter, a number of grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Please pray for his entire family circle that they may come to know his Savior as well.

Nelson De La Paz, of Livingston, NJ, on April 11, 2013, age 56, was called home suddenly while on vacation in Cancun, MX. Nelson experienced many lifelong battles with serious illnesses, surgeries, and debilitating back pain. Our brother was saved in 1986, baptized, and welcomed into fellowship in 1991 where he used his electronic expertise to support audio/video technical issues. He is survived by his loving wife Helena of 25 years, daughters Melissa and Tiffany, a son Zachary and his wife Jennifer, and a son, Orlando. Nelson’s mother, Blanca, saddened by her son’s calling, rests on her Savior’s promise of one day seeing him again. Nelson also leaves two brothers and their families. George Bruno helped with the funeral and graveside service.

Alice Brownlow of St. Marys, ON, on April 15, 2013, age 79. She was born in Northern Ireland May 18, 1933, and born again July 13, 1947 after much struggle. She immigrated to Canada June 2, 1960 and was in assembly fellowship in the Pape Avenue Gospel Hall, Toronto; later in Milton, and then in St. Marys, ON. Alice is survived by a brother Robert, sisters Minnie Wilkinson and Martha Brownlow of Northern Ireland, sister Lilly (Robert) McAlister of Scotland, and brother-in-law Percy Ross of Deseronto, ON. She was predeceased by sisters Edith and Louie Brownlow, and Annie Ross. Alice has numerous nieces and nephews in Canada, Ireland, and Scotland. Fred Krauss, a long-time friend, took the funeral, giving a good gospel message with some unsaved in the attendance. Glen Woodside of St. Marys spoke words of comfort and hope at the graveside.

Keith Hyde of Marion, IA, on April 18, age 84. Keith was the son of Dale and Anita Hyde who were commended to the Lord’s work in Iowa. He heard the gospel from his youth and was saved at 18 through John 3:16. He was raised in Colesburg, IA, and moved to Cedar Rapids in 1965 where he would eventually become a most valuable and faithful link in the Marion assembly. His work for over 40 years at the door greeting people will always be remembered. After meetings, while others were enjoying the fellowship, Keith was arranging chairs. He supported gospel work in many ways and often had a gospel paper to share. We will miss our beloved brother – a man of few words but a sense of humor that could not be duplicated. After his retirement from the Iowa Dept. of Transportation, he became a valuable helper with maintenance at the Linn Manor Care Center where he eventually made his home. His two sisters, two brothers and spouses, along with nieces and nephews, need our prayers. Grant Hagen, Al Christopherson, and Joel Portman shared in the funeral service.

Yvon J. LeBlanc of Moncton, NB, on April 25, just a few months short of his 81st birthday. He was born again in August, 1983 while attending tent meetings in Shediac, NB when he was about fifty years of age. Yvon really appreciated God’s salvation, speaking often about it to family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Though he was saved later in life, he lived the next 30 years manifesting a life in touch with God, marked by prayer and consistency. He leaves behind his dear wife Anita, three children (all believers), and five grandchildren. The funeral service was held on Sunday, April 28, attended by many friends and relatives.