

British Columbia

Vancouver: David Richards had profitable ministry in Deep Cove in January on Assembly Fundamentals from Acts 2:41-42. That was followed by a week in South Main on 2 Timothy. The Carleton assembly is planning a two-week gospel series at the beginning of March with two local brethren. The West Richmond assembly plans to have gospel meetings following the Easter conference with brethren Marvin Derksen and Bryan Joyce. Please pray for these efforts.

Nova Scotia

Blues Mills: Fred Bartlett and local brethren have been having weekly cottage meetings throughout January and February in a Christian’s house in Orangedale, NS with some encouraging attendance. The Christians also appreciated a visit from Mark and Gwen Bonnell. Mark gave appreciated ministry and a report on the work in South Africa.

Halifax: David Hunt and Matthew Cain preached the gospel for two weeks in Halifax. The assembly sponsored three community suppers coinciding with the meetings. The Christians were encouraged with the response to the suppers and with the number of visitors attending over the course of the meetings but would have liked to have seen more consistent interest.

Sydney Mines: David Swan and a local brother, Joe Bernon, started gospel meetings on January 13 with the intention of going for three weeks. The brethren were encouraged with fruit in salvation and numbers attending and extended the meetings for another week into February.


Beachburg: Please pray for a gospel series planned with Eric Fowler and Murray Pratt in the Ottawa Valley, commencing February 3. They were encouraged by seeing several new faces as a result of a free pancake breakfast at the end of January. A young couple who were saved last year were able to get three other couples to attend. It was hoped that they, among others, would attend the meetings.

Sudbury: The saints enjoyed having David Booth for a weekend in November for their monthly Saturday night ministry meeting and for the Lord’s Day. The assembly was privileged to have six of the Lord’s servants with them for the conference on December 8-9. The ministry given was appreciated and the gospel was faithfully preached both nights.

Prince Edward Island

Rosebank: Brody Thibodeau and John Meekin started nightly gospel meetings January 27 in the Rosebank Gospel Hall.



Phoenix: The Orangewood assembly held its inaugural conference January 25-27. The hall, purchased and remodeled in 2012, proved to be the perfect venue for the conference gatherings. Preaching brethren who participated were Tom Baker, John Dennison, Shad Kember, Bill Lavery, Scott MacLeod, Robert McIlwaine, Jim Smith, Paul Thiessen, and Tim Woodford. A missionary report by Paul Thiessen gave insight into the spread of the gospel in Mexico with the exhortation to “be instant in season and out of season.” Tim Woodford (Mexico) took the Sunday school and captivated young and old alike with his message, “God is Light.” The ministry meetings were both practical and heartfelt. The Bible studies on Psalms 27 and 90 were led by Bill Lavery and Jim Smith. The gospel was clearly preached and blessed by God with two young people professing faith in Christ. There were visiting believers from throughout the States, Canada, and Mexico. The assembly wishes to thank all who made this first conference possible and so memorable.


Newington: J and R from India were with the assembly for a week in January to bring the gospel to a large number of Nepalese people who have been attending the regular gospel meetings. J and R, along with others in the assembly who have been working closely with the families in Hartford for some time, were able to visit in the homes throughout the week. There were 50 to 60 out every night to hear the gospel and the Lord blessed in salvation. There is a thirst to hear the message of God’s salvation and the response has been encouraging. A sister of one of the young men who professed was hit by a car and died shortly thereafter. Pray that this tragedy will speak to souls, that Satan will not get an advantage, and the Lord will continue to bless.


Battle Creek: The Christians were encouraged to receive a January visit and ministry from Louis Smith, as well as a February visit from Jon Losey to help with the children’s meeting on the first Sunday of the month. Both brethren are from the nearby Jackson assembly.

Deckerville: Bill Metcalf came for a visit in January on a Lord’s Day, with encouraging ministry on worship for the believers. Jim Beattie is expected for the next few weeks on Thursdays at 7pm, ministering from the book of Ruth.

Saginaw: Fred Krauss and Jack Nesbitt gave excellent ministry and clear gospel messages at the bimonthly ministry meeting on February 3. Brother Krauss continued in ministry in Saginaw on the 4th and 5th and with the Cass City assembly on the 6th. All these meetings were supported by the Cass City, Deckerville, and Saginaw assemblies.


Fridley: January was a good month in seeing the Lord’s hand in the salvation of a couple in their forties who had been attending meetings for about 18 months. They professed salvation on the same day, both while reading George Cutting’s Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment. Their three children who need salvation continue to come out to listen. Also, a 13-year-old girl from the Sunday school class trusted Christ. The believers benefited from a well-attended week of searching and edifying ministry on the life of Abraham given by Jim Beattie.


Marysville: The assembly rejoiced together with three teenage girls obeying the Lord in baptism in December. Bryan Joyce and Kyle Wilson joined for three weeks of gospel meetings in January. The meetings were very well attended with many teenagers from Arlington and Marysville Youth Bible Hours. Several professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, some received assurance of their faith, and others are still concerned. Continue to pray with us that God will be further honored by others putting their trust in Christ.


Cancun: The tent meetings have concluded. On-going ministry and gospel meetings are held in the yard of a rented house. David Alves, Jr. has stayed on with his family to attend to this work. On the first Lord’s Day of February there were 30 present. Several of them are professing believers who are appreciating the sound doctrine. Others are fruit in the gospel resulting from the tent series. Please pray for more laborers for this needy area of the vineyard.

Ciudad del Carmen: A young couple has been added to the fellowship and are a real encouragement to the assembly.

Iguala: A man in his forties professed during a weeklong visit in January by John Dennison and Shad Kember. In February, Duncan and Anna Beckett (two weeks), Andrew Zuidema (Midland Park, NJ), and Shad and Debi Kember (for the month) hope to transition the work from various house meetings to one central location for gospel and children’s work, as well as teaching for the dozen or so new believers. A baptism is planned for February 17, Lord willing.

Nogales: Marcus Cain has recently made several visits to this border city, following up on various contacts from the US and from other areas of Mexico, and also preaching the gospel in a home.

Paraiso: Timothy Stevenson has had two weeks of gospel meetings in this small village in the Yucatán Peninsula, an hour from the large city of Mérida where he and Jenna live. It has been most encouraging to see some 15 souls listening to the gospel. Please pray for the preservation of the work.

Puerto Palomas: On February 15, another house meeting was held in the home of a very dear elderly couple that used to be in the Hispanic assembly in West Phoenix. They have now returned to Mexico and have opened their home for meetings. This is one more story of how several gospel works in Mexico have been started by migrant workers reached and saved in the United States or Canada and, like the Gadarene, they go home and tell their own what great things the Lord has done for them!

San Luis Río Colorado: The special series of gospel meetings has concluded. God blessed His Word in the salvation of souls, but the enemy is hard at work. Please pray for the newly established assembly and for the new believers.

Tepic: Dave Smith (Vancouver), though in his eighties, has embarked on a long journey from Vancouver that will take him through Mexico with a model of “Noah’s ark,” and other displays, built initially for the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver. So far, he has set up the displays in Yuma (Arizona), San Luis Río Colorado, Hermosillo, Ciudad Obregón, Santiago, and Tepic. Local authorities in each place have been most amicable, and newspaper and radio reporters have given free coverage. Don Hammersmark (Fairview) accompanied our brother from Vancouver to Puerto Vallarta, and has returned to Vancouver. Several missionaries and assembly believers have also helped along the way. Hundreds of people have responded to the invitation to come and see the display, have engaged in conversations, and taken literature especially prepared for the tour. Please pray for God’s preserving care upon our dear brother, and that many will see their need of the Heavenly Ark, our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek out the halls listed to hear more of the gospel.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin: On Saturday, January19, the annual Thanksgiving meeting was well attended, with a number hearing the gospel for the first time. The believers rejoiced over the Lord’s provision over the past year and were thankful for two who told of their salvation during the meetings conducted by Elton Fairfield in November. If interest continues a monthly Saturday afternoon gospel meeting will be held. Please pray for this effort.

Longford: In November, Gary Woods was with the assembly for a weekend and helped in the monthly children’s meeting. He also had a ministry and a gospel meeting on the Lord’s Day. Sam Patterson was also with the assembly in November and plans to return for gospel meetings at the end of February, God willing. The assembly distributed 2500 calendars and invitations to the homes around the area in December and, while there was little response, the assembly has been encouraged to see some believers who are not familiar with assembly principles coming to observe the assembly gatherings.


Antioch, IA

April 7, in the Antioch Gospel Hall, 18929 Vail Ave, Clarksville, IA. Meeting times: Ministry 10am, Breaking of Bread 11am, Sunday school 1:15pm, Ministry 2 and 4:30pm, Gospel 6pm. Lunch and dinner will be served. Corr: John Wessels, Tel: 319 269-3493, E-mail: jwfarms@netins.net.

McKeesport, PA

April 19-21, in the McKeesport Senior High School. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm at the McKeesport Gospel Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 1:45pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am., Sunday school 11:45am, Ministry 1:30pm, Gospel 4pm. Expected speakers are: Tom Baker, Peter Ramsay, Dale Vitale. Accom: Rob Oliver, Tel: 412 664-1004, or E-mail: rob@oliverpages.com. Other inquiries: Tom Clark, Tel: 412 751-5283, or E-mail: tclarkjr5@aol.com.

Waukesha, WI

April 26-28, in the Waukesha Gospel Hall, 2641 Pebble Valley Road, Waukesha, WI. Friday: Prayer 7pm. Saturday: Ministry at 10am and 1:30 p.m., and Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Ministry 2pm. Accom: Stephen Moffitt, Tel: 262 650-9190; or E-mail: stephenmoffitt@earthlink.net. Refer to www.waukeshagospelhall.org for maps and more information.

Peterborough, ON

Please note there will be no conference on May 5 this year as was indicated in the December issue list of conferences.

Byfield, MA

May 25-27, 129th annual conference with Prayer Meeting, Friday, May 25 at 8pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am, 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday school 12:15pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Corr: John H. Short, 145 Main St, Byfield, MA 01922. Tel: 978 465-2207; E-mail: johnhshort@comcast.net.

Cedar Falls/Waterloo, IA

April 20-21, with Prayer Meeting on Friday April 19, at 7pm in the Waterloo Gospel Hall, 724 Western Ave, Waterloo. All other meetings are in the Cedar Falls High School, 11th and Division St., Cedar Falls. Saturday: Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Gen 22:1-15), Breaking of Bread 10:15am. Corr: Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. S.W., Independence, IA 50644, Tel: 319 334-3931; or Mike Palmer, 18502 X Ave., Dike, IA 50624, Tel: 319 989-0869, E-mail: mjpalmer89@gmail.com.

Fredericton, NB

April 26-28, Annual Conference: Teaching from the Epistle of James. Friday: Prayer 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall. 109 McAdam Ave. All other meetings in the Nashwaaksis Middle School, 324 Fulton Ave., Fredericton, NB. Speakers: Sandy Higgins, Peter Ramsay, and Stephen Vance. First Meeting on Saturday 10am: Reports on “The Use of Social Media” and “Chinese Evangelization.” First Meeting on Sunday 9:30am: Lord’s Supper, Ministry 2pm. Corr: Robert Griffin, E-mail: RDLGriff@nb.sympatico.ca, Tel: 506 472-5512, Cell: 506 470-1435. Accom: Jonathan Howard, E-mail: picutaker@bellaliant.net, Tel: 506 457-2547.

Newmarket, ON

May 5, in the Newmarket Gospel Hall. with Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Bible Study 11:30am (Romans 13 led by Fred Krauss), Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Contact Tim Scheer, E-mail: tescheer@netzero.com.

Conference Reminders:

Matoaca, VA – March 2-3

Manchester, CT – March 22-24

Mt. Sterling, WI – March 23-24

Kapuskasing, ON – March 30-31

Nineveh, NS – March 30-31

Toronto, ON – March 29-31

Vancouver, BC – March 29-31

Culver City, CA – March 30-31

Palm Springs, CA – April 7

Stout, IA – April 13-14

Change of Address

Timothy and Jenna Stevenson, Apartado 06, Calle 53 No. 469 por 52 y 54, Centro, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico CP. 97000.


Margaret Elaine Howard of Unionville, ON, on October 29, 2012, age 91. She, and her husband Bob who predeceased her, was a faithful supporter of the work of the Lord and His servants. In a very unique way they lived in the expectation of the eminent return of the Lord Jesus. Together they began their assembly fellowship in the former Pape Avenue Gospel Hall in Toronto and came to the Unionville assembly once the Bethany Courts complex was completed. Her funeral service was shared by Keith Bailey, Ed Miller, and Fred Krauss. “For God is not unrighteous to forget (her) work and labour of love.”

(Elsie) Louise Tucker of St. John’s, NL, on December 9, 2012, age 76, after a long and courageous battle with leukemia. Our dear sister was saved at age 15 and received into the St. John’s assembly in 1973. Since the time of her salvation, she found special satisfaction and consolation in John 3:16. Her life was characterized by a giving spirit, dedication to the needs of the Lord’s people, and consistent attendance to all the assembly meetings. She demonstrated philoteknos (Titus 2:4), which is best defined as a special kind of motherly love. In this fashion, she displayed a nurturing, tender care for her family and all she came to know. Her ever present smile and gentle touch warmed the hearts of all. She is survived by her loving and devoted husband Albert of 55 years; her son Byron; her daughters, Juanita Peach (Berk), Paula Hogan, Lorraine Tucker; and three grandsons. Wallace Buckle and Alex Stevenson addressed the well-attended funeral, and Eric Gill spoke at the graveside.

Robert (Bob) Short of Methuen, MA, on January 8, age 77, after several months of struggle with a failing heart condition. Raised without any Biblical influences in his farm home, Bob’s first contact with the gospel came as a young man in his twenties in Byfield, MA. It was not until his mid-forties that he got serious about his eternal need while attending tent meetings held by Oswald McLeod and Gene Higgins. It was there in Middleton, MA that he was saved through the truth of 1 Peter 3:18. He is remembered and appreciated by fellow believers as a brother who “did what he could” whenever a need arose. He leaves his dear wife Carol, three sons, Jay, Rob, and Barry, and their families. Please pray for them. Sharing in the funeral, at the request of the family, was a local brother, Dan DiBella.

Mary Amadio Mizener of Bryn Mawr, PA, on January 11. She was saved as a young girl on January 25, 1945 through the words of John 3:16. She was marked by total commitment to the Lord and the Bryn Mawr assembly. She was talented in art and used her creativity and skill to help in Sunday school work and other outreaches of the assembly. She was married in 1980 to Harris Mizener who predeceased her in 2000. In the last 18 months or more, she was in fellowship in Barrington, NJ to be closer to her family who cared for her. A large number of believers gathered to hear tributes given by Harold Stewart, Phil Mizener, and David Amadio. Sandy Higgins spoke briefly at the funeral service and graveside with Walter Gustafson closing in prayer.

Jeanne Wirkler of Garnavillo, IA, on January 13, age 90. Jeanne was saved April 5, 1941 while attending Dubuque University as a classmate showed her John 1:12. Jeanne was a happy Christian and shared her faith with those she came in contact with. She and her husband Vern had seven sons, and her husband, who was an elder in Garnavillo for many years, preceded her in death several years ago. Tom Stickfort read the obituary and Eric McCullough spoke to a large crowd of many relatives in the Garnavillo hall on January 17.

Gary F. Trigger of Deckerville, MI, on January 21, age 65, following a lengthy battle with cancer. Saved at the age 52, he was baptized and received into the Deckerville assembly soon after. He bore his illness with courage and dignity, marked with the joy of the Lord as he shared the gospel with family, friends, and strangers. He will be greatly missed by the assembly and his family. Gary is survived by his beloved wife Vicki, a son and two daughters, a number of grandchildren, and two sisters. The large funeral service was conducted by B. Brinker. Prayer is requested for the family.