


Edmonton: The Christians were pleased to have visits from Marcus Cain and Gordon Williams in July. Both gave profitable ministry and Marcus gave a very interesting report on the work in Mexico.

British Columbia

Kamloops: The July conference was profitable with larger numbers than for some years. Brethren sharing responsibility were Marcus Cain (Mexico), Bryan Funston, Dave Richards, Ross Smyth, Jim Webb, and Gordon Williams.

Terrace: Noel Burden had gospel meetings here June 28-July 19. Concurrently, Bryan and Elizabeth Funston worked with the assembly in a literature display at a First Nation’s Elders Gathering, held July 13-15 where Noel and Sharon Burden also helped. Over 3,500 were in attendance, and there were good conversations with those that stopped by. Many took literature and a special John 3:16 text. Pray for the work among First Nations people in northern B.C.

New Brunswick

Moncton: Plans are being finalized for the construction of a new building on the western outskirts of the city. The present Gospel Hall at 195 Mountain Road has been sold and is to be vacated by the end of August. Meetings will be held temporarily at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 161 Salisbury Road (Route 106) in Moncton. During this period, the meetings are as follows – Sunday: BB 9:30am, SS and Ministry 11:30am, Gospel 7pm. Thursday: Prayer/Bible Reading 7:30pm. For further details, contact Jim Stuart, Tel; 506 386-7571, E-mail jimzonia@nb.sympatico.ca; or Bill Swan, Tel; 506 859-0090, E-mail wswan45@gmail.com.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Gander: Open-air meetings have been ongoing in the central region of NL using George Whey’s portable trailer. It has been encouraging to have James Smith in the area helping for two weeks in July. There have also been open-air meetings in Benton (a small town outside Gander) and a week in Seal Cove with help from Vincent Whey and Ron Mills.

St. John’s: The saints enjoyed having Jim Smith with them from July 23-26 for two nights of ministry and the following Lord’s Day. Wallace Buckle, with help from local brethren, held eight nights of open-air meetings over a two week period in the neighboring community of Conception Bay South.

Nova Scotia

Bridgewater: John Meekin and Jonathan Procopio plan to commence gospel meetings in early August. They have permission to erect the tent in a very central and suitable location. Pray for this effort which is an outreach from the Nineveh assembly.

New Glasgow: Albert Hull and David Hunt commenced in the tent July 26. The locality has been visited with invitations and the assembly is giving good support.

Weymouth: Bruce Barkhouse and Eric Fowler have been engaged in tent work in Ashmore from early July, with good numbers attending. Prayer is requested.


Arnstein: In August, David Booth and Gary Sharp purpose a two-week gospel tent series in Port Loring. Brother Sharp and Bernie Foreshew had meetings here two years ago.

Clinton: The saints enjoyed interesting reports in June from Andrew Kluge and John Clingen. In July, helpful ministry was given by Alex Dryburgh. The summer conference was well attended and profitable ministry was given by Mark Bachert, John Dennison, Gaius Goff, Andrew Robertson, Steven Vance, and William Seale. Summer children’s meetings were encouraging. The gospel was faithfully presented by Andrew Robertson and William Seale during gospel meetings in the tent in July.

Grimsby: The assembly had one week of children’s meetings at the end of June with Brian Owen. The children listened with interest to Old Testament Bible stories illustrating “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” We had an appreciated visit from F. Krauss on July 26 which encouraged all.

Kapuskasing: Larry Buote is here for one week of ministry using his chart on Solomon’s Temple.

Waubaushene: Gary Sharp will be having a week of children’s meetings in a tent in the parking lot of the Gospel Hall commencing August 3. He hopes to renew contacts from last year’s effort.



Skagway: Bryan and Elizabeth Funston traveled by ferry from Prince Rupert to distribute literature in this community situated in southeastern Alaska.


Alpina: In mid-July, a two-week series of gospel meetings was held in Huntsville and Springdale, primarily for Hispanic listeners. Raúl Aguirre of El Salvador preached with the help of local brethren. Many tracts and invitations were distributed in the local area and attendance was encouraging. There is much joy as a young boy professed salvation.


Terryville: The assembly was 98 years old in July. We are most grateful to the Lord for the many years the Lord has blessed the saints and preserved the assembly. We appreciated the visit of Sam Maze and his wife, and for their being with us for the luncheon. We trust and pray that the assembly will be preserved until the Lord comes.


Dike: A. Christopherson and R. Weber plan to start gospel meetings in the Community Building here August 16.

Manchester: E. McCullough and R. Orr were in the second week of gospel meetings at the end of July. Prayer is requested.

Palo: Gary Sharp had three weeks of tent meetings starting July 5. Some of the local men shared in the preaching. There was good interest and new contacts were made. Two weeks of children’s meetings were held in the mornings. The young men are concerned about continuing the work in that community.

Stout: Children’s meetings held the last week of July were most encouraging with many children and parents attending. Larry Perkins gave a few nights of appreciated ministry.


Methuen: Frank Sona visited the assembly in mid-May for a ministry series covering “From Egypt to Canaan.” The eight sessions were thoroughly enjoyed by local believers, as well as many from surrounding assemblies. (Audio of this series is available on our website.)

The assembly plans to hold its yearly “Parking Lot Giveaway” in August to distribute gospel texts and literature, then follow with our 20th anniversary week of Vacation Bible School. Please pray with us for the Lord’s blessing in these efforts.

Saugus: Interest and participation at the Tuesday night children’s meetings have been encouraging. Some parents have been faithfully attending. The meetings will go on until August 18, DV. Bryan Joyce spent the day with us at our Sunday School Picnic. He spoke to the children on the four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise. We were pleased with the attendance as there were several children with their parents who had been coming out to the children’s meetings. Commencing September 13, Frank Sona is expected for six ministry meetings on “First Century Principles for 21st Century Christians: Authorship, Fellowship, Lordship, and Leadership.”

Worcester: E. Moore from Chile was with the assembly in the month of July to help in the Spanish work.


Battle Creek: The assembly expected a visit from Marcus Cain (Mexico) for a missionary report on August 6.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The saints had an appreciated visit from Alvin Cook on a Lord’s Day.

New York

Flushing: The assembly enjoyed the annual retreat from July 20-23 at High Point State Park, New Jersey. The saints rejoiced to see two ladies profess salvation with clear testimonies after the retreat ended. The assembly appreciated profitable ministry during meetings held July 16-17, and again July 24-30 by our brother B. R. Hahn from Seoul.

North Carolina

Denver: The saints were encouraged to witness the baptism of one young man and to receive into fellowship another. The assembly enjoyed Bill Seale’s visit for a week of children’s meetings in a local trailer park. Many children and adults attended.

South Dakota

Aberdeen: In conjunction with a Seed Sower distribution, a series of tent meetings started August 2. William Skates is preaching with the help of Kanti Rama (Blue River, WI).


Matoaca: Three sisters were baptized and gladly received into fellowship this month. We also had very encouraging visits from brethren from Ireland and Wales who each gave excellent ministry.


Brodhead: W. Lavery is preaching the gospel here.

Madison: Local brethren from different assemblies purpose to carry on Monday night meetings throughout the summer in the suburb of Fitchburg. We would highly value your prayers.


Concerned prayer is needed for suffering fellow-believers in Burma. The eastern provinces continue to experience extremely brutal treatment at the hands of the despotic Myanmar Military Forces whose intention is to eliminate all opposition to their rule. Brethren continue to minister the gospel and Christ amid unbelievably difficult circumstances.

Rangoon, (Yangon) central Burma, Manderlay, and the Western Provinces are all experiencing increased difficulties under the repressive administration that has little care or respect for their own people. Please remember to keep God’s people much in your prayers as they work and witness for Christ.

Northern Ireland

Bushmills: Annual Bible Readings and Open-Air meetings were held from July 13-24. Robin McKeown opened and led the Bible Readings on 1 Thess 4 and 2 Thess 1-3. Record numbers attended each night.

Clough, Co Antrim: Malcolm Radcliffe and Stephen McGarvey were expected to start a gospel series here.

Hillhead, Castledawson: James McClelland and Aaron Colgan have commenced gospel meetings here.

Portstewart: The assembly here has a “drive-in” open-air gospel meeting each Lord’s Day at 8.30pm during July and August between Portrush and Portstewart, a holiday area. Caravan parks, etc. are visited each week with invitations, resulting in 130-150 cars at the open-air.

Many assemblies carry on weekly open-air meetings during June, July, and August. They are generally located in the neighborhood of the hall, in local housing estates, or surrounding villages. Some have a one or two-week effort, with a meeting each night.

Republic of Ireland

Bridgetown, Co. Donegal: The gospel meetings conducted by Stephen Gilfillen and John Fleck concluded in July. The assembly is rejoicing that six have trusted the Lord for salvation.

Clones, Co Monaghan: The annual conference on Monday, August 3 was well attended and the ministry excellent. The speakers were T. Matthews (Brazil), S. McBride, R. McKeown, W. J. Nesbitt, and B. Smith.

Dublin: The Rathmines assembly commenced the annual Summer Bible Study in July on the subject of “Miracles during the lifetime of Moses.” The number of young people and older ones attending is encouraging.

Longford: In July, Leslie Craig had a week of children’s meetings in the home of our brother and sister Reid. A good number of local children and some parents attended each afternoon. Sam McBride visited the assembly Lord’s Day, July 26, when he preached the gospel and gave appreciated ministry in the afternoon.


On July 5th a new assembly in the port of Veracruz was formed as believers gathered to break bread for the first time. Twenty saints form the company, and they appreciated very much the visit of thirty other assembly-believers from five Mexican states and from two assemblies in the United States. About forty people looked on from the “seat of the unlearned.” Two of the local men in this new assembly were originally reached and saved in Hampton, IA, having gone there in search of employment. Upon their return to Mexico, Harrys Rodriguez made contact with them and began visiting them in this area of the Gulf. Eventually, the Lord led John and Rebekah Nesbitt (Moriah, David and Jacob) to move from Hermosillo to Veracruz and help consolidate this new work.

In December of 2008 Bible texts were distributed by some two hundred believers from Canada, the US, Mexico, and Venezuela in a manner that deeply impressed the local authorities. Scores of unsaved responded to the invitation to hear the preaching of the gospel in a rented building. John Nesbitt, helped by Harrys Rodriguez and several others, saw about two-dozen souls profess faith in Christ over the course of ten weeks of nightly meetings. Response to ministry given was also overwhelming and lives were transformed as these new Christians obeyed from the heart that mold of doctrine whereinto they were delivered (Rom 6:17, Newberry margin).

One of the seven local men that took part that first breaking of bread summed things up well when he stood and read a verse we do not normally associate with that meeting: “I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight” (Isa 42:16). “What hath God wrought!” (Num 23:23).

On July 7th, the assembly in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, a seven-hour drive south from Veracruz, met to celebrate their first year of assembly testimony. Please pray for souls in the Gulf area of Mexico. The harvest is plenty but the laborers there are very few.


Clinton, ON

October 3-4, in the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph St., with Prayer Meeting, Friday, October 2 at 7pm. First meeting on Saturday is Ministry 10:30am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am. For accommodations, contact: Keith Bachert, 519 526-7135; or Larry Schade, 519 348-9408.

Lindsay, ON

October 4, in the Gospel Hall, 5 Howard Ave. Breakfast 8:30am, Bible Reading 9am, Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Children’s Meeting 1pm, Ministry 2:30 – 5:00pm, Gospel 7pm. Contact: Don Nicholson, E-mail drnmen@yahoo.com, or Tel; 705 374- 4883; Hall 705 324-9002.

Mansfield, OH

October 3-4, at Ontario High School, 467 Shelby-Ontario Road, Ontario, OH. Prayer meeting on Friday, October 2 at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 820 Mansfield Washington Road. Saturday: Ministry 10am and 2 pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 11:45, Ministry 2pm with last speaker in the gospel. Accom: John Hoffman, 1385 Angus Drive, Mansfield, OH 44903; Tel; 419 884-1990; E-mail: hoffjohnman@aol.com.

Brandon, MB

October 12 (Thanksgiving Monday). Bible Reading 10am (Colossians 1), Ministry 1:30pm. to 5:30pm. No evening meeting. Corr: Alan Ritchie, E-mail agr4971@mts.net.

Cape Breton, NS

October 10-11 in Memorial High School, Memorial Drive, Sydney Mines. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry Meeting 10am, Prayer/Bible Reading (The Call, Character, and Credentials of a Servant) 1:30pm, Ministry 3:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading (The Consummate Servant) 8:30am, Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Corr. Junior MacDonald, 1 Cambridge Ave., Sydney Mines, NS, BIV 2G4; Tel; 902 736-3133, or Melvin Bonnell, 853 Leitche’s Creek Rd., Sydney Mines, NS B2A 4A2; Tel; 902 794-3888. Accom: John Ingram, please call in advance 902 794-2691; E-mail j.p.ingram@ns.sympatico.ca . See also www.thegospel.ca for Bible Reading details.

Blue River, WI

October 17-18, with Prayer meeting on Friday, October 16 at 8pm at the Blue River Gospel Hall. An evening meal will be served at 6pm in the hall. All other meetings at St. John’s Gym in Muscoda. Saturday: first meeting for Ministry 10am. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9am (Luke 4:4-24), Breaking of Bread 10:30am. Following the conference, October 19-22, Bible Readings will be held on 2 Timothy. Corr: James Frazier, 15513 Richwood Estates Lane, Blue River, WI 53518; E-mail woodind@mwt.net; Tel; 608-537-2977.

Edmonton, AB

October 17-19, with Prayer/Ministry on Friday, October 17 at 8pm. Meetings on Saturday commence at 10am with meals served at noon and supper, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, afternoon Ministry, Gospel 7pm. Everyone is welcome and accommodations are provided. Direct enquiries to Joe Bowman, Tel; 780 450-0818, Fax; 780 461-9835, or Email josephjbowman@gmail.com.

L’Anse au Loup, LB

October 16-18, with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, October 15 at 7:30pm. All meetings in the Gospel Hall with meals being served in homes. Bible Reading subject to be determined. Sunday Breaking of Bread 10am. On Monday, October 19, there will be a gospel meeting in Red Bay at 7:30pm. Accom: Francis Barney, Tel; 709 927-5696; or Preston Belben, Tel; 709 927-5622

Niagara Falls, ON

October 17-18, at Oakwood Gospel Hall 7154 Adams Ave. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30pm. Saturday meetings begin 10am. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:15am. For information contact W.Smith, 7467 Merritt Ave. Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 5C3; Tel; 905 354-8272 .

Terryville, CT

October 17-18, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 16, at 7:30pm in the Gospel Hall, 36 N. Main St. All other meetings held in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main St., 1/8 mile north of the hall. Saturday: Ministry 2pm, Gospel 6pm (Note: No meeting on Saturday morning). Lords Day: Breaking of Bread 10am, Ministry 2pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Steve Morin, Tel; 860 583-9904.

Wallaceburg, ON

October 17-18, in the Gospel Hall, 121 Gillard St. Saturday: Prayer Meeting 7:30pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30am, Sunday School 1:15pm, Ministry 2:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. All meetings and meals will be in the hall. Contact: Charles Workman, Tel; 519 627-8743; E-mail geogiaw@kent.net; Hall 519 627-7637. Please notice the conference is one week earlier than previous years.

Saskatoon, SK

October 31- November 1, in the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road, with Prayer and Ministry on Friday, October 30 at 7:30pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 1:30pm, Gospel 6:30pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30am, Ministry 11:15am and 1:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Inquiries: Murray Buckingham, Tel; 306 477-9117, buckinghamms@sasktel.net; Hall 306 249-5044.

Bryn Mawr and Hatboro, PA

November 14-15, with Prayer Meeting Friday, November 13 at 7:30pm at Bryn Mawr Gospel Hall. Other meetings at the Colonial Elementary School, 230 Flourtown Road, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462; one mile east of the intersection of routes 476 and 276 (Norristown exit of the PA turnpike, exit 19 from 476); take Germantown Pike East, turn left at Colonial Road just beyond Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. Saturday: Ministry 10:30am and 2:30pm, Gospel 7pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10am, Sunday School 12 noon, Ministry 2:15pm, Gospel 4:30pm. Accom: Alan Oliver, Tel 610 399-3199, or ado535@juno.com.

Conference Reminders:

Akron, OH – September 5-6

Arlington, WA – September 4-7

Clementsvale, NS – September 5-6

Beetown, WI – September 7

Sault Ste. Marie, ON and MI – September 11-13

Hitesville, IA – September 19-20

Manchester, IA – October 3-4

Sussex, NB – October 3-4

St. Thomas, ON – October 10–11

Vancouver, BC – October 10-12

Livonia, MI – October 24-25

Alpina, AR – November 7-8

Brampton, ON – November 13-15

Change of Address

Gaius Goff: New E-mail address is pilgrimgcg@gmail.com.

Harrys Rodriguez: 189 Elizabeth Dr., Huntsville, AR. 72740; Vonage phone number 479 439-0387; E-mail:harrysrod@hotmail.com.

Change in Meeting Times

Toronto, ON (Victoria Park): The weekly Sunday gospel meeting now commences at 6:30pm.


Hampton, IA: Change in meeting times are Breaking of Bread 10am and Ministry 11am, not 11 and 12 as in the last issue.


Norma Corola Edwards of Treadways, Jamaica, age 89, on April 13. She was saved in Kingston, Jamaica, under the preaching of English evangelist, bro. Widdison, when she was twelve years old. She moved with the family to the Linstead area where she was baptized and received into the Linstead assembly; later into the Treadways assembly when it was planted. Carol was sickly all her life, but was actively engaged in Sunday school work and in teaching young women from the community to sew as she spoke to them about the Lord. Some professed through her efforts. She is survived by her brother Will and her sister Lora.

Jim McCormick of Lurgan, N. Ireland, on May 1, age 81. Our brother was saved in 1958 and shortly after that baptized and received into the assembly at Lurgan. A steadfast and spiritual brother, he spent the remainder of his life in the building up of the assembly, not only in his regular attendance at the meetings, but also through his helpful contributions which were greatly appreciated. He also shared responsibility in the oversight of the assembly and was a convener of the annual Conference. Over the past years he suffered increasingly from the onset of Parkinson’s disease, during which period he was lovingly attended by his wife and the family circle. His homecall was a welcome release from many distressing problems, though the assembly and family keenly feel his passing and will value remembrance in prayer.

Ebby Boulter of Charlottetown, PE, on May 15, age 92. Ebby was saved May 17, 1953, and was an elder in the Crapaud assembly. He and his wife moved to Charlottetown in 1998, and due to failing health spent the past three years in a nursing home. He is survived by his wife, Grace, three sons, and six grandchildren. Two sons and their wives are in the Charlottetown assembly. Prayer is requested for the other son and his family. The funeral service was conducted by Robert McIlwaine and Peter Ramsay. Grant Thomas gave a word of remembrance.

Geneva Stewart of Charlottetown, PE, on June 8, age 90. She was in the Charlottetown assembly for a number of years. She was a quiet, gracious and soft-spoken sister. She leaves to mourn two sons, five grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. The funeral service was conducted by Robert McIlwaine who faithfully preached to a large crowd.

Mrs. Fern Doig (Easson) of Peterborough, ON, on June 14, in her 89th year. She was born into a Christian family of three brothers and one sister, all professing faith in Christ. Fern and several others professed faith in Jesus Christ as a result of the preaching of Timothy Kember and Archie Stewart during meetings in Peterborough in 1950. In later years, Fern was confined to a nursing home, not able to attend the meetings. She leaves behind a son and daughter, and four grandchildren. Fern is missed in the assembly.

Edna Marion Hammon of Stanwood, WA, on June 22, age 88. Edna Ockers’ early life was on a chicken farm in Colorado. She trusted Christ as a teenager, but was 21 when she acknowledged Christ as Lord of her life. She married Paul Hammon, a military man, in 1945. After seven years of marriage, and three children, they saw the need for workers in the Valley Christian Home for Children in Wasilla, AK. Later, they moved to Anchorage to help establish a testimony for the furtherance of the gospel, and enjoyed fellowship in that assembly for 53 years. Edna was generous and hospitable, and her home always open to others. When her health began to fail Paul and Edna moved to the Warm Beach Senior Center in Stanwood, and were in fellowship at the Arlington Assembly. The funeral in Alaska was taken by Tommy Thompson and her grandson, John Bang. At a memorial at Arlington, John Bang and son-in-law, Don Bang, shared the service.

Keith Bradshaw of Treadways, Jamaica, on July 7, age 72, after the sudden discovery of breast cancer. He loved to tell how as a boy he was terrified by the thought of death. Then at 19 years of age, he heard the Gospel and was saved, baptized, and received into assembly fellowship in Port Antonio, Jamaica. He worked as a secondary school teacher and as a principal. On retirement thirteen years ago, he came into fellowship at Treadways where he was very active in the gospel. He leaves his loving wife, Pearl, in fellowship. Prayer is requested for his family of five children some of whom have professed.

William H. Goldsmith of Bryn Mawr, PA, on July 8, age 83. Bill was saved in 1939, shortly before his 14th birthday. After his reception into the assembly, where he grew up, he was consistent until the last in support and care for the assembly. Married in 1950 to Bernice Plubell, Bill and Bernie were know for their hospitality and support for the assembly until she was called home in 1994. Bill raised the singing and kept the assembly financial records for many years. He and his wife had deep interest in sending boxes of food, etc. to missionaries in Zambia and interested the assembly in this work. Bill’s very short time of sickness was a shock to the assembly who will miss him. A large number attended the funeral including a good number of neighbors and friends who heard the gospel preached at his request. Bill is survived by a daughter Barbara, husband Steve Sarlo, grandchildren April and Dustin, and a sister Rose who await the coming of the Lord. William, Alan, and David Oliver shared in the services at the funeral home and graveside.

Ellen (Steele) Harris of Richmond, BC, on July 14, in her 91st year. Our beloved sister was born on Sept. 10, 1918, and born again at the age of 18. She was a member of the Cedar Cottage assembly in Vancouver where she met and married Harry Steele in 1942. Together they set out for Japan to serve the Lord in 1955. Ellen was a diligent missionary, serving alongside her husband in several cities in Japan where God blessed their labors. Harry passed into the presence of the Lord in 1985 and Ellen married George Harris of the West Richmond assembly in 1990. Ellen was a loving and helpful partner for George for 15 years. Ellen leaves her four children, their spouses, and grandchildren with many precious memories of a life well lived for her Lord, for her family, and for the assemblies of God’s people in W. Richmond and Japan.