Go Ye Into All the World: Romania

Assembly Work in Brasov

At the beginning of 1998, by the grace of God, an assembly was established in this city where I live with my wife and five children. The assembly has increased not only numerically (there are currently 24 believers who are in fellowship), but, more importantly, spiritually as well. Part of this spiritual growth has been the development of an exercise among some of the saints to be actively engaged in gospel outreach work and in serving among the saints in various ways, thus fulfilling the role and responsibility that the Lord has given to each one.

Gospel Outreach

Every second Saturday for the past several years, an old people’s home has been visited with the purpose of making known the gospel and showing practical kindness. We know of five souls which have been saved through this outreach, three of these have been baptized and added to the fellowship of the assembly. Another has since been called home into the presence of the Lord and the other is a lady who would like to be baptized, but has a severe physical disability which hinders her. We praise God for the blessing He has given in this work and we pray for a number of other contacts who have not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.

With the same regularity and over the same period of time, visitation has been made to one of the local hospitals. Since many of the patients are terminally ill with cancer, much wisdom is needed in sharing the gospel with them. The gospel is shared through personal conversation and many have heard the message of life and salvation in Christ by this means. In October 2008, a 50-year-old man received Christ as his Savior and then was called home into the presence of the Lord on January 9, 2009. How wonderful that he was saved by the grace of God and prepared for heaven before it was too late! Tract distribution is another encouraging aspect of the work of the gospel. A brother in the assembly has been working with several young brothers to teach and encourage them to be involved in seeking to win souls for the Lord. They have covered one large area of the city with tracts and have advanced well into another area. The tract presently being used was jointly written by two of the young brothers.

Prayer would be valued for each of these avenues of gospel outreach, that God may be glorified in souls being saved, baptized and added to the fellowship of the local assembly.

Bible Teaching

My main work in the assembly continues to be the consecutive teaching of the Word of God. We are currently in the final chapter of 1 Corinthians in one study, and in Judges, chapter four, in the other one. Over the years, much ground has been covered by this means in both the Old and New Testament. Many books have been studied verse by verse, a number of important Bible subjects have been dealt with and various character studies have been followed through. I am fully convinced that the regular, consecutive teaching of the Scriptures, with the variety and balance the saints need, has been a major factor in their spiritual development. It is a long term work, but under the blessing and enabling of the Holy Spirit it brings forth fruit for the glory of God as saints grow in the knowledge of Christ and manifest increasing love and devotion to Him in their lives and in their desires to serve Him.

Another way in which spiritual growth has been seen is the exercise of several other brothers to be engaged in teaching the Word of God in the assembly. They have followed the example of giving consecutive teaching on Bible books or subjects and this has been most healthy and edifying for the assembly. It is so encouraging to see how various spiritual gifts have been developed and used to the blessing of the saints.

The commencement of a conversational Bible study was another exercise of the believers in the local assembly and was another encouraging indication of their spiritual appetite for the Word of God. For some years now we have been working our way slowly through the gospel of Matthew and are currently in chapter 25. These studies are very profitable and have been a real blessing to the assembly.

Please pray that the Bible teaching that is given will continue to be blessed and that the Word of God will work effectually in the hearts and lives of the saints in producing the spiritual growth the Lord longs to see among His redeemed people.

Young People

There are six young people in the assembly between the ages of 14 and 20. As well as the help they get in the assembly gatherings, they come with me every second Saturday to Ploiesti for the Bible Class work for which I am responsible. Some 30 young people attend this meeting, where Bible teaching is given relevant to their age. Time is also spent in personal discussions and counseling, where wisdom is needed both in discerning the spiritual needs of each individual and in giving them the necessary help from the Lord. There has been much blessing in this work and there are now 12 baptized and in the fellowship of the assembly in their respective localities. Others are saved, yet some have still not received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.

Your prayers would be greatly valued for every aspect of the work the Lord has committed to us in this corner of His great vineyard. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you” (2 Thess 3:1).