


Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo Assembly has been encouraged recently with four nights of ministry by Stan Wells on 2 Timothy. Andrew Bergsma is expected on March 4-6 for ministry. A couple, with a young family, came into the assembly in February, bringing joy to the saints. The son of a couple in the assembly recently professed faith in Christ. Also a young brother has asked for fellowship. To God be all the glory!

British Columbia

Burnaby: The first gospel series in the new South Burnaby Gospel Hall was held from January 16-February 18 with Marvin Derksen and David Oliver. Prior to the meetings a Seed Sower effort was held with 30,000 packages delivered to homes and 30,000 invitations mailed to apartments in Burnaby and New Westminster. God blessed with 22 professing Christ as their Savior; one received assurance and others are interested. As an added benefit to the meetings, one saved last May was baptized during the meetings and three others have been added to the fellowship. Truly God is good! Eph 3:20-21. The Monday night Bible Hour continues with 80-100 attending. An ESL class had been added for adults, which a number of Korean and Chinese new immigrants attend.

Deep Cove: At the monthly missionary meeting in March, Bryan Funston and Jim Webb addressed the gathered company. Please pray for gospel meetings after Easter with Jonathan Procopio and Malcolm Radcliffe.

Kamloops: The Westside assembly had much appreciated ministry during February by Dave Richards on Ruth, and by Jim Webb on Philippians. Brother Richard’s return to Russia has been delayed due to a stolen passport. He hopes to return March 20.

Squamish: Bryan Funston had three nights of appreciated ministry February 23-25.

Terrace: Please pray for purposed meetings commencing April 3 with John Fitzpatrick and Cap van de Wetering.

Vancouver: The Victoria Drive assembly recently had the joy of baptizing two young men.


Austin: Al Christopherson was here for three and a half weeks ending February 9. God graciously blessed in salvation, bringing joy and encouragement to the saints. The support of neighbouring assemblies was much appreciated.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Gospel meetings with Albert Hull and James McClelland have been extended another week. The believers have rented the local Civic Centre for the meetings and the numbers have been encouraging.

English Point: Gospel meetings with Fred Bartlett and Bryne Foreshew are continuing. At the beginning of the month the meetings were into their 4th week with good numbers coming. Some of those who are attending are new to the gospel and are showing an interest, which is encouraging.

Sandringham: The two-week series with Eric Gill and Carl Payne has concluded. The meetings were beneficial in various ways. The support from the believers was good, and over 35 outsiders were in throughout the duration of the series.


Cairo: Jim Beattie and William Metcalf are visiting in this area in view of summer tent meetings. Several contacts made last summer are being followed up. Prayer is valued for this work.

Earlton: From November 28-December 3, Gary Sharp led a series of children’s meetings at the Earlton Gospel Hall. Attendance was very good, and growth has been seen in the Sunday School subsequent to the meetings.

From February 7-11, Ed Miller visited and gave ministry on assembly principles. The ministry was well received and appreciated by all, including new Christians in the area. The assembly is planning a series of gospel meetings the last two weeks of April. Alvin Cook will be sharing these meetings with some local brethren. Please pray that the Lord may bless His Word.

North Bay: The assembly at Nipissing Junction enjoyed a Lord’s Day in January with Don Nicholson for the monthly ministry meeting, and also on the Monday for ministry.

Sault Ste. Marie: A very profitable series of children’s meetings were held in the Gospel Hall, February 4-13, with Brian Crawford doing the teaching. There was a good attendance of parents and children, some of whom are now attending the Sunday School.

Sudbury: Brian Crawford was with the assembly for the January ministry meeting, giving appreciated ministry. The annual children’s treat in February was well attended, with a good number of children and parents present. An excellent gospel message was given by Tim Kancir of the Kapuskasing assembly. He also gave helpful and encouraging ministry at the monthly ministry meeting and on the following Lord’s Day. The saints appreciated a mid-week meeting in early March by Brian Owen. Please pray for gospel meetings to begin on April 10 with Don Nicholson and Brian Crawford.

Wallaceburg: During meetings in February, William Metcalf and George Patterson were encouraged with a number of unsaved attending. The believers were encouraged and worked at getting unsaved to the meetings.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: On Sunday, January 9, a day of meetings was held and the believers were refreshed and encouraged by ministry from R. McIlwaine, P. Ramsay, P. Orasuk, I. Kember, K. Taylor, and N. Burden. From January 25-27, Peter Orasuk conducted conversational Bible Readings on the World, Flesh, and Devil. Our brother had chemotherapy treatment in Halifax in February and, after three days in the hospital, was recovering at home.

Springfield West: Seven weeks of gospel meetings in November and December resulted in seven professing salvation. Peter Orasuk and Scott McLeod commenced the meetings, then David Hierlihy joined brother McLeod when brother Orasuk had to leave the meetings for health reasons.


Glen Ewen: Roy Weber and Stan Wells faithfully preached the gospel from January 23-February 13 in the Communiplex Centre. Some who were not saved came out. The attendance at the prayer meetings and of Christians with their children was excellent.



San Diego: The recent conference was encouraging. Many expressed help received from the ministry. Those ministering were T. Baker, A.J. Higgins, D. Oliver, H. Paisley, and G. Williams.


Newington: Ernie Moore visited the area for ministry and a missionary report. Please pray for upcoming gospel meetings beginning February 27 with Gene Higgins, using his chart on Future Events.


Dunkerton: Children’s meetings with Dan Shutt are planned for the end of March. Prayer for this effort is appreciated.

Garnavillo: Murray McCandless and Jon Procopio had five and a half weeks of gospel meetings, and a number professed to be saved. The Christians enjoyed the meetings and were encouraged.

Hampton: Ral Aguirre from El Salvador worked in Hampton and Postville and saw a number saved. Aubrey Kelly helped in the Postville work while he was in the area.

Stout: Eric McCullough and Larry Crain of Cedar Falls closed gospel meetings February 6 after four weeks, and were thankful for two precious souls saved.


Augusta: The assembly appreciated a short visit and a few gospel meetings with Albert Hull.


Livonia: The Stark Road assembly enjoyed two and a half weeks of gospel meetings through the end of January with Byrne Foreshew from Brampton, ON, and Jack Nesbitt from Sarnia, ON. At least three professed, and many others showed great interest, including an elderly man who had attended the West Chicago Gospel Hall Sunday School over 50 years ago, and has now been awakened again by the Spirit of God through events in his life.


Twin Cities: Lord’s Day, February 6, marked our third year together as a New Testament church. Our all-day meeting was graced with highly practical ministry from Robert Orr, Joel Portman, and William Skates.


Tylertown: Joel Portman and Art Ward commenced gospel meetings here on February 20, and have been encouraged by the interest.


Akron: Please pray for a gospel series scheduled in April with Al Christophersen and Gary Sharp.

Clyde: Dan Shut was present with us for the area Bible Reading in February. He continued with a series in the gospel and saw a nice interest.

Mansfield: Larry Steers visited for a Lord’s Day and a few nights of much appreciated ministry.


Bryn Mawr: Walter Gustafson spent a Lord’s Day with the assembly. David Oliver was with the assembly for a mid-week Bible Reading and a Lord’s Day when the assembly had the Sunday School program. A number of parents attended with their children to hear a good gospel lesson.

Hatboro: On February 26, the assembly held an afternoon meeting recognizing 75 years of testimony to the Lord’s Name. The saints enjoyed encouraging and challenging ministry from W. Gustafson, E. Higgins, and D. Oliver regarding the identity, legacy, and responsibility of assembly testimony. Local brethren traced the work of the Holy Spirit in establishing and maintaining testimony in Hatboro.


Marysville: Tom and Ruth Hoy took some teens from the Granite Falls outreach to the Tri-Cities conference in February where one of the girls professed to be saved on the Sunday evening. When she excitedly told her family upon returning home, her mother’s response was that she, too, needed salvation. A 23-year-old sister of an assembly believer was baptised after the gospel meeting February 27. A nice number of unsaved were present to hear the gospel and witness the baptism. Tony Flett returned from Nicaragua for 10 days to load a container with the family’s household belongings as well as those of Mark and Brenda Bachert’s, which have been in storage here. They trust that having established their residency there will make the trip through customs easier.

Tri-Cities: In January the assembly had the joy of baptizing an older believer as well as seeing a 14-year-old boy saved. A visit from John and Linda Fitzpatrick was appreciated. In February, a young sister was baptized and received into assembly fellowship the following week. The February conference was well attended. The speakers were Gaius Goff, Lucas Griffin, Andy Hale, and Bryon Meyers. The subjects were conviction, commitment, vision, and fellowship. God crowned the conference with a young girl’s profession of Christ as her Savior.

Grenada, West Indies

The first week of February, Gordon Farnsworth of Huntsville, ON, and Brian Owen of Gore Bay, ON, visited the island of Grenada. The aftermath of Hurricane Ivan (September 7, 2004) is still very much in evidence. Brethren interested in helping in the reconstruction of believers’ homes and eventually two Gospel Halls should, (1) make sure your passport is current, and (2) make your intentions known to one of the following: Paul Stainton, Tel: 905-709-7425 or paul@paulstainton.ca; Gordon Farnsworth, Tel: 705-789-2169 or gordonf@surenet.net; Brian E. Owen, Tel: 705-282-1089 or bowen@ontera.net.


Chihuahua: After a large scale distribution of John 3:16 texts and five weeks of gospel meetings, John Dennison was encouraged with a few souls reached. Marcus Cain has made appreciated visits here recently.

Jacona: In this very Catholic town adjacent to Zamora, four weeks of gospel meetings were held in a rented hall. A couple of souls professed faith. Seed Sowers covered eleven towns in this area last December.

Santiago Ixcuintla: Marcus Cain is preaching in this town, about an hour from Tepic, in a rented house. There are relatives here of believers in San Diego and in Barrington.


(see article, pp. 96, 97)

On January 30, the Fletts and Bacherts broke bread for the first time with 15 Nicaraguan believers in Delores. They have acquired property for building a hall and are hiring Nicaraguan men to construct a security wall around the property.


Fredericton, NB

April 22-24 with Prayer Meeting Friday night in the Gospel Hall, 109 McAdam Ave. Saturday and Sunday meetings in Royal Road School, Royal Road. First meeting Saturday is a Bible Reading at 10 a.m. (Matthew 7:13-16: You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world – the believers’ response and testimony in today’s society of declining morals). First meeting Sunday is the Breaking of Bread at 9:30 a.m. Accommodations: Rob Griffin, Tel: 506-472-5512; email: rdlgriff@nb.sympatico.ca.

McKeesport, PA (amended notice)

April 23-24 with Prayer Meeting Friday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway. All other meetings in the Francis McClure Junior High School. Meetings begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Lord’s Day. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact Rob Oliver at 412-664-1004, or rob@oliverpages.com for accommodations, or for local motel phone numbers for those desiring to make their own arrangements. The overseers of the assembly have requested ministry that is focused on the needs of a local assembly and expect that the messages will be given only by those speakers they have invited. Corr: Tom Clark, Jr., Tel: 412-751-5283; email: tclarkjr5@aol.com.

Newbury, ON

May 7 in the Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Dr. Meetings are at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. with a dinner break between meetings. Contact Chris Snooks. Email: chris@newburygospelhall.com; Tel: 519-695-5779.

Peterborough, ON

May 7 at Park Street Gospel Hall, 592 Park Street N, Peterborough, ON. Meetings on Saturday are at 2 and 7 p.m. Corr: A.R. Morrison, Tel: 705-760-9242.

Frostburg, MD

May 13-15. Prayer and Ministry meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Frostburg Gospel Hall, Davidson St. Meetings on Saturday and Sunday will be at Beall High School, East Main St. at 10 a.m., 2 and 6:30 p.m. All are heartily welcome to attend. For lodging, contact Michael Bachert, 204 Wilmont Ave., Cumberland, MD 21502. E-mail: Artistic@gcnetmail.net; Tel: 301-724-5806.

Toronto, ON

May 13-15. Missionary Conference is the second hosted by Christians who meet at the Langstaff Gospel Hall. For those able to attend last year, the weekend proved to be both instructive and challenging. The conference sessions will include missionary reports, ministry messages on missionary-related subjects, personal accounts by each of the five men on their calling to full-time missionary service, and a panel discussion. The planned speakers for this year are: Brazil, Mr. John McCann Jr.; Botswana, Dr. Clark Logan; France, Mr. Dennis O’Hare; Ukraine, Mr. Timothy Sloan; Japan, Mr. Jim Currie. Meals will be provided in the Hall.

Ottawa, ON

May 21-22, in the Gospel Hall, 1087 North River Road, with Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 20. Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m. Bible Readings 9 a.m. Subject for both days: John 17 – Christ in the Believer. Corr: M. Cottrill, 207 Withrow Ave., Ottawa, ON, K2G 2J8. Tel: 613-225-4708; Hall: 613-748-0269.

Prince Edward Island

May 21-22 in the Bluefield High School, Hampshire, P.E.I. Saturday: Breakfast 8 a.m., Prayer and ministry 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m, Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m. on “The Lord’s Coming,” Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr. Glen McKenna, 15 Andrews Dr., R.R. 6, Kensington, PEI, C0B 1M0, Tel: 902-836-3073 or Brian MacDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, PEI, C0A 1H0, Tel: 902-566-3831. Accom: Neil Thompson, Tel: 902-892-7216, email: NeilThompson@pei.sympatico.ca.

Midland/Waubaushene, ON

May 21-22 in the Penetanguishene Community Centre (Arena), 61 Maria Street, Penetanguishene, ON. Tel: 705-549-6957. Directions: Hwy. 93 to Penetanguishene, turn right on Thompsons Road (first street inside town), then go one block to Arena on left. Meeting times both days: 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m. Bible Readings: Romans 8. Corr: Ed Heels, 2379 Rumney Rd., RR#1, Midland, ON L4R 4K3. Tel: 705-534-3698; or Paul Barbour, 328 John Street, Midland, ON L4R 2J5. Tel: 705-526-3516. Accom: Ted Joyce, Tel: 705-526-6129, or Daniel Green, Tel: 705-534-4271.

London, ON (Spanish) 

May 28 -29 in the Gospel Hall, 1196 Highbury Ave. with Prayer meeting, Friday at 8 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Ministry 2:30 pm. All ministry will be in Spanish. For accommodations, please give advance notice to Philip Lampkin, Tel: 519-472-8747, or email at felipe524@execulink.com

North Bay, ON

June 11-12 in the Nipissing Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Dr., with Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Saturday 9 a.m. (Our Supreme Lord Jesus – Col. 1:14-20; John 1:1-18) and Lord’s Day 11:30 a.m. (The Lord’s Supper – Luke 22: 19,20; 1Cor. 11:23-26) Corr. Clarence Black, 63 Massey Dr., North Bay, ON., P1A3Y3. Tel: 705-494-1284. Accom: David Culin, Tel: 705-474-7649, Hall: 705-474-3384.

Conference Reminders

Winnipeg, MB – April 1-3

Mimico, Toronto, ON – April 1-3

Palm Springs, CA – April 10

Stout, IA – April 9-10

Methuen, MA – April 30-May 1

Newmarket, ON – April 30-May 1

Livingston, NJ – May 6-8


Change in Meeting Times

Waubaushene, ON: Sunday night Gospel Meeting time is now at 6:30 p.m.

Change of Address

Paul and Barbara Thiessen: Apartado 2-200, Guadalajara 2, Jalisco, Mexico C.P. 44281. Email: thiessenpb@prodigy.net.mx; Tel: 351-517-0691.

Cap van de Wetering: email: caplena@shaw.ca

Waubaushene, ON: All assembly correspondence should be sent to P.O. Box 29, Waubaushene, ON L0K 2C0. Ed Heels remains the correspondent.

Change of Correspondent: (correction)

Deep Cove, BC: George Varaljay, 1955 Eastleight lane, North Vancouver, BC V7G 1W1; email: varaljay@telus.net; Tel: 604-929-2860.


John Bergsma of Richmond, BC, on October 4, 2004, age 81. Saved as a boy of nearly 17 years, John was a faithful and spiritual brother with a love for souls and for the West Richmond assembly. He and his wife Edith were very hospitable and kind. John was a good visitor of the sick and shut-in. He enjoyed the things of God; he loved a good ministry meeting and he loved to hear the gospel preached well. He is survived by his wife Edith and their sons and daughters and their spouses and children. Please pray for family members still not saved that they will be awakened and brought to Christ.

Dorothy Eliza Perkins of Westbank, BC, on October 18, 2004, age 83. She was saved in London, ON, at the age of 57, having been in soul trouble for some time. The Lord used the word ‘whosoever’ to show her that salvation was for her personally. Shortly after being saved, Dorothy was baptized and received into the London (Highbury) assembly. In 1985 she moved to BC where she was in happy fellowship with the saints at the Highway Gospel Hall, Westbank, until her homecall. Dorothy is survived by her two sons and their wives (Michael of Kelowna, BC, and Lawrence of New Lenox, IL) as well as five grandchildren. She was a loving mother and very deeply appreciated.

Anne Elizabeth Oakley of Ashfield, MB, on December 13, 2004, age 77. Our sister Anne was born in London, England, married her husband Charles in 1946, immigrated to Canada in 1956, and was saved in 1961. For many years, she was a faithful member in the West End assembly in Winnipeg before transferring to the Ashfield assembly. She was left a young widow in 1974 and God helped her raise two children for the Lord. Her faith carried her through every hard time in life, including her final battle with cancer. She is survived by her daughter, Kim (Russ) Yade; son Kevin (Melanie), as well as four grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by Burke Dittberner in the hall.

William Knowles of Winnipeg, MB, on January 10, age 92. He was born again in Maryfield, SK, in 1928, moved to Winnipeg in 1939, and was in fellowship in the West End assembly here since 1940. He was active in tract work and children’s work, conference activities, various construction projects in the hall, and was the SS superintendent. Latterly, he was involved in helping the mission hospitals in Zambia with bandages. He was a quiet man who prayed, and was keenly interested in young people, among them his 10 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren, as well as four daughters and their husbands who survive him. All these latter are in various assemblies. The large funeral was taken by sons-in-law Dave McPhee and Jack Gould.

Arthur McDonald of Campbellford, ON, on January 24, in his 95th year. Arthur had a very good testimony, both in the assembly and in the world. He was predeceased by two brothers and one sister, and had several
nieces and nephews. He will be missed by many in the area.

Artis Stickfort of Stout, IA, on January 30, age 70. She was saved in the meetings of 1959 and 1960 when Leonard DeBuhr and Eric McCullough were there and so many were saved. She was faithful to the assembly. She lost her husband about two years ago. Three sons and a daughter survive. R. Van Mill and E. McCullough spoke at the service, and R. Orr at the grave.

Mary Lawford of Portage la Prairie, MB, on February 2, 2005. She was born in 1917, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Ronald. In 1931, Mary accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, and her life proved her commitment and devotion to her Savior. She is survived by her husband of 63 years, George Lawford, son Richard, daughter Marilyn, five grandchildren and two sisters, Emily Taylor and Grace King. Funeral service was conducted by Jim Solomon, Albert Jeffries, and Richard Lawford, with David Vanstone speaking at the graveside.

Earl Hill of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on February 10, in his 97th year. Earl was saved in 1954, and, along with his wife Maude, was received into assembly fellowship where he continued steadfastly till the end of his life. Not given to public speaking, he bore a good testimony by his quiet godly manner and faithfulness to all the assembly meetings. He leaves to mourn his loss one brother George, one sister, and four children and their families. David Booth spoke faithful words of comfort to the family and in the gospel.

Rose Emma Piraino of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on February 12, in her 85th year. Saved and received into assembly fellowship in 1954, she continued steadfast in her Christian life and in faithfulness to the assembly. Rose was characterized by a godly, happy spirit which endeared her to all who knew and loved her. She will be sadly missed in the assembly. Beloved wife of Victor, who predeceased her in 1984, she leaves a son and daughter and their families to mourn her loss. Paul Markle spoke faithfully to saved and unsaved alike at the funeral.

Lillian Tomlinson (nee Peterman) of Sault Ste. Marie, ON, on February 17, age 90. Lillian was saved at age 15, and continued in happy fellowship in the assembly until recent years, when she was confined in a nursing home. A happy, cheerful Christian, she will be sadly missed by her family and the assembly. She was predeceased by her husband Harold in 1988. She leaves to mourn her loss two children and grandchildren. Elgin Johnson took the funeral service, speaking comforting words to the family, and giving a faithful appeal to unsaved present.