Bible Reading Outline: The Christian in the Business World

The Responsibility to have an Occupation
God’s original design – To dress and keep (Gen 2:5)
The original plan was modified when sin came in.
Ground was cursed, produced thorns and thistles … hard labor became necessary, “in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread” (Gen 3:17-19).

The Advisable Priority: “Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house” (Prov 24:27). Be fully equipped to earn a living before taking on the responsibilities of building a home.

The Desirable Objective: “…Let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth (Eph 4:28). Not only to provide for ourselves, 2 Thess 3:12, but to help others in need. The Riches of liberality (2 Cor 8:2).

The Highest Goal (Phil 3:18) to give back to God (1 Chron 28:14), “The odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God.

The Selection- discernment of God’s will
The Ability – Dan 1:4, Matt 25:15, 1 Pet 4:11 – God given
The Opportunity – Gal 6:10, Phil 4:10 – God given
The Desire – Psa 19:10, Psa 27:4, 1 Tim 3:1 – God given

Formal education – Study of principles, ideas
Moses (Acts 7:22); Paul (Acts 22:3).
Technical education – Acquisition of skills
Bezeleel (Ex 31;16); Uzziah (2 Chron 28:14,15).

Spiritual Education – Development of values
Examples: The Supreme Example
Lord Jesus (Acts 10:38) – went about doing good
Timothy (Phil 2:10,22) – Col 1:8 – wisdom and spiritual understanding.


Jacob (Gen 31:6) – “with all my power I served”.
David. (2 Charon 20:2) – “prepared with all my might”.


The Lord (Isa 28:19) – “excellent in working”.
example (Gen 1:31) – “It was very good”.
Daniel (Dan 5:12) – “an excellent spirit was found in him”.
The Lord Jesus (Mark 7:37) – “He hath done all things well.”


Jehoiada (2 Kings 12:15) … they dealt faithfully
Hilkiah (2 Kings 22:7) … they dealt faithfully
Unethical accounting and behavior must not be tolerated

Priority for God. 1 Kings 17-13 – “make me a little cake first”.
Matt 8:33…”seek ye first the kingdom of God”.
Social involvements, locations, travel.

Unequal yokes (2 Cor 6:14-15).
Social- fellowship, communion, “What fellowship… light with darkness’?”
Business – concord, “What part hath he that believeth with an Infidel?”
Religious – “What agreement hath the temple of God with idols?”

Source: The Lord (Psa 75:6,7)
Principle Faithfulness (Luke 18:10)
Examples: David – ( Psa 78:70 -72) from following ewes great with young to feed Jacob his people, and Israel..
Paul – (1 Tim 1:12-14) accounted faithful… put into ministry

Danger: Covetousness
Luke 15:12,”A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesses”.
1 Tim 6:9-11 The desire for riches and the love of money is associated with loss and sorrow.


Tithing – God’s Priorities
1 Cor 18:2 – first day of the week – Systematically
Cor 8:12- first gave themselves – Sacrificially
2 Cor 8::12- first be a willing mind – Willingly

Luke 19:13-28- concept of gain by trading.
Warning: I Timothy 8:17- “Trust not in uncertain riches”.
“Be ready to distribute, willing to communicate.”

Invest for ETERNITY
Matthew 6:19-21, “Lay up treasure in Heaven …. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.
Gambling-lotteries etc. To engage in such things is the evidence of covetousness
Abraham’s attitude “I will not take a thread to a shoe ratchet, lest they should say I have made Abram rich” (Gen 14:23).