


Athabasca: John Bowman and John Fitzpatrick held nine nights of well-attended tent meetings. Children’s meetings were held every morning for the first week. There was a good turnout and nice interest shown. Please pray for continued interest here and that the preaching of the gospel will be blessed.

Edmonton: The saints in Edmonton had appreciated meetings during the month of August with John Fitzpatrick, Jack Gould, and David Richards. Please pray for gospel meetings in September with David Hierlihy and Stanley Wells.

Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo Assembly held its annual conference the weekend of August 24-26. It was considered very helpful and encouraging. A. Dryburgh, J. Fitzpatrick, J. Gould, D. Hunt, J. Jarvis, D. Richards, P. Simms, and S. Wells ministered the Word and preached the gospel. One soul professed salvation, bringing joy to the saints, and his son professed following the conference. A. Dryburgh and J. Gould continued with ministry August 27-29. Please pray for us, especially with regards to obtaining our own building.

Lac la Biche: John Bowman and John Fitzpatrick held three nights of meetings here in a community hall. There have been well attended tent meetings held in this town for the last two years. Pray that help will be given in the gospel and teaching of assembly principles.

British Columbia

Kamloops: The Westsyde assembly had a two-month outreach in a rented store front. There was good interest with some professing salvation. We trust these will go on for the Lord.

Vancouver: The Gospel Booth at the Pacific National Exhibition was open 12 hours a day for 17 days for the 34th year. An estimated 950,000 attended the fair, so there was good opportunity to distribute a large amount of literature, as well as to engage people in conversation. We look to the Lord to bless His Word.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Brother Anatoly Shevchuk, from the Ukraine, gave a report on gospel work in his area. Murray & Grace Poidevin and family were with us for a report on the Lord’s work at their hand in Zambia (and Angola). Both these visits were appreciated and helpful. Sister Esther Burton from Corner Brook just returned to Canada after a few months with four others helping Mark and Gwen Bonnell in South Africa.

Gander: Gordon Williams had ministry meetings August 28-30. In August, Anatoly Shevchuk from Lutsk, Ukraine, gave a report of the Lord’s work, and also spoke in Main Point, Carbonear, and St. John’s. Various open-air efforts using trailers were carried out throughout the summer in central Newfoundland by both the Sandringham and Gander assemblies.

L’Anse au Loup: L’Anse au Loup and English Point had Sunday school picnics at the end of June.

Rocky Harbour: Saints appreciated a visit from Murray Poidevin and family for a report meeting.

Seal Cove: Gordon Williams had ministry and open-air meetings here August 19-24.

Northwest Territories

Yellowknife: Lord willing, John Fitzpatrick and Peter Simms will be having a series of gospel meetings in Yellowknife, NWT, commencing Oct 1st.

Nova Scotia

Amherst: The Lord blessed in the salvation of a few souls during eight weeks of meetings in July/August with Scott MacLeod and Murray McCandless. We trust those that professed will prove to be a work of divine grace.

Blues Mills: On August 24, Fred Bartlett and a local brother completed four weeks of gospel tent meetings with some interest; later they used a community hall in Little Narrows.

Isle Madame, Cape Breton: Noel Burden shared in a week of gospel meetings the second week of August in the Little Anse community hall. There was good interest from contacts in the area.


Beachburg: Murray Pratt, with the help of a number of other brethren, had two weeks of gospel meetings in the tent in Deep River, then the following two weeks in the tent in Beachburg. It brought great joy when a large number attended the baptism of three former Mennonites after the last tent meeting at Beachburg.

Cambridge: The assembly appreciated visits from Marvin Derksen, Lorne Langfeld, and Frank Sona in August. On August 26, a young believer was baptized. Please pray for his family who witnessed his testimony.

Clinton: Attendance during three weeks of gospel meetings with Mark Bachert and Gaius Goff was encouraging, with some returning several times. There was a definite stirring on the part of some. We leave it with God, and trust that we will yet hear of their salvation.

Lambton Shores: The Lake Shore assembly enjoyed visits from Colin Raggett in May and Elton Fairfield in June. During July, Larry Buote and Lorne Langfeld joined for a gospel series in a rented building in the village of Thedford. Youth meetings held two nights weekly during the series were well attended. Fred Krauss visited the last Lord’s Day of August, staying for three nights of appreciated ministry. Bethany Fuller of Zambia returned home for a month’s visit before returning to her work at Sakeji School in September.

London: Please pray for gospel meetings which Murray McCandless and Peter Ramsay are expected to commence in Highbury Ave. on October 10, DV.

Oil Springs: The assembly was encouraged to see over forty different unsaved people attending during the four weeks of gospel tent meetings here with William Metcalf and Larry Steers during the month of August.

Sudbury: The saints appreciated visits from Brian Owen and Lorne Langfeld in August. Also Bruce Poidevin was with the assembly to give a report of the work in Zambia.

Prince Edward Island

Springfield West: David Hierlihy and Murray McCandless started gospel meetings here September 3. A married man who showed some interest at meetings in 2005 is quite concerned, having been diagnosed with bone cancer.


Chisasibi: It was an encouraging testimony when about 25 people withstood the rain and cold to observe a young man and his wife from this town obey the Lord in baptism on August 14.



Anchorage: Eric McCullough was expected to have two weeks of ministry here after the conference in September.


Hampton: God blessed in salvation when David Alves, Jr., Isaiah Frazier, and Jack Saword preached the gospel, July 29-August 15.

Postville: During parts of July and August, the Lord was pleased to bless with souls won for His glory, during a 7-week series of Spanish gospel meetings here. Tom Baker, Marcus Cain, Paul Thiessen, and Jason Wahls participated at different times during the series. For nine years, meetings were held in different facilities in Postville, but now Garnavillo believers have built an adequate and commodious hall to help with the on-going efforts in the gospel there. They also have a large Sunday School in Postville each Lord’s Day.


Augusta: The Christians very much appreciated a couple of weeks of gospel meetings with Gene Higgins. Some from the community, who hadn’t been in the hall before, heard the gospel preached clearly. We would appreciate your prayers for teenagers still unsaved.


Saugus: In the will of the Lord, we plan a series of gospel meetings commencing October 28 with Marvin Derksen and James Smith. Please pray for this series, and also the work at the rehab center which has continued for nearly a year.

Watertown: Walter Gustafson visited the assembly here on Lord’s Day, August 5, and gave encouraging ministry from 1 Corinthians.


Fridley: Two sisters from the community who have been attending Sunday School this past year professed salvation during meetings taken by Eric McCullough and Stan Wells. They were contacted more than a year ago and have continued to come to the Sunday School.

Wilmar: R. Orr, helped by a local brother, finished gospel meetings here.

New York

New York: The Flushing assembly appreciated visits from Henry Carmichael, Piaw Huan, Allan Valvano, and Andrew Zuidema for the monthly Gospel outreach, targeting ESL students during the summer months. The annual retreat for saints was from July 30 to August 2 in High Point, NJ. A 77-year-old man and a 10-year-old boy professed to be saved. During a one-week Korean Gospel Series with Joseph Chung in mid-August, 17 souls heard the gospel in the new hall and the saints rejoiced to witness the salvation of a 26-year-old man.


Akron: Eight brethren were present at the Labor Day conference to help in the ministry of God’s Word. The teaching was instructive and profitable for all. We rejoiced in seeing God’s hand in salvation at the close of the conference.


McKeesport: Three and a half weeks of gospel meetings concluded with Eugene Higgins and local brethren, Darris Barney and Scott Mizener. The tent was in a new location and many visitors attended nightly. The assembly was encouraged by the consistent attendance of many. David Oliver was with us for our Vacation Bible School in August. Our monthly Family Dinner for Sunday School students and their families continues to bring parents in to hear the gospel. Please pray for this effort. Many of the children come from very difficult home situations and much wisdom is needed. Pray that God will work in these homes.

South Dakota

Jack and Ruth Gould hope to spend a week in this state in October visiting contacts in some of the over 50 Hutterite colonies, and to distribute John 3:16 texts in German and in English. Please pray for open doors.


Matoaca: The saints appreciated a visit from David and Melody Oliver when they were with us for the day on August 26. David gave excellent ministry on “Basic Christianity.”


Arlington: The conference over the Labor Day weekend was very profitable with a large number of young people attending. Brethren who shared in the conference were A.J. Higgins, John Fitpatrick, Jim Jarvis, Dan Shutt, John Slabaugh, and Stan Wells. The Bible Readings were on The Christian and the World, The Christian and the Assembly, and the Christian and Stewardship.

N. Ireland

Co. Armagh

Tassagh: G. Buchanan and S. McBride are preaching in a tent between Keady and Tassagh.

Co. Antrim

Ballycastle: At the annual two-day fair the brethren distributed thousands of gospel tracts and held many open-air meetings.

Larne: The annual conference and Bible Readings were well attended. Bible Readings were 1 Timothy 1-4 conducted by J. Allen, J. Baker, P. Harding, and R. McKeown. Profitable ministry was given on Tuesday afternoon by J. Allen, J. Baker, D. Gilliland, and S. McBride.

Co. Down

Annalong: J. Bingham and T. Meekin are preaching in a tent and are encouraged by the numbers attending.

Ballykeel (Lough Road): J. Fleck and D. Gilliland continue in a portable hall on the Lurgan Road with large numbers attending and a number have professed salvation.

Donaghadee: B. Currie and J. Palmer are preaching in a tent and getting a number of visitors out. God has blessed in salvation.

Leapouges (near Growell): N. Coulter and N. Tinsley have commenced meetings in a band hall where no assembly workers have preached the gospel for over 60 years.

Portavogie: R. Eadie and S. Maze are encouraged in the salvation of souls while preaching in this fishing village.

Co. Londonderry

Garvagh: M. Radcliffe and U. Ussher are preaching the gospel and quite a number of locals have attended.

Drumenagh: D. McGarvey and R. Reynolds have commenced gospel meetings in this country area where the assembly is very small numerically.

Co. Monaghan (Republic)

Monaghan: J. Martin and W. Martin are having gospel meetings in a shop in the town centre.

Co. Tyrone

Kilmore: It was a profitable time at their annual conference with ministry from W. Boyd, A. Davidson, B. Glendinning, J. G. Hutchinson, W.J. Nesbitt, and M. Radcliffe.

Newtownstewart: A. Colgan and J. Rogers are in a portable hall. Good numbers are coming.


Brandon, MB

October 8, Bible reading 10 am (Philippians 3), Ministry 1:30-5:30 pm. No evening meeting. Corr. Alan Ritchie, 204-727-4971.

Edmonton, AB

October 12-14, at Connor’s Hill Gospel Hall with Prayer Meeting 8 pm Friday. It will continue Saturday morning at 10 am. Meals and accommodations will be provided. Corr: Joseph Bowman, 1325 Knottwood Road East, Edmonton, AB; 780-450-0818.

Niagara Falls, ON

October 13-14, in the Gospel Hall, Adams & Hawkins Sts. Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2:45 pm, Bible Study 1:30 pm, Gospel 6:45 pm, Young People’s Meeting 8:15 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 am, Sunday School 11:30 am, Bible Study 1:30 pm, Ministry 2:45 pm, Gospel 6:45 pm. Corr: Wm. Smith, 7467 Merritt Ave, Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5C3; 905-354-8272.

Alpena, AR 

October 27-28, Annual Bible Reading at Gospel Hall, 401 Lane Street. Saturday: Bible Reading 2 pm (Galatians 6), Ministry 4 pm, Gospel Meeting 7.30 pm. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 11:30 am, Ministry, 1:45 pm. Corr: Fred Stevenson, 573-201-1282; fstev153@embarqmail.com.

La Crosse, WI

October 27-28, in the Logan Middle School, 1450 Avon Street, Northside La Crosse. Please contact Dave Hardie, 608-783-4067.

Newington, CT

November 3 and 4, Saturday (half day schedule): Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 5 pm, then supper. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:45 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6 pm. Brethren walking in and teaching the “old paths” are welcome to minister as the Lord leads. Corr: Matthew J. Brescia, 81 Cobblestone Way, Windsor, CT 06095; 860-688-2388; Gospel Hall, 860-666-4342.

Blues Mills, NS

November 10-11, in the Gospel Hall, 34 Mountain Rd. Saturday: Ministry 10 am and 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm. Lord’s Day starts at 10 am, with Gospel 7 pm. Corr: John Bain, john@thegospel.ca; 902-625-2409, see www.thegospel.ca.

Oil Springs, ON

November 10 and 11, with Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:30 pm in the Gospel Hall, Victoria St. All other meetings in the Youth Center, cor. Hwy. 21 and Victoria St. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am, Bible Reading 1 pm (Romans 8), Ministry 2:30 pm, Testimony/Gospel 6 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am, Sunday School 1 pm, Ministry 2:30 pm, Gospel 7 pm (Gospel Hall). Corr: Arthur Whitton, RR 3 Oil Springs, ON N0N 1P0; 519-882-1686.

Oshawa, ON

November 10, at the Gospel Hall, 150 Albert St. Ministry at 2 and 7 pm with supper served between. Corr. Ken Nicholson, 905-579-7540.

Brampton, ON 

November 17-18, Prayer Meeting Friday, November 16 at 8 pm at the Brampton Gospel Hall, 6 Beech St. All other meetings at the Brampton Fairgrounds, Junior Farmers Hall, 12942 Heart Lake Rd. The first meeting on Saturday will be for Prayer and Ministry at 10 am. Corr: Dwight Dyke, 519-853-3090; ddyke@sympatico.ca, or www.bramptongospelhall.com.

McKeesport, PA

November 17-18, Albert Hull and Peter Ramsay plan to speak on the subject, “They Found The Secret For Christian Living In a Changing World – Five Youths in our Bible.” All meetings will be held at Wilson Christian Academy, 100 Clairton Road, West Mifflin, PA. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10 am and 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Q and A session following ministry on Saturday. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am, Sunday School 12:15 pm, Prayer, Praise and Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 4:30 pm. Corr: Tom Clark, 2420 Inglewood Drive, McKeesport, PA 15131; 412-751-5283; www.mckeesportgospelhall.org. Accom: Rob Oliver, 412-664-1004, or Rob@Oliverpages.net.

Phoenix, AZ

November 22-25, Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Bible readings at 10 am on Galatians 5-6, and Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-12. Each day Ministry at 2:30 pm and Gospel at 7 pm. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 am. Corr: Clarence Van Der Hart, 8525 W. Northern Av., Glendale, AZ 85305; 623-872-1007; Hall 602-253-4932.

Saugus, MA 

December 1-2, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, November 30 at 7:30 pm. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 am and 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. Sunday: Remembrance Meeting 10 am, Sunday School 11:45 am, Ministry 2 pm, Gospel 6:30 pm. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St. 781-233-5570; www.walnutstreetgospelhall.com. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940; 781-334-6363; tonygrillo@netzero.com. Accom: Mark Williamson, 781-233-0250, or Mark Procopio, 781-662-9449.

Conference Reminders:

Cape Breton, NS – October 6-7

Maidstone/Mervin, SK; Paradise Valley, AB – October 6-7

Manchester, IA – October 5-7

Mansfield, OH – October 6-7

St. Thomas, ON – October 6-7

Vancouver, BC – October 6-8

L’Anse au Loup, LB – October 12-14

Blue River, WI – October 20-21

Terryville, CT – October 20-21

Livonia, MI – October 27-28

St. John’s, NL – October 26-28

Bryn Mawr, PA – November 10-11

Saskatoon, SK – November 10-11

Change of Address

Becky Kew, Box 112, Langruth, MB, R0H-0N0, Canada; Beckykew@hotmail.com

Joe and Penny Clark, Box 105, Cascade, MT 59421; (406)468-9369; joeandpen@juno.com

Change of Correspondent

Picton, ON (Picton Gospel Hall): Reg Maxwell, 108 Harrington Rd, R.R. 2, Frankford, ON K0K 2C0; 613-969-2899.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Saginaw, MI (Madison Street): Robert C. Dennison, 521 Zehnder Drive, Frankenmuth, MI 48734; 989-652-9553; RCD8120@aol.com


Greta Roberts (nee Linstead) of English Point, Labrador, on April 15, age 58, after a difficult battle with cancer for over three years. She was saved in 1958 as a young girl in L’Anse au Loup where she was very involved in the Sunday School work. She lost her first husband through a drowning after nine months of marriage and went through a difficult time as a young woman. She later married Harold Roberts and moved to Forteau where she was in fellowship at the English Point assembly until her passing. The large funeral in the Gospel Hall was shared by Freddy Barney, Albert Hull, and Greta’s son Philip Earle. Her husband Harold, sons Philip Earle, Philip Roberts, Harley, and daughter Deanna mourn her passing.

William J. Turner of Kitchener, ON, on June 25, age 86. William lived in Kitchener from 1935 until moving to Newmarket in 2005. After attending six weeks of gospel meetings by the late Fred Watson, he was saved through John 5:24 the following Sunday when two local brethren had preached the gospel. He was a faithful shepherd in God’s assembly in Kitchener for many years. He and his wife Margaret were known for their care and hospitality to many. Our dear brother’s shepherd care and faithfulness will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, daughters Esther Corcoran, Lois Mountney, and Ellen Scheer, his son Philip, and sister Etta Naylor. He leaves eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The funeral service was taken by William Aiken, Jim Beattie, George Patterson, John Sharpe, and Wade Steers.

George McKinley of N. Ireland, on June 14. Our esteemed brother was born in 1929 in Dungannon, NI, and trusted Christ in 1943, shortly after his grandmother’s death. In 1981 George stepped out in faith as a preacher of the gospel. He had many gospel series until he suffered a severe heart attack in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1994. This past year he was in the hospital a number of times until the Lord called him home. He leaves his beloved wife of 48 years, Queenie, and four sons, three of whom are saved and married; others of the family are still unsaved. Also surviving are two brothers and two sisters, all in assembly fellowship. Our brother’s funeral was held from his home in Dungannon. Thomas McNeill opened in prayer, and the gospel was preached by Samuel Maze. At the graveside, over 300 heard the gospel again, preached by James Martin. Other brethren shared in hymns and prayers. Prayer is requested for the family.

Mrs. Ollie Lawrence of Watertown, MA, on July 7, age 95. She was saved in the summer of 1991 at the age of 79 while attending gospel meetings conducted by Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk at the Bracondale Gospel Hall, Toronto. She had been exposed to the gospel for many years by family members. While visiting her niece, she was saved after the second night of hearing the gospel. That same year she came into fellowship at the Mount Auburn Gospel Hall. She was faithful in her attendance at all the meetings, even after being diagnosed with cancer. She drove herself to meeting three weeks before her home-call. A large number followed the procession from her home to the cemetery in the center of Concord, and many spectators gathered as well. The gospel was presented to this large company by Frank Tornaquindici. Prayer would be valued for unsaved family members.

William (Bill) Beattie of Whitby, ON, on August 4, age 82. As a child, our brother emigrated with his family from Ireland. At 29, after being brought into contact with the gospel by his two brothers, he was lead to the Savior. His wife was saved shortly after and they came into fellowship in the Pape Ave assembly where they where faithful for many years. Upon retirement they moved and were in fellowship in Orillia and later in Oshawa. Our faithful brother marvelled at the grace of God in his life. He loved the Lord Jesus, the assembly, and God’s Word. He leaves behind his wife of almost 60 years, Margaret, and daughter Debbie. He was predeceased by his youngest daughter two years ago. Words of comfort and the gospel were preached by Eugene Badgley and Ken Nicholson.

Harry W. Wiegand of Olney, PA, on August 7, age 90. From the time his mother was saved when he was nine, she spoke to him about salvation. In February, 1934, she persuaded him to hear a local evangelist. Reluctantly he went, but the Holy Spirit convicted him of his need to be saved that night. During the singing of the closing hymn, “Just as I Am,” he stopped his struggling and rested on the words, “I do believe that Jesus died for me.” After visiting one “Morning Meeting,” he was convinced that this is where he should be. He came into fellowship in the Olney assembly in 1934. His care and shepherding of the flock will be much missed by the assembly. He leaves Suzanne, his wife of 63 years, to await the Rapture. Remember in prayer a daughter and son and two grand-daughters who heard the gospel from Walter Gustafson and an encouraging and solemn word at the grave by William Oliver.

Anthony Netti, of Phoenix, AZ, on August 10, age 90. He was saved at age 13 during a thunder storm in Morristown, NJ. Along with his family, Anthony moved to Methuen, MA, in 1936 where he was a faithful shepherd in the assembly for over forty years. He and his wife, Gina, were well known for their warm hospitality. They moved to Arizona in 1998 and were in the fellowship of the Sunnyslope assembly. Anthony leaves five siblings, Lydia Viglione, Olga Mariotti, Gloria Dalfino, Yolanda, and David Netti. His wife Gina and three siblings, Emanuel and Daniel Netti, and Jennie Vacca predeceased him. John Dennison, Shad Kember Jr., and David Netti shared the funeral.

Mrs. Helen McIntosh of Lake Shore Gospel Hall, Lambton Shores, ON, on August 25, age 84. Saved as a young girl, she and her late husband Gordon (2001) lived joyfully for Christ Whom they served faithfully. Soon after his passing, she suffered a stroke, but retained a happy disposition although unable to attend assembly meetings. The large funeral gave Wm. Metcalf an opportunity to present the gospel. A son, three daughters and several grandchildren survive.