


Edmonton: The assembly was very pleased to have David Richards for a week of ministry at the beginning of January and Jim Webb for a week later in the month.

British Columbia

Kamloops: During February, Dave Richards gave three sessions of appreciated ministry on Acts 2:42 and a report of his work in Russia.

Richmond: The Vancouver monthly ministry meeting held on February 4 at West Richmond was shared by Gordon Williams and Bryan Funston. On February 12, a married woman was baptized at the close of the gospel meeting, bringing joy to all the saints. The interest and numbers attending have encouraged the saints in the gospel series that began February 19. Many of those attending speak English as a second language.

Fairview: Meetings with David Hunt and James McClelland began the third week on March 5th. Good numbers are attending.


Brandon: The assembly enjoyed four nights recently with Hans Bouwman with the “Eternity to Eternity Chart.”

Winnipeg: Bruce Cottrill and Jim Bergsma, both on separate evenings in January, gave reports on their calls and service, which were enjoyed by the believers. Jim Webb also gave valued ministry for an evening in January. Jim Beattie and Bruce Rodgers are expected for a one-day conference on April 1.

New Brunswick

Green River: The saints had their all-day meeting February 4. Help was given by Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and local brethren.

Shdiac: The assembly was encouraged during four weeks of gospel meetings with Noel Burden, who spoke by an interpreter. The meetings closed February 17 with blessing in salvation. Grard Roy was with the assembly for an all-day meeting at the end of February.

Tracadie: Ministry meetings on “Egypt to Canaan” with Grard Roy started on March 6.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Bert Joyce had 12 very helpful and appreciated ministry meetings on The Journeys of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan. The meetings were also attended by the saints in the McIvers assembly.

L’Anse au Loup: In early March, gospel meetings were continuing into the 5th week with David Herleihy and Murray McCandless. Good numbers were attending with some from the community for the first time. Wayne Earle passed away after a very short, but hard, battle with cancer. He grew up attending Sunday school here and professed Christ as Savior a couple of years ago. He wanted his funeral service to be at the Gospel Hall and made all the arrangements. Eric Fowler and Gilbert Linstead spoke.

Parsons Pond: The saints appreciated several weeks of gospel meetings with Jerry Jennings and David Swan. Meetings ended February 10. The series was very profitable, with many contacts made and the saints encouraged.

Nova Scotia

River Hebert: Noel Burden visited for a Lord’s Day and a weeknight in February.


Burgessville: The saints recently enjoyed visits from Ed Miller and Arnold Adams, and anticipate ministry on assembly truths with Frank Sona in early March.

Cambridge, ON: After moving to another building from the original Clyde Gospel Hall in December, the assembly has completed most of the renovations. Six young souls were baptized January 8 when Frank Sona gave help in gospel and ministry. Bert Snippe ministered to the saints January 28. The first conference of the Cambridge assembly was held February 4 with over 300 in attendance. Speakers included F. Sona, B. Joyce, M. McLean, J. Smith, A. Hull, P. Ramsay, A. Ussher, and D. Nicholson, who also stayed over for Lord’s Day. The weekly Friday night youth program is averaging about 40 children, with two-thirds being from outside homes. This has resulted in a few attending the gospel meeting and Sunday School. Please pray that the Lord will guide this effort. Alex Dryburgh visited on Lord’s Day, March 5.

Earlton: During the last two weeks of October, Alvin Cook and Mitch Parent (a local brother) held a gospel series in the Harley Township Hall near New Liskeard. The meetings were well supported by the local Christians and there were a few unsaved out most nights. During the last week of November, Mitch Parent conducted children’s meetings in the Earlton Hall. The attendance was excellent, with the gospel presented in a clear and plain manner. Contact has been maintained with new children that came out to the meetings.

London: Gary Sharp was with us for a Lord’s Day, February 12, at which time five were baptized. He continued throughout the following week, each night speaking to a large number of children. On January 28, David Oliver spoke at the well-attended monthly ministry meeting addressing, in particular, the young believers. The Christians were also encouraged when a lady and a young man were received into the fellowship.

Newbury: On January 22, we had a baptism of a young sister. The hall was quite full and a number heard the gospel, some for the first time. It was a very encouraging, happy time.

Peterborough: The assembly enjoyed four nights of ministry on Church truth recently with Brian Owen, followed on Lord’s Day with Lorne Langfeld. He hopes to set up a gospel booth at the International Plowing Match near Keene, just a short distance from here.

Windsor: Aubrey Kelly and Stu Thompson concluded a four-week gospel series on February 12. The first two weeks were held on the local university campus with a good number of students attending. Several foreign students continued to come the following two weeks in the Gospel Hall. The students from the assembly had an information booth on the campus and kept in touch with those they met. Although we know of no one professing salvation, continued contact is being maintained with some Chinese students in particular.


Sainte-Flavie: Believers from the Green River assembly were present for a monthly ministry meeting at the beginning of January. Larry Buote, Leslie Wells, and Grard Roy were present to help.


Glen Ewen: Gospel meetings were held by John Fitzpatrick and Brandon Dohl, January 22 – February 22. There was blessing in salvation and the Christians were helped.

Taylorside: The saints enjoyed two nights of profitable ministry with John Fitzpatrick.



Phoenix: The Sunnyslope assembly was blessed by appreciated ministry from Eric Parmenter during February and a report meeting by Jack Saword at the beginning of March.


San Diego: The conference was larger than usual this year. Brethren giving help were Tom Baker, A. J. Higgins, and E. Parmenter.


Manchester: Please pray for monthly ministry meetings to be held here. Also, pray for a series of gospel meetings which began in March with Marvin Derksen and Dan Shutt.

Newington: Robert Surgenor had a series of ministry meetings on Zechariah.


Tampa: The assembly enjoyed a week of ministry meetings with Hans Bouwman, using his chart, From Eternity to Eternity. We also had an all-day meeting the following Lord’s Day with H. Bouwman, E. McCullough, Wm. Lavery, and L. Steers.


Cedar Falls: Brian Crawford and Gary Sharp held a week of children’s meetings here.

Dunkerton: Children’s meetings are planned for the week of March 26 with Ed Miller giving help. Prayer is valued for this effort.

West Union: James Ronald visited from February 26 to March 1, ministering on The Seven Feasts of Jehovah.


Fridley: Helpful ministry was enjoyed from Wm. Skates and James Ronald in February. Joel Portman and Robert Surgenor were expected in March, and Wm. Skates again in April with his chart on prophecy, D.V.

Wilmar: R. Orr and R. Van Mill started gospel meetings on February 26.

New Jersey

Livingston: In December, the saints were encouraged during four days of ministry on the Book of Ruth with Frank Sona, who also was present for the New Year’s Day dinner the first weekend in January. There were also recent visits by Tom Hoy and Walter Gustafson.

Long Branch: The small gathering of believers has been very encouraged by the recent support of brethren from the neighboring assemblies of Barrington, Hatboro, Livingston, Midland Park, and Pennsauken.

North Carolina

Hickory: The saints enjoyed a week’s ministry by David Petterson on Bible Characters. The believers were also encouraged by a young believer’s being received into fellowship.


Akron: Norman Crawford and David Vallance were present for the area Bible Reading on John 15. The brethren continued with us through the weekend and the believers were greatly encouraged. The assembly appreciated a visit from James Smith in early March.

Clyde: Norman Crawford gave an appreciated visit for a Lord’s Day. David Vallance was with the assembly for the area Bible Reading and ministry meeting. A good number was present.

Mansfield: Bill Lavery was expected for ministry in early February. James Smith visited the assembly for two nights of helpful ministry.


San Antonio: Clifford Lock was here for four Lord’s Days in the New Year, and a brother from Manchester, CT, for a Lord’s Day. Several unbelievers attended all the meetings.


Okanogan: J. Portman and R. Weber started gospel meetings here.


Brodhead: W. Lavery and W. Skates started gospel meetings on February 26.

CORRECTION: Regretfully, March’s Tidings included this incorrect report in the Ukraine section: “A third assembly of believers commenced in the former capital of Lvov L’viv.”


Fredericton, NB

April 28-30 with Prayer Meeting (Friday, at 7:30 p.m.) and Sunday Gospel Meeting in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings in the Royal Road Elementary School. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (Faithfulness in Stewardship – I Cor 4), Ministry 2:15 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:15 p.m., Gospel at 7 p.m. Accom: Rob Griffin, Tel: 506-472-5512; E-mail: RDLGriff@nb.sympatico.ca.

Goodwood, ON

April 29 in the Goodwood Gospel Hall, on Bloomington Road, Hwy 47 & 3rd Concession, Goodwood, ON (northeast of Toronto); www.goodwood.gospelhall.com. First meeting at 2 p.m. Evening meal is provided. Corr: Robert Niessl, 25 Spring Street, Stouffville, ON, L4A 7X1; Tel: 905-640-7788; E-mail: robert.niessl@3web.net. Alternate contact: Robert Diebel, 36 Bell Street, Uxbridge, ON, L9P 1K9; E-mail: rdiebel@sympatico.ca; Tel: 905-852-5241

Livingston, NJ

May 5-7 with Prayer Meeting on Friday, May 5 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:45 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m. and Gospel 5 p.m. Meals and accommodations will be provided. All meetings will be held at the Livingston Gospel Hall, 405 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Livingston, NJ; Tel: 973-535-1485. Directions are on the web site www.livingstongospelhall.org. Contact Allan Valvano at 973-377-7839, or Dave Valvano at 973-884-2484, if you need assistance or accommodations.

Newbury, ON

May 6 in the Gospel Hall. Prayer and Ministry 2:30-5 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 6:30-7:30 p.m. Contact: Chris Snooks, Tel: 519-695-5779; E-mail: chris@newburygospelhall.com

Peterborough, ON

May 6 in the Park Street Gospel Hall, 592 Park St., Peterborough. Meetings are 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. with supper served at 5:15 p.m. Corr: A.R. Morrison, 700 Trailview Drive, Peterborough, ON, K9J 8P2; Tel: 705-760-9242.

Toronto, ON

May 12-14. Missionary Conference at the Langstaff Gospel Hall. Sessions will include missionary reports, missionary-related ministry, accounts of calls to full-time ministry, and a panel discussion. The planned speakers for this year are: Mr. David Jones – Chile, Mr. Craig Saword – El Salvador, Mr. Michael Browne – India, Mr. David Weir – Romania, Mr. David McAllister – Zambia. Meals will be provided in the hall. Due to limited accommodations in the homes of believers in the area, please contact Irving Payne at 905-773-3822, or E-mail sheryl.p@sympatico.ca for information and assistance in locating a place to stay . Request CD’s of the conference (full sets only) by E-mail to: steve@almira.com.

Cumberland, MD

May 20-21 with Prayer Meeting, Friday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cumberland Gospel Hall, 700 E. First St. All other meetings in the South Penn Elementary School, 500 E. Second St. First meeting Saturday 10 a.m. Breaking of Bread on Lord’s Day at 10 a.m. For accommodations, directions, or local hotel number for those wishing to make their own arrangements, contact Harold Harrison, Tel: 301-689-2432, or Tim Harrison, Tel: 301-689-0152, or E-mail sonnyh60@aol.com.

Midland & Waubaushene, ON

May 20-May 21 in the North Simcoe Sports & Recreation Centre, 527 Len Self Boulevard, Midland. Tel: 705-526-9395. Directions: Hwy. 93 north to Hwy. 12, turn East (right) to King Street, turn North (left) on King Street to 3rd stop light, turn left on Len Self Blvd. Meeting Times : Both days 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., 6:45 p.m. Bible Readings: 1 Timothy 4 and 2 Timothy 3. Corr: Paul Barbour, Tel: 705-526-3516; E-mail: barbour@fsvmail.net, or Ed Heels, Tel: 705-534-3698; E-mail: edheels@bigfoot.com. Accom: Ted Joyce, Tel: 705-526-6129; E-mail: tcjoyce@primus.ca, or Daniel Green, Tel: 705-534-4271.

Ottawa, ON

May 20-21, in the Gospel Hall at 1087 North River Rd., with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 19. Bible Readings 9 a.m. both days. Prayer and Ministry 10:30-12:00 noon, 2:30-5:00, Ministry and /or Gospel, 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday. Breaking of Bread 10:30 am., Prayer and Ministry 2:30-5:00, Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Reading subject for both days, 1st Corinthians 11 – Lordship of Christ / The Remembrance Feast— Breaking of Bread. Corr: M. Cottrill, Tel. 613-225-4708; E-mail: mandmcottrill@sympatico.ca.

Byfield, MA

May 27-28 with a Prayer Meeting, Friday May 26 at 8 p.m. in the Byfield Gospel Hall. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 12:15 p.m., Prayer, Praise and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: John H. Short, 145 Main St., Byfield, MA 01922; Tel: 978-465-2207; Email: jhshort@juno.com. Hall: 978-465-5569

Hickory, NC

May 26-28 at the Hickory Gospel Hall, 253 17th Ave. NE. Friday: Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Prayer/Ministry 10:30 a.m., Prayer/Ministry 1:45 p.m., Gospel 4:15 p.m., Sing 6:30 p.m. (at nearby school). Sunday: Lord’s Supper 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Prayer/Ministry 1:45 p.m., Gospel 6:00 p.m. Also, Gospel meeting 6 p.m. at the Denver Gospel Center. Corr: Bob MacLeod, 8036 Westbay Rd., Denver, NC 28037; E-mail: bekmacleod@bellsouth.net; Tel: 704-483-3521 or 704-361-4631

Saugus, MA

June 3-4, Bible Reading Conference, with Prayer Meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 213 Walnut St., Saugus. Subject: A devotional study of major events in the life of Christ; Matthew 2- The Advent of Christ, Mark 1-The Service of Christ, Luke 4 – The Temptation of Christ, Luke 19 – The Transfiguration of Christ, John 20 – The Ministry of Christ. First meeting on Saturday at 10 a.m., Breaking of Bread Lord’s Day at 10 a.m. Corr: Anthony Grillo, 46 Grey Lane, Lynnfield, MA 01940; Tel: 781-334-6363; E-mail: tonygrillo@netzero.com. For accommodations, contact Mark Williamson, 781-233-0250, or Mark Procopio, 781-662-9449; Gospel Hall, 781-233-5570.

Garnavillo, IA

June 3-4 with Prayer Meeting (Friday, 7 p.m.) and Sunday night Gospel Meeting in the Gospel Hall. All other meetings held in the Elementary School Gymnasium. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 1:45 p.m, Gospel 6:30 p.m. Sunday: Bible reading 9 a.m. (John 17), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 1:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. The speakers will be David Gilliland, A.J. Higgins, Dan Shutt, and John Dennison. For more information contact John Kregel at 563-964-2554 or johnk@alpinecom.net.

North Bay, ON

June 10-11 in the Nipissing Junction Gospel Hall, 1340 Lakeshore Drive, with Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Bible Readings on Saturday 9 a.m. (Hebrews 1) and Lord’s Day at 11:30 a.m. (Hebrews 2:1-9) Corr: Clarence Black, 63 Massey Dr., North Bay, ON., P1A 3Y3; Tel: 705-497-1284. Accom: David Culin, Tel: 705-474-7649; Hall: 705-474-3384.

Conference Reminders:

Antioch, IA – April 2

Watertown, MA – April 2

Stout, IA – April 8-9

Culver City, CA – April 14-15

Kapuskasing, ON – April 15-16

Manchester, CT – April 15-16

Nineveh, NS – April 15-16

Waterloo/Cedar Falls, IA – April 15-16

Toronto, ON – April 14-16

Vancouver, BC – April 14-16

McKeesport, PA – April 22-23

Methuen, MA – April 29-30

Newmarket, ON – May 6-7


Change of Address

Mark and Gwen Bonnell, PO Box 10509, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth 6015, South Africa; E-mail: mgb@venturenet.co.za; Tel: 041-360-6994

Becky Kew, 42-4th St. S.E. Apt. 9, Portage La Prairie, MB, R1N-1K9, Canada

Change of Address of Correspondent

Joseph Bowman (Conners Hill Gospel Hall, Edmonton, AB): new E-mail address: josephjbowman@gmail.com.

Change in Meeting Times

West Union, IA: The gospel meeting on Lord’s Day will now commence at 6:30 p.m.


Marilyn Thompson of Sundridge, ON, on January 9, in her 62nd year. She was brought up in association with the Mimico assembly in Toronto, and saved as a young girl through the Scripture, “Wilt thou go with this man?” She answered the call of the Spirit of God and took the Lord Jesus as her Savior. Twelve years ago she married George Thompson. It was a joy to have her with us in the assembly at Chapman Valley. She was a lovely singer and always cheerful. Over the last three years she had two major battles with cancer to which she eventually succumbed, but, amazingly, was cheerful to the very end. The large funeral service in the Gospel Hall was taken by David Booth and the gospel presented clearly with many unsaved present.

Mrs. Sena DeVries of Hitesville, IA, on January 14, age 84. Our dear sister was saved on December 2, 1955, after hearing the gospel in the Hitesville area for many years. She had been in the assembly these many years along with her late husband, Martin, who preceded her in death in 1995. Sena bore her health problems patiently and was confined to a nursing home in recent months. Bre. Slabaugh and Perkins shared in her service at the Hitesville Gospel Hall.

Grace Hoernor of Magnetawan, ON, on January 22, in her 101st year. She was saved as a girl of 14 through John 3:16, associated with the Chapman Valley assembly all her life, and predeceased by her husband, Bill, 21 years ago. Grace was an outgoing person and shared in the responsibilities of the assembly with her husband who was correspondent for 13 years. Those who visited her in the days of her infirmity were entertained with her stories. She was well known in the community and bore a good testimony for her Savior and Lord. The gospel was well presented to many unsaved relatives at the funeral taken by F. Krauss.

Irwin Doane of Niagara Falls, ON, on January 24, age 95. Our brother was saved at age 21, and in the assembly at Niagara Falls for over 70 years. He will be missed by his faithful wife, Jean. The funeral service was taken by W. Smith of Niagara Falls.

Richard C. Grob of Akron, OH, on February 5, age 80. Our beloved brother was born in Cleveland to believing parents and heard the gospel from his youth. In 1939 during fruitful gospel meetings with Herb Harris and Albert Joyce, our brother was saved through Isaiah 53:5-6. He and Fran were married in 1946 and were blessed with three sons. Richard was in fellowship in Addison Road and Monticello Gospel Hall before moving to Akron. He was marked by a love for the Lord and was a diligent student of God’s Word. The service was shared by two sons, Arthur Pile who spoke words of comfort, and Kenneth Webb who preached the gospel.

Rauni Pratt of Englehart, ON, on February 10, age 85. She was born in Finland and came to Canada as a girl of five. Our sister was pointed to the Lord through the late Mr. Ben Widdifield in 1943, and was in fellowship in the Kirkland Lake assembly, then for many years in Charlton, and finally in Englehart. Our sister went on faithfully in spite of circumstances that would have turned many aside. Left to mourn are her husband and daughter who are away from the Lord, and her son who seeks to help in the work in Russia and the Ukraine. The Gospel was well presented to her siblings and family by her nephew, Murray Pratt

Mr. Thomas David McClay of Co. Donegal, Ireland, on February 11 as a result of a tractor accident on his farm. He was saved at 16 at meetings held by Mr. W.P.W. McVey in the old Carrick Gospel Hall, then was baptized and received into the assembly at Carrick, Laghey. His life-long interest was to build up the testimony for God. He was a student of Scripture, and the manner in which he conducted the weekly Bible reading was evidence of disciplined study. As older brethren were called home, more responsibility fell upon him as a shepherd among the people of God. He taught succeeding generations of children in Sunday School, and his gospel preaching was clear and simple. The Bridgetown Gospel Hall was not large enough to accommodate all those who came to the funeral service, showing the respect of the local community and the esteem of believers across the country. The funeral services were shared by John Fleck, W.J. Nesbitt, and Gilbert Stewart, with others participating.

Raymond Sczawinski of Terryville, CT, on February 14, age 80. He was saved while attending gospel meetings held by David Oliver and Frank Tornaquindici, and later received into assembly fellowship in 1995. He was a quiet, faithful brother and always helped whenever possible. He leaves his wife, Dottie, also in assembly fellowship. Please pray for four unsaved children. The funeral was shared by Jeff Batterton and Stephen Morin, as well as his son Ray, Jr., at the Gospel Hall. Burial service will be held in the spring.

Phyllis Hill of Taylorside, SK, on February 15, age 87. Our dear sister was born on a farm in the Taylorside district and lived there until 1997. Phyllis accepted the Lord as her Savior as a young person and was part of the Taylorside assembly for over 60 years. She attended the assembly meetings faithfully, even when, in her early years, she had to walk to the hall. She leaves one sister, nephews and nieces, and numerous great and great-great nephews and nieces for whom prayer is valued. David Taylor and Neil Flett took the funeral service.

John Illuminati of Hatboro, PA, on February 25, went to be with Christ. He was born March 9, 1928, and saved at the age of 22. For many years he and his wife, Sue, were in the Olney assembly, before moving to the Hatboro area. John battled sickness and pain all his life but maintained a cheerful disposition. He loved to witness for Christ and was faithful to the assembly meetings whenever he could be present. He leaves his widow, numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. The funeral service was taken by Bill Coleman, Wil Coleman, Bob Rea, and E. Higgins.

Charts for Gospel Work

Two charts helpful for gospel work are available at a reduced price. They are Two Roads and Two Destinies and a Prophecy chart.

To order, please contact Richard Desrosiers at rich4@rogers.com

Two Roads and Two Destinies: Small charts (7″ X 13 7/8″), $20 US for a bundle of 100; large chart (4′ X 8′), $100 US.

Prophecy chart: Small charts (7″ X 13 7/8″), $20 US for a bundle of 100; large chart (6′ X 12′), $175 US.

All prices include postage.

New Book

“Prayers of Saints” by Robert E. Surgenor

Available from the author: 4527 W. 226th St., Fairview Park, Ohio 44126-2513.

Price: $10(US) each, $8.50 each (10 or more)