



Fort McMurray: The Wood Buffalo assembly would value the prayers of the Lord’s people that He will provide a permanent building in His own will and time.

Paradise Valley: The small assembly was blessed by three and a half weeks of gospel meetings with L. Mitchell and A. Ward. There has been a stir in the district and three professed faith in Christ, for which we thank God.

British Columbia

Greenwood: C. Van de Wetering and J. Fitzpatrick held tent meetings here in June. Contacts were made, and over 40 attended during the two weeks.

Kamloops: We had a very encouraging conference with timely, helpful ministry given by C. Van de Wetering, G. Williams, J. Fitzpatrick, and D. Brandt. Lucas Griffin (Westbank) helped in the open Sunday School.

Port Coquitlam: About 50 believers labored diligently to cover the city with invitation packages on July 1-2 in view of tent meetings commencing July 10 with B. Funston and D. Oliver.

Vancouver: The Victoria Dr. assembly has had the joy of baptizing five young people and receiving two young brethren into the fellowship since the beginning of the year.


Winnipeg: J. Gould and J. Nesbitt plan tent meetings to start August 2. This effort is in fellowship with the Ashfield assembly. A distribution of 20,000 Seed Sowers texts, along with invitations, is planned for July 30-August 1.

New Brunswick

Green River: On May 19, the assembly enjoyed having D. O’Hare give a report on the work of the Lord in France and Morocco. He also visited the Tracadie and Sainte-Flavie assemblies.

Shdiac: Gospel meetings, which started on June 5 with G. Roy and D. LeBlanc, are continuing with some blessing.

Tracadie: Stan Wells, speaking with the help of an interpreter, had two nights of profitable ministry during the third week of June.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: The annual conference from June 24-26 was very encouraging and well attended with a number of young believers present. The Bible study, led by L. Cain, was on Shepherd Care. F. Bartlett, L. Cain, E. Fowler, J. Jarvis, Bert Joyce, P. Mathews, M. McCandless, R. McIlwaine, and C. Payne gave ministry.

Gander: Irving Payne of Toronto visited the province to help in the open-air work in the central area of the province. One week of meetings was held in Gander with help given by local brethren. Another week was held in Lewisporte by I. Payne and G. Whey.

Nova Scotia

Nineveh: The assembly appreciated visits from P. Ramsay, S. Wells, and E. Fowler for ministry during June.


Bothwell: Tent meetings are to commmence July 31. Anyone wishing the preachers to visit relatives or friends living north of Bothwell, contact B. Metcalf (cmetcalf@xcelco.on.ca) or J. Beattie (jim@newburygospelhall.com).

Clinton: The saints enjoyed ministry and an account of the work in southern France and Morocco, given by D. O’Hare on May 11; there were also two nights of encouraging ministry in early June by R. Surgenor.

Deer Lake: We had appreciated visits from B. Owen and L. Langfeld. Several brethren visit the prison at Beaver Creek and have seen blessing. Some prisoners are able to come to the gospel meeting each Lord’s day.

Lake Shore: B. Owen and A. Ward began gospel meetings on July 10.

London: Wm. Metcalf was with us on June 12 for the baptism of two 18-year-old Sunday School scholars, and the reception of a young sister into the fellowship. Two Iraqi men were also baptized in May. T. Sloan (Ukraine), P. Poidevin (Zambia), and T. Wright (Brazil) gave interesting reports. J. Procopio and E. Fowler made appreciated visits. R. Surgenor had four profitable ministry meetings June 16-20.

North Bay: The assembly at Nipissing Jct. had great joy when two sisters were baptized. M. Pratt was present for the happy occasion. We also enjoyed an excellent conference in June, with 15 of the Lord’s servants present to minister the Word and preach the gospel. One man professed as the result of the gospel meeting. The Bible readings on “Our Supreme Lord Jesus” and “The Lord’s Supper” were Christ-exalting and heart-warming. D. Oliver stayed for three nights of practical and soul-searching ministry on Col. 3:18 to 4:1. We thank God for the help of the Holy Spirit throughout.

St. Thomas: Gospel meetings in April with G. Patterson and Wm. Skates were well-attended. There was blessing in salvation. Visits by D. Thomson, J. McCann, A. Cook, E. Miller, and R. Surgenor were appreciated by the believers.

Sudbury: The saints enjoyed a visit by W. Buckle and A. Dryburgh in early June. The ministry was encouraging and appreciated.


Nouvelle: Local brethren from Tracadie and Shdiac are faithfully visiting some contacts in this area. G. Roy purposes to have tent meetings in August.

Sainte-Flavie: The saints profited from a visit May 12-17 by L. Wells, who spoke on the Upper Room Ministry of the Lord Jesus.


Taylorside: The saints enjoyed recent visits from J. Ronald and B. Myers.



Newington: T. Wright paid a visit to the assembly for a Lord’s Day.


Cedar Falls: During the month of June, the assembly had appreciated visits from P. Theissen, R. Weber, and R. Orr.

Strawberry Pt: A. Christopherson and J. Slabaugh will be renting an empty store building for July rather than pitching the tent.


Saugus: The first weekend in June, the assembly held its annual Bible Reading conference. The subject was “From Egypt to Canaan.” Brethren Crawford, S. Higgins, Hull, Oliver, and Wright were responsible for each of the readings, and the saints were edified. A young girl from New Brunswick trusted Christ, bringing much joy to all. The second week in June was the start of the weekly Monday evening Children’s Meetings; numbers are encouraging. G. Higgins will hold meetings July 17-August 7 with his chart on Future Events.


Saginaw: E. Badgley and L. Mitchell began gospel meetings July 10.

Sherman: The assembly, God willing, will commence a gospel series on July 24 with B. Crawford and S. Thompson.


Kansas City: E. McCullough and J. Portman had much needed gospel meetings nightly for two weeks in June. Attendance was good, but no one is known to have professed.


Omaha: The assembly appreciated the visits of J. Portman, S. Wells, P. Thiessen, and R. Surgenor in recent months, and the ministry was helpful and encouraging. We have recently had the joy of seeing several younger believers, saved in gospel meetings over the past few years, added to the fellowship. We expect S. Wells for ministry on “The Dispensations of Scripture,” later this year, Lord willing.

New Jersey

Midland Park: The believers enjoyed visits from W. Gustafson, W. Buckle, S. Wells, and E. McCullough during the month of May. In June, T. Wright from Brazil had two evenings of helpful ministry, and a missionary report for a Lord’s Day. A. Hull and P. Ramsay are planning to start a series of gospel meetings on the Lord’s Day of the conference, September 25, which will continue each weekday at 7:45 p.m. Pennsauken: A. Kelly and G. Higgins had tent meetings on the hall’s property next to a main highway. The Barrington assembly joined in supporting the meetings faithfully. The attendance was excellent, with many of the believers bringing their children nightly; as well, a good number of Sunday School contacts and visitors came each night. A couple of souls professed salvation. Spanish gospel meetings were also held a week before the English series began and on Saturdays and Lord’s days during the meetings. The Hispanic believers worked to invite and contact many in the community.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: J. Fitzpatrick and B. Doll were with the assembly for two and a half weeks of gospel meetings that ended June 7. God’s blessing in salvation encouraged the saints. They are still praying for others to be saved as a result of the meetings.


Cleveland: F. Sona was with the assembly for 11 nights of gospel outreach to young people. The numbers were encouraging and the saints cheered. T. Baker also visited one night, telling of his labors and presenting the gospel to the same young people.

Clyde: On June 12, the assembly rejoiced at the baptism of two young believers. The Christians were cheered, and several new visitors heard a clear gospel preached by N. Crawford.

Steubenville: The assembly enjoyed a visit from L. Mitchell and from A. Ward during June. We are planning a booth at the county fair, August 16-21, for the third year, and look to our Lord to bless this effort.


Bryn Mawr: The assembly enjoyed the visit of Shad Kember for a Lord’s day. A young man was baptized after the gospel meeting.

Hatboro: The assembly had four weeks of gospel meetings in the tent with D. Petterson and J. Procopio. A number attended and a young woman professed salvation. The assembly was encouraged.

Indiana: Recently, the assembly enjoyed visits from W. Gustafson and J. Smith, both giving excellent ministry. The annual Youth Bible Club/Sunday School program was recently held. It was one of our larger meetings, and Rob Oliver had an excellent gospel message. Since late 1999, the assembly has been holding the YBC meetings once a month. More than 75 different children have come out to hear the gospel, and a number of parents attend as well.


Hardwick: The assembly was pleased to have W. Gustafson for three nights in June. He gave helpful ministry and encouraged the believers.


Granite Falls: Please pray for Gospel Tent meetings and Vacation Bible School beginning July 31 with T. Hoy and S. Meyers.

Marysville: The Shoultes assembly was joined by the Arlington assembly for a week of ministry with G. Goff. We were challenged to “step higher” in our devotional life, in our family life, in personal and public prayer life, in presenting the gospel, in worship, and in our communication with others.

Tacoma: During the July 4 holiday, the assembly distributed “Anchor of the Soul” CDs and John 3:16 texts from a booth at the Tall Ship Festival. The assemblies in Seattle, Arlington, and Marysville gave appreciated help.

N. Ireland

Co. Antrim

Ballynure: L. Craig and A. Colgan are now in their sixth week with a good response.

Clonkeen: J. Fleck and W. Martin are having well-attended gospel meetings in a portable hall in this country area.

Co. Armagh

Newtownhamilton: T. Wright and B. Currie continue here in the gospel in their sixth week.

Poyntzpass: John Rogers completed a lengthy spell of meetings in his portable hall here. Attendance was excellent and the Lord blessed in the salvation of a number of souls. He was to be joined by A. Aiken who was not able to be present because of illness.

Co. Down

Ballymacashon: The conference here was held in the Gospel Hall, and the ministry by various speakers was considered to be helpful.

Drumlough: The conference was held on a weekday in mid-May in the Gospel Hall with a number of the Lord’s servants ministering the Word of God.

Fortwilliam, Belfast: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd had a short series of gospel meetings. Again the area was well-covered with gospel tracts.

Maranatha, Belfast: W. J. Nesbitt and A. Nesbitt had six weeks of gospel meetings in this small assembly when quite a number of people from the local area heard the gospel and the district was covered with gospel leaflets.

Newtownbreda, Belfast: S. Grant and G. Hutchinson are preaching the gospel here presently and visiting the entire district.

Co. Fermanagh

Currien: D. McGarvey and N. Woods have had an encouraging series of gospel meetings with the small assembly here. Quite a number of neighbors attended.

Co. Londonderry

Bellaghy: The annual conference was considered to be good and much needed teaching was given by seven brethren.

Limavady: Good numbers attended the annual May conference. J. Baker was responsible for the Bible Reading and a number of the Lord’s servants gave profitable ministry.

Co. Tyrone

Dungannon: T. Topley and C. Law are preaching here with encouraging numbers attending.

Martry: The annual conference in June included a Bible Reading (led by S. McBride) and ministry by various brethren.

Republic of Ireland

Co. Donegal

Lifford: G. Stewart and S. Gilfillan had a short series of meetings in this border town. The area was faithfully visited and there was an encouraging response.

Co. Dublin

Dublin: The conference at Rathmines was well-attended and considered to be helpful to the Lord’s people present.


Ivano-Frankivsk: (from Louis Smith) In 1995, Flo Kancir went to Lviv to bring the gospel to relatives of her deceased husband. People were saved as she and others spread the gospel. through meeting Andriy at the Lviv airport in the Fall of 2003, Max McLean and Howard Pratt went to Ivano-Frankivsk to distribute Bibles and to preach. In a few days, they were impresssed by the interest and encouraged others to go. In the spring of 2004 Malcolm and Jean Stanley visited and found open doors. In the Fall of 2004, Max and Adele McLean, and later Howard Pratt and Louis Smith, carried on the same work. In the Spring of 2005, Malcolm Stanley, Jim Hanna, and, later, Eric Fowler and Louis Smith visited. People were saved during these various efforts. Two were baptized there earlier. While Malcolm and Jim were there, four others were baptized. The first Breaking of Bread was on Sunday, April 24. Five people observed. Six others were baptized on May 5. On May 8, 16 broke bread, including some from Lviv and N. America. There is a gospel meeting in the afternoon at 2 p.m. “We thank God for His blessings and request the prayers of the Christians for this new work.”

Note: The need for Bibles, literature, and humanitarian aid continues. Christians who wish to help supply this need can contribute to Seed Sowers USA, stating funds are for Ukraine.


San Antonio, TX

August 13-14, with Prayer Meeting on Friday 7 p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (2 Corinthians 6), Children’s Meeting 1 p.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Breaking of Bread on Lord’s Day at 11 a.m. Corr: Henry T. Plummer, 802 Sewanee, San Antonio, TX 78210; Tel: 210-333-4363.

Arlington/Marysville, WA

September 2-5 in the Gospel Hall, 323 S. Stillaguamish Ave., Arlington. Prayer/Ministry, Friday 7 p.m. Bible studies each morning : 2 Tim. 2, 3, and 4. Saturday: Bible Study, 8:45 a.m.; Ministry, 10:30 a.m. , 2 p.m.; Gospel, 7 p.m., Ministry for the Young 8:45 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m. (Arlington and Marysville); Bible Study, 11:15 a.m.; Ministry, 2:30 p.m.; Gospel, 7 p.m. (Arlington and Marysville); Ministry for the Young, 8:45 p.m. Monday: Bible Study, 8:45 a.m.; Ministry, 10:30 a.m. , 2 p.m. Information and accom: Phil Kazen, Tel: 360-659-4611.; E-mail: kazen@whidbey.net.

Huntsville, ON

September 3-4, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 2 at 7:30 p.m. All meetings are at the Huntsville Centennial Center on Park Drive; Tel: 705-789-6421. Meetings Saturday and Sunday are at 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Bible Readings are on Eph. 1 and 2. Corr: David Traves, 10 A West Rd., Huntsville, ON, P1H 1K9; Tel: 705-789-8420; E-mail: dhtraves@sympatico.ca

Kansas City, MO

September 4-5 in the Gospel Hall, 4603 E. Linwood Blvd., KC; Tel: 816-924-6346. Prayer, Saturday, September 3 at 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading (Hebrews 2) 9:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread 11 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Monday: Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Corr: William L. Jackson, 1613 Ashland Pl, Blue Springs, MO 64015; Tel: 816-228-3591.

Hardwick, VT

September 10-11 at the Hardwick Elementary School at the junction of Routes 14 and 15. There will be a Prayer Meeting, Friday, September 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Gospel Hall, 153 Cherry Street. Meetings at the school commence at 10 a.m. on Saturday and at 9:30 a.m. (Breaking of Bread) on Sunday. Correspondence and lodging requests: Bill Scott, Tel: 802-472-6257; or E-mail: billsinvt@earthlink.net.

Arnstein, ON

September 17-18, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, September 16, at 7:30 p.m. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. for those arriving early. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. (Assembly Privileges and Responsibilities), Ministry 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m.(John 20), Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 10762 Hwy 522. For advance accom. contact Tommy Dellandrea, Tel: 705-757-0222. Corr: Don Brunne, Tel: 705-757-2030.

Mansfield, OH

September 17-18 at Ontario High School, 467 Shelby – Ontario Road, Ontario, Ohio 44906. Prayer, Friday, 7:30 p.m., Gospel Hall, 820 Mansfield-Washington Road, Mansfield. Saturday: Ministry, 10 a.m., 2:30 p.m.; Gospel, 6:30 p.m.; Sing, 8 p.m. On Lord’s day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m.; Sunday School, 11:45 a.m.; Ministry, 2:30 p.m. (last speaker, Gospel). Corr. (and accomodations): John P. Hoffman, 1385 Angus Drive, Mansfield, Ohio 44903, Tel. 419-884-1990. E-mail: hoffjohnman@aol.com.

Chapman Valley/Parry Sound, ON

September 24-25 in the Chapman Valley Gospel Hall. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. with supper served at 6 p.m. Saturday: Breakfast 8 a.m., Bible Reading 9 a.m. (“Headship” – 1 Cor. 11) Lord’s day Bible reading 8:45 a.m. (“The Perfections of Christ”). Chapman Valley corr: Herb West, Box 870, Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0. Tel: 705-384-5280. Parry Sound corr: Tom Hulcoop, 9 Edward St., Parry Sound, ON P2A 2W5; Tel: 705-746-5919.

Midland Park, NJ

September 24-25. The 64th Annual Conference. Friday: Prayer Meeting 8 p.m.; Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m.; Lord’s day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:45 a.m., Prayer and Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6 pm. All meetings will be in the Gospel Hall, 61 Prospect Street, Midland Park, NJ. For accomodations or information, contact Henry Carmichael, 195 Vreeland Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432. Tel: 201-447-3844; E-mail: mpgospelhall@bigfoot.com. Please advise beforehand of your coming.

Clinton, ON

October 1-2 in Central Huron Secondary School, 165 Princess Street East. Prayer meeting Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 143 Joseph Street. Saturday, ministry beginning at 10:30 a.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Bible Reading subject: The Gospel (1) The Message (2) The Messengers. Corr: Douglas McDonald, P.O. Box 329, Clinton, ON N0M 1L0, Tel: 519-565-2752, Hall: 519-482-8687.

Manchester, IA

October 1-2, with Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 1308 N. Third St. All other meetings are in the Manchester West Delaware Middle School, 1001 Doctor St. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Lord’s day: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m. (Resurrection – 1 Cor. 15), Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m. Corr: C.F. Foster, 130 Clare Ave., Manchester, IA 52057-1306; Tel: 563-927-2963; Hall: 563-927-3887.Following the conference there will be a week of Bible Readings on The Assembly with Stan Wells and William Skates, at 7:30 p.m., October 3-7.

Maidstone, Mervin, SK and Paradise Valley, AB

October 8-9 in the Legion Hall, 111 Main St., Maidstone. Meetings both days at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 7, 7:30 p.m. in the Maidstone Gospel Hall, 4th Ave. and Main St. Contact R. Robertson (Maidstone), Tel: 306-893-2674; Lennard Heath (Mervin), Tel: 306-845-2627; David Flint (Paradise Valley), Tel: 780-745-2560.

Terryville, CT

October 15-16, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, October 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 36 N. Main St. All other meetings in the Harry S. Fisher School, N. Main St., 1/8 mile north of the Hall. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Gospel 6 p.m. Lord’s day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 4:30 p.m. For accommodations contact Steven Morin, Tel: 1-800-583-9904.

Livonia, MI

October 22-23, with Prayer Meeting on Friday, 7:30 p.m. All meetings held in the Stark Road Gospel Hall, 9280 Stark Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150. Saturday: Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.; Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s day: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m.; Prayer, Praise, and Ministry 2:30 p.m.; Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: David Vallance, 21600 Currie Road, Northville, MI 48167; Tel: 248-446-9346; E-mail: davidvallance@sbcglobal.net. Hall: 734-425-4910, www.starkrdgospelhall.com. Accommodations: Tim Fouts at 248- 476-5013 or tf-sf@msn.com.

St. Thomas, ON

October 8-9, Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m.,Friday, October 7 in the Gospel Hall, 1 Sunset Drive. All other meetings will be in the Parkside Collegiate, 241 Sunset Drive. Saturday: Ministry 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Lyle McCandless, 45 Pol Crescent, N5R 5P9; Tel: 519-637-1602; School 519-633-0090.

Conference Reminders

Lorain, OH – August 20-21
Fort McMurray, AB – August 27-28
Akron, OH – September 3-4
Clementsvale, NS – September 3-4
Grande Prairie, AB – September 3-4
Hitesville, IA – September 17-18


Additions to T&T Address List

Keith (Gayle) Bailey, Chitokoloki Mission, Box 16, Zambezi, Zambia.

David (Angela) Hierlihy, 1083 Hebron Road, Coleman RR# 1, P.E.I., C0B 1H0 Canada; E-mail: davanghierlihy@hotmail.com

Ross Vanstone, PO Box 921, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C4 ; E-mail: seed@mts.net

Byrnell Foreshew, 507 Balmoral Dr., #304, Brampton, ON L6T 1W3 Canada; Tel: 905-799-1719; E-mail: bforeshew@sympatico.ca.

Change of Address

Uel & Rae Ussher, Apartado 2591, Palo Negro, Edo.Aragua, Venezuela 2117; Tel: 58-243-2673552; E-mail: uelussher@telcel.net.ve.

Oronzo Dalfino (Tampa , FL): E-mail Orondd@verizon.net

Sam Payne (Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall, Fort McMurray, AB): E-mail: mojomago@telus.net


Bernie Zwiers of Fergus Falls, MN on Feb. 9, age 97. Our dear brother was saved in 1927 through the truth of John 3:36 in tent meetings held by Leonard Sheldrake and Fred Mehl at Friesland, MN, near Hinckley. He married Mary Luhm in 1941 and they moved to Fergus Falls in 1947. Mary preceded him in death in 1991. Bernie was fearless in presenting the gospel to all he met in his kindly way. He saw a number saved and was a good example to all. He was influential in the planting of the Fergus Falls assembly. The funeral service was held in the Broen Memorial Home in Fergus Falls, and was taken by a local brother who was saved through his testimony.

Margaret Battel of Cass City, MI, on May 3, age 83. Our beloved sister was saved 71 years ago during gospel meetings in Bay City, MI, by the late Sam Barr. In 1954, she and Lester Battel, who predeceased her in 1989, were married. They were faithful to the assembly in Cass City, their home always open to the Lord’s servants, showing true hospitality. Lester was correspondent of the assembly for many years. They bore a good testimony before all in the area. She leaves her daughter, Linda and her husband, a son Paul and his wife, four grandsons, one granddaughter, and her twin sister, Mrs. Mabel Kay, of Marshall, MI, to feel her loss. The well-attended funeral was taken by William Lavery and William Metcalf.

Mr. Abraham Patterson of N. Ireland, on May 4, age 83. He was saved in 1939 as a young man of 17 years. Our brother spent his adult life in Dungannon where, as a business man, he maintained a very cheerful and consistent testimony. He loved the assembly where his counsel, care, and contributions will be greatly missed. He and his late wife were given to hospitality; even after her home call in 1990, the open-door remained. A great supporter of the gospel, he encouraged its preaching, and was himself a writer of gospel tracts and poetry. The large company of believers, towns people, and business contacts at his funeral was a testimony in itself. S. Ferguson spoke in the Gospel Hall and D. Gilliland at the grave, assisted in prayer and tribute by other brethren.

Mrs. Betty Robar of Nineveh, NS, on May 12, age 65 . Our dear sister was saved as a young girl, and was in the Nineveh assembly until the time of her illness and confinement to a nursing home. She was a faithful sister, and manifested love to the Lord and the assembly. She is survived by her husband, Alvin, one stepson, one son and daughter, and two grandchildren, some not yet saved. A good number attended the funeral service where Albert Hull presented the gospel.

Evelyn N. Casson of Vancouver, BC on May 14, age 81. She was saved at 25 years of age and came into fellowship in Hastings East, and later was in the Deep Cove assembly. She was a quiet and consistent sister who had the joy of seeing all her children and grandchildren saved. She is survived by her loving husband, David, three children, and their families. The funeral was taken by David Bagnall and Reddie Blair. Wesley Barr spoke at the graveside.

Mrs. Sarah Brown of Edenderry, N.I. on May 18, age 96. She was saved in 1937 at meetings conducted by Mr. Thomas Wallace, and had a good testimony in the village. Her commitment to the assembly was evidenced in her continuous attendance at the assembly meetings until going to reside in Faith House in 1997. The large funeral service indicated the high esteem in which she was held. She will be greatly missed by her family in Northern Ireland and Canada.

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The Light, a monthly paper for teens, features a relevant Q&A section, the Creation Corner, and a testimony. $7.00 for 12 issues, mailed directly to the teen’s home (include names and addresses).

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Visit www.truthandtidings.com/light for samples and more information.

A Reminder from Two Gospel Trusts

Fellowship to Commended Workers

Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust USA and Gospel Trust Canada are available to assist believers from their respective countries in the distribution of personal or assembly funds to commended workers. Most missionaries have authorized the Trusts to make direct deposits to personal North American bank accounts. This is a secure and accelerated way of transmitting funds both at home and abroad and it will provide donors with a receipt from a non-profit charitable corporation that can be used for income tax deduction, as the laws allow.

Wills and the Gospel Trusts

Either trust can be named as a beneficiary in your will and all money received by the Trust from your estate will be distributed promptly according to: (1) instructions in the will, (2) instructions from the executor of the estate or (3) following a donor’s previous exercise in using the Trusts. A local lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish. The addresses for the Canadian and U.S. Trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover. As in previous years, both trusts maintain complete confidentiality and operate independent of the other and of this magazine.