

British Columbia

Burnaby: On April 23, The South Burnaby assembly (formerly Woodland Drive) commemorated 50 years of testimony. Five brethren shared the meeting and a supper was served at the conclusion.

Deep Cove: Three weeks of gospel meetings with Jonathan Procopio and Malcolm Radcliffe concluded in April. The meetings were well-attended. One young man and a young woman confessed salvation, and others were interested.

Kamloops: The assembly had an appreciated visit by John Fitzpatrick (Oregon) for a night of ministry from Acts 9.

Port Coquitlam: Please pray for tent meetings commencing July 10 with Bryan Funston and David Oliver. This is the third summer effort in this area. Visitation of the area will be take place July 1-2.

Richmond: Harold Paisley was with the assembly in West Richmond April 24-May 1 in ministry and gospel, speaking on Profiles of Some New Testament Personalities.

Terrace: The Lord gave help in recent meetings with John Fitzpatrick and Cap van de Wetering. One young man of 19, who had professed a week before th+e meetings started, got assurance. A young boy also expressed assurance of salvation. Tragically, a 21-year-old woman who had been invited to the meetings and given literature by a sister in the assembly, passed away the day after the meetings concluded.

Westbank: Four weeks of gospel meetings in the Community Hall concluded April 29 with John Meekin and Frank Sona. No one is known to have been saved as a result of the meetings, but eternity will reveal the outcome. The meetings were an encouragement to the assembly.


Winnipeg: The annual conference was held April 1-3, with ministry by Andrew Bergsma, Henry F. Dyck, Ian Gibson, Jack Gould, Steve Kember, William Lavery, and Gordon Williams. The conference was of average size, and the ministry, generally appreciated, was mainly focused on the Person of Christ and on the assembly. Mr. Lavery was at West End for ministry before the conference, and visited neighboring assemblies as well. We enjoyed his time here.

New Brunswick

Green River: At the monthly all-day meeting in February, Larry Buote, Leslie Wells, Grard Roy, and a local brother ministered the Word of God to profit.

Shdiac: Grard Roy spent a week with the assembly at the beginning of March speaking on the book of the Acts.

Tracadie: Leslie Wells, Grard Roy, and a local brother gave help at the monthly ministry meeting on March 13. The saints were refreshed by seven ministry meetings at the end of April by Leslie Wells on different Bible topics.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Gospel meetings in the local civic center with Albert Hull and James McClelland had over 70 from the community attending. We aren’t aware of any professing faith in Christ, but were very encouraged with the number of contacts made. Some of these contacts continue to show an interest.

Nova Scotia

Amherst: Gospel meetings concluded March 21. There were a good number of visitors each night, some for the first time. We were encouraged and hope that there might yet be blessing in salvation. Wallace Buckle, Alex Dryburgh, and Carl Payne preached a clear gospel.

River Hebert: The saints enjoyed visits by Eric Fowler and Wallace Buckle in March.

Sydney Mines: The assembly had recent appreciated visits from David Swan and Fred Bartlett, as well as Noel Burden in March. Local brethren will be having a week of gospel meetings starting May 24. Larry Buote will be ministering from his chart, The Feasts of Jehovah, June 1-10, D.V.


Sudbury: Mitch Parent from the Englehart Assembly was with the saints for the monthly ministry meeting in March and gave appreciated ministry. He also remained for the Lord’s Day. Don Nicholson and Brian Crawford were ith the assembly for two weeks of gospel meetings, with unsaved out each night. The Christians are still praying for blessing as a result of these meetings, and for others who are attending the regular Sunday night meetings.

St. Mary’s: A Seed Sower distribution is planned for July 16, followed by gospel meetings starting July 20 with G. Sharp and B. Foreshew. Prayer would be appreciated for these meetings.

Timmins: The saints enjoyed two days of ministry meetings during the last week of March with Fred Krauss. Murray Pratt and David Booth started gospel meetings the first week of April with good interest shown.

Toronto:: Please pray for a gospel tent series scheduled for May 29 through June 19 with Brian Crawford and Marvin Derksen at 24 Second St., Unionville, ON. (Sunday 6:30 p.m., Monday – Friday 7:30 p.m.).

Victoria Road: Brian Owen planned to have a week of meetings for youth beginning May 1.


Longueuil: A two-day conference was held during the first weekend of April. Ernest Green, Leslie Wells, and Larry Buote gave help. The Bible reading on selected passages from the book of Daniel was lead by Leslie Wells and was a blessing to the saints gathered.

Sainte-Flavie: The small assembly was blessed by ministry given by Leslie Wells from April 10-16.


Glen Ewen: The assembly appreciated visits by brethren Wm. Lavery (March 28-29), Robert Surgenor (April 3-10), Andy Bergsma (April 13), and Ross Vanstone (May 1).

U. S. A.


Stout: Our Bible Conference was very encouraging with very good attendance. The Lord gave help in the ministry of the Word and the gospel. Thirteen of the Lord’s servants were present with a good exercise to share.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls: Our conference was very good this year, with almost 400 attending. Eleven servants of the Lord gave ministry that was both Christ-exalting and practical for daily living. Also, the three nights of Bible readings on 2 Thessalonians were very helpful, with from six to eight of the Lord’s servants attending on a given night.


Watertown: On April 25 and 26, Stanley Wells had ministry with the Mount Auburn assembly on the subject of “The Power Of Prayer.” This was an encouragement to all, and the hearts of the believers were truly refreshed. The saints from the Cambridge assembly joined with Mount Auburn for these meetings.

Saugus: Stanley Wells visited the assembly on April 24 and 28. His visit was appreciated, with help given in the gospel and ministry.


Sherman: The assembly plans to conduct children’s meetings April 18-22. Also, God willing, the believers hope to have their literature booth set up once again at the annual Mesick Mushroom Festival during the Mother’s Day weekend.


Minneapolis: The all-day meeting, May 1, was appreciated as John Slabaugh and Stuart Thompson provided instructive ministry relative to God’s perfect will, and the future prospect and present impact of the Lord’s return. Brother Thompson stayed two more nights with fresh gleanings regarding the Lord’s purposes in marriage.

New Jersey

Livingston: Stan Wells ministered on the Seven Dispensations of Scripture. The interest was very encouraging.

Midland Park: The saints had a visit by Stanley Wells for ministry on a Friday, and the following Lord’s Day. Ken Taylor was with us the last Lord’s Day of April, and gave ministry and a report of the work in Dominica and in Haiti.

New York

Caneadea: Gary Sharp was with the assembly for the annual Sunday School treat held on April 9. A good number of children and some adults were present to hear the gospel faithfully preached.


Akron: Gospel meetings, which commenced April 24 with Al Christopherson and Gary Sharp, were most encouraging in seeing God’s hand in salvation.

Mansfield: Dan Shutt was with the assembly for a number of nights of helpful ministry. Gary Sharp paid a visit for the Sunday School treat in April.


McKeesport: The assembly enjoyed two weeks of children’s meetings with David Petterson. There was a large number of children in from the community. The excellent ministry at the Spring Conference was an encouragement to the Christians. Brethren Tom Baker, Norman Crawford, Walter Gustafson, Gene Higgins, Aubrey Kelly, Murray MacLeod, David Oliver, David Petterson, and Jim Smith shared in the ministry and gospel.


Hardwick: The assembly enjoyed a visit from Stanley Wells, April 19-20. It was his first time in Hardwick. Excellent ministry was given on some foundational assembly truths, great for young and old.


Egg Harbor: Brian Owen and Lorne Mitchell recently shared in ministry meetings on the Principles and Practices of the New Testament Assembly. The saints expressed their appreciation for the meetings.

RD Congo

Gerard Roy writes: “Our four-week visit with the believers in Lubumbashi was very encouraging. Shortly after we arrived we built several wooden benches which were filled nightly during the short three-week gospel series. The two brethren which came with me were a great help in both manual work and visiting. The good hand of God was seen in salvation from the very start of the meetings. Among the several souls who professed faith in Christ were some who had been attending the regular weekly meetings for months, and were evidently under conviction of sin and a burden upon the hearts of the believers.

We also had an outreach in the town of Kipuchi, 30 km away. After distributing gospel texts and French “Via” magazines in the streets, over one hundred people gathered in a large classroom where two local brethren and I preached the glad tidings using a Two Roads chart.

Before our arrival, the local brethren had made arrangements for a baptism. It was our joy to witness the obedience of four believers, three of whom had trusted the Savior during the gospel meetings held in August of 2004. Two of us took the opportunity to preach the gospel to the crowd gathered.

Keeping in close contact with the work in Lubumbashi during the past few years have made us increasingly aware of the movements of the Holy Spirit in bringing souls to the Savior, producing in them a genuine desire to live for the Lord Jesus, and teaching them the truths of the local assembly. We also have been encouraged to see among them those who manifest a care for the spiritual well being of the young believers. It was also our joy to be with the believers in Lubumbashi for their first breaking of bread. They had been exercised about it for a while and it was evident to us that everything was pointing to the fact that God wanted a collective testimony for His Son to be established in that city. Sitting with nine local believers to remember the Lord Jesus on April 10 was very precious. We look to God to guide for a more extensive visit a little later. Your prayers for the spiritual increase and preservation of this new assembly would be appreciated.”


Burgessville, ON

June 11 with meetings starting at 10 a.m. The speakers will be Steven Vance, Andrew Ussher, David Booth, and Dan Obey. Meals and accommodations will be provided. For additional information or directions to the Burgessville Gospel Hall, please contact Ernie Dyck – Tel: 519-469-3097, or Rob Dyck – Email: facts100@hotmail.com

Augusta, ME

June 25-26 with Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 24 in the Gospel Hall, 421 Old Belgrade Road, Tel: (207)626-2786. Corr: Jim Thompson, Rte. 1, Box 2971, Belgrade, ME 04917, Tel: (207)495-3590; email: jptbooks@prexar.com.

New Lenox, IL 

Please disregard the previous notice that a conference is planned for late July. The saints do not plan to convene a conference in 2005. Lord willing, we will plan one for 2006.

Pugwash Junction, NS

July 2-3 preceded by a Prayer Meeting Friday at 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m. Order of meetings as usual. Subject of Bible Readings: Scriptural (Spiritual) Guidance for Parents and Children (Sat.), John 17 (Sun.). Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.#1, Wallace, N.S. B0K 1YO; email: wiretrap@ns.sympatico.ca; Tel:(902)257-2236; Hall: (902)243-2205. For advance accommodations, contact Jerry Thompson, Tel: 243-3112; email: pugace@auracom.ca

Westbank, BC

July 30-31 in the Highway Gospel Hall, 2549 Hebert Road. Friday, July 29Prayer/Ministry 7:30 p.m.; Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Ministry/Gospel 7 p.m., Sing 9 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 11:15 a.m., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7:15 p.m. Corr: Glenn A. Griffin, 3344 Elliott Road, Westbank, B.C. V4T 1P2, Tel: 250-768-3343, Fax: 250-768-3312, Email: griffarm@telus.bc

Conference Reminders:

Bancroft, ON – June 4

Eden Grove, ON – June 5

Garnavillo, IA – June 4-5

Saugus, MA – June 4-5

North Bay – June 11-12

Portage la Prairie, MB – June 16-19

Victoria Road, ON – June 19-20

Cornerbrook, NF – June 25-26

Glen Ewen, SK – June 23-26

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Charlton, ON – July 2-3

Kamloops, BC – July 1-3

Taylorside, SK – July 1-3


John & Olive McDowell, P.O. Box 55, Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia. 4220; johnmcdowell@telstra.ap.blackberry.net.

Mrs. Evelyn Abernethy, 5043 – 224th Street, Langley, BC V2Y 2V4.


E. Madeline Brundage, on December 30, 2004, age 85. Madeline was born and raised in Thunder Bay. She was one of five children in the Weston family and was saved as a young girl, resting on the truth of Isaiah 53:5. She was very hospitable and entertained many of the Lord’s servants. With her husband Ralph, she moved to Alberta in 1979 to help at Salem Acres. After Ralph’s death she moved back to Ontario to Elim Homes in 1994. There she enjoyed happy fellowship in the Waubaushene assembly and was active until failing health at the end hospitalized her for some weeks. She leaves two sons and four grandchildren. Her funeral was shared by Gary Sharp and John Adams.

William Moore Parks of Indiana, PA on February 26, age 86. He was saved at the age of 22 and later received into fellowship in Bryn Mawr. From 1954, he served as an overseer there and also as correspondent for more than 20years until he and his wife Nettie retired to Indiana, PA where he served as correspondent for more than 15 years. He was a consistent Christian, and totally devoted to assembly fellowship. He was known for his moderating influence, and had an excellent knowledge of Scripture. He was a devotional thinker, and enjoyed more than anything else worshiping His Lord and Savior. He and his wife Jeanette were widely known for their hospitality and care for the Lord’s people. Their testimonies influenced the lives of many younger Christians. Our brother was also known for his quick wit and ever-present sense of humor. The large funeral was taken by his son, Alan Parks, and by H. Paisley. D. Vitale, W. Oliver, and W. Seale Jr. also took part.

Leila Rodger of Culver City, CA on February 27, age 86, after a relatively brief illness. Leila was born in Milltown, N. Ireland in 1918, arriving in the U.S. as a girl of 12 in 1930. Saved not long afterwards, she was received into the Jefferson (Los Angeles) assembly in 1937 and continued there – and in the Culver City assembly which it later became – in happy fellowship for 67 years. She leaves her loving husband Neil, longtime elder in Culver City, to whom she was a devoted helpmeet for 57 years. In the assembly she was a “Mother in Israel,” having the devotion of the many children that called her “Grandma Leila,” and a tireless worker in many aspects of the gatherings from showing hospitality to the Lord’s servants to managing the kitchen during conferences. She will be deeply missed.

Eileen Teskey of Orillia, Ontario on February 28, 2005, age 96. Our single sister was saved in this area as a young girl, and spent her life in assembly fellowship. She was a school teacher from her youth, and, when she retired back home to the Orillia area, was faithful to the meetings and often encouraged younger ones in the things of God. In later years she was not able to be out due to physical weakness. Gerry Hicks of the Dominion Gospel Hall assembly took the funeral.Charles Huntley of Stout, IA on March 4, age 88. Our brother was saved on March 31, 1944 during gospel meetings in Stout, IA conducted by Mr. Lorne McBain and Mr. Oliver Smith. He was received into fellowship with thebelievers at Stout and continued faithfully there until his homecall. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Wical Huntley, one son, three daughters, and their extended families. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Arlene,in January of 1996. The large funeral service was shared by Roy Weber and Jerry Jennings.

William F. Pepper of Clinton, ON on March 4, in his 72nd year. Our dear brother was saved in 1947 at age 14. As a young boy, he was stricken with a degenerative arthritic condition which took its toll with age, and spent the last two years confined to a wheelchair. Previously in Lakeshore, ON assembly, he and his wife Evelyn moved to Clinton in 1975. Even though unable to attend meetings very often in later years, he had a keen interest in the welfare of the assembly. He maintained a courageous and optimistic outlook, cheerful and uncomplaining, despite constant pain, an inspiration to us all with his pleasant smile. The large attendance at two visitations and funeral service shared by brother-in-law Alex Dryburgh, and by Larry Steers, were a tribute to his faithful, consistent testimony. Remember inprayer his wife, who lovingly cared for him in their home, and his aged mother. He is fondly remembered by nieces and nephews who loved and respected “Uncle Bill.”

Mrs. Nellie Bailey of Niagara Falls, ON on March 11, in her 91st year, after a fall in her own home. Our sister was born in Scotland in 1914, came to Canada in 1929, and was born again in 1931 through Romans 10:9, alone in herroom. She was in the Niagara Falls assembly for over 70 years and was a faithful sister who loved the Lord. She will be missed. The funeral was taken by local brethren.

Daniel Netti of Methuen, MA on March 19, age 69, was suddenly called into the Lord’s presence. Our brother was saved on Sept. 3, 1951, in the home of George Brescia, the evening the Hartford conference closed. He was associated with the assembly in Methuen, and will be much missed there and in the area as an elder and guide. He and Dorothy (Oliver), his wife of 46 years, were known for their visitation and for hospitality. The large number at the funeral showed the high respect there was for Dan. Associates from his work place that attended the funeral commented that the message they heard (the Gospel) was just what Dan had often told them. Remember the assembly that feels this great loss. Our brother also leaves behind his daughter Deb and husband. The family needs our prayers, because on May 6, six weeks after our brother’s home call, his son Danny died after a lengthy illness. Danny’s eternal welfare was one of his father’s greatest concerns. Before his death, Danny assured his familyhe was prepared and would meet his father in heaven. D. Oliver, W. Oliver, and F. Tournaquindici shared in Dan’s funeral service.

Johnston Hull of N. Ireland on March 26, age 70. Johnston, brother of Albert Hull, had the privilege of being raised under the gospel, and from time to time was concerned about eternal matters. At 52 years of age, under deep conviction, he found eternal peace through John 19:30, “It is finished,” bringing joy to his family and the Lord’s people. Since conversion’s day he was known as a Christian gentleman. He had a deep devotion for His Savior, and his letters powerfully communicated this. He also loved the assembly, and his contributions were Christ-exalting. The last two years, he deteriorated in health and was admitted to Faith House where he was tenderly cared for until his home call. He is missed by three brothers and three sisters, his wife, and family. The large funeral in the Plantation Gospel Hall, Lisburn, NI, attested to the high esteem in which he was held. Jack Lennox give an excellent word in the hall, and Roland Pickering spoke a solemn word at the grave. Pray for his unsaved wife, married children, and grandchildren who are “without Christ.”

William Ingleson of Midland, ON on March 27, age 97. Our dear brother was saved at the age of 91, August 10,1999 under the preaching of Harold Paisley and Evan Moreau. He was baptized October 24, 1999 and received into the fellowship of the Midland assembly shortly after. Our brother loved to be with the Lord’s people and appreciated the Word of God. He was marked by a very kind and gracious spirit. The funeral service was taken by his grandson, Don Bullock Jr., Evan Moreau, and Harold Paisley. He leaves to mourn a sister, Jean Hewson, and many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Prayer would be valued for many of these who are not yet saved.

Helen M. Metcalf of Lakeshore, ON on March 30, age 87. Our sister was saved in 1930, at age 13 during gospel meetings in Newbury, ON while reading John 6:47. She was baptized and received into assembly fellowship there. In 1938, she and Carl were married and were then in fellowship in Glen Rae which later moved to Oil Springs. Since 1976 she and her husband, who predeceased her in 2001, were in happy fellowship in the Lake Shore assembly. For thepast six years she had been in a retirement home, where she manifested a bright testimony and was a great encourager to many. She is survived by four sons and one daughter, 18 grandchildren, all saved, and 25 greatgrandchildren. The funeral was taken by her son, William, and by Norman Crawford, with Jim Beattie speaking at the grave.

Elsie Smith of Niagara Falls, ON on April 13, age 97. During gospel meetings by L. E. McBain and A. Klabunda, our sister was saved soon after her honeymoon. Her husband, Albert, predeceased her in 1988. She was faithful to the local assembly for over 74 years. She had the joy of seeing all three children (James N., and William, both of Niagra Falls, and Ruth Brodie of London, ON) saved and gathered to the Lord’s Name. She had the joy of seeing four of her neighbors saved. Two of them came into assembly fellowship. Elsie was a happy Christian, never complaining, and always singing – even in the retirement home where she bore a good testimony during her last five months. The large funeral was taken by her son Jim and her nephew Murray McLeod. She will be missed.