


Edmonton: The Christians in Edmonton enjoyed five nights of ministry with David Richards at the beginning of January. We later enjoyed a weekend with Jack Gould and ended the month with four nights of ministry with James Ronald. Please pray that the ministry given would touch both the hearts and the feet of God’s people.

Fort McMurray: On the last Lord’s Day of January, the assembly meeting in the Wood Buffalo Gospel Hall had the joy of baptizing a sister in the Lord. The saints were also encouraged with a couple being received into fellowship in February. A young brother has also expressed a desire for fellowship.

British Columbia

Castlegar: John Fitzpatrick had meetings here on the local assembly in January. The believers seem to be making progress. Pray for the neighbouring town of Greenwood where the way has opened to have a tent in the summer.

Langley: David Richards ministered from the book of Revelation, January 10-13.

Port Alberni: John Fitzpatrick was here in January for ministry.

Surrey: David Richards ministered in the Fleetwood assembly January 25-28.

Vancouver: Stu Thompson gave ministry in the Fleetwood assembly for two nights, and Victoria Drive for one night during the third week of January. David Richards gave a report on the Lord’s work in Russia at Deep Cove, January 29. Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele are en route to Zambia, jointly commended by the Fredericton, NB and Victoria Drive assemblies. Our brother spoke of his exercise in five assemblies during his visit in the month of January, and a farewell meeting was held January 30 in Victoria Dr., where Marvin Derksen and David Oliver, with two local brethren, gave words of counsel and encouragement. A similar send-off was held in Fredericton in December. Gospel meetings continued into February in South Burnaby Gospel Hall where brethren Oliver and Derksen were encouraged to see good interest and a few souls professing.

New Brunswick

Loch Lomond: Local brethren from the Sussex assembly have been holding gospel meetings in a school, and have been encouraged with visitation in the area, and some that have attended. A young man in his twenties, that has been attending gospel meetings for the past three months, has professed

Pigeon Hill: Leslie Wells had five nights of ministry at the end of December and the beginning of January on different names given to believers in the New Testament. The ministry was very much appreciated by the saints.

Saint-Jacques: With the support of the Green River assembly, Leslie Wells and Grard Roy are preaching the gospel six nights a week in a rented building. Gospel texts and French Via magazines have been well received in most homes, but so far the response has been poor. The prayers of the Lord’s people would be appreciated.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Corner Brook: Pray for a gospel effort to begin February 13 with Albert Hull and James McClelland. Also continue to pray for complete recovery for Bert Joyce from recent hip replacement surgery.

English Point: A week of prayer meetings began on January 31 in view of gospel meetings starting on February 6 with Fred Bartlett and Bernie Forshew.

Gander: The regular Easter conference March 26-27 will be replaced this year by a weekend of ministry focusing on young believers. The meetings will be shared by Bryan Funston and Peter Ramsay. All are welcome to attend.

Sandringham: Gospel meetings are to begin on February 6 with Carl Payne and Eric Gill. The assembly would value the continual prayers of the Lord’s people for this effort.

Nova Scotia

Weaver Settlement: The Lord’s people were refreshed with ministry in the last week of January with Bruce Barkhouse on the Lordship of Christ. Pray for Clyde Amero who has not been well for some time.


Bancroft: Alex Dryburgh was with the saints here for a Lord’s Day and three nights of ministry. He then went to Bolton for a Lord’s day and a week of ministry, considering the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God, the Assembly of God, and the Word of God.

Clinton: The annual Sunday School Treat and Awards Day was held Saturday, January 8, with an encouraging attendance of children and several parents not connected with the assembly. Stephen Parent of the Langstaff assembly faithfully presented the gospel.

London: On January 16, Fred Krauss was with us for the Lord’s Day. The night before he spoke to a large crowd of children and parents at the combined Chelsea Heights and Highbury Sunday School Treat. At the end of the month Stephen Vance began the subject, “You and Your Life” at the first monthly meeting for young Christians. Many were present from neighbouring assemblies. We appreciated visits also from Frank Sona and Jack Nesbitt in December.

St. Mary’s: Peter Simms had two weeks of children’s meetings in November. During the March break we expect to have Gary Sharp for one week of children’s meetings.

St. Thomas: After a well-attended conference in October, the assembly had meetings with Larry Buote on the Feasts of the Lord. Visits by Brian Owen, Alvin Cook, Gary Sharp, and George Patterson were also appreciated. Prayer is requested for a special gospel series commencing April 3 with brethren William Skates and George Patterson.


Padoue: Larry Buote has been visiting in this small town about 20 minutes from his home.

Sainte-Flavie: At the January afternoon meeting, Leslie Wells, Larry Buote, Grard Roy, and two local brethren gave help with up-building ministry.


Taylorside: The saints recently appreciated visits from Roy Weber and Jack Gould. Profitable ministry was received from both.



Phoenix: The Sunnyslope assembly was encouraged by the recent five ministry meetings with Eugene Higgins dealing with the very profitable subjects of Fellowship, Worship, Discipleship, Leadership, and Lordship. The assembly is also praying for blessing in the Friday night and Saturday night Spanish gospel meetings being held in the Sunnyslope hall conducted by John Dennison and Shad Kember.


Newington: The assembly plans to commence gospel meetings with Gene Higgins at the end of February.


Tampa: John McCandless and Aubrey Kelly had bilingual meetings the first three weeks of January and rejoiced to see God bless in salvation and in the restoration to the assembly of a couple who were in fellowship years ago.


Waianae: The saints enjoyed encouraging gospel meetings with Bryan Funston and Bill Lavery in January. Some good contacts related to a sister in the Waianae assembly from the Big Island, situated over 200 miles away, also attended. One man professed faith in Christ. Contacts in other parts of Ohau were also followed up.


Garnavillo: Murray McCandless and Jon Procopio continued into February after the fourth week of gospel meetings, with a few having professed salvation. Some Postville young folks who understand English have been attending.

Hampton: Ral Aquirre (El Salvador) entered the second week of meetings at the end of January with about four professing so far.

Marion: Gospel meetings with Aubrey Kelly and Jim Smith continued into February with several unsaved attending each night.

Waterloo: A weekend of meetings January 21-23 with Sandy Higgins was very profitable. Eight sessions on the subject “Chaos at Corinth” were Spirit-led. There was a smaller than expected crowd on Saturday due to severe blowing snow. We have also had recent visits from Robert Orr, Eric McCullough, Roy Weber, and Jessie Fitch.


Methuen: On January 20, David Hunt visited the assembly and encouraged the saints with timely ministry.

Saugus: Joseph Procopio passed into the Lord’s presence February 1 and will be greatly missed by the assembly.

Springfield: The assembly enjoyed a one night visit from E. Moore, during which he ministered and gave a brief overview of the Lord’s work in Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile.


Twin Cities: The saints who currently gather at the Fairview Community Center in Roseville, MN, are in the process of purchasing a building for a new meeting place in Fridley, a northern suburb of Minneapolis. A closing date is notpresently known, but will likely be sometime in late February to mid-March. Further details as to new meeting times and change of address will be made known in following issues. The correspondent will remain the same.

New Mexico

Albuquerque: Two weeks of gospel meetings with David Hunt and Stan Wells were appreciated by the saints here. There was blessing in salvation. Please pray for the unsaved children of the believers.

New York

East Aurora: The assembly has been blessed this past year with helpful ministry from a number of the Lord’s servants: most recently, Jim Smith and Gary Sharp. The saints are also encouraged by two young brothers received into fellowship.


Clyde: Jerry Jennings was here for a Lord’s Day and two nights of ministry. He also gave helpful ministry in Mansfield and Akron.


Corvallis: A middle-aged man was recently received into the fellowship, fruit of the Albany tent work two summers ago.

Klamath Falls: In February, John Fitzpatrick rented a Grange hall for Sunday evenings to follow up the tent meetings this past summer.


Hatboro: Following the Pennsauken conference, Albert Hull had three nights of appreciated ministry with the assembly. From there, he was with the assembly in Bryn Mawr for two nights and the Lord’s day. It was a time of encouragement and edification.

Indiana: For the benefit of several young couples and a number of new believers, the assembly has commenced a series of Bible studies on the N.T. pattern for corporate worship and testimony, aided by Mr. Norman Crawford’s two books, “Assembly Truth” and “Gathering Unto His Name.” It has been most interesting and helpful thus far.


San Antonio: Clifford Lock was with us for four Lord’s Days in January, sharing in the gospel with other Canadian brethren. Several unbelievers attended all the meetings.


Seattle: The ministry given at the January conference was practical and challenging, for which many expressed appreciation. The Lord’s servants who gave help in the ministry were Tom Baker, Hans Bouwman, Marvin Derksen, John Fitzpatrick, Walter Gustafson, Murray McCandless, David Oliver, Eric Parmenter, David Richards, Stuart Thompson, Cap Van de Wetering and Gordon Williams. Bible Readings on the subject of Assembly Life: Privilege and Responsibility, were helpful. Following the conference, the assembly enjoyed two nights of ministry with Eric Parmenter, and two nights with Stuart Thompson.

Tacoma: John Fitzpatrick and Cap Van de Wetering had meetings here late in December. A thirteen year old daughter of one of the saints professed on the last Lord’s Day of the meetings.

R.D. Congo 

Lubumbashi: God willing, Grard Roy and two local brethren from New Brunswick will be visiting the young believers in that African city at the end of March. The prayers of the saints for this encouraging work are valued.


Kapuskasing, ON

March 25-27 at the Kapuskasing Education Center, 61 Devonshire Street. Friday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 p.m. at the Kapuskasing Gospel Hall, 154 Mill Street. Saturday: Bible Reading 10 a.m. (Col 3:1-17), Ministry 1:45 and 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 1 p.m., Ministry 1:45 and 3:45 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. For accommodations call Gerald Labelle, Tel: 705-335-3712 or Michel Larocque, Tel: 705- 335-5223.

Vancouver, BC

March 25-27 with Prayer Meeting on Thursday, March 24 at 8 p.m in the South Main Gospel Hall. The Easter conference will be held in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby, B.C. The two Bible Readings will be on Colossians 3-4. Frank Tournaquindici, Stephen Baker, Malcolm Radcliffe , Jonathan Procopio, and others are expected. Communications to Earl Ritchie, Tel: 604-277-7019.

Mimico, Toronto, ON

April 1-3. Annual Bible Readings. Subject: Cameos of Christ in the Hebrew Epistle: Son of God, Son of Man, Great High Priest, Author and Finisher. All are warmly invited. Corr: P. Robinson, Tel: 416-255-4993; email: drback@interlog.com.

Longbranch, NJ

March 13. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry at 2 p.m. All meetings in the Gospel Hall, 653 Art St. Longbranch, NJ. Hall Tel: 732-229-5805. Corr: Paul Grace, Tel: 732-229-0377.

Palm Springs, CA

April 10. Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. All meetings at assembly building, 320 West Racquet Club Road. Corr: Charles Spataro, 945 Buttonwillow Circle, Palm Springs, CA 92262, Tel: 760-322-7090, Cell: 760-774-2806, Hall: 760-325-8815.

Methuen, MA

April 30-May 1. Saturday: Prayer and Ministry 2:30-4:30 p.m. Gospel 5 p.m. with supper to follow. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 a.m., Sunday School 11:30 a.m., Prayer and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel at 6:30 p.m. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall, 51 Merrimack Street. Corr: Daniel Netti, 5 Piper Glen Lane, Haverhill, MA, 01832; Tel: 978-372-3039. Accommodations: David Vacca; Tel: 603-898-6704; e-mail: dvacca3@comcast.net.

Newmarket, ON

April 30, May 1. All meetings held in the Gospel Hall starting Saturday at 7 p.m. for ministry directed toward young people, with refreshments to follow. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School/Bible Study 11:30 a.m.; Ministry 2 p.m.; Gospel 6:30 p.m. Bruce Rodgers will open the Bible study on 1 Corinthians 10:16-33. Assembly info at www.Newmarket.GospelHall.com. Corr: Timothy B. Scheer, Tel: 905-898-4369; email: TEScheer@Netzero.Com.

New Lenox, IL

Our conference, usually scheduled for the second weekend in May, will be held in July, Lord willing. Details to be published later.

Newbury, ON 

May 7. Please note that our annual conference date has changed. Previously it has been held the weekend before Easter. More details in April issue.

Conference Reminders:

Matoaca, VA – March 5-6
Watertown, MA
 – March 11-13
Mount Sterling, WI
 – March 19-20
Nineveh, NS
 – March 26-27
Toronto, ON
 – March 25-27
Winnipeg, MB
 – April 1-3
Stout, IA
 – April 9-10
McKeesport, PA
 – April 23-24
Livingston, NJ
 – May 6-8

Additions to T&T Address List

Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth Simonyi-Gindele, (until May) 480A Aigburth Rd., Liverpool L19 3QE UK; Tel: 011-44-151-494-0808. Canadian forwarding address: c/o 6536 Vivian St., Vancouver, BC V5S 2T4.

Change of Address

Gary Sharp: new email address is 1sharpie@rogers.com.

Change of Meeting Times

River Hebert, NS: Bible Reading changed to Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m.


Charles Cottrill of Huntsville, ON on October 10, 2004 at New Liskeard while visiting family. Our dear brother was saved as a lad in Toronto, and a few years later was baptized and received into fellowship at Huntsville, where he continued faithfully many years. He is truly missed for his faithful visitation of the sick and shut-ins, tract distribution, and attendance at meetings. He is survived by his wife, two sons, a daughter and step-daughter, with their spouses, 17 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, a brother Frank (Evelyn), sisters Dorothy Smith and Evelyn (Jim) Nairn, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by brother Edward. The gospel was faithfully spoken at the service by Don Nicholson.

Margaret Jean Hepburn of Calgary, AB on November 25, 2004. She was in fellowship in the West Hillhurst assembly for many years. She is survived by her husband George of 61 years, five children, and many grandchildren; also two brothers in Ireland and England. Her testimony was consistent throughout the years. Please pray for her family, some of whom are not saved.

Mrs. Elizabeth “Betty” Alban of Steubenville, OH on December 8, 2004, age 81. She was saved as a young girl at the age of 11, and was in fellowship in Toronto, OH for over 65 years, and recently Steubenville, as a result of the recent uniting of these two assemblies. She was not able to attend any of the assembly gatherings as she has been in an extended care facility due to a fractured hip in April. She and her late husband, John, were hospitable, hosting the Lord’s servants and many visiting saints through the years. She leaves two daughters, and ten grandchildren. John Slabaugh spoke at the funeral home, and Harold Clark at the graveside. Remember her family in prayer.

Mrs. Laura Donaldson of Granshaw, Co. Down, N. Irelandon December 22, 2004, age 95, was called home to be with Christ, which for her is far better. She was saved June 30, 1955 when Mr. Bunting and Mr. McCullough were preaching in Granshaw. The words of the hymn, “Jesus died for sinners,” brought light to her soul. Realizing that He therefore died for her, she rested on Christ for salvation. She was in happy fellowship in Granshaw. Prayer is valued for her family. Sam McBride and John Rogers spoke at the funeral services.

Marion Walvatne of West Union, IA on December 24, 2004, age 70, went home to be with Christ after only a few days of illness. Saved in a fruitful series at West Union in 1980, she was the last of nine in the family to profess, giving her parents the great joy of seeing all gathered to the Lord’s Name. Her quiet consistent life and faithfulness to the assembly marked her testimony before others. She is survived by four sisters and one brother, plus many nieces and nephews. The funeral service was shared by Eric McCullough and Al Christopherson.

Mrs. E.M.G. Smyth of N. Ireland on December 28, 2004, age 87. She was saved at 14 after meetings held by Mr. J. Geddis, soon after baptized and received into the Gowell assembly where she and her late husband, H. Smyth, who was called home in 1993, were devoted and loyal members. She was a gracious, spiritual lady who “adorned the doctrine” in every way. Her daughter and husband, John McDowell, serve the Lord in the gospel in Australia. The size of the funeral from Dromore Gospel Hall was an indication of the esteem in which she was held. Many heard the gospel and words of comfort at the services when J.G. Hutchinson and S. Ferguson, assisted by local brethren, conducted the services.

Mrs. Eleanor Louise Morrison of Hatboro, PA on January 2. She was born June 23, 1921 and saved on September 24, 1950. She was a joyful, warm-hearted believer who showed an unselfish interest in others, and a love for souls. Together with her husband Bill, she came into the fellowship of the Hatboro assembly in 1952, convinced that this was where the Savior was, in her words, “really honored.” She is survived by her husband, four sons, two daughters, and 17 grandchildren. At the funeral, two of her sons spoke of her influence in their lives. Gene Higgins preached the gospel and William Oliver spoke at the graveside.

Bonnie Scheppele Lamb of Ontario, WI on January 13, age 53, after a long struggle with cancer. Our beloved sister grew up in Garnavillo, IA where she was saved June 8, 1960. After her marriage to Jeff Lamb in 1974, she became a faithful part of the Ontario assembly. Bonnie was well known for her singing ability, which she used to the glory of God. Above all, she was characterized by a compassionate spirit, and was truly “a succourer of many.” Her care and encouragement will be greatly missed. The esteem in which she was held was manifested by the several hundred people who attended the visitation and funeral. She is survived by her husband Jeff, three sons, two daughters, a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law, all saved, as well as three young grandchildren. Jerry Jennings spoke at the funeral home, and Art Ward and William Skates spoke at the funeral. As Bonnie had requested, several local brethren from assemblies in Iowa and Wisconsin also took part in the services.

The Encourager

The Encourager (an on-line newsletter for Sunday School Teachers & Children’s Workers) has been a help for more than six years; formerly printed and mailed, then distributed by e-mail. In its present form, it is continuously available on-line at www.gospelhall.org from which it can be viewed, printed, and distributed just as it appears on screen. It requires only Acrobat Reader, a free program usually on every computer. If not, then Acrobat Reader is a free download from www.adobe.com. Read, enjoy, copy and distribute! Questions? Email 1sharpie@rogers.com or write: Gary Sharp, RR1 S-4 Box 408, Port McNicoll, ON L0K 1R0. Tel: 705-534-4465

International Bible House

Corrected and updated information:

We would like the Lord’s people to be made aware of the following resources that are freely available for immediate distribution for gospel and assembly outreach work. This is sponsored by assembly believers in the Vancouver, BC and elsewhere.

We have a large quantity of 5×7 & 8×10 texts: Matthew 6:33, Matthew 11:28, John 17:3, Revelation 3:20, Romans .5:1, II Corinthians 5:21, and John 3:16 in many languages, including Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. Bibles and NT’s are available in Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Urdu. There is also a large inventory of Chinese & Korean books, and tracts in many different languages.

Please let us know if you can use any of these excellent resources in the spread of the gospel in your area.


(2 locations):

7630 Berg Rd., Delta, BC V4G 1G4 Canada
Email: ibhpublications@primesignal.com
Tel: 604-940-9958
Cell: 604-649-7759 (Mon-Wed 10:00-3:00pm PST)

6 Beech Street, Brampton, ON L6V 1V1 Canada
Email: ibibleht@hotmail.com
Tel: 905-874-4072
Cell : (416)908-6787 (Mon-Wed 10:00-3:00pm EST)

New Book Available

The Plagues of Corinth 
Robert E. Surgenor
Available March 1, 2005
Cost $10.00
Order from the author

This is a 385 page book which covers from Paul’s own conversion to his pioneer work at Corinth and on to the detailing of all the problems which plagued this assembly.

Canadian Trust Has Changed Its Name 

Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust Canada has received approval from Revenue Canada to change its name to Gospel Trust Canada. There are several reasons that the Trust has deemed it wise to take this step. The most important reason is to assure those that use the Trust that there is no official association between Truth and Tidings Magazine and the Trust. This will help to assure those who use the Trust of donor confidentiality, which all highly value.

Gospel Trust Canada is an independent organization and functions under the guidance of spiritual men who have proven themselves faithful stewards of the funds entrusted to them. There will be no change in the day to day functioning of the Trust and at this time these brethren continue to enjoy the full confidence and fellowship of all of us who are involved in the work of the magazine.

In light of our long, past association with the Trust, Truth and Tidings magazine will continue to report the annual financial statement, and will continue, monthly, to list the name and address of the Trust as it has in the past. This is being done as a courtesy to the staff of Gospel Trust Canada and our readers.

Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust, USA, will continue with its current name.