
Via Magazine for 2001

The new English magazine, Volume 30, is now available. It contains a fresh collection of testimonies and stories to illustrate the gospel. There is something for all ages and differing religious backgrounds. The presentation is colourful and attractive, but still true to the Word of God. The magazine is intended as a free resource supplied through the gifts of the Lord’s people. They are packaged 700 per box. Part or multiple boxes are available. Order information: Via Magazine, Box 551, Portage la Prairie, MN, RiN 3B9, Canada, Tel: (204) 857-8435, Fax: (204) 857-7728, Email: ViaMagazine@mb.sympatico.ca.


British Columbia

Abbotsford: H. Bouwman had three meetings in January using his chart “Eternity to Eternity.” The saints also enjoyed visits from A. Bergsma and J. Currie.

Langley: D. Richards was with the assembly for a week of helpful ministry. Surrey: The Fleetwood assembly enjoyed five nights of ministry in January with D. Richards on the Roman epistle.

Terrace: J. Fitzpatrick had two weeks in the gospel and a week of ministry in November! December. Seed Sower texts and calendars were distributed and a few souls were in to hear the gospel.

Vancouver: Gospel meetings in Woodland Dr. with D. Hunt and S. Wells concluded after four weeks with some blessing in salvation.


Calgary: Gospel Meetings at West Hillhurst are planned to begin Feb. 18 with B. Funston and D. Shutt.

Grande Prairie: With the new hall nearing completion, an opening has being planned for March 24-25 followed by gospel meetings.


Taylorside: Gospel meetings are proposed for March with B. Myers and G. Golf.


Lake Shore: A visit to the assembly by B. Owen at New Year’s was appreciated. B. Crawford was speaker for the Sunday School treat on January27 with a good number present. He remained for three ministry meetings.

Port Sydney: The S. S. treat was held Dec 3 with a nice number of children and parents in. In early January, B. Owen held a week of young people’s meetings that was enjoyed by all.

Kapuskasing: On February 4-8, P. Simms gave practical ministry on the parables of Matthew 13.

London: B. Crawford spoke at the Sunday School treats on January 19 and 20. Children were also present at the treats from the mid-week meetings held in neighbouring complexes. Two young sisters were baptized before a large company on January 28.

Nipissing Junction: M. Pratt and T. Walker completed seven weeks of gospel meetings with the assembly, and a nice number of souls confessed Christ as Savior.

Sault Ste. Marie: J. Beattie was with the assembly on January 7, then had the rest of the week in ministry. The saints deeply appreciated the very practical, helpful ministry given on prayer and gospel outreach.

Thunder Bay: J. Webb had appreciated ministry, January 22-26 on Revelation.

New Brunswick

Pigeon Hill: In December the local brethren gave out Gospel calendars and tracts in the village. G. Roy was with the assembly for ministry meetings during the last week of December.

Shdiac: L. Wells was with the assembly for five nights of ministry at the end of December. On December 31 the assembly had their monthly minishy meeting. L. Wells, G. Roy and local brethren ministered the Word of God. Grard Roy remained with the saints for seven nights of Bible readings.

Tracadie: The assembly appreciated the visit of P. Ramsay for ministry meetings from Dec. 18-22. During the first part of January, L. Wells had eight meetings on prophesy. On Jan. 21, a young sister obeyed the Lord in baptism.

Nova Scotia

Halifax: The assembly requests the prayers of the Lord’s people for gospel meetings commencing Feb. 24 with S. Vance and A. Hull. A large band of young Christians met Jan.27 to distribute Seed Sowers and invitations.

Truro: J. McClelland and A. Hull commenced in the gospel on January 16 and the Lord was kind in saving a young woman and a boy of fifteen at the end of the first week. Many attended for the first time and the saints have been busy distributing Seed Sower texts.

Weaver’s Settlement: In mid-December, F. Bartlett and J. McClelland concluded six and a half weeks in the gospel with blessing in salvation. In early January, brother McClelland had four nights of ministry for the instruction and encouragement of the young Christians.

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown: P. Orasuk had four nights January 15-18 of refreshing ministry on the “Valleys in Scripture.” The meetings were encouraging and edifying. The assembly also enjoyed a night of ministry with C. Payne.

Crapaud: The monthly Bible Readings commenced January 13 with excellent attendance from the assemblies in the area. The topic is “Spiritual Gifts.”

Newfoundland & Labrador

Charlottetown: Bert Joyce had a week of ministry meetings on assembly truth.

Corner Brook: Please pray for gospel meetings starting on February 18 with W. Bingham and E. Fowler.

English Point: Gospel meetings were scheduled to start Feb. 25 with Bert Joyce and Jim Jarvis. Please pray that the Lord will bless these meetings. On Jan. 23, four local brethren traveled to Davis Inlet with gifts and gospel literature for the children in the school as well as homes. Response was very favorable. Please pray that the Lord will bless this outreach effort in this remote area.

Gander: The saints appreciated the helpful and relevant ministry of M. Derksen on 1 Samuel from Jan. 7-12.

New Harbour: Gospel meetings are continuing with F. Bartlett and A. Blake. The assembly is small and numbers have been low, but a few unsaved have been coming. Please continue to pray.

Sandringham: K. Taylor gave valuable ministry on January 4-5. Gospel meetings that started on January14 with W. Buckle and Bryan Joyce have been most encouraging with evident blessing.

St. John’s: R Ramsay and M. Derksen plan gospel meetings in Mount Pearl on Jan. 28. This is a suburb city of St. John’s. Your prayers would be appreciated.

Templeman: K. Taylor visited the assembly, giving ministry on January 2-3.



Arlington: D. Richards was with the saints here for ministry in January on 2 Timothy.

Marysville: H. Bouwman was with the saints with his chart “Eternity to Eternity” January 7, 9 and 10. R. Vanstone and T. Hoy commenced here in the gospel on January 28.

Seattle: The recent annual conference was the largest on record. Twelve brethren shared in the ministry which was considered to be very edifying. A number of unsaved visitors were present at the gospel meeting on Lord’s Day

Tri-Cities: Three meetings a week are presently being carried on with good interest. A Seed Sowers distribution is planned for the first two weeks in April.


Omaha: J. Portman and A. Ward plan to be here for two weeks in early February for Bible readings on assembly truth.


Grove: J. Jennings had cottage meetings here with some interest.


Garnavillo: J. Portman gave much appreciated ministry on the attributes of God. R. Boyle was with the assembly for two ministry meetings.

Hitesville: G. Higgins is preaching the Gospel using his chart on Future Events. There has been excellent attendance, with many from the community attending, and some blessing in salvation.

Marion: A. Christopherson and J. Smith started gospel meetings on January 21. Some nurses’ aides from the home for aged believers have been coming.


Brodhead: J. Jennings and R. Orr are in their third week of gospel meetings. God has worked in salvation.

LaCrosse: R. Boyle gave appreciated ministry here, as well as visiting Blue River and Beetown.

Mt. Sterling: In five weeks of gospel meetings with G. Patterson and E. Miller, three young people professed salvation.


New Lenox: Four weeks of gospel meetings with A. Ward and G. Sharp were blessed with a 16 year old girl professing salvation.


Battle Creek: Prayer is requested for a series of gospel meetings that W. Metcalf and S. Vance purpose to commence April 22.

Saginaw: W. Metcalf and S. Thompson ministered the Word at the January 7 monthly ministry meeting. W. Lavery and M. Smith encouraged the saints at the monthly ministry meeting Feb. 4.


Augusta: On January 20-21, the saints profited from the ministry of Dr. A. J. Higgins on the life of Joseph.


Newington: R. Surgenor visited the assembly with appreciated ministry.

Terryville: The brethren distributed Seed Sowers, gospel invitations and calendars to the local area in January.

N. Ireland

Armagh City: A. Aiken and J. Rodgers commenced in the gospel here.

Ballykeel: J. Palmer and T. Meekin are engaged in a series of gospel meetings in this area.

Ballymagarrick: A. McShane and D. Gilliland have commenced meetings in the newly erected hall.

Belfast: D. Kane and H. McKenzie have commenced in the gospel in Albertbridge Rd. with encouraging numbers of locals coming in. The inner city has proved to be very difficult.

Coleraine: M. McCandless and P. Orasuk have commenced gospel meetings beginning with a week’s ministry.

Cookstown: H. Paisley had a short well-attended series of gospel meetings with a few souls trusting Christ. He also gave profitable ministry in a number of assemblies during his stay.

Dromore: R. McKeown and B. Graham have commenced gospel meetings with a good interest.

Kilmore: T.W.Wright and W.J.Nesbitt are experiencing a good measure of liberty in a gospel series which commenced on January21 with the small assembly meeting in the Diamond Gospel Hall.

Newtownabbey: S. Ferguson and W. Boyd commenced in the gospel in Glengormley on February 4.

Newlownards: B. Glendinning and R. Fairley are preaching the gospel in James St. Gospel Hall.

Portavogie: S. Maze and R. Eadie have commenced here in the gospel, and have been encouraged with blessing in salvation.

Conferences. D.V.

Grande Prairie, AB

March 24-25 in Grande Prairie Gospel Hall. Friday, March 23: Ministry 7:30 p.m. with J. Currie. Bible Study is on Philippians 2. Corr: Robert Eyers, Tel: (780)513-4492

Palm Springs, CA

March 25. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread 10 am., Ministry 2 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Charles Spataro, 945 Buttonwillow Circle, Palm Springs, CA 92262, Tel: (760)322-7090.

Culver City, CA

April 7 and 8 at Culver City Gospel Hall, 11138 Venice Blvd. Prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Day: Breaking of Bread at 10:30 a.m.. The Bible Reading subject will be Isaiah 50. Corr. Neil Rodger, 4209 Clayton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1501, Tel (323)663-5905, Hall (310)559-1588.

Methuen, MA

April 7 and 8. Saturday: Gospel meeting at 5:30 p.m. with supper to follow. Sunday: Breaking of Bread 10 am., Prayer, Praise and Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 6:30 p.m. Corr: Daniel Netti, 105 Hillside Rd., N. Andover, MA 01845 (978)686-2462, Hall (978)794-8679.

Newbury, ON

April 7 in the Newbury Gospel Hall, 370 Walnut Dr., R.R.3, junction of Hwy 2 and Longwoods Rd. Meetings are at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. with dinner between. Con:

David I. Cooper, 234 Cherry St. West, Box 312, Bothwell, ON, N0P 1C0

Manchester, CT

April 14 and 15, with prayer meeting on Friday at 7:30 in the Gospel Hall, 415 Center St. , Manchester. All other meetings will be held in the Bolton Center School, 108 Notch Rd., Bolton, CT. Meetings on Saturday at 10:30, 2:00 and 6:30. Breaking of Bread at 10:00; last meeting at 2:00 for ministry and the gospel. Corr. Richard Trombly, 121 Cushman Dr. , Manchester, CT, 06040, USA (860)649-9462 . Accom: Ted Kaulback ( 860)742-0002.

Nineveh, NS:

April 14 & 15 in Parkview Education Centre, 1485 King Street, Bridgewater, NS with Prayer meeting on Friday at 7 p.m. in Gospel Hall. Supper will be served at 5 p.m.(in hall). Ministry meeting on Saturday starts at 10 am. Corr. Robert Kaulback, 19 Medway St., Bridgewater, B4V 1J8. Tel (902)543-5530. School (902)543-5536. Accommodations, contact Clark Hubley, Tel (902)543-3268.

Vancouver, BC

April 13, 14, and 15 in the Burnaby South Secondary School, 5455 Rumble Street, Burnaby. Prayer Meeting 8p.m. on April 12 in the South Main Gospel Hall. The Bible Readings for the conference and in the West Richmond Gospel Hall to follow will be on Romans 6-8. Further inquiries: Tel (604) 277-7019.

Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA

April 14 and 15 in the Masonic Temple, Park Ave. and Mulberry St., Waterloo. Friday, April 13: Prayer Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, 726 Western Ave., Waterloo. Saturday: Ministry 10 a.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 9 am. (Phil. 2:5-11), Breaking of Bread 10:30 am. Bible Readings on Monday and Tuesday preceding the conference at Cedar Falls on Salvation and the Holy Spirit, Wednesday and Thursday at Waterloo at 7p.m. on Sanctification and Separation. Corr. Richard Orr, 614 Bland Blvd. SW., Independence, IA 50644, Tel (319)334-3931 and Erwin D. Stickfort, 223 North Francis St., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, Tel (319)266-6271.

Mimico, ON

April 20, 21,22 to be held in the Gospel Hall, 414 Royal York South, Toronto. Bible Reading subjects will be John 13-17 on the Upper Room Ministry of Christ. Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Corr: P.W.Robinson, ,D.C., Tel: (416)255-4993, Email: drback@interlog.com.

McKeesport, PA

April 28 and 29 in Francis McClure Middle School. Meetings begin at 10 both days. Prayer Meeting in the Gospel Hall, Prescott and Broadway, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The homes of the Christians will be open for visitors. Contact Rob Oliver, Tel: (412)664-1004, for accommodations or local motel phone numbers for those wishing to make their own arrangements.

Newmarket, ON

May 6 in the Gospel Hall, 736 Davis Dr. Breaking of Bread 9:30 am., Bible Reading (I Corinthians 14:23-40) and Sunday School 11:30 am., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr: Timothy B. Scheer, 222 Lloyd Ave. Newmarket, ON, L3Y 5M3. All are welcome.

Prince Edward Island

May 19 and 20 in the Bluefield High School, Hampshire, P.E.I. Saturday: Prayer/ministry 9 am. and 2:30 p.m, Gospel 7 p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:30 a.m. on Psalm 102, Breaking of Bread 10 am., Ministry 2:30 p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Corr. Glen McKenna, 15 Andrews Dr., R.R. 6, Kensington, PEI, C0B 1M0, Te. (902)836-3073 or Brian MacDonald, 25 MacRae Dr., Cornwall, PEI, C0A iHO, Tel: (902)566-3831. Accom: Neil Thompson (902)892-7216.

Conference Reminders:

Mt. Sterling, WI – March 24-25

Watertown, MA – March 30-April 1

Stout, IA – April 7-8

Kapuskasing, ON – April 14-15. Bible Study on “The Message to the Church in Philadelphia.”

Toronto, ON – April 13-15

Change of Address

John McCann, Sr., 28 Kensington Gate, Kensington Road, Belfast, NI., BT5 6PF

Art & Marlene Ward, 183 West St., Gays Mills, WI 54631-7161, E-mail: artward@juno.com. Tel: (608)734-3688

Change of Correspondent

Mimico, Toronto, ON: Dr. Paul WRobinson 323 Lake Promenade, Toronto, ON, M8W 1A6, Tel: (416) 255-4993, Email: drback@interlog.com

With Christ

Mrs. Shirley Brydom of Clementsvale, NS on November 13, age 61. Our sister was saved in 1987, baptized and received into the assembly here. She was quiet in her ways and attended the assembly meetings as her health allowed. Her husband passed on to be with Christ a few years ago. She has two brothers, one of whom shares the blessed hope. The funeral in the hall was much larger than expected with Lionel Cress and Jas. McClelland sharing in the gospel.

Nathan Mullen of Weavers Settlement, NS on December 5, age 24. When Nathan was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in December 1999, he was not saved. He became deeply troubled, and found Christ on Jan. 2. He bore a tremendous testimony before friends, doctors, and nurses, speaking freely of his salvation and the prospect of going to heaven. The large funeral was shared by Ken Taylor, Fred Bartlett, and Jas. McClelland. His parents Fraser and Leola Mullen would like to express thanks to the Lord’s people who supported them in prayer, and would appreciate your continued exercise.

Mrs. Minnie B. Ryland of L’Anse au Loup, LB on Dec.5, 2000, age 90, passed peacefully into the Lord’s presence. Our sister was born again in 1957. She leaves to mourn her husband Stanley, four sons, two daughters, 21 grandchildren, and 27 great-grandchildren. The large funeral was taken by Bert Joyce, Eric Fowler, and Francis Barney.

Jean Hinde Klein of Okanogan, WA on December 13, 2000. Jean was saved in 1943 and bore an excellent testimony in this small town where she lived her entire life. She was given to hospitality and, with her husband, shared their home with many of the Lord’s servants and His people. She has been referred to as a “true mother in Israel.” Jean will be missed by Chuck, her husband of 55 years, two adopted daughters, two sons, a granddaughter, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. The largely attended funeral was taken by John Abemethy with help given by Gaius Goff and John Fitzpatrick.

Bruce Fadden of Sumas, WA on December 27, age 77. He was bom in Sumas Prairie, BC, and saved at the age of 18 at meetings held by Arthur Rae and Herb Harris. He was in fellowship in the Parkview Assembly in Abbotsford, B.C. where he and his wife maintained a consistent testimony for 60 years. Many have been the benefactors of their gracious hospitality. The very large memorial service was a fitting tribute to his testimony. His son Brian, Jim Larson, and Dave McGaughey took part in the service. He is survived by his wife Josephine, two sons, five daughters, their spouses, and 15 grandchildren.

Helen Brandt of Gamavillo, IA on January 1, age 86. She was saved in 1935 in meetings of L. McBain in Jackson, MI. She and her husband, Robert, who predeceased her in 1987, were most faithful to the assembly; their home was open to the Lord’s people. She was tenderly cared for the last 14 months of her life at Lynn Manor Care Center in Marion, IA. Grant Hagen and four relatives gave a short message, with the gospel given by Art Ward and Joel Portman at the grave. She leaves a son and a daughter, seven grandchildren and their families.

James Sergeant of Bleary, Co. Armagh, N.I. on Jan. 2, aged 83. He was saved in 1941 and received into fellowship at Bleary. In early manhood he suffered a serious illness necessitating the use of a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He was a man greatly beloved and respected because of his spiritual stature and standing, a wise and godly overseer, as well as correspondent until his sudden homecall. He is mourned and missed by all (as was evident by the large and representative funeral), especially by his widow, three daughters and family circle, who await “the blessed hope.”

Mr Thomas McCann of Kilmore, Co. Armagh, N.I. on Jan. 8 in his 90th year, after eleven months home nursing care. He was saved in 1933, and received into fellowship in the Kilmore assembly. He had an unblemished testimony as a kind, godly, gracious, prayerful man who truly loved the Lord, the assembly, and the perishing. He and his wife, Susan, had the joy of seeing their five daughters and two sons saved and in assembly fellowship. John, Jr. serves the Lord in Brazil. A large number of unsaved heard clear gospel messages by H. S. Paisley and W.J. Nesbitt.

George Crarey of Kirkfield, ON on Jan. 9, age 82. Our brother was saved at the age of 20. He soon knew what it was to “buy the truth” and was received into the Victoria Road assembly in 1940. Moving to Lansing, he later served as an overseer. In 1975 he moved to Kirk-field, returning to the fellowship of the Victoria Road assembly until his homecall. He will be remembered for his faithful exercise selling Bibles and books at conferences, and overseeing bookbinding for the Truth and Tidings. The large funeral was shared by E. Miller and L. Steers. Remember in prayer his widow, Evelina, six daughters, three sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

John H. Portman, of Marion, IA on Jan. 10, age 89. Saved in early years, he sought and learned the truth of assembly gathering while a student at Dallas Theological Seminary He served as a missionary on St. Kitts, BWI for 3 years, and saw an assembly established. He served as an elder in Arlington, WA, with a teaching ability that had a lasting and preserving effect. His first wife, Eloise, predeceased him in 1979 and he married Mildred Cox of Vancouver, BC, who survives him in the Lmnn Manor Care Center. All six children and their spouses are saved, and many of the grandchildren. The funeral in Marion was taken by his son, Joel, and the burial in Arlington was shared by his sons and a son-in-law.

Mr. Shukri (Joseph) Boulos of Livingston, NJ on Jan. 10. He was born in 1920 in Assiut, Egypt. His father died when Shukri was just a boy, but his mother’s godly life had a profound impact on him. He trusted Christ at the age of 16. He was a respected elder in the assembly in Heliopolis, Egypt before coming to the US, in 1970. After a short time in East Boston, he and his wife moved to N.J. and were in fellowship ever since in the Livingston assembly. He leaves behind his widow (Lily), a son (Tony, of Albuquerque, NM) and two daughters, Sonya and Susan. He was a gracious, godly, Christian.

Mary Clark of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on January 12, in her 86th year. Our dear sister was saved in early life, received into the assembly here, and continued in happy, steadfast fellowship to the very end of her life. She was a constant companion and spiritual helper to her late husband, James, who served the Lord in full time service for many years. Her years of teaching Sunday School and entertaining the Lord’s people will be much remembered and appreciated. Alan Clark, Ernie Sarlo, and Andrew Sarlo spoke at her funeral.

Miss Elizabeth May McCloy of Grand Rapids, MI on January12, age 100. Born in N. Ireland, she was saved in 1916 and emigrated to Toronto in 1920’s, moving to Windsor a few years later to help her widowed brother. Later moving to Detroit, she followed the nursing profession until retirement, enjoying the fellowship of the Stark Road assembly for many years. Her life could be summed up in one word, “others”. The funeral was held at Rest Haven Home, with burial in Bad Axe, MI.

Earl Murdoch, of Milton, ON on January 14, in his 90th year. Our dearly loved brother had been confined to a nursing home for the past six months, where he had gone to be with his wife. He was saved in 1938, and was active in Sunday School work and open air preaching associated with the Kensington Ave assembly in Hamilton for many years, before coming to Milton assembly where he enjoyed fellowship for the past twenty years. His funeral was shared by Paul Glenney of Kensington, Murray Regis and W. Martin of Milton. Please pray for his large, extended family, many of whom are not saved.

Mrs. Velma Gardiner (Gratton) of Grand Bend, ON on January 23, age 88. Our beloved sister was saved in 1924 under the preaching of the late Albert Joyce. She was baptized and received into fellowship in 1926. Her husband, James Gardiner, went to be with the Lord in 1989. She was hospitable and faithful to the assembly. In 1997, she moved to a nursing home in Exeter due to failing health. The funeral service was shared by Don and Arnold Gratton. She leaves three sons, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Wills and the Truth & Tidings Gospel Trust

The Truth and Tidings Gospel Trust can be named as a beneficiary in your will and all money received by the Gospel Trust from your estate will be distributed promptly. The basic principles which are followed in the distribution of estate funds are as follows:

1. If there are specific instructions in a will, the trustees follow these instructions implicitly.

2. If there are no instructions in the will but the executor of an estate gives instructions to the Gospel Trust, the executor’s instructions are followed.

3. If there are no instructions in the will or from the executor, but the person leaving the will has used the Gospel Trust in the past, the trustees are guided by his or her previous exercise.

4. If there are no instructions whatsoever and the person leaving the will has not used the Trust previously, the trustees distribute the fellowship as the Lord may guide.

A lawyer will be able to assist you in drawing up your will exactly as you wish it. The addresses for both the Canadian and US trusts are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.