

British Columbia

Vancouver: Gospel meetings in Victoria Dr. with Win. Bingham and Jim Jarvis ended April 16 after six weeks. God blessed in salvation of a few souls. The 81st Easter conference was beneficial to the Lord’s people with bre. Sam Jennings and Dr. Wm. McBride (N. Ireland) leading the Bible readings. D. Jones, T. Thompson, Dr. S. J. McBride, and E.Fowler shared in ministry. Before the conference S. Jennings had a week of ministry meetings in South Main, followed by shared meetings with Win. and S. J. McBride in West Richmond. Following the conference, four nights of Bible readings in Romans were held in West Richmond, led by S. Jennings and helped by D. Jones. S. Jennings remained in the area with meetings in several assemblies.

North Vancouver: D. Jones and G. Goff commenced gospel meetings on May 7 in Deep Cove, marking the 40th anniversary of the assembly.

Langley: A one day conference was held on April29. Sam Jennings, David Jones and Gaius Goff ministered the Word.


Taylorside: J. Ronald gave a report of his current gospel activity outreach. The annual youth conference was well attended at Easter time. Speakers were D. Shutt and G. Williams. R. Weber gave two nights of appreciated ministry.


Brandon: The assembly had appreciated visits recently from P. Smith, J. Jennings and E. Mitchell.


Clinton: On April 14, D. Gilliland (N.I.) gave interesting and challenging ministry to a good number of our own and visiting saints. Attendance at two weekly children’s meetings is encouraging. B. Snippe and D. Kember gave help on two nights. On Lord’s Day, April 30, a young sister was baptized following the gospel meeting. B. Crawford was with the assembly for two days with appreciated ministry and help in the gospel.

Huntsville: P. Simms and B. Owen closed three weeks of gospel meetings on May 5. God blessed with a few children professing faith in Christ.

Kapuskasing: We had our 18th annual conference, and received help from God in the ministry. The believers were encouraged and edified. A. Hull was here to give us ministry prior to the conference. The week of April 24-27, L. Buote gave us ministry on the Gifts of the Spirit. The assembly would appreciate your prayers for the coming tent series beginning the first week of July with bre. M. Pratt and E. Badgley.

Lake Shore: The assembly purposes in the will of the Lord a gospel tent series with brethren D. Oliver and F. Sona, commencing July 30, the first week being specially for children. On Monday afternoon, August 7, a reunion is planned for those who have attended former tent series or were saved as a result. It will commence at 2p.m. in the Gospel Hall with prayer, praise and ministry followed by supper at 5:30 p.m.; gospel meeting in the tent at 8p.m.

Oil Springs: Wm. Metcalf and B. Snippe purpose to commence Gospel meetings in a tent here beginning July 30, in the will of the Lord.

Newmarket: The saints were encouraged by a recent baptism of a young sister and brother. This assembly also appreciated visits from B. Foreshew and L. Langfeld recently. Early May the saints here enjoyed a well-attended conference with twelve of the Lord’s servants giving timely and excellent help. Port Sydney:The Deer Lake assembly enjoyed a visit by Paul Poidevin on March 15, telling of assembly work in Zambia and giving direction for our prayers.

Sault Ste. Marie: The assembly here had a three week gospel series with Frank Sona from Guelph, ON. Attendance was good, some souls professed salvation, and some were restored to the Lord and to the assembly. Our brother remained for a week of ministry. The children’s work on Wed. evenings has been suspended for the season.

Sudbury: D. Nicholson, helped by D. Boothe for one week and local brethren, had two weeks of gospel meetings beginning March 26. A good interest was shown and some blessing resulted from the meetings. Larry Buote was with the assembly in April for one night of appreciated ministry.

Toronto: The Lord gave an outstanding conference and more than 1000 saints rejoiced. The Bible readings on “Devotion to Christ” were excellent, and the ministry during the three days was very devotional. In the gospel, there was blessing both in salvation and assurance. Three weeks at Mimico ended on April 16 with B. Funston and J. Procopio. Good numbers attended the gospel series, with many contacts present nightly, as well as a number from the Sunday School. The Lord blessed in the salvation of precious souls and in the encouragement of the saints.

Victoria Road: M. Pratt had two weeks of children’s meetings, April 3-14, with very good interest, both old and young. Some new children, who are now attending Sunday School, and a young family interested in the assembly, encouraged the saints.

Wallaceburg: Wm. Metcalf and B. Snippe purpose to commence Gospel meetings in a tent here on June 25.

Windsor: The assembly had recent visits from our brethren J. Smith, L. Perkins and L. Steers.

Nova Scotia

Blues Mills: The saints appreciated a visit from H. Bouwman on April24 and N. Burden on May 1. During April, F. Bartlett, helped by local brethren, had gospel meetings in the community hall in Lincolnville where there was a good interest shown.

Nineveh: The conference was well-attended, with thirteen of the Lords servants present, two for the first time (brethren T. Bentley and H. Bouman.) The ministry was profitable, and the Gospel was plainly presented. Gospel meetings continue in their fourth week, with brethren Leslie Wells and Frank Sona.

River Hebert: N. Burden visited the assembly April 6-9 for ministry, a children’s meeting, and gospel.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Buchans: G. Whey has planned 2-3 gospel meetings once a month with the assembly due to the interest in the last series of meetings. On April land 2 George and Darris Barney preached, with some out from the town.

Corner Brook: The ministry of A. Dryburgh on the book of Ruth was appreciated by the assembly.

Flowers Cove: In March, M. Derksen gave a week of appreciated ministry on 2 Timothy and in April, A. Dryburgh had a week on the Coming of the Lord.

Gander: The Easter conference was very well-attended with profitable ministry from N. Crawford, P. Poidevin, M. Derksen, E. Dellandrea, P. Mathews, W. Buckle, and B. Joyce. On the Monday night following the conference Paul Poidevin gave a report on the work of the Lord in Zambia.

Main Point: Peter Matthews encouraged the saints with ministry on the Tabernacle from April 9-14 and Templeman from April 16-18.

Mt. Pearl: The gospel meetings held by P. Ramsay and M. Derksen were very encouraging with a good number of souls out to hear the gospel and blessing in salvation.

Rocky Harbour: Meetings concluded after five weeks with B. Joyce helping W Buckle during the final week when P. Poidevin had to return to Ontario. A soul professed faith in Christ on the last night.

St. John’s: Meetings in Mt. Pearl with M. Derksen and P. Ramsay came to a close on April 15. There was good attendance throughout and a married man in his 40’s professed faith in Christ.

Wareham: P. Matthews had two evenings of ministiy April 19-20, encouraging the saints.

Tidings – USA


Chico: In April, J. Abemethy had a week of helpful ministiy meetings on the Seven Feasts of Jehovah.

Los Angeles: We celebrated our third annual Spanish Bible Conference April 15-16. Servants of the Lord including T. Baker, J. Dennison and Roberto Juarez of Guatemala were present and gave excellent ministry. Four professed during the conference. J. Dennison and R. Juarez shared a week of post conference ministry meetings.


Omaha: The saints were encouraged here with the blessing of two souls professing salvation in connection with a series of gospel meetings preached by E. Fowler and J. Frazier in March/April. A baptism was just held for two others recently saved. Helpful and appreciated ministiy has been received in visits from A. Bergsma, J. Webb, and R. Surgenor.


Crystal: E. McCullough and Wm. Skates preached the gospel here and saw blessing in salvation.


Dunkerton: Tent meetings are planned for the Littleton area in the month of July (D.V.). Prayer is requested for them.

Manchester: The meetings here with brethren R. Orr and S. Wells have been a real encouragement, with a number professing faith in Christ. Brother Orr needed to leave for meetings in the Minneapolis area, so brother Al. Chrisopherson has taken his place.

Waterloo/Cedar Falls: The conference in April, considered one of the best, was well-attended with fourteen of the Lord’s servants present. T. Walker remained for two nights of ministry in Waterloo. The week prior to the conference, helpful Bible Readings on 1 Peter were held with seven servants of the Lord giving help.


Waukesha: A. Dryburgh spent a few nights here in Feb., speaking profitably from John. The saints thoroughly appreciated J. Stubb’s week of ministry in Nehemiah, speaking on the Gates of Jerusalem. Gary Sharp had children’s meetings the first week of April with good numbers attending.


Battle Creek: The assembly was encouraged with four baptisms here recently. Also a medical doctor and his wife were received into fellowship. Her parents were received some weeks earlier. All are originally from Korea. N. Crawford and G. Sharp are planning to begin gospel meetings on May 28, D.V.

Jackson: Gospel meetings with D. Oliver and N. Crawford closed on April 18 with some blessing.

Saginaw: The saints are encouraged at the interest shown in a gospel series commencing the fourth week with J. Smith and J. Slabaugh at the Davenport Inn . The two brethren gave searching ministry at the monthly meeting May 7.


Hatboro: D. Gilliland was here for four meetings, taking up the Doxologies of the New Testament.

New Jersey

Barrington: The assembly recently moved into its new hail. J. Dennison and B. Seale were due to begin gospel meetings in mid-May

Longbranch: The assembly enjoyed a visit from B. Oliver for ministry

Midland Park: The believers were encouraged by a sister and a brother obeying the Lord in baptism on April16. G. Higgins spent the Lord’s day with the saints and spoke at the baptism. Please remember in your prayers the gospel meetings which started on April 30 with brethren M. Derksen and D. Draper.

North Carolina

Hickory: The assembly was encouraged by the addition of two believers to the fellowship.


Augusta: G. Higgins has been helping the assembly with encouraging gospel meetings in the home of one of the believers. This is an attempt to reach some who are unable to attend meetings in the hall.


Byfield: K. Taylor was here for one night, giving appreciated ministry.

Methuen: The one-day conference on April 16 was well attended and a time of blessing and fellowship. Ministry by brethren K. Taylor, Wm. Oliver, and F. Tornaquindici was timely for our day and very profitable. The gospel was faithfully preached by brethren B. Brescia and K. Taylor.


Terryville: The assembly just concluded eight weeks of children’s meetings held each Friday night. A good number of outside children attended, which was an encouragement to the assembly.

Manchester: The conference was very encouraging, with a number of brethren present to help in the ministry.

Tidings – N. Ireland

Ahoghill and Ballyclare: A. McShane has had well-attended and profitable ministry during the month in these assemblies.

Belfast: The Easter Conference was considered to be profitable and helpful ministry was given over a four day period. Visiting speakers were M. McCandless, P. Orasuk, J. Baker and T. Wilson. The gospel was preached by A. Aiken.

Coleraine: Bre. M. McCandless and P. Orasuk are now in their 17th week, having moved to a larger building and are now erecting a tent. Many souls have professed faith in Christ, some strangers to the gospel and others the subject of prayers for many years. The brethren are much encouraged.

Kingsmills: M. McKeilen and W. Fenton have commenced meetings in the gospel here.

Limavady: The annual conference was very well-attended. The helpful Bible Reading on Rev. 22 was conducted by H.S. Paisley, others sharing the ministry in the afternoon. Mr. Paisley gave a report of his 50 years in the Lord’s work, and has given profitable and appreciated ministry in a number of assemblies in the province during his brief stay.

Monaghan: A. Davidson and Timothy McKinley have commenced in an Orange Hail outside the town. The hall has been full on most nights and the interest is encouraging.

Mullafernaghan: J. G. Hutchinson conducted a week of ministry on assembly principles here.

Newry: A. Aiken and J. Rodgers continue here in the gospel with good interest.

Portavogie: The conference was well-attended and quite a number of brethren ministered the Word.

Conferences. D.V.

Portage la Prairie, MN

June 16-18 in the William Glesbe Centre, 11 – 2nd Street NE beginning with prayer Thurs., June 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gospel Hail, continuing for three full days of ministry, Bible readings, gospel and the Breaking of Bread. All meetings will begin at 10:30 am. each day. Bible reading passages are 1 Peter 1 & 2. Corr: David Vanstone, Tel (204)857-8435, email: vanstone@cpnet.net. Accom: Dennis Walker, Tel (204)857-7794, email: dswalker@mb.sympatico.ca.

Augusta, ME

June 17-18 with prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 16 in the Gospel Hall, 893 Old Belgrade Road, Tel (207)626-2786. Corr: Jim Thompson, Tel (207) 495-3590.

Victoria Road, ON

June 17 and 18 in the Gospel Hall with prayer meeting on Friday at 8p.m. Saturday: Bible Reading 8:45 a.m., Ministry 10:30 am., 2 and 7p.m. Lord’s Day: Bible Reading 8:45 am., Breaking of Bread 10:30 a.m., Ministry 2p.m., Gospel 7 p.m. Bible Reading is on John 1. Supper served at 6:30 p.m. Friday Corr: Ken Stone, RR 3, Woodville, ON KOM 2T0, Tel (705)374-4688.

Corner Brook, NF

June 24-25 with prayer meeting on Friday, June 23 at 8 p.m. in the Gospel Hall, Cor. Couintry and Lind’s Rd. Meetings on Saturday and Lord’s Day will continue in the G. C. Rowe Junior High School, St. Mark’s Ave. at 10 a.m., 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. The Bible Reading on Lord’s Day is at 1:30p.m. on “Giving”. Accom: Roy Foster, 30 East Valley Rd., Corner Brook, NF, Tel (709)634-5022; Bernie Payne, Box 2832, RR 2, Corner Brook, NF, Tel (709)783-2790.

Glen Ewen, SK

June 23, 24, and 25 in the Gospel Hall located 9 miles south of Glen Ewen. Prayer meeting Fri. at 7:30 p.m. Bible Reading – Romans 8. Corr: Allan McFarlane, Box 172, Glen Ewen, SK SOC 1C0, Tel (306)925-4401, Hall (306)925-4805.

Halifax, NS

June 24 and 25 in the Bedford Junior High School, 132 Rocky Lake Road, Bedford, NS, Tel (902)832- 8952. Bible Readings on Colossians will be on Sat. 9 am.; 1:30 p.m.; Lord’s Day 1:30 p.m. with Breaking of Bread at 10a.m. Corr: Arthur Harnish, R.R.1, Hubbards, NS, BOJ 1TO, Tel (902)857-9265, Fax (902)857-1441.

Taylorside, SK

June 30, July 1 and 2 in the Taylorside Gospel Hall, located 3 miles south and 4 miles west of Beatty, SK. Prayer meeting on Thursday, June 29 at 7:30 p.m. Corr: John Parker, Box 2666, Melfort SK, SOE 1AO, Tel. (306)752-4079, Fax (306)752-5574.

Kamloops, BC

July 1 and 2 in the Westsyde Gospel Hall, 849 Wawn Road, Kamloops. Prayer and Ministiy meeting on Fri. June 30 at 7:30 p.m. Bible Reading on Acts 2:41, 42. Corr: Phil Atkinson, 836 Puhallo Drive, Kamloops B.C. V2B 6P7, Tel (250)579-9484, Hall (250)579-8799

Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Earlton, Chariton, ON

July 1 and 2 in the Englehart High School, with prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Meetings both days at 10, 2, and 7:30. Supper served at 5:30 Friday in the school. Corr: Philip Potter, Earlton, ON POJ 1EO, Tel (705)563-2942 or Harvey Pratt, R.R.#l, Charlton, ON POJ 1BO, Tel (705)544-7758.

Pugwash Junction, NS

July 1 and 2 preceded by Prayer meeting Fri. 7:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread 10 am. Subject of Bible Readings will be in June issue. Corr: Harold Elliott, R.R.1, Wallace, NS B0K 1Y0, Tel (902)257-2206. Accom: Brent Cottrill, Tel (902)243-3122, Hall (902)243-2205.

Change of Address

James N. Smith, #101 – 670 Northridge Dr., Lewiston, NY 14092

Malcolm Radcliffe, 13 Longhill Ave., Ayr, Scotland KA7 4DY

Aubrey and Heather Kelly, Apartado 262, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico 48300

Change of Correspondent

Collingwood Assembly: William Shaw, RR 2, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z1, Tel (705)446-2528.

Change of Address of Correspondent

Ontario, WI: Kent Hendrickson, E14199 Burr Salem Road, Ontario, WI 54651-7551.

With Christ

Aaron Nathe of Vancouver, BC on January 11, age 21. Aaron was saved at the age of 10. He was active in the Carleton assembly and preaching of the gospel. During his nine month illness with cancer, he was a shining testimony to saved and unsaved. Many young people he came in contact with were impressed with the vital need to place spiritual things first. He faced his future with unwavering courage and strength which he found in his Lord and Savior. His last diary entry said, “My times are in thy hand.” Over 700 attended the funeral. Lome Nathe, Lucas Griffin and Gaius Goff took the service with Stewart Wilson speaking at the graveside.

Ed Studnicka of Black Earth, WI on February 2, age 92. He was saved at the age of 38. Faithfulness and consistency marked his life before God and men. He and his wife Grace maintained happy fellowship at Blue River and in later years at Black Earth. Ed was buried in Blue River where a large crowd listened to the gospel on the very lot where he first heard it as a young man. All the children and many in the family profess faith in Christ. Daughter Diana gave tireless care during his lingering years of illness. A. Christopherson, A. Ward, and J. Frazier shared the service.

Sam Patterson of Chapman Valley, ON on February 11, age 75. Our dear brother was saved 50 years ago. He was in fellowship in Arnstein, South River, and for the last 14 years in Chapman Valley He was predeceased by his wife five years ago. Sam was a consistent attender to all the meetings and gave thanks at the Breaking of Bread the Lord’s Day before his death. Ernie Dellandrea took the funeral service.

Frank Faita, Sr. of Torrington, CT on February 13, age 82. He was born in Waterbury, CT, August 13, 1917 and was saved on May 31, 1931 at an Orange, NJ conference while speaking with the late Frank Carboni, as they read Romans 10:9. Together with his wife Nevy (nee Viglione), he opened his home to the Lord’s people. A generous, happy believer, he will be missed in the assembly and by his family. The funeral was taken by brethren M. Brescia, F. Tornaquindici, and E. Higgins.

Raymond Wagar of Marion, IA on February 13, age 87. Our dear brother was saved in 1935 through the truth of John 3:16. He continued farming the homestead place where he was born, but in later years moved to the Linn Manor Care Center in Marion. He was received into fellowship in Marion and continued faithfully until his homecall. He was marked by humility and gentleness. He leaves a large family of nine children all of whom profess to be saved. His funeral service was taken by A. Christopherson in Grand Forks where many heard the plain gospel spoken faithfully

Mrs. Gladys Gould of Tacoma, WA on February 14, age 68. Our dear sister was saved in 1953 at a Youth for Christ Rally in Vancouver, B.C. while singing “Just as lam”. It was through Ellen (Milroy) Green, currently serving the Lord in France, that she saw the truth of assembly gathering. She was always given to hospitality, and her chart and map work has been used and appreciated by many She is survived by her husband, Robert, one son, two daughters, four grandchildren, and an unsaved brother. J. Fitzpatrick spoke the gospel at her funeral and D. Hale spoke at her graveside.

Mr. Joseph Withers of Tassagh, Co. Armagh, N.I. on February 16, in his 89th year. He was saved in 1928, baptized, and brought into the Armagh assembly. About 14 years later he and his wife moved to a smaller assembly at Tassagh where he remained faithful until his home-call. He was predeceased by his wife by over 12 years, and is survived by nephews and nieces, some still not saved for whom prayer is requested. His large funeral, where T.W. Wright and S. McBride gave plain gospel messages, was an indication of the high esteem in which he was held.

Ruth Gordon of Sault Ste. Marie, MI, on March 2, 2000, age 92. Our sister was cared for at her home the last weeks of her life by her niece Ann and husband Craig Trotter. Miss Gordon was saved on April 25, 1930. In her earlier years she and her older sister Dorothy brought many children to the Sunday School. Ruth was also a faithful Sunday school teacher as the Gospel Hall in the Sault. She was associated with the assembly for over 65 years and was the oldest living member of the assembly.

James McConnell of Vancouver, BC on March S. age 89. He was born in Vancouver and born again in 1928 at 19 under the preaching of Thomas Black and Herb Harris. He was baptized and received into assembly fellowship at Fairview where he served in the Sunday School, as an elder and correspondent. Although unable to be in attendance in recent times, his presence is missed. He leaves one daughter and her family.

Peter Kroeze of Arlington, WA on March 6, age 93. He was saved during gospel meetings held by David Scott in 1921. He was in assembly fellowship for over 7S years. He was an exercised, caring brother with a love for the assembly of His saints. Hardly ever did he miss a meeting until just a few weeks before his home call. Pray for his widow, Eva, and his large family. Some of the grandchildren and great grandchildren are not yet saved. The funeral of over 300 was shared by Don Kazen, Phil Kazen, Al Flett, and Tony Flett.

Mrs. Olive Kerr of Port Sydney, ON on March 11, age 91. She was saved in 1955 after being aroused as to her need in meetings by B. Widdifield and E. Wichert the previous year. She was baptized and received into the Huntsville assembly. In 1977, she joined about 30 others to form the Deer Lake assembly Our sister continued faithfully until too weak a couple of years ago. She leaves her daughter who cared for her, and son-in-law, both saved, six grandchildren, and many great and great-great grandchildren some of whom are saved. The very large funeral was taken by A. Grainger, Jr.

Garnet Black of Guelph, ON on March 16, age 76. Our dear brother and his wife were saved October 15, 1944 during gospel meetings by Sydney Burnham. Our brother has been in fellowship in the assembly here for many years. He leaves behind his wife Verna, and oldest son Eric and wife Jean in the assembly. Prayer is requested for two unsaved children and a number of grandchildren who were a burden to our brother to the end. The gospel was preached at the funeral by Frank Sona.

Cecil Everson of Lindsay, ON on March 17, age 85. Our brother was born again February 9, 1944 and was gathered into assembly fellowship at Victoria Road Gospel Hall shortly after. He was a faithful attender and a help to the assembly right to the end, taking part the Lord’s Day before his home call. He leaves his wife of 61 years who lovingly cared for him, three daughters and their husbands, nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. M. McLeod faithfully preached the gospel at the funeral. Please pray for the family, some of whom are not saved.

Mrs. Ernie Sarlo (Micklen) of Sault Ste. Marie, ON on April 4, passed peacefully into the Lord’s presence. At the tender age often, Mickien trusted Christ as her Saviour, and lived a godly consistent life in happy fellowship in the assembly here. She was greatly loved by all who knew her, and will be sadly missed by her husband and family, and all the saints here. The large funeral was taken by David Nicholson, David Adams, and Ralph Carr.

Mrs. Sarah Bell of Kirkfield, ON on April 4, age 92. Her husband Melville preceded her in death in 1992. Our dear sister was saved in the fall of 1938 in gospel meetings held by the late Mervyn Paul in the Victoria Road Gospel Hall. She was baptized and received into fellowship shortly after. She faithfully attended assembly gatherings till she went into a nursing home in 1992. Please pray for family members.

Raymond Boies of East Aurora, NY on April 24, age 76. The assembly has lost a valued brother and overseer by his call to glory after a painful illness. He was saved in July 1947 during a gospel series conducted by brethren McBain and Warke. His testimony before the world and amongst God’s people was respected and attested to by the large crowd gathered to pay their respects at his funeral shared by brethren Ed Doherty and James N. Smith. Remember in prayer his wife Mary and daughter Donna and her family All are saved and in assembly fellowship.

A Million Thanks

Once again in 1999, both the Canadian and US Trusts were entrusted with considerably more than one million dollars to be forwarded to the Lord’s servants, widows and missionaries in various parts of the world. Statements for both Trusts were published in last month’s magazine. We deeply appreciate the confidence that has been placed in us by so many of the Lord’s people. We sincerely thank all who use the Trusts for the honor and privilege you have given us of serving the Lord and serving His servants in this way Both the Canadian and US trusts will continue to forward your fellowship in the most efficient way possible. Our addresses are shown in every magazine at the bottom of the inside back cover.

An Apology

By my mistake, the May magazine was printed with a repeated Tidings section from April. We have tried to reduce the damage by printing a supplement of the correct Tidings for May and sending copies throughout North America. I am very sorry for the mistake and ask your forgiveness. Norman Crawford