Page 1 - The Deity of Christ - November 2018 - Truth & Tidings
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e live in an age when every pre- a solid foundation for our daily Christian
cious and vital truth concern- walk.
ing the Lord Jesus is attacked The deity of Christ is established in eter-
W and questioned, the deity of the nity and needs no defense. It is not a hidden
Lord Jesus being no exception. Past and pres- truth in Scripture; instead, it is proclaimed
ent, there is a rebellious component of the
human heart that denies the very essence of loudly, clearly and often. In Paul’s first letter
who the Lord Jesus is. In simple terms, the to Timothy, it was “without controversy”
deity of the Lord Jesus is the truth that He is that “God was manifest in the flesh” (3:16,
God, nothing less, ever. The Lord Jesus in the KJV). Please listen to the testimony of these
New Testament is one and the same as many other voices.
Jehovah in the Old Testament. This fact is The Father
unacceptable to the unbeliever. From the
first-century self-serving Pharisees to the God Himself is the authority. Long be-
fourth-century “Arians” to modern cults, and fore men could question the deity of Christ,
perhaps even to your friends, the Lord Jesus the Father settled it forever with one glorious
falls short of being God. Thankfully, Scripture statement about His Son: “Thy throne, O
leaves no doubt, with a thorough presenta- God, is for ever and ever” (Psa 45:6, KJV). In
tion of this truth. Scripture confirms that the Hebrews 1:8 the Spirit of God makes sure we
Lord Jesus is, at every point, fully God. The know He is speaking about the Lord Jesus:
young believer will discover that this essential “Unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God,
doctrine, easily gleaned from the Scripture, is is for ever and ever.”