Page 9 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 9
ne of Jesus’ earliest disciples was the court musician. He later became his
John, the son of Zebedee and Sa- brother-in-law upon David’s marriage
Olome. He was likely a cousin of to his sister Michal. Jonathan came to
Jesus and seemed to be sensitive spiritu- appreciate David as his saviour when
ally. The message that John the Baptizer David took his place in the valley of
was preaching resonated in his heart and Elah and faced down the giant. Jonathan
he had become his disciple. So, when John renounced all claim to his father’s throne
told him and Andrew as Jesus walked and covenanted himself in love and loyalty
by that they should “behold the Lamb to David. Throughout David’s alienation
of God” (Joh 1:36), he left John to follow from Saul and Israel, Jonathan was his
Jesus. Jesus invited him to observe His constant, the one who encouraged and
life (v39), welcomed him into it, and later supported David from a distance and who
commanded him to leave his day job as expected to be beside David when the Lord
a fisherman to follow Him as a full-time installed David on the throne.
disciple (Mar 1:19). Jesus’ John was likely younger; many
The name John conveys the idea of a gift consider him to be the youngest of the
from God. Although this series is titled Twelve. As intimated earlier, he was likely
“The Chosen,” emphasizing the fact that an earthly cousin of Jesus, but became an
these followers of Jesus were the result of adopted brother when the Lord entrusted
His careful choice and decision (see John him with His mother from the cross (Joh
15:16 and Luke 6:12-16), there is a sense 19:27). John was one of the first disciples
in which John’s character and friendship to apprehend the import of Jesus’ words
embodied a good gift from the heavenly with respect to His death and resurrection.
Father to His Beloved Son while on earth. When he saw the empty tomb (20:8),
This time of difficulty and trial, of rejection he believed. Whereas David’s Jonathan
and endurance, was aided by the loyalty overtly expressed his love to David, John
and support of a John. One can’t help was more impressed by Jesus’ love for him.
but see some comparisons and contrasts One of John’s favourite ways to designate
with David and his John (Jonathan) himself was “the disciple whom Jesus
during David’s sojourn and exile as an loved” (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20). This
unacknowledged, anointed king. appreciation of his Lord led to a desire to
David’s Jonathan was his senior when be near Him. He was the one who reclined
David was taken into Saul’s house as nearest Jesus’ heart at the Last Supper
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