Page 8 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
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ering and G
of harmony and stability. Suffering and Glory
Just as Peter’s words were transformed, Peter was a devoted Jew who expected
he wants the same for us. He had once the appearing of Messiah to bring in
cursed and spoken idly, but tells us to millennial glory (Luk 22:30; Mar 9:1; Act
speak no guile (1Pe 3:10) and that men 1:6) and thus bypass suffering. However,
must “speak as the oracles of God” (4:11). every leader of men must suffer, and
Peter knew his Bible, quoting from Deu- whether it was the reprimands of his
teronomy, the Psalms and Joel (Act 3:22; Saviour, the bitter weeping after being
1:20; 2:16). He was comfortable in typol- sifted, or incarceration, Peter knew all
ogy and eschatology (1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 1:11). about trials. He learned that the difficulty
As an aged apostle, he wanted to pass of tribulation enhances the delight of the
on the Word of God to others. His words Kingdom; suffering precedes glory, and a
had often failed, but he pointed others to cross comes before a crown.
the infallible word of God – “We have not
followed cunningly devised fables …. We Such lessons led this vessel appointed
have also a more sure word of prophecy; for suffering to say, “The trial of your
whereunto ye do well that ye take heed” faith, being much more precious than of
(2Pe 1:16,19). He affirmed the inspira- gold that perisheth, though it be tried with
tion of both Testaments (1:21; 3:2,16) and fire, might be found unto … glory at the
pointed every saint to the impregnable appearing of Jesus Christ” (1Pe 1:7).
rock of holy writ. He was following the steps of his Sav-
iour, and calls us to the same: “Ye are
P r a ye r partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when
Peter was also a man of serious prayer. his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad
A man of leadership and activity must also with exceeding joy” (4:13).
have private communion with the Lord. If there is anything that marked Peter,
He learned this from the greatest Servant the man of activity, it was that he loved
when he lighted upon Him a great while to follow Christ. Where Christ went, he
before day (Mar 1:35). It was failure in went. Initially he thought that would lead
prayer that had led Peter to deny the Lord him straight to glory, but the Lord taught
(14:37). However, in Acts he learned his him otherwise. The severe pressure of
lesson and experienced house-shaking Peter’s trials turned the rough rock into
prayer meetings, and visions of God when a precious stone. He would never have
he went upon “the housetop to pray” shone so brightly had he not suffered so
(Act 10:9). It was against the backdrop deeply. For all his leadership abilities, he
of prayer that Peter could sleep in prison was a devoted follower of the Lamb, and
awaiting certain execution (12:6). followed his Lord into death. Faithful in
To avoid falling like he did, he said, suffering martyrdom, he glorified God
“Watch unto prayer” (1Pe 4:7) and cast “all (Joh 21:19). Like a triumphant ship that
your care upon him; for he careth for you” weathered the stormy seas, he had an
(5:7). Just as he had heard from Christ, abundant entrance into the everlasting
“I have prayed for thee” (Luk 22:32), he kingdom (2Pe 1:11). By faith, may we also
wants us to know “the Shepherd and endure life’s tempest, and fix our vision on
Bishop” of our souls (1Pe 2:25). the heavenly harbour.
264 TRUTH kTidings September 2024