Page 7 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 7

However, the Lord told him, “Go thou to   with the influx of Gentile believers. The
        the sea” (v27). Even the sea and its crea-  tempestuous wave-like man had become
        tures have to obey natural laws. Similarly,   an aqueduct of blessing.
        Peter had to learn to submit to others, his
        privileges notwithstanding. When the   Words
        drachma popped out of the fish’s mouth,   A leader of men is not only a man of
        he had to submissively pay his taxes. This   action but a man of words. Peter thought
        is why he later wrote, “Submit yourselves   it was better to say something rather than
        to every ordinance of man …. Be subject to   nothing (Mar 9:6), even if he was wrong.
        your masters …. Wives, be in subjection to   The Lord had told him to let down his
        your own husbands …. Be subject one to   nets for a draught, but Peter said, “I will
        another” (1Pe 2:13,18; 3:1; 5:5). Peter be-  let down the net” (Luk 5:5). Infamously, he
        lieved in authoritative hierarchy, but also   rebuked the Lord, thus contradicting the
        learned the value of obedient submission.  words of Christ and incurring the rebuke
          Peter should probably have waited at   – “Adversary” (Mar 8:33). Sadly, he denied
        the sea of Tiberias, but, agitated and ac-  the Lord with curses (Mat 26:74).
        tive as ever, he stirred up his fellows and   However, side by side with his ham-
        declared, “I go a fishing” (Joh 21:3). Upon   fisted statements are some of the most
        speaking the word, all his companions   sublime utterances in Scripture. Just be-
        bundled into the boat and joined him in   fore saying “Not so, Lord,” he had said,
        the ill-fated enterprise. They caught noth-  “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living
        ing. Peter had been in turbulence since his   God” (Mat 16:16). Just before putting
        denial, but at the calm waters of Tiberias   Moses and Elijah on par with Christ, he
        he dined with the risen Christ and walked   said, “Master, it is good for us to be here”
        along the shore in confession. Like the   (Mar 9:5). And before interfering with the
        psalmist beside still waters, he could say,   career of the apostle John, he said, “Lord,
        “He restoreth my soul” (Psa 23:3). He was   thou knowest all things; thou knowest that
        restored when the Lord said, “Follow   I love thee” (Joh 21:17).
        me” (Joh 21:19). The waters of restoration   However, with time and grace, Peter’s
        ministered grace to the humbled Peter,   words became more like his Lord’s. Flesh
        and he was about to be exalted in due   and blood didn’t impart them to him, but
        time (1Pe 5:6).                       his Father who had chosen to save him
          Spirit-filled, he springs up in the Acts   (Mat 16:17; 1Pe 1:2). When other disciples
        to lead the apostolic band. His sermons   refused a diet of hard words, he sweetly
        cascade like mighty waters, accusing   ate them all, saying, “Lord, to whom shall
        Israel of crucifying Christ (Act 2:23; 3:14;   we go? Thou hast the words of eternal
        4:10), but promising refreshing showers to   life” (Joh 6:68).
        all who will repent (3:19). His heart swells   He was the first to preach to Gentiles,
        in praise as he sees the fountainhead of   and such was the unity between his
        all blessing – God who made heaven    words and heaven’s that “Peter opened
        and sea (4:24). He spread the gospel-tide   his mouth” (Act 10:34) and God filled it.
        across Judea, Samaria, Joppa and Babylon.   Peter said that the Gentiles heard the gos-
        He cleansed the Church of Ananias and   pel “by my mouth” (15:7). His words had
        Sapphira and helped stabilise the church   once caused chaos but became the means
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