Page 5 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 5
The Messiah He Found eagerly waiting for the coming of the
Andrew did not waste any time. No Holy Spirit, who would usher in a whole
sooner had he found Christ than he new dispensation of God’s dealings with
followed Christ. John, highlighting its humanity through His people in the
significance, tells us it was at the tenth Church Age. Luke carefully records that
hour (4pm) that he and Andrew, upon the first local church that was formed in
Christ’s gracious question and invitation, Jerusalem continued steadfastly in the
went to see where He lived and learn who apostles' doctrine (2:42); and Paul reveals
He was. What a discovery and blessing later that the Church, which is His body,
for Andrew as the Lord Jesus personally is built upon the foundation of the apostles
revealed His person and His plan as (Eph 2:20). Andrew is included in both
the Messiah. In comparing the Gospel of these important aspects of Church
accounts, it would seem that in John we truth. While Scripture is silent about his
have Andrew’s initial call to believe in and subsequent years of service, there are early
follow Christ; and then, in the Synoptics, traditions as well as apocryphal accounts
we have his official call to discipleship by connecting Andrew to the evangelization
the Sea of Galilee sometime later. of Scythia and Achaia, and ultimately
The Ministry He Fulfilled facing martyrdom in Patras, Greece.
The privilege of Andrew’s ministry to be Andrew also expressed interest in
one of the 12 officially chosen disciples future events (Mar 13:3), and the Lord
(learners) and apostles (sent ones) of Jesus connected Andrew to the coming
Christ is one of the greatest in history. millennial age when the 12 apostles will
While perhaps not as deep as that of sit on thrones and rule over the 12 tribes of
Peter, James and John, the intimacy of Israel (Mat 19:28). Revelation depicts the
Andrew’s ministry with Christ is seen in majestic, heavenly city as the privileged
the four lists of the Twelve in the Gospels. dwelling place of the Bride of Christ and
Andrew’s name is always among the first upon whose foundation stones the very
four listed, suggesting a close relationship names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb
with the Lord. We also notice the focus will be engraved (Rev 21:14). These are
of Andrew’s ministry in three scenes remarkable mentions that tell of places
where he is mentioned (Joh 1:40-42; 6:8,9; of honor that await this former Galilean
12:22). In these various situations, he is fisherman!
involved in bringing different individuals
to Christ. Working mostly “behind the While the Bible’s portrayal of Andrew
scenes,” it seems Andrew effectively used is minimal, there is enough about him
his winsome, welcoming manner with to greatly encourage and assure us that
people and his personal access to Christ whatever the nature, size or visibility of
to connect many with the Savior. our work for the Lord, we all, however
ordinary or different, have been chosen
The Mention He Received and given the remarkable opportunity to
In the final mention of Andrew in follow Christ humbly, reach others per-
Scripture (Act 1:13), we see him with sonally, and fulfill our ministry faithfully
the other disciples in the upper room, until He returns and rewards.
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