Page 4 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 4

The Man He Was                        his brother Simon (Mar 1:29). The long
          Andrew is mentioned only 12 times   days and arduous labor that a successful
                                              fishing business required did not hinder
        in the New Testament, compared to 156   Andrew’s growing interest in spiritual
        times for Peter. When he is referred to, it   matters. Whether it was the influence of
        is often with the qualifier “Simon Peter’s   his upbringing or from his own study of
        brother.” Although greatly overshadowed   Scripture, he first came to put his faith
        by  his  bold  and  boisterous  brother,   in God and then began looking for the
        Andrew, when we piece together the few   long-awaited personal, spiritual, moral
        brief glimpses we do get of him, emerges   and national hope of Israel in the coming
        as a humble, faithful, even enthusiastic   Messiah. Andrew may have been one of
        follower of Christ. (I would like to think   those early believers referred to by the
        that when the “Who is the greatest?”   Lord Jesus when praying to His Father:
        skirmish broke out among the disciples,   “Thine they were, and thou gavest them
        Andrew was not involved – Luke 22:24).  me” (Joh 17:6 KJV).
          Our first impression of Andrew comes
        in considering the interesting meaning   The Message He Heard
        and origin of his name. Andrew means    As a young man, Andrew’s faith was
        “manly,” or “valorous,” and surprisingly,   forged and deepened by a fiery preacher
        it is a Greek name. While his family was   named John, whom he had heard about
        Hebrew to the core, Andrew’s parents   and who was baptizing down in Bethany
        chose to give him a Greek name (evidence   of Judea by the Jordan River. His direct
        perhaps of one of the many lasting    message about the need for repentance
        influences of Hellenistic [Greek] culture   and the soon arrival of the Savior caught
        on Jewish society in the first century),   Andrew’s attention to such an extent that
        which turned out to perfectly fit the   he was baptized by John and became
        character of their son. His name would   his disciple. On one unforgettable day,
        also one day prove helpful in bringing   walking along the banks of the Jordan,
        Greeks to Christ. Likely a single man,   Andrew heard a message from John that
        Andrew showed himself to be manly     would change his life forever: “Behold,
        indeed, not just in a rugged, physical and   the Lamb of God, who takes away the
        earthly sense, but in the godly manner   sin of the world!” (Joh 1:29 ESV). With
        God intended a man to be and live.    this astounding title and statement, John
          Life for Andrew began in the household   singled out the Lord Jesus as the God-sent
        of his father Jonah in Bethsaida, where   sacrifice for sin and, stunningly, not for
        he would, in time, take up the common,   the Jews alone but for the whole world.
        practical work of a fisherman on the   Andrew left John and became, along with
        Sea of Galilee. Later, he would share a   his friend John, the son of Zebedee, one of
        home and business in Capernaum with   the first followers of Christ.

        260 TRUTH kTidings   September 2024
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