Page 2 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 2

259    Editorial
                                                .................................................. David Petterson
        Founding Editor I A. W. Joyce
    David K. Petterson, 4135 Stoney Creek Dr.  260  Andrew
            Lincolnton, NC 28092                .......................................................Don Draper
                                         262    Peter
               News Editor
              Eddie Wong                          ..........................................................Huw Rees
                                         265    John
          Treasurer & Subscriptions             ........................................................Justin Pratt
            Andrew Dennison      267    James, the Brother of John
             Associate Editors                  .......................................................David Hanley
        Clive Barber, John Dennison,
        Paul Glenney, Shawn St. Clair    269    Philip
                                                ......................................................Kory Crawford
    Canada (including GST)  ..................$35 CDN  271  Nathanael
    USA .......................................................... $25 US  .................................................Shawn St. Clair
    Overseas (except UK) ........................... $40 US  273  Matthew
      Truth & Tidings, 11798 Deer Creek Run
         Plymouth, MI 48170, USA                ....................................................Paul Barnhardt
    United Kingdom                       275    Thomas
       .................. £25 if paid before end of November  ........................................................Andrew Ware
       .................. £30 if paid before end of December
       Simon Brown, 20 Fairhill Crescent,   277  Judas Iscariot
         Newtownabbey, County Antrim            .....................................................John Dennison
          Northern Ireland BT36 6LT  279  Two More James' and the Other Simon
                                                ........................................................Marcus Cain
      NEWS (deadline: 4th of each month)
           Send all by E-mail to:        281    Saul of Tarsus
               Eddie Wong                       .................................................Donald Armstrong

       Heather Margerison, 3 Hill Top Trail,   284  ..........................................................Eddie Wong
            Stouffville, ON, Canada
                L4A 3G7
                                         288    Great Gospel Texts
                                                .....................................................James Russell
     TRUTH & TIDINGS GOSPEL TRUST, USA  Volume 75, Number 9
       Joe Dennison Jr., 37177 White Tail Ct.   TRUTH AND TIDINGS INC (USPS 526-330)Truth and Tidings (USPS 526-330) is
          Farmington Hills, MI 48335    published monthly by Truth and Tidings Inc. Publishing office is at 2030 Jef-  frey Court, Jackson, MI 49203. Periodical Postage paid at Jackson, MI 49202.
                                       Canada Post Publications Mail Contract # 40010223. Postage paid at Windsor,
                                       ON. U.K. postage paid at Belfast, N. Ireland. Truth and Tidings is a non-profit
      organization whose purpose is the dissemination of truth based upon the
       The contents of the magazines from January, 1996 to this issue  Word of God, and to foster inter-assembly fellowship.
      are online at in a searchable database.  Copyright statement: The articles in this magazine are protected by copyright.
                                       For reproduction or other use of these articles, please contact the editor.
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