Page 10 - September 2024 - Truth & Tidings
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(13:23), who followed Him in the night lived to see David’s ascension to the throne.
to His trial (18:15), and who was at the Jonathan was the one who came to visit
cross (19:26). Jesus appreciated his quiet and encourage him while in exile. Jonathan
adoration and included him as one of the watched the champion Goliath fall at Da-
three closest disciples who alone witnessed vid’s feet, but it was John’s unique privilege
the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter, the to fall at the feet of God’s champion who
Lord’s transfiguration and the agony of is alive forevermore (Rev 1:17-18). It was
Gethsemane. Jesus who came to John in exile, in all the
John’s ministry flourished in the early glory of His exaltation. So, it fell to John, the
days of the Church. He often accompanied beloved disciple, to record the present and
Peter as they bore witness to the resur- coming glories of his Friend and Saviour,
rected and ascended Christ. Even when Jesus Christ.
imprisoned and threatened, John didn’t As we have reflected on John and his life,
falter. Indeed, his appreciation for the
love of Christ led him to recognize that in two features of practical relevance come
reality “God is love” (1Jn 4:8). John wrote, to mind. I once read a book that declared
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but there are only two things God wants us to
that he loved us” (v10). 1 know: “I love you” and “Trust me.” John
As an older man, John suffered as a knew this before the book author did.
martyr without dying. It is thought that They characterized his life, and we would
he was plunged into a cauldron of boiling do well to incorporate them into ours as
oil but did not succumb to his injuries. well. There is nothing that will stabilize
Thereafter he was banished to exile on the our lives more than a deep appreciation
island of Patmos. He had a ministry late for the fact that “Jesus loves me.” Too often,
in life in Ephesus and the surrounding our lives reflect a desire to reach up to God
regions. When John wrote his Gospel later that He would bless and reach down to
in life, he felt the need to make a clarifying us, a performance-based acceptance that
comment about his existence, as some resists grace. Days that begin with brave
were beginning to think that he would be resolutions end in failure. The vagaries
immortal until the Lord’s return (Joh 21:23). of life, sin and human weakness conspire
John’s greatest legacy to the Church is together to make our relationship with
the writings he left, inspired by the Holy God yo-yo according to our emotional
Spirit. His Gospel uniquely presents Jesus state on any given day. It was not so with
as the eternal Son of God, its contents John. He gloried in the fact that God loved
carefully organized in view of the reader’s him. Jesus loved him. So, when Jesus asked
coming to eternal life by trusting in God’s him to follow, he did. No questions asked.
Christ (20:31). He left several letters that He trusted. No wonder these twin themes
emphasize the familial aspects of Christian can be so easily traced through John’s
living as children of God. Finally, he gave writings: the greatness of God’s love and
us the revelation he received of Jesus Christ the command to believe. John fittingly
that forms the closing book of the New closed the written record of the Scriptures
Testament canon. David’s Jonathan never
with these words, reflecting his given
1 Bible quotations in this article are from the name: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
KJV. be with you all. Amen” (Rev 22:21).
266 TRUTH kTidings September 2024