Page 17 - May 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 17

but had to be powerfully released. The   but substituted them for a priestly tribe
        chains had to be snapped, which is why   (Num 3:45). Redemption led to a pur-
        the Exodus narrative emphasises the   chased priesthood. Similarly, we have
        sublime power of God in deliverance.   been redeemed and constituted priests,
        It  was  by  “strength  of  hand”  that  the   a peculiar people, to “shew forth the
        Lord released them (Exo 13:3,14,16). This   praises of him who hath called [us] out
        mighty deliverance is variously described   of darkness into his marvellous light”
        as  executing  judgment  against  all  the   (1Pe 2:9).
        gods of Egypt, smiting the land of Egypt
        and spoiling the Egyptians (12:12,13,36).   Metallurgical
        This  earth-shattering  deliverance  cli-  Silver is the currency of redemption
        maxes at the Red Sea, when “the LORD   (Exo 30:11-16; 38:25; Lev 5:15), and Israel
        overthrew the Egyptians … and all the   had an opportunity to buy their sons
        host of Pharaoh …; there remained not   back – “all the firstborn of man among
        … one of them” (14:27-30). The power of   thy  children  shalt  thou  redeem”  (Exo
        redemption is breathtaking; the world of   13:13). This climaxes again in Numbers
        Egypt was decimated, their gods were   where Israel had to pay 1365 shekels as
        shattered, its tyrant was crushed, and its   redemption money for their sons (Num
        slaves walked out. All this finds fulfil-  3:49-51). They had to learn experientially
        ment in the resurrection of Christ, when   the true value of their own deliverance.
        He routed demonic armies, decapitated   The redemption money (likely silver) was
        Satan’s tyranny and liberated sinners.   according to the shekel of the sanctuary.

        Doxological                           This one-off payment (vv40-51) and the
                                              ongoing payment as sons were born (Exo
          Redemption leads every saint to wor-  30:12,16) were banked into the Levitical
        ship. “Sing unto the LORD, for he hath   system and show that the house of God
        triumphed gloriously: the horse and his   was built upon and maintained by silver.
        rider  hath he thrown  into the sea  ….   The silver sockets and bars reminded
        Thou in thy mercy … hast redeemed     Israel of redemption. Similarly, the
        [us]” (15:1,13).                      forgiveness of sins is written large into
                                              the fabric of the local assembly, since God
        Practical                             has “purchased [it] with his own blood”

          Redemption does not stop with salva-  (Act  20:28).  Each  member  is  blood-
        tion. Israel was under new ownership   bought and should be treated as such.
        after Egypt (13:2,13;  22:29; 34:20). This   Silver  affected  the  religious  life  of
        is a shadow of the Christian’s position   Israel and also its day-to-day life. Silver
        in  the dispensation of  grace;  we were   trumpets,  the  voice  of the Lord  to  a
        once slaves to sin but are now slaves to   redeemed people, sounded to direct their
        the Lord – this is true freedom. We have   movements, warn them of danger and
        been bought with a price; “therefore glo-  stimulate their praise (Num 10:1-10). It
        rify God in your body, and in your spirit,   directed and ordered their entire lives. In
        which are God’s” (1Co 6:20).          an era full of empty noise, may we follow
          The Lord owned all of Israel’s 22,273   the clarion call of God’s Word through
        firstborn sons (Exo 13:13,15; Num 3:43)   this wilderness.
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