Page 15 - May 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 15

which is united in Christ.          As those who are saved, our expectation
          The Jewish nation is unique in divine   is not earthly but heavenly; we await our
        purpose; God’s covenantal blessings   Lord from heaven. Through Him, the whole
        were given to the patriarchs. These were   universe, those things on earth and things in
        confirmed  to  David  and  his  lineage   heaven, will be reconciled and brought into
        forever (2Sa 7:12-14). These promises   accord with the mind of God. There is no
        have never been abrogated; they will   mention in Colossians 1:20 of  “things under
        never be repealed. We affirm what the   the earth” (Php 2:10). The subject in Philip-
        Bible reveals about Israel, its land and   pians is subjugation, not reconciliation. The
        its unique place in history and prophecy,   realms of the infernal world, including Satan
        and we know that the Scriptures con-  and those angelic beings who sinned, will
        firm a coming kingdom and a monarch   be subdued but will never be reconciled
        reigning for God from Jerusalem.    to God. The Greek word for “reconciled”
          The Scriptures reveal God’s mind   (apokatallasso) used in Colossians 1:20 means
        concerning His purpose for the future;   to reconcile completely, to change from one
        however, it is in this era that God has   condition to another. Nothing will be left
        revealed something unique, an entity   undone; this world, which was created to
        called “the church, which is his body”   manifest the glory of God, will be restored
        (Eph 1:22-32). As part of this unique   to what God designed. The Millennial King-
        entity, we realize our elevated position
        of having been reconciled to God. As   dom of Christ will give way to “the day of
        Gentiles we did not share in the national   God” (2Pe 3:12); Christ will deliver up the
        privileges that Jews enjoyed, we had no   Kingdom; divine purpose will have reached
        prospect of a future inheritance, we had   its goal and universal reconciliation will be
        “no hope,” and we were “without God   complete.
        in the world” (2:12). Through the cross,   We look forward to and anticipate that
        Jews and Gentiles are brought onto the   day of universal reconciliation which will
        common  ground  of  being  members   be accomplished by our glorious Savior.
        together of one body (3:6), they have a   We have the opportunity of presently being
        common bond of salvation, they have   occupied with Him, being able to appreciate
        been brought into the same privileges,   His person, worship His name and glory in
        share the same aspirations and goals,   His cross. Like John Bowring, we can sing:
        wait for the same Saviour, and are part   In the cross of Christ I glory,
        of the same dispensational Church.
                                              towering o'er the wrecks of time;
        Prospective Reconciliation            all the light of sacred story
        Based on the Cross                    gathers round its head sublime.

          The great truth of universal recon-  When the woes of life o'ertake me,
        ciliation is based on the cross. We are   hopes deceive, and fears annoy,
        part of a troubled world; nations are   never shall the cross forsake me.
        divided and are at war with each other.   Lo! It glows with peace and joy. 2
        Antisemitism is rising; the stage is set
        for the end times, the manifestation of
        the man of sin and the great tribulation.   2  John Bowring (1792–1872)

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