Page 14 - May 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 14
ike Paul, we glory “in the cross of sins. In Colossians 1:21, we are described
our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal 6:14). as being “alienated and enemies in your
LThe cross is the basis for all of our mind by wicked works.” In Ephesians
hopes and the centre of God’s divine pur- 2:16, there is mention made of enmity,
pose, and all of the great biblical doctrines which is the enmity or hostility between
focus on and are centred in it. Our subject human beings and God. God did not need
in this article is reconciliation. The cross to be reconciled; He was the one offended
is the wonderful means of reconciliation, by our sin, and we were estranged from
bringing lost sinners into a relationship Him; reconciliation was required to bring
with God. estranged sinners back into fellowship
The subject of reconciliation is varied with God. It is the Lord Jesus, via His
and includes aspects such as the need cross, who has brought us back to God; we
for reconciliation between brethren (Mat have been reconciled by Jesus Christ (2Co
5:24), between a husband and wife (1Co 5:18-21) through His death on the cross
7:11), and is also required in interpersonal (Rom 5:10; Eph 2:16). Such is the power
relationships in assembly contexts (Php of Christ that now there is a harmonious
4:2). relationship between parties who had
Reconciliation essentially means to once been at enmity. At the moment of
change or exchange, to change from one conversion, we were positionally recon-
condition to another. This change refers ciled to God and brought into a personal
to the restoration of a harmonious rela- relationship with Him. This is an eternal
tionship between parties who had been relationship and cannot be changed or
at enmity. Therefore, the meaning of forfeited in any way.
reconciliation is to change from hostility Privilege in Reconciliation
to harmony, enmity to amity, antagonism
to accord. Based on the Cross
This era is unique in many ways; one of
Positional Reconciliation its distinguishing features is the fact that
Based on the Cross Jews and Gentiles are united together into
We were separated from God in our “one new man” (Eph 2:15). In that context,
Paul is not referring to the creation of a
1 Bible quotations in this article are from the KJV. new individual but a new corporate entity
142 TRUTH kTidings May 2024