Page 13 - May 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 13

justifying of the sinner apart from the   justified by his grace as a gift … to be re-
        “cancelation of the record of debt that   ceived by faith … so that he might be just
        stood  against  us.”  The  righteous  can-  and the justifier of the one who has faith
        celation of that debt was only possible   in Jesus” (vv24-26).
        through the atoning cross-work of Christ.   The cross represents Christ’s obedience.
          The cross establishes our peace. “Therefore,   Paul links our condemnation to the dis-
        since we have been justified by faith, we   obedience of Adam, but our justification to
        have peace with God through our Lord   the obedience of Christ. “As one trespass
        Jesus Christ” (Rom 5:1). Peace is the fruit   led to condemnation for all men, so one
        of justification. Another article in this is-  act of righteousness leads to justification
        sue deals with reconciliation, but suffice   and life for all men” (5:18). Nowhere is the
        it to say that a right standing (justified
        before God) produces a right condition   sinner’s disobedience set in such stark con-
        or relationship (at peace with God). Jus-  trast to Christ’s obedience as at the cross.
        tification exchanges enmity for peace.   Additionally, the cross serves to illuminate
        The condemned sinner is incapable of   the far-reaching consequences of both, and
        experiencing true peace (Isa 57:20-21). The   the resultant wonder of justification: “For
        cross stands as the greatest demonstration   as indeed by the disobedience of the one
        that “righteousness and peace have kissed   man the many have been constituted sin-
        each other” (Psa 85:10 KJV), for He “made   ners, so also by the obedience of the one
        peace through the blood of his cross” (Col   the many will be constituted righteous
        1:20 RV). Whereas we once were enemies   [justified]” (v19 JND).
        of God (Rom 5:9-10), justification means   Christ was “obedient to the point of
        He is now “for us” (8:31).            death, even death on a cross” (Php 2:8). He
          The cross displays God’s grace. One of the   was then “raised because of our justifica-
        key features of justification is that it ex-  tion” (Rom 4:25 NASB). That is, the fact
        cludes our efforts. “It is God who justifies”   that He was raised is the full affirmation
        (Rom 8:33), and “we know that a person   by the divine presiding Judge, and His
        is not justified by works of the law but   stamp of approval that Christ’s atoning
        through faith in Jesus Christ” (Gal 2:16).   work as accomplished on the cross was
        Paul also told the Galatians, “I do not set   completely sufficient to realize our jus-
        aside the grace of God; for if righteous-  tification.
        ness is by law, then Christ has died for
        nothing” (v21 JND). Someone expressed   There is a beautiful terrible cross
        it succinctly, “No sin, no need for justifica-  Where though You committed no sin,
        tion: no grace, no possibility of it.”    Savior, You suffered the most wicked fate
          The cross is a stark reminder that jus-  On the cruelest creation of men.
        tification is by faith alone (Rom 3:28),   Ponder and worship that “in my place
        also  expressed as justification by Christ   condemned  He  stood,”  while  giving
        alone, for saving faith always has Christ   thanks for “this grace in which we stand”
        and His work as its sole object. We “are  (Rom 5:2).

        4  Tom Wright, “Justification,” an essay in The
        Great Acquittal, ed. Gavin Reid (London: Collins,   5  James Todd Smith, Chad Robert Cates, Tony
        1980), 16.                            Webster Wood

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