Page 12 - May 2024 - Truth & Tidings
P. 12
any are the benefits that flow forgets [amnēstia is ‘forgetfulness’] –
from the cross and the atone- wrongdoing … [but] an act of justice, of
Mment it represents. Justification gracious justice.” Regardless of our inter-
is one of those benefits, for it has radically pretation of God’s remembering no more
changed our standing with God. W.E. Vine (Heb 10:17), we surely must recognize
writes that it means “to declare to be righ- that justification is not owing to a case
teous,” or “to show to be righteous.” The of divine amnesia, but rather to a lawful
second definition can be seen in James’ decision to grant a righteous standing,
discussion of justification, namely, that the because another has borne the penalty of
resulting good works, or righteousness in the offence. “Who shall bring any charge
a believer’s life, will demonstrate that his against God's elect? It is God who justi-
faith is genuine. Since we are considering fies” (Rom 8:33). Thus, “a justified believer
justification and the cross in this article, emerges from God’s great courtroom with
it is Paul’s focus which we will consider a consciousness that Another, his Substi-
– that is, the first definition, “to declare tute, has borne his guilt, and that he stands
to be righteous.” We will highlight four without accusation before the bar of God
important results of justification as linked (Rom 8:1,33,34).” The cross is the place
to the cross. where Christ Jesus died for sin, and God
The cross removes our condemnation. the Justifier declares there is therefore now
Justification is a legal term that is best no condemnation to those who are in Him!
understood in a courtroom setting. In the Paul tells the Colossian church that
divine courtroom, there is no introduction God has “forgiven us all our trespasses,
of exculpatory evidence, that is, evidence by canceling the record of debt that stood
which tends to show the defendant’s against us with its legal demands. This
innocence – because none exists (Rom he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (Col
3:19,20,23). The sinner will never succeed 2:13-14). Here, it is the Law and specifi-
in clearing his name, for he is justly con- cally its claims against us that have been
demned. Rather, says Paul, “we know that “set aside,” or “taken out of the way”
a person is not justified by works of the (JND). But it was our sin that aroused
law but through faith in Jesus Christ” (Gal its “legal demands” which stood against
2:16). The believer can then rejoice, for or accused us. Paul’s graphic imagery of
“there is therefore now no condemnation cross-nailing makes clear that while the
for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom Law was the tool of our condemnation, the
8:1). John Stott writes helpfully, “Justi- cross of Christ has become the instrument
fication is not a synonym for amnesty, of our justification. There would be no
which strictly is pardon without prin-
ciple, a forgiveness that overlooks – even 2 John R. W. Stott, The Cross of Christ (Downer’s
Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1986), 187.
1 Bible quotations in this article are from the 3 Merrill F. Unger, Unger’s Bible Dictionary
ESV unless otherwise noted. (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1957), 624.
140 TRUTH kTidings May 2024