Page 1 - Personal Communion | Truth & Tidings
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Communion isn’t merely about par-                 ships. You will note that each time Genesis 1
         taking of the bread and wine. As we      says that Elohim spoke, things were created,
         will see from Scripture, it entails far  but in Genesis 2, it was YHWH who “formed
more.To illustrate some of my points, first let   man” (v7), “put the man” (v8), fed the man
me tell you about my childhood “Anything-         (v9), “took the man” (v16), “commanded the
Making Machine.” It was a harmless looking        man” (v17), and “made He a woman” (v22).
device. In fact, it looked as if a broken door-
bell had been taped to the handlebars of my           Communion is far more than bringing
bicycle with an excessive amount of tape. But     our petitions to Elohim, or participating in
with my vivid childhood imagination, any-         the Breaking of Bread, or studying His Word.
thing could happen when I pressed that but-       It is the close relationship that God has al-
ton.                                              ways intended for mankind, from the first
                                                  chapters of the Bible. Furthermore, the devil
    Now consider the real Anything-Making         is just as intent on sabotaging communion
Machine – the one true God of the Bible. He       with God today as he was with Adam and
is introduced in Genesis 1:1 as “God,” or         Eve in the garden of Eden. In Genesis 3, the
Elohim, as he speaks the world into existence.    devil interrupts 12 consecutive references to
Elohim is mentioned 26 times in Genesis 1,        YHWH, and reverts to calling God Elohim,
and if you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ     as though he only wants Eve to see God as a
as your Savior, this same God hears and an-       relationless Anything-Making Machine.
swers your prayers.                               “Hath God (Elohim) said, Ye shall not eat of
                                                  every tree of the garden?” (Gen 3:1) Eve then
    Communion is also about bringing our          adopts this same term through the fall, until
petitions in prayer to Elohim to see if He will   they hear the voice of the LORD (YHWH)
choose to grant them. We have barely read         walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
through one chapter of our Bible before the       and the LORD (YHWH) of relationships
Holy Spirit introduces us to a different name     calls unto Adam.
for God. In Genesis 2, where His relationship
with man is introduced, He is “the Lord.”             This article will seek to present our rela-
“The Lord (YHWH) God formed man of the            tionship with God as it ought to be using as
dust of the ground” (Gen 2:7). The original       our example the man the Lord Jesus referred
Hebrew YHWH was Latinized with vowels as          to as “Daniel the Prophet.”
Jehovah and now appears in our English
Bible as LORD, in capital letters. Exodus         Communion with God
6:3-4 reveals to us that God isn’t just Elohim
the Almighty Creator – He is also YHWH of             The Creator desires a personal relation-
relationships, specifically covenant relation-    ship with us. Daniel was just a teenager, just
                                                  another prisoner taken captive and brought
                                                  to Babylon. He marveled that the God of
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